HOLUX 236 PROBLEM - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

HI all!this is my first post on the forum and i am glad to be here!
the problem is i cannot connect the holux 236 to the s100 or magician.
rom version is 1.12.00WWE.I tried pocket bluetooth tools but no luck.
the gps viewer gets nothing and also the destinator pn shows that no gps is available...
please help in any way...a walkthrough would be welcome since i am a newbie with ppc...
thanks in advance and keep up the good work!!

Hi, have you had any success with any other gps reciever opr is this the first one you try?
Suppose you have tries to enter the sw program and then configure the reciever with your magician? Is this where the trouble is?

this is the first one to use.
s100 gives com 5 to the gps but still no luck with ddestinator.states that no gps is present.
maybe a bluetooth stack problem?
could use all the help i can get..............

Ive just ordered a Holux 236 from Fleabay, should be here in a few days, will post my settings if I get it working ok

is the holux 236gps mini actually compatible with the QTEK S100??????????

Switch on Bluetooth and Pair the device using pass key 0000
Then DO NOT connect the device
Enter GPS Viewer 1.5 and select (Bluetooth) COM Port 6 (may be something else on your device). Select Open GPS and you should start getting data...
Hope that helps

The whole problem is that I cannot get my Qtek 9100 to show the spp slave service. This seems to be a qtek problem because none of my other BT devices will show it either. They showed fine with my old HP 6365. :?

I am not sure in that case... I cannot remember but does it use Widcomm Stack or M$?

I'm not sure what stack they use. I don't think it's Widcomm, because my HP BT keyboard won't connect and the reason is that it says there is no Widcomm stack. Go figure.

if thats the case,how do we solve it?third party software?change bluetooth stack?and if yes how.........?and i thought it would be plug n play...

OK, I have this BT receiver, works perfectly with my mini. Have you added any bluetooth stacks in addition the default ? When you search for devices does the Bt find the Holux? Is it switched on and charged? Don't know how new you are to bluetooth devices, but bear in Mind that a brand new Bt device out of the box may take up to 30 minutes to get a fix for the first time.

no new stacks added,device is charged.
gps pairs with s100,asks if it should create a port,i reply yes and i press finish.in the bluetooth menu at the com ports i press new outgoing port and i am asked to choose a device.i select holux,press next and nothing happens....so whats the deal here?in the bluetooth serial port setup i check the outbound com port:com 5 beforehand.so please tell me what am i doing wrong this time....is there something i didnt do or something i did...?

Ok, so the pairing came up fine. Thats one thing out of the way.
Now, forget selecting outgoing or incoming ports, its completely useless, doesn't work. I have TOMTOM and have selected "Other Bluetooth Device" and selected COM5, it works fine. Could be your com port is being occupied by other bluetooth such as Activesync.
Delete all paired devices, Go to Start, Settings, Bluetooth Setting and check that "Outbound COM port: COM5" is ticked only, click OK then try pairing your Holux and try again. It does work with the mini, I promise!!

I got a 236 slim and no problem with MS BT stack.
try to connect as explained by moghisi101, it should work

WELL i did try,trust me!at what point should the orange led light up???it should first communicate with the gps viewer and then start blinking or something?cause so far the orange led has not shown its colors........is this normal or do i have a faulty gps?????????????

Hmmm sounds like a faulty unit. Ive had my 236 for a couple of days now and it worked first time with Tomtom, just selected 'Other device' and 'Com5'
Im really impressed by this unit, even gets 5-6 satellites indoors !
When you turn the unit on the orange LED should be on all the time (searching) then after about 45 secs it should start to flash indicating that it has locked onto satellites. If you arent getting any light from the orange LED it does suggest a faulty unit


Multiple Bluetooth Devices

Hi there guys, its been a while since posting but I have some great news regarding using multiple bluetooth devices in the car.
A few weeks ago I purchased a Navman 4410 GPS unit for my XDAII. With the new "72" rom the Navman worked perfectly with my XDAII straight out of the box over bluetooth.
Today I installed a Sony Ericsson HBC-30 bluetooth hands free carkit (Which also worked perfectly out of the box). I was interested to know if I could have the GPS unit operating and have the handsfree carkit working at the same time.
I was simply sitting in the carpark, with the GPS connected and onscreen, then I used my other phone to call my XDAII... the call came up on screen (interrupting the GPS screen) I pressed the "answer" button on the Sony Ericsson handsfree kit, and the call came through perfectly!
Once finished with the call I pressed the "hangup" button on the handsfree kit, and then a few quick taps on the screen returned me to the GPS navigation screen.
Certainly not perfect, however it appears that the bluetooth issues are finally getting resolved, and allowing us to begin using the XDAII as it was intended.
Hi Colonel, thanks for your update, it is comforting to know that they are finally sorting out BT problems.
Is there any way to get the phone screen to automatically close after finishing a call? so I don't have to manually close it to get back to my GPS screen?
No I dont think you can. Not without altering the GPS software to continually make sure its "on top" of other windows... but then you'd have a problem with seeing the "incoming call screen" as the GPS software would try to jump on top of it.
I'd be so happy simply if I could make HCB30 and Blutrek G2 headset work side by side on my Qtek...
points are:
1-where coul i get that da***n 1.72 rom for my xda 2
2-where could i get the g2 HS in italy(even worlwide...) or all over the web at reasonable price
help a newbie...
I can confirm your experience as far as BT GPS is concerned.
I however still have one issue to solve: When the MDAII (=XDA2) can't connect to the GPS (BT off, GPS off, GPS out of reach) and I start TomTom3, TomTom3 keeps searching for the GPS which results in a almost freezing MDA2.
Using rom 1,72 from Qtek I bonded the BT GPS and confirmed the question about assigning a com port.
In TomTom I assigned this (COM5) com port.
All works fine except for the issue mentioned.
Does this sound familiar?
BTW in the BT settings screen there is nothing shown about the assigned com port (just free space next to the two lines that should indicate the in- and outbound com ports). I found COM5 to be assigned to BT by trial and error . . .
edsub said:
I can confirm your experience as far as BT GPS is concerned.
I however still have one issue to solve: When the MDAII (=XDA2) can't connect to the GPS (BT off, GPS off, GPS out of reach) and I start TomTom3, TomTom3 keeps searching for the GPS which results in a almost freezing MDA2.
Using rom 1,72 from Qtek I bonded the BT GPS and confirmed the question about assigning a com port.
In TomTom I assigned this (COM5) com port.
All works fine except for the issue mentioned.
Does this sound familiar?
BTW in the BT settings screen there is nothing shown about the assigned com port (just free space next to the two lines that should indicate the in- and outbound com ports). I found COM5 to be assigned to BT by trial and error . . .
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Are you using "Bluetooth Tools"? Because I am not, i'm using the native bluetooth stack only.
I am using "Outbound" Com port 5 ONLY for my GPS. My 1.72 rom is the IMATE rom.
Im afraid that i'm not familiar with tomtom. So I cant help you there, sorry.
I am deliberately only using native MS bT stack.
I am only using COM5 for GPS too
What does the BT Settings show under
"Bluetooth Serial Port Setup"?
With me:
"Outbound COM port" checked, but after the colon is a "<not present>" shown.
"Inbound COM port" UNchecked, after the colon is a grayed-out "<not present>" shown.
Like i said I AM able to use the GPS via COM5.
Maybe this issue is a pure TomTom issue, I think your answer could clarify that.
edsub said:
I am deliberately only using native MS bT stack.
I am only using COM5 for GPS too
What does the BT Settings show under
"Bluetooth Serial Port Setup"?
With me:
"Outbound COM port" checked, but after the colon is a "<not present>" shown.
"Inbound COM port" UNchecked, after the colon is a grayed-out "<not present>" shown.
Like i said I AM able to use the GPS via COM5.
Maybe this issue is a pure TomTom issue, I think your answer could clarify that.
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Edsub, thats really weird... mine is:
"Inbound COM port:" UN checked, and after the colon is a grayed out "COM4"
"Outbound COM port:" checked, and after the colon is a black "COM5"
hi guys
im using imate 172 and tomtom 3 with a sony ericsson hb35 it works first time all the time with the standard stack. it works that good i even went and sold my carkit and just got a hold instead :lol:
@Kolonel Klink: I guessed it's strange. What ROM are you using exactly (OS & Extended).
I use the 1.72 Qtek rom with my own Extended Rom (wich is based on the Qtek ExtRom to which I added T-Mobile Nl customisations). I am sure there is nothing regarding Bluetooth in my ExtRom.
I heard from someone who uses the iMate 1.72 OS Rom (with his own cooked ExtRom) that he has the same results as you have.
Just trying to find to cause of this. Maybe I have to reflash to the iMate 1.72?? (shouldnt make a difference as both iMate and Qtek OS ROM's are the same 1.72.00WWE . . . .)
@freelockuk: Most interesting is the origin of your ExtRom. Arent there any Bluetooth enhancements in that ExtRom (like there were in the 1.60.36 T-Mobile NL ExtRom) that maybe make your 1.72 work better than mine concerning Bluetooth?
addition to prev post:
I noticed that there were two BT registry settings missing to get the assigned COMport show in BT Settings.
Also noticed another interesting value:
With me this one is:
In prev versions it was:
Can anyone with a 1.72 ROM that has a BT GPS mouse working via SPP AND who can start Tom Tom without the BT GPS mouse 'connected' post their setting of this key??
Okay, i've not cooked my own extended rom. I'm using the stock standard one from iMate.
I did find something odd today. I went into an IT expo and I turned flight-mode on. When I was finished I left and turned flight mode off. Then got in my car. I tried to make a call and it didnt go thru the handsfree kit.
Weird! I had to repair the device. So I did... and it all worked fine again. So I turned flight mode back on then off, and I ended up with the same result. It appears to lose the pairing when you turn the flight mode on.
Very odd!
I still have not found a solution to the behaviour where TomTom locks up the MDA with is isnt able to connect to my BT GPS.
Today I found out that this same behavious accurs on devices (not just MDA, HP too) that use a serial (wired) GPS when they take the current off the GPS . . .
That means:
1. TomTom Navigator can't cope with the situation where it cant connect to the GPS that is installed
2. With me TomTom navigator is not able to use the Bluetooth protocol on its side to cope with the (for Bluetooth GPS quite usual) unavailability of the BT GPS.
Again: Can anyone post me some info on this :?: :?:
Especially the registry items under
are of interest
@ Klink
Thanks for sharing your experiences, I'm watching them with interest.
Just wanted to as you about using your navman and the headset at the same time.
In your first post to this topic, you mentioned your 'carpark' test. I assume you weren't moving at the time, so the navman wasn't trying to give you directions.
What happens when you're driving along, getting instructions (ie. "turn left in 300m") from your navman, and the phone rings? Does the navman stop giving directions while you are talking on the phone using your BT handsfree? When you hang up does it resume giving directions again?
Emtact Trine BT GPS, Bluetrek G3 BT Headset
Like all of you my exprience is that it all works together.
But I've one problem. When navigating with TomTom and there is a incoming phone call and when I accept the call with my headset TomTom continues navigating but the sound of my QTEK2020 is muted during the call. So the instructions of TomTom cannot be heard.
I'm using plain MS BT Stack.
This behaviour seems not the be dependent of the use of a BT headset. I have a carkit and during a call TomTom stays active in background. Sound of TomTom is muted however, which I find nice.
When the phone call is ended, TomTom starts talking again.(also nice)
first of all my nevigation program works great with the jabra 250 bt , it also mutes the program during a call is madeqreceived but :
there is anothe program that is called "ontime" that sends trqaffic status to the imate, using the gprs andthen calculates the fastest root( from junction to juction) and the problem is:
if i want to use buth progtams with royaltek gps bt rbt1000 they both need the com5 port fot bt.
to solve this problem one can use a prog called: "gpsgate" which makes a virtual port for the programs to use so u can use several program with one bt device.
for some it works only with bt tools, for others it doesnt work at all, gos knows why?!
but - if any1 needs a solution - here is one.
have a nice day , spark
QTEK 2020 - 1.72.00 WWE - 1.06.01
Back Pack - jabra 250 BT- royaltek rbt 1000 GPS BT - DESTINATOR3(LIKE TOM TOM 3) - soon will recieve sd 1gb*40
Spark, where did you get 'gpsgate'??
here is the link

Tom Tom XDA problem

Hi all,
Just go the xda through work, and even though i have got the new version of tom tom of their website (5.2) for ppc, when loaded and docked in my cradle, it cant sem to get the GPS to receive!?!?! anyone else had this problem?
I have an O2 XDA Exec and its working fine with the TomTom 5.2 software. I got some very useful info from http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=6 ..... basically a post on there advised setting up an outgoing com port to the BT GPS device (I used Com0) ... this is found under Start>Settings>Connections>Bluetooth>ComPorts (after you have paired the BT device of course).
In TomTom you then select "Other Bluetooth GPS" in the GPS options screen, select the Com port set previously, and away you go.
I hope this helps
I bought a 32-channel QStarz GPS receiver from eBay, cracking little thing it is. I had problems getting it going though initially - what I had to do was setup a pairing, which was a little tricky as TT didn't want to behave.
Basically, TT tries to establish a serial connection whenever I open it. As TT loaded, just before it went into the TT interface, It showed a dialog box with all my serial connections in - I think it might've been the device pairing screen, but I've not been able to find it again... What I did was pick the gps receiver's serial port device entry I'd previously set up, select it, check the box to tell TT to always connect to this device by default, and then hit enter - all before TT managed to load into the interface. It took me a couple of goes, and I'm sure there's an easier way to do this (I don't think I was even supposed to see this dialog screen ) but now it works perfectly. I don't have to establish the Bluetooth connection to the GPS receiver, TT does that (and it'll even turn the Bluetooth on and off if it's not already on for me). However, I did have to choose Other NMEA GPS from the device options, and then tweak my COM port settings (I found a scant piece of information regardingthe fact that it should be something like COM5 for incoming data and COM6 for outgoing data, you would do well to doublecheck the TomTom site's FAQs for this info). There's a couple of seconds lag whilst TT correctly detects the device and begins to latch onto GPS sats (it says "No Compatible GPS Device Detected!", and then changes to something like "No GPS Signal Detected"... And then starts picking up sats.
This is all with TT5.0, by the way.
This document will be very useful.. principal is the same for most GPS Receivers..
http://www.parrot.biz/ressources/CK3400_Help_Files/Imate JASJAR - TOMTOM Mobile 5 - 2.01.pdf
Not sure if you are trying to receive through a Bluetooth GPS receiver - if you are, this worked for me (first poston the page);
Thanks for your help guys, but i meat to say i am using a wired GPS the small square official Tom Tom one, hard wired in to my cradle.
I can open the software and everything, but it just says, cant find GPS, the green light flashes on my GPS, but thats all it does.
Ok, so you're using a wired receiver.. That helps to know. You should be able to choose TomTom Wired GPS or Other Wired GPS, and it should just... work. If it doesn't, choose the nearest chocie to your receiver, and go into the Advanced settings (if the option button is available) - if so, doublecheck what your COM port settings are.
Where did you buy the cradel from, I just got ripped off to the tune of £48 off ebay due to the cradle not actually passing the srl connection through, all it does is provide power for a Bluetooth GPS Receiver out of the port on the side.
I think I've heard othe rpeople saying that wired GPS receivers will not work with the Universal. Can anyone confirm this?
What you have heard is correct the mini USB on the Exec WILL NOT accept a GPS connection, you need a bluetooth device for this to work - Mike
Tony B - that sounds like the cradle i am using - jasjar or jamjar something like that!
I have put my wired GPS straight in to the side, and nothing!!
think you might have got it mate!
hi there
i am using the wired gps with mda pro tomotm car cradle
tomtom software working like i can start the tomotm and see the setting etc
now when i connect the tomtom wired gps via rj11 in cradle but i can not recieve gps signal
device says "no gps device"
please help

Cannot connect 8125 to my holux bluetooth gps...WHy?

I just bought a holux gpslim 236 bluetooth gps receiver and my cingular 8125 wont connect to it through bluetooth. Is there a reason for this. Thanks in advance for the help
Can you explain the steps you have tried in order to connect it? I just received mine yesterday so I'm pretty fresh on setting these up. Feel free to PM me for more help.
I think you need to set up a port to the gps. Goto the bluetooth icon in the system tab where you set up and bonded the gps and the PPC.
Edit the setup and in there, there is an option to set up a serial port. Setup an outgoing port on com 6. That should do it
This about the 5th time I've seen this with the Holux 236 (both in the forums and personal experience)... If you've followed the instructions and still can't get it to pair, take it back and try a new device...mine was bad out of the box.
Got it thanks
it paired perfectly with my 8125...my problem was that the blue blinking light representing blouetooth was on hadnt been on in the first place, maybe it had something to do with charging it. It eventually worked and now tomtom + holux is awesome. and...i got it for 191 including shipping. The holux is a sirf star III chip set( the best one out now) so i think its work it. Good luck to others!
try this
use the BT Com tools from here and see if that works....
HOLUX GPSlim works fine for me with TomtoM 5..
i am also attaching the file for you to use

Bluetooth GPS Woes

I seem to be having a problem with GPS bluetooth related connections with my Dopod 838 Pro.
Ive paired my Globalsat BT338 receiver and setup an outgoing serial port on my Dopod, and I can use Destinator 6 and TomTom 6 fine (for the time being).
The next day/time when I try to start the GPS applications, both programs report that they cant find the GPS signal/receiver even though its been correctly configured to work previously.
I then have to enter the Bluetooth settings to change and assign another outgoing serial port and reconfigure the GPS applications to the new serial port to work.
The programs and the GPS receiver worked fine with my old iPAQ hx4700 so its not a receiver or program issue.
I'm at my wits end and would appreciate any info on solving this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Delete / unpair your GPS
Make a new pair, and when you assign an outgoing COM port, use a NON secure COM port.
(Deselect the checkbox)
This should work
Rik_053 said:
Delete / unpair your GPS
Make a new pair, and when you assign an outgoing COM port, use a NON secure COM port.
(Deselect the checkbox)
This should work
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Ive been through this unpair / pair scenario more than a few times and Ive never used a secure com port connection.
try destinator PN 6
also make sure you pair BEFORE starting Destinator PN; I spent a whole two days before I Got this to work ... then once it worked .. the answer was actually quite logical
sorry cant remember how i did it as it was months ago when I got and paired my tytn; now I use destinator pn 6
njay22 said:
try destinator PN 6
also make sure you pair BEFORE starting Destinator PN; I spent a whole two days before I Got this to work ... then once it worked .. the answer was actually quite logical
sorry cant remember how i did it as it was months ago when I got and paired my tytn; now I use destinator pn 6
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The pairing has been done before any program was launched.
Im trying with both destinator 6 and tomtom 6
Bluetooth GPS Woes...
Is it the Bluetooth connection you are having problems with or getting a GPS signal. I have this exact setup working fine. What I notice is that often it will take a few minutes for the BT-338 to find enough satellites to provide a GPS signal (green light flashing). The bluetooth should connect immediately regardless of whether the GPS signal is available yet. The blue light on the BT-338 should flash twice as fast as when you first turn it on to tell you that it is connected to a Bluetooth device.
I am using TomTom 6 and it will say no GPS signal or GPS signal lost XX seconds ago. Is this similar to what you are noticing?
clearwave1 said:
Is it the Bluetooth connection you are having problems with or getting a GPS signal. I have this exact setup working fine. What I notice is that often it will take a few minutes for the BT-338 to find enough satellites to provide a GPS signal (green light flashing). The bluetooth should connect immediately regardless of whether the GPS signal is available yet. The blue light on the BT-338 should flash twice as fast as when you first turn it on to tell you that it is connected to a Bluetooth device.
I am using TomTom 6 and it will say no GPS signal or GPS signal lost XX seconds ago. Is this similar to what you are noticing?
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Both the bluetooth reciever and the software work fine and obtain a fix.
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
the gps reciver obtains a fix but the pda cant see it.
Destinator PN has an automatic reconnect tick box on the GPS Settings page. I don't know if D6 or TT have a similar thing. If so, make sure this box is ticked.
I use D PN with a Parrot CK3300 combined handsfree and GPS receiver, and after major stuffing around trying to get D PN set to the correct port initially, it has worked fine since.
Ive sorted the issue out and hopefully this will help others experiencing the same problem.
The problem was that although an outgoing serial port was setup, for some reason it was not mapped to the bluetooth device.
It just specified "COM9" instead of having the bluetooth device "BT338(COM9)" under the bluetooth COM Ports setting.
This seems to be the reason why when the device was unpaired/paired and a com port setup it worked for the time being. After the bluetooth device was disconnected the settings mapping to the device were not retained.
I am looking to get a GPS unit for my Dopod 838Pro. Which of the two, Destinator or Tom Tom, do you like best?
I know where to get Destinator 6 in Sydney, where does one get Tom Tom 6?
Rambler76 said:
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
Can I ask, with a new com port being asssigned each time you have a problem, when you run out of ports what happens?
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Does this make any sense?
Thanks for any input ..
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killabeezz said:
Rambler76 said:
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
Can I ask, with a new com port being asssigned each time you have a problem, when you run out of ports what happens?
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Does this make any sense?
Thanks for any input ..
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what i mean to say is that i switch com ports.
the issue was resolved by mapping the com port to the bluetooth device.
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Yes I understand what you have done but can I ask again :-
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Tom Tom Woes
I had the same problem until recently.
To fix I did the following:
Delete pair with GPS receiver,
Create new pair with GPS receiver (put in passkey 0000)
Tick the box for Serial Port
The in Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports tab, I clicked 'New Outgoing Port'
Selected the GPS unit, and selected Port 4 and unticked the 'Secure' checkbox
Now open TomTom, Select Change Preferences, then Show GPS Status, then Configure, then Other Bluetooth Receiver, then Select COM 4.
Now TT works as it should - turning on and off Bluetooth on Open/Close, and no problems with needing to re-pair.
Previously I had always paired the BT GPS on COM 0 with Secure ticked. This worked the first time only, and I had to re-create the same pair each time I wanted to run the app.
Hope this helps some of you.
(btw I was using TT6 when I found the solution, but I imagine it would have worked for 5 too)
dopod bluetooth problems
Guys I have the same problem with my bluetooth and my dopod. It connects then disconnects.
I have also noticed that the systems unchecks the turn on bluetooth check box and the make this device discoverable to other devices.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Guys I just read this at another forum.
"The Dopod 838 pro and WM5 have chronic problems with the bluetooth stack, which is why everyone is waiting for the new ROM to appear, which will hopefully be WM6. HTC (manufacturers of Dopod 838 pro) announced that the new ROM will fix all of the known problems"
This I learn after having a car accident (minor) in my car playing with the bluetooth and trying to get it to work. Hutchison 3g should only be selling these with a warning.
I assume there is also a problem with the JasJam as they are the same phone.
Knight__Mayor said:
To fix I did the following:
The in Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports tab, I clicked 'New Outgoing Port'
Selected the GPS unit, and selected Port 4 and unticked the 'Secure' checkbox
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Have to concur with Knight_Mayor. Was having trouble getting a signal/satellite fix using a Holux GPSlim236. Then I set it to COM9 with the "Secure" box unchecked. I had barely closed the window and my M3100 had a fix from inside my house! (tomtom 6 had been running in the background whilst the adjustments were being made)
dabs1 said:
Have to concur with Knight_Mayor. Was having trouble getting a signal/satellite fix using a Holux GPSlim236. Then I set it to COM9 with the "Secure" box unchecked. I had barely closed the window and my M3100 had a fix from inside my house! (tomtom 6 had been running in the background whilst the adjustments were being made)
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yeah i recon its the screwy MS bluetooth stack, im interested to hear from anyone running tomtom on hermes with the widcomm bluetooth
Tomtom And Gps
I have found that the best cure for gps woes and pocket pc is to use GPS Gate. It make a virtual com port and will always be the same. I have used it always and never have problems connecting.

GPS receiver and bluetooth

Hi, Need help.
I've just got an xda exec and i wanted to use tomtom on it so i purchased a Holux GPSlim 236 bluetooth receiver to use with it.
I bought this receiver as i saw that someone on ebay had the same set up and said it worked fine.
The problem i have is that the exec will find the gps receiver but will not seem to talk to it, the instructions that came with it say to go through bluetooth manager but on exec there is no bluetooth manager only option to turn on etc.
Pls help
I use the exact same receiver Holux 236.
I just start bluetooth on XDA EXEC then start Holux ..wait 20 seconds ... turn on TomTom wait for about 60 seconds and it works.
The only think to remeber is that when you first pair the Holux with your XDA EXEC you must tick serial port and make sure it is using COM0.
If COM0 is in use by any other bluetooth device. Delete that device, pair the Holux allocating COM0 and then pair the gadget you deleted again and it should work.
Hope this makes sense and works for you.
Holux 236 is a great device so you will be pleased once all working.
I'm half way there
I've paired the device ok. i've selected incoming com as com 0 and turned everything on in that order.
When i go into tomtom to configure the gps i now get the option com 0 but still no joy any ideas.
sounds like it should work. Thats all I did to get it to work.
Is the blue light on Holux flashing ? and the orange light on ?
Go into tomtom , setup a route and see if that helps.
GPS and TomTom
You need the port set up as an OUTGOING post - not an incoming.
Then it should work fine (whatever com# you have got)
Also ensure the name of the BT GPS when paired/found actually ends in "GPS" - then TomTom will find it fine..
Charlie Grillo
You truly are a legend, i'm now up and running
Thank you very much
I often had a problem with BT GPS connections being unreliable, constantly losing a signal and taking upwards of 10 minutes getting a lock again. What I found out is that when setting up the outgoing connection to COM0 is to uncheck the secure connection box. Since I did that I had no connection, stability or drop off issues. It seems the secure connection actually blocks the GPS signal and messes up the receiver. I have used 3 different Holux units (sent back suspect faulty, now I know different), BT-77 and now Zycast. It happened with my mates Holux as well.
If it doesn't help you it may help others with the same problem anyway.
cgrillo said:
You need the port set up as an OUTGOING post - not an incoming.
Then it should work fine (whatever com# you have got)
Also ensure the name of the BT GPS when paired/found actually ends in "GPS" - then TomTom will find it fine..
Charlie Grillo
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Do you know how to get the XDA EXEC to work with BT GPS
FGPXBT02 as I am really struggling to get this device to work. My phone can see the device in bluetooth but when I run TomTom 5 on the phone the program cannot see the GPS device in the connection.
Any ideas?

