Bluetooth GPS Question - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hello everybody, Long time reader first time poster.
I've got a little question I'd like to have answered.
I've got a I-mate JasJam and I use it for a lot of things, one is for GPS. To understand my problem I'm going to quickly tell you what my situation was before.
I used to Own a Ipaq RW6828 (Atom) However, I managed to drop it in a mop bucket and it died. (still sold it on ebay and got 80 bucks for it =D ) So I decided to get a Hermes. Back when I used my Ipaq for GPS, All I had to do was turn on the GPS receiver and run TomTom and it would instantly connect the Receiver to the Ipaq and would proceed in using it.
HOWEVER, now with my JasJam, every time I wish to use the GPS, I have to set it up every time ( select incoming / outgoing ports, etc) Which is a little annoying as when I wish to use the GPS, I don't really wish to waste the time setting it up.
Now this leads to my question if you haven't already guessed, How do I get it to do what the ipaq did and instantly connect the receiver to the PDA? I do know one way in fixing it but it requires an upgrade to WM6, and apparently it voids the JasJam warranty if I do so.
One thing I have noticed is that my Ipaq used to have a GPS settings program in the settings menu under the System tap, and the JasJam doesn't. I'm running WM5, and the GPS receiver is a generic one I got off ebay..
So that's my problem, I'd be greatly in your debpt if you helped me figure this one out.
Thank you for reading all of this, I can be the type of person to ramble on

The way I got it to work
Hi There-
I had the same problem this week - and I found the following solution which now works as we all want it. i.e turn both devices on - start TT and voila.
The way I did this.
1. Go into Settings -> Bluetooth and pair your GPS device.
2. Set the outgoing port (i set up port COM port 9 - though you can do whatever is free).
3. In your TomTom folder on your Hermes - you will find a file called: navigator.cfg - firstly take a backup of this file.
4. Then open this file up (note: i transferred it to my PC for editing).
5. On the first line (or second) of this file - you will see a reference to a COM port.
6. Ensure it is the same COM port as per Step 2 above.
7. Copy the file back to your Hermes - overwriting the original one.
8. Then start up TT and give it about 10-15 seconds and you will see that it will automatically connect - each and every time.
9. MOST Importantly do not EVER go into the COM port settings within the TT app on the hermes - as this will overwrite the 'navigator.cfg' file and corrupt your settings. If you do - then just follow the steps again.
Let me know if it works ok for you.

Hi there.
Thanks for the reply, however this didn't work.
TomTom is fine once I pair it. It's the fact that I have to pair the Receiver my hermes every time I turn the GPS on. And set it up under the blue tooth connection settings. That's whats annoying me, TomTom picks up the receiver fine when I set it up the first time, So yeah, it;s more of a Windows Mobile thing that I need to fix.

Could this be because TomTom connects to the device over bluetooth and thus takes control of it?
I use Navigon Mobile Navigator and that "locks" onto the BT GPS, so when I exit that it shuts down the BT. However, if I've got a BT headset switched on it leaves BT switched on.
Have you paired the device already with your PPC device before you let the SatNav software have it's go?
If it is still not saving the settings then it could be a problem with you're bluetooth. I had this earlier in the week and unfortunately the only "fix" I found was to do a hard reset. Cue a couple hours reinstalling
Ahh well. Good luck and you'll let us know the outcome, won't you?!

Thats a shame it did not work for you.
I take it you have gone through the tomtom support notes like this one?:

JASJAM GPS Receiver Bluetooth connection problem!!
hi guys,
i have same problem when imaking a Bluetooth connection with a GPS Receiver i have jasjam W5 OS when i search my JASJAM finds my GPS Receiver its showing (?) question mark i think it is not recognizing well it pairing also but i don't no how to establish connection with GPS receiver there is no connect option my friend has PDA2K it has connect option he can connect all devices but mine not showing please help me
destinator 6

Ok. Pairing.
Switch on your phone bluetooth. Switch on the GPS/BT device. Goto the BT menu on you're phone and tap 'add new device' and hold the gps near.
When it comes up with what you think is the closest match then select and press next. It'll ususally ask you to put a password in. This is either 1234 or 0000.
If this is ok then click next or finish.
You might need to setup a com port on your pda for this phone for some other devices to connect. To do this you'd clck on "Add com port" and then select the device and there will be a way of selecting a com port.
I know it's a bit fuzzy but ive not got the device ihere, and this is all in memory.
Cheers, Elwyn

hi Elwyn M3100 ,
thanks for your quick reply, i did everythg seems working fine but i don't know how to connect pairing no problem and port also but my only problem there is no connect option when i go in destinator it says no GPS found .....
i tried to update my ROM but no result .... im having bad luck

Right. Ok.
1. Do you have the BT GPS unit sucessfully paired to the PDA?
2. When you go into your satnav software, is Bluetooth on you're phone switched on?

Thanks Again ....

onlyamir007 said:
Thanks Again ....
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Most SatNav software, once it discovers you have a Bluetooth GPS module take it upon themselves to switch BT on and off on your phone. In one way this can be helpful, but bloody annoying if you've got a BT headset in use too
However. Once you've got it mastered, things look up from there.
Occasionally as well I find that the BT isn't actually on when it says it is, and a soft reset usually cures that.... Anyway. Congrats



HI all!this is my first post on the forum and i am glad to be here!
the problem is i cannot connect the holux 236 to the s100 or magician.
rom version is 1.12.00WWE.I tried pocket bluetooth tools but no luck.
the gps viewer gets nothing and also the destinator pn shows that no gps is available...
please help in any way...a walkthrough would be welcome since i am a newbie with ppc...
thanks in advance and keep up the good work!!
Hi, have you had any success with any other gps reciever opr is this the first one you try?
Suppose you have tries to enter the sw program and then configure the reciever with your magician? Is this where the trouble is?
this is the first one to use.
s100 gives com 5 to the gps but still no luck with ddestinator.states that no gps is present.
maybe a bluetooth stack problem?
could use all the help i can get..............
Ive just ordered a Holux 236 from Fleabay, should be here in a few days, will post my settings if I get it working ok
is the holux 236gps mini actually compatible with the QTEK S100??????????
Switch on Bluetooth and Pair the device using pass key 0000
Then DO NOT connect the device
Enter GPS Viewer 1.5 and select (Bluetooth) COM Port 6 (may be something else on your device). Select Open GPS and you should start getting data...
Hope that helps
The whole problem is that I cannot get my Qtek 9100 to show the spp slave service. This seems to be a qtek problem because none of my other BT devices will show it either. They showed fine with my old HP 6365. :?
I am not sure in that case... I cannot remember but does it use Widcomm Stack or M$?
I'm not sure what stack they use. I don't think it's Widcomm, because my HP BT keyboard won't connect and the reason is that it says there is no Widcomm stack. Go figure.
if thats the case,how do we solve it?third party software?change bluetooth stack?and if yes how.........?and i thought it would be plug n play...
OK, I have this BT receiver, works perfectly with my mini. Have you added any bluetooth stacks in addition the default ? When you search for devices does the Bt find the Holux? Is it switched on and charged? Don't know how new you are to bluetooth devices, but bear in Mind that a brand new Bt device out of the box may take up to 30 minutes to get a fix for the first time.
no new stacks added,device is charged.
gps pairs with s100,asks if it should create a port,i reply yes and i press the bluetooth menu at the com ports i press new outgoing port and i am asked to choose a device.i select holux,press next and nothing whats the deal here?in the bluetooth serial port setup i check the outbound com port:com 5 please tell me what am i doing wrong this there something i didnt do or something i did...?
Ok, so the pairing came up fine. Thats one thing out of the way.
Now, forget selecting outgoing or incoming ports, its completely useless, doesn't work. I have TOMTOM and have selected "Other Bluetooth Device" and selected COM5, it works fine. Could be your com port is being occupied by other bluetooth such as Activesync.
Delete all paired devices, Go to Start, Settings, Bluetooth Setting and check that "Outbound COM port: COM5" is ticked only, click OK then try pairing your Holux and try again. It does work with the mini, I promise!!
I got a 236 slim and no problem with MS BT stack.
try to connect as explained by moghisi101, it should work
WELL i did try,trust me!at what point should the orange led light up???it should first communicate with the gps viewer and then start blinking or something?cause so far the orange led has not shown its this normal or do i have a faulty gps?????????????
Hmmm sounds like a faulty unit. Ive had my 236 for a couple of days now and it worked first time with Tomtom, just selected 'Other device' and 'Com5'
Im really impressed by this unit, even gets 5-6 satellites indoors !
When you turn the unit on the orange LED should be on all the time (searching) then after about 45 secs it should start to flash indicating that it has locked onto satellites. If you arent getting any light from the orange LED it does suggest a faulty unit

MDA compact tomtom 5 cant see my GPS - please help

Have spent a long time trying to get my tomtom5 navigator working on my mda and now have it all going lovely - however I cant get my bluetooth reciever to be seen by tomtom. It is one of the BT-77 one that you see loads of on Ebay - did used to have it working with my old phone but not this one?
Any ideas - cant give up now!
I have the same problem with an xdalls with a BT338 bluetooth gps.
I can get it to pair up. Tomtom5 does not see it though. Been thru all the settings that i can thing of.... i have the blue light flashing fast and then just logs off.
I have the BT-77 (also from ebay) and it works perfectly with the TomTom 5.21 software...
I had trouble with it initially too- it's to do with setting the right COM ports.
To get things working, I downloaded and installed Pocket Bluetooth Tools: Download version
Delete any existing pair that you may have with the GPS receiver...
Re-pair the device with the above software installed, and now you will get an iconic menu, use the serial port option and select an available COM port. Complete pairing procedure as per on screen instruction.
Now start up TomTom and go to GPS options in preferences- select 'other bluetooth device' and now you should see the something called 'BT on COMx' x being the port you assigned earlier of course. Complete configuration.
Wait for the receiver to get a fix and you should be ready to go.
I've used the Pocket Bluetooth Tools many times on different variants of the Magician and has work everytime.
thanks for the info - but still nothing
cant cope anymore
will buy a whole new system i think!
Thanks anyway
Well at last it works - not really sure why?
But I dont care it works!
thanks for the help
Just registered to try and find out how to get my MDA II working with a bluetooth GPS and I find this thread. Thank you for the link to the bluetooth tools it seems to have worked a treat.
Cool. Glad it is working for you guys.
The software also works well with using Bluetooth and ActiveSync.

TomTom keeps 'losing' BT receiver!

I've followed these superb instructions and have got my TT5 working like a charm with my BT receiver. I have one little problem though and I'm wondering if anyone has encountered it too?
I turn on my GPS receiver then fire up tomtom. After a few seconds, I can see that BT gets turned on on my exec, then i get a message telling me that it's trying to connect to my GPS receiver - i have to select yes or no. I obviously choose yes, at which point I'm prompted for the passkey. Once that's been entered, I then get the window where I need to select the serial port service. Once I've done all this, it works fine, but it's a bit of a pain. This happens every time - why can't it remember the settings?
Any ideas?
Why don't you configure the device by clicking Start, System, Connections then Bluetooth icon, select devices tab then 'New Partnership.
It should then remember the partnership.
I've done that. The partnership is there and TomTom seems to know which device it wants to connect to - it just asks for confirmation each time and requests the passkey / services stuff. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Make sure you are running the latest version.
I had this issue with 5, but 5.21 solved it.
I don't think I ever had the issue with my TomTom GPS though, only with my Socket one.
Hi. It's v5.21 that I'm using, I'm afraid.
I've always been confused why people have a problem with the Universal and GPS receivers. I simply paired my device, set up an outgoing COM port (I have two receivers, and set one to COM0 and one to COM4, which seemed to be the only free ports), and simply select those within TomTom (5 and 6).
I've never had any problems.
I have the same problem with my M600 and BT GPS receiver. Every time I use Tomtom I have to delete the GPS pairing and re-pair it for Tomtom to find it. Its very annoying. I'm using the V6 Tomtom. Never had this problem with earlier versions.
I take it your config file or SD card isn't set to read only? That might prevent TomTom from saving its settings or something?

Bluetooth GPS Woes

I seem to be having a problem with GPS bluetooth related connections with my Dopod 838 Pro.
Ive paired my Globalsat BT338 receiver and setup an outgoing serial port on my Dopod, and I can use Destinator 6 and TomTom 6 fine (for the time being).
The next day/time when I try to start the GPS applications, both programs report that they cant find the GPS signal/receiver even though its been correctly configured to work previously.
I then have to enter the Bluetooth settings to change and assign another outgoing serial port and reconfigure the GPS applications to the new serial port to work.
The programs and the GPS receiver worked fine with my old iPAQ hx4700 so its not a receiver or program issue.
I'm at my wits end and would appreciate any info on solving this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Delete / unpair your GPS
Make a new pair, and when you assign an outgoing COM port, use a NON secure COM port.
(Deselect the checkbox)
This should work
Rik_053 said:
Delete / unpair your GPS
Make a new pair, and when you assign an outgoing COM port, use a NON secure COM port.
(Deselect the checkbox)
This should work
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Ive been through this unpair / pair scenario more than a few times and Ive never used a secure com port connection.
try destinator PN 6
also make sure you pair BEFORE starting Destinator PN; I spent a whole two days before I Got this to work ... then once it worked .. the answer was actually quite logical
sorry cant remember how i did it as it was months ago when I got and paired my tytn; now I use destinator pn 6
njay22 said:
try destinator PN 6
also make sure you pair BEFORE starting Destinator PN; I spent a whole two days before I Got this to work ... then once it worked .. the answer was actually quite logical
sorry cant remember how i did it as it was months ago when I got and paired my tytn; now I use destinator pn 6
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The pairing has been done before any program was launched.
Im trying with both destinator 6 and tomtom 6
Bluetooth GPS Woes...
Is it the Bluetooth connection you are having problems with or getting a GPS signal. I have this exact setup working fine. What I notice is that often it will take a few minutes for the BT-338 to find enough satellites to provide a GPS signal (green light flashing). The bluetooth should connect immediately regardless of whether the GPS signal is available yet. The blue light on the BT-338 should flash twice as fast as when you first turn it on to tell you that it is connected to a Bluetooth device.
I am using TomTom 6 and it will say no GPS signal or GPS signal lost XX seconds ago. Is this similar to what you are noticing?
clearwave1 said:
Is it the Bluetooth connection you are having problems with or getting a GPS signal. I have this exact setup working fine. What I notice is that often it will take a few minutes for the BT-338 to find enough satellites to provide a GPS signal (green light flashing). The bluetooth should connect immediately regardless of whether the GPS signal is available yet. The blue light on the BT-338 should flash twice as fast as when you first turn it on to tell you that it is connected to a Bluetooth device.
I am using TomTom 6 and it will say no GPS signal or GPS signal lost XX seconds ago. Is this similar to what you are noticing?
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Both the bluetooth reciever and the software work fine and obtain a fix.
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
the gps reciver obtains a fix but the pda cant see it.
Destinator PN has an automatic reconnect tick box on the GPS Settings page. I don't know if D6 or TT have a similar thing. If so, make sure this box is ticked.
I use D PN with a Parrot CK3300 combined handsfree and GPS receiver, and after major stuffing around trying to get D PN set to the correct port initially, it has worked fine since.
Ive sorted the issue out and hopefully this will help others experiencing the same problem.
The problem was that although an outgoing serial port was setup, for some reason it was not mapped to the bluetooth device.
It just specified "COM9" instead of having the bluetooth device "BT338(COM9)" under the bluetooth COM Ports setting.
This seems to be the reason why when the device was unpaired/paired and a com port setup it worked for the time being. After the bluetooth device was disconnected the settings mapping to the device were not retained.
I am looking to get a GPS unit for my Dopod 838Pro. Which of the two, Destinator or Tom Tom, do you like best?
I know where to get Destinator 6 in Sydney, where does one get Tom Tom 6?
Rambler76 said:
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
Can I ask, with a new com port being asssigned each time you have a problem, when you run out of ports what happens?
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Does this make any sense?
Thanks for any input ..
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killabeezz said:
Rambler76 said:
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
Can I ask, with a new com port being asssigned each time you have a problem, when you run out of ports what happens?
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Does this make any sense?
Thanks for any input ..
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what i mean to say is that i switch com ports.
the issue was resolved by mapping the com port to the bluetooth device.
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Yes I understand what you have done but can I ask again :-
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Tom Tom Woes
I had the same problem until recently.
To fix I did the following:
Delete pair with GPS receiver,
Create new pair with GPS receiver (put in passkey 0000)
Tick the box for Serial Port
The in Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports tab, I clicked 'New Outgoing Port'
Selected the GPS unit, and selected Port 4 and unticked the 'Secure' checkbox
Now open TomTom, Select Change Preferences, then Show GPS Status, then Configure, then Other Bluetooth Receiver, then Select COM 4.
Now TT works as it should - turning on and off Bluetooth on Open/Close, and no problems with needing to re-pair.
Previously I had always paired the BT GPS on COM 0 with Secure ticked. This worked the first time only, and I had to re-create the same pair each time I wanted to run the app.
Hope this helps some of you.
(btw I was using TT6 when I found the solution, but I imagine it would have worked for 5 too)
dopod bluetooth problems
Guys I have the same problem with my bluetooth and my dopod. It connects then disconnects.
I have also noticed that the systems unchecks the turn on bluetooth check box and the make this device discoverable to other devices.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Guys I just read this at another forum.
"The Dopod 838 pro and WM5 have chronic problems with the bluetooth stack, which is why everyone is waiting for the new ROM to appear, which will hopefully be WM6. HTC (manufacturers of Dopod 838 pro) announced that the new ROM will fix all of the known problems"
This I learn after having a car accident (minor) in my car playing with the bluetooth and trying to get it to work. Hutchison 3g should only be selling these with a warning.
I assume there is also a problem with the JasJam as they are the same phone.
Knight__Mayor said:
To fix I did the following:
The in Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports tab, I clicked 'New Outgoing Port'
Selected the GPS unit, and selected Port 4 and unticked the 'Secure' checkbox
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Have to concur with Knight_Mayor. Was having trouble getting a signal/satellite fix using a Holux GPSlim236. Then I set it to COM9 with the "Secure" box unchecked. I had barely closed the window and my M3100 had a fix from inside my house! (tomtom 6 had been running in the background whilst the adjustments were being made)
dabs1 said:
Have to concur with Knight_Mayor. Was having trouble getting a signal/satellite fix using a Holux GPSlim236. Then I set it to COM9 with the "Secure" box unchecked. I had barely closed the window and my M3100 had a fix from inside my house! (tomtom 6 had been running in the background whilst the adjustments were being made)
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yeah i recon its the screwy MS bluetooth stack, im interested to hear from anyone running tomtom on hermes with the widcomm bluetooth
Tomtom And Gps
I have found that the best cure for gps woes and pocket pc is to use GPS Gate. It make a virtual com port and will always be the same. I have used it always and never have problems connecting.

No GPS Device

I have an XDA Exec which is only a few months old. I have used it with TomTom6 and a bluetooth GPS receiver without any problems. I haven't used it for a few weeks and I have been tryng to set it up for a trip but I keep seeing "No GPS Devive" on the screen.
Now you may be thinking that it's the receiver which is faulty as I did at first. I tried the receiver with another device and it's working fine.
I haven't changed or installed anything since it was last working so I'm at a total loss.
I have a bluetooth headset which is still working so the bluetooth is okay. I have even tried a hard reset and reinstalled TomTom.
Anyone any ideas please?
You might try this:
I've had pretty good luck with it but I'm still learning about my Universal.
Good luck!
I would go to your Bluetooth manager page tap and hold on the GPS icon and select DELETE, next re-establish the bond/ pair between the device's and your application should start working again.
If you are unsure about setting up the device have a read through Which details setting up an Exec to work with the TomTom application - you should not need to use Fransons GPS Gate to get TomTom working, the utility from Franson is a great application when you find you have a need for it - Mike

