WM5 BT / GPS error - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am hoping someone can help me through this
I have both TomTom and iguidance on my PPC and both are doing the same thing.
Here are my steps
1) Pair up the device properly, and set an outgoing port to COM8
2) GPS in Control pannel, program set to none, hardware com8, 4800, last page, manage automatically unchecked
3) run program and configure, works fine
4) turn off BT gps, turn back on, run program
5) MS BT application pops up saying my BT GPS receiver wants to connect, should I add it to the list, if I say yes and put in the pass key, nothing will happen, and if I go back into my BT manager, the GPS is gone.
Please help!


GPS and TomTom5 Problems

I recently purchased a bluetooth GPS receiver (branded as Fusion with X70 as the name on the back - purchsed from Polstar) and TomTom5 software but cannot get the two to work together.
I have bonded the receiver and set it as COM7 and I can choose that in TomTom5 as the COM port to use but it always says "No GPS Device!"
I have also downloaded and installed the BlueTooth Tools software but this hasn't helped either.
I have an o2 XDA2 and any help with this would be much appreciated.
I think mine is set to BT on com6. You must make sure the GPS receiver has a satellite signal before you try to configure tomtom (flashing light or whatever). Keep trying different settings, that's what I did
I think I have tried all the settings I can, I am beginning to wonder if i've got the correct version of TomTom5 installed! My device information says my platform is PocketPC and that is the version of TomTom5 I installed.
I have tried various settings and soft-rebooted my phone in the meantime after each change and tried without re-setting too!
This is getting rather annoying now
sorry, I'm using com5. Have you made sure you've got a satellite connection first.
Mine is version 5.000
When I turn on my GPS receiver I get two lights flashing, one to indicate that the bluetooth is sending a signal and the other to say that the device is receiving a GPS signal.
Try this...
Hi Dave,
Did you buy this via eBay? Couple of friends have bought from the same guy and neither worked, even though it seemed that they were (flashing lights, bonded etc). Both Polstar/Fuzion.
Anyway, if it won't connect via 'other bluetooth', try selecting 'other cabled device' and then select 4800 baud and your bluetooth com port.
Don't know why, but have had to do this with 3 different PDA's so far (2 XDA, 1 ipaq). It seems to work fine, although the data rate's a bit slow.
Any bluetooth gps I have has installed as com 5 when bonding, it asks if you wish to install serial profile and allocates com 5. I have noticed however that tomtom is very weird with its gps module, it keeps saying gps not found or signal lost etc and then I have to reselect other bluetooth and com 5 and even then sometimes I have to reinitialize the receiver before it is found. I always advocate the use of a wired gps if it is only required for vehicle use, it is less problematic, easy to configure and works 99.999999% of the time without problems.
If you run BT Manager and then check settings, it generally sets up as inbound com5 outbound com 6.
I have a Navman that behaved perfectly on Com 5 on TT3, on TT5 still behaves perfectly, but now uses Com 8 instead.
No idea why, don't really care that much -- it works.
I did buy the items from eBay and I am going to get back to the supplier (Polstar I believe) to see what I can fathom out.
Many thanks for all your advice, I have tried all options but still cannot get it to work so I will post a reply with the solution that works for me and hopefully it will work for others too.
No signal
the TomTom 5 has a new implementation, from the the TT3. It can manage the bluetooth connection. When you creat the connection with your pocket pc, by serial port, you must creat one connection of paired devices, as you created to your headset, bluethoot, of course. By the way, usually tt5 uses com 6 to connect with gps receivers.
The first time you configure your connection you must stay in position to receive signal from satelites, because its important to record all information from your gps receiver.
With regards to that marcusmodestus I think tonight, I will try and remove TomTom5 and delete my connection to the receiver and try installing again, from fresh.
Should I bond my reciever before or after I install? And should I run TomTom5 only with the bond in place?
bt gps
I bought one of these
set up as other cable on com5 but set baud rate at 38400 works fine 4 me
First, thank you all for helping me with this!
I have managed to successfully set it up now and here is the process...
Install TomTom5
Bond the device (I only had the option of Serial COM 7)
In TomTom5, change the preferences to use "Other Cable" and set the baud rate to 4800.
Magically I then get 5-6 satellites, a signal and an annoying American (which I will change to a nice english lady)
Thank you all again!
after hours of trial and error with tomtom5 and buzzmobile5.0 together with a xaiox wonde-xl bluetooth gps mouse (nemerix chipset) i learned the following:
it is recommended that you disable the gps manager of buzzmobile5.0 (not doing this has caused my device hang and auto soft reset some times). after that the following procedure worked for me:
1. pair your bluetooth gps device with your xda
2. assign a free outgoing com-port to that device (what com-port is best? please read text below.)
3. go to tomtom gps settings screen choose other bluetooth gps device
4. the assigned com-port number should appear in the next tomtom screen.
usually you should be done now and the connection should work, but i always had to delete the gps device in buzzmobiles bluetooth connection manager and had to re-pair it again, re-assign the com-port and re-start tomtom in order to get it work.
for any reason i then choosed to assign com8 as com-port for my gps mouse. and from this moment on tomtom5 was able to re-establish connections after switching of and on the gps or after switching xda on and off. i don't know what the exact reason is but choosing com8 was my solution to get tomtom5 working together with my gps on a comfortable way.
hope this helps others
I had this problem with Tomtom 5. No matter what I did it wouldn't work with my receiver.
I found that when I downloaded the 5.1 patch and installed it it worked fine with the GPS receiver set to COM6. Usually takes about 30 secs for the receiver to be found though. I think the update sorted out the Tomtom bluetooth support to a later version.
hi ...
how can i disable the gps manager of buzzmobile5.0?
thx mtc
settings --> system --> GPS
On the access tab uncheck the box
btw : I just saw that GPS hardware port shows com5 now. I'm sure I set both hard and software port to none cause somebody adviced this.
Anyway last week I didn't have to re-pair my gps in order for tomtom to find it ( which before I had to do every time I closed tt5). I've been messing in the registry to create extra com5 ports, maybe that's what caused it.
Anyways I now only have to switch on the gps and fire up tomtom and it immediately shows my position. Hope it will last..........

TTN5 and Universal

I can't get TTN5 to pick up my BT GPS. I think the problem is that I can only seem to be able to assign COM0, COM8 or COM4 in the BT settings dialogue.
TTN5 need 6 or 7 IIRC.
Even though the BT COM ports dialogue allows me to select any COM from 0 to 9. It complains about not being able to create the port if I select anything other than 0, 8 or 4.
Any ideas?
I am having the same issue connecting with my GPS and Destinator 3 s/w.
Try pairing the GPS with your device before loading tomtom, and assign COM0. That's what I did and tomtom picked up the device immediately without problems.
Having said that my GPS is a tomtom.
Can't install TT5... any suggestion?
I get an error and than installation quits...
you have to connect through COM5. At least it works for me.
Strange enough, now Tomtom doesn't show this port anymore, so they day they unpair, I'm screwed.
I have the same problem. I can only select com 0, 4 or 8 and none of these ports show up in TT5. I am unable to make it work. I even tried ti activate the GPS control panel (http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?p=154825#154825) but it seems this control panel does actually not work (probably why it was hidden in the first place).
Any suggestions to make TT5 work are very welcome.
Some how (no idea how), TT5 was working with the GPS. Yeterday I had to hard reset due to several reasons, I now, again, I cannot manage to connect the damn bluetooth GPS.
Same reason as always: NO COM5 in TT5.
Guys now I am really stuck! I have been messing about with the registry, this is what i have found; COM6 friendly name is RIL (radio something or another I think basically the phone etc…) I have changed that to another port (HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\Serial….) changing the index to another port i.e. a free one like 0/4/8 upon reboot allows me to map port 6 to BT gps under MSBT stack; however the phone (radio) stops functioning although BT serial port has been assigned to 6 TT5 still does not start the connection! Looking through the reg under HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\serial_BTUR this is the default BT serial port; this is set to port 7 (Index) if you change that port to something other than 7 reboot BT stops working. I have loaded the old TT3.7 GPS driver/software (Not complete TT3 just the gps update) and I can connect and communicate with the BT GPS. The BT GPS is seen as BT GPS. I can leave it connected however as soon as I fire up TT5 still no GPS communication. Tried to get TT5 working for over a week and have still failed. I think we need to find how TT5 detects available ports and edit/hack that area. There is on thing I have noticed though; if I select TomTom GPS there appears to be some BT communication although no thing on the GPS screen the BT light on my GPS unit (Fortuna) flickers periodically. Seriously stuck any help greatly appreciated as I am currently running out of ideas…..
Guys now I am really stuck! I have been messing about with the registry, this is what i have found; COM6 friendly name is RIL (radio something or another I think basically the phone etc…) I have changed that to another port (HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\Serial….) changing the index to another port i.e. a free one like 0/4/8 upon reboot allows me to map port 6 to BT gps under MSBT stack; however the phone (radio) stops functioning although BT serial port has been assigned to 6 TT5 still does not start the connection! Looking through the reg under HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\serial_BTUR this is the default BT serial port; this is set to port 7 (Index) if you change that port to something other than 7 reboot BT stops working. I have loaded the old TT3.7 GPS driver/software (Not complete TT3 just the gps update) and I can connect and communicate with the BT GPS. The BT GPS is seen as BT GPS. I can leave it connected however as soon as I fire up TT5 still no GPS communication. Tried to get TT5 working for over a week and have still failed. I think we need to find how TT5 detects available ports and edit/hack that area. There is on thing I have noticed though; if I select TomTom GPS there appears to be some BT communication although no thing on the GPS screen the BT light on my GPS unit (Fortuna) flickers periodically. Seriously stuck any help greatly appreciated as I am currently running out of ideas….. I Think there is only one Man that maybe able to help; ITSME help please!
I've completely given up. I've spent most of the day hacking the registry to COM5, with multiple combinations on the GPS control panel, etc... with no success.
I've hard reseted the device and I won't install TT5 until someone figures out how to connect it to a Bluetooth GPS.
I can't believe such a new device hasn't sorted out a simple connection to a Bluetooth GPS.
Well... not yet.
I've been able to set up TT5 working with my old Bluetooth GPS, but it doesn't work with my new Syson Blue Sirf III. Have no idea why, maybe someone can lighten me up.
Anyway, this is what I've done for non SIRF III and it works for me.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 8.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 8 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
Hope it works for everybody.
Now, how to make it work in SIRF III - no idea. I've made the same process with the Sirf III GPS and it doesn't connect.
You sir, are a genius.
I salute you.
I've got a Fortuna Clip on and it sucks
They had to screw us again with the BT stack. Morons. It is abslutely impossible to set this baby up with TT5. I got TT5 to work on the Magician, and the XDA 2, but this, abosulutely beats me. It seems Tomtom barely let's me choose any ports...lost
Top Man andreuroig
Thanks andreuroig your a top mman Just got it working on Fortuna Clipon BT GPS; Can I pick your brains about maybe trying to install the WIDCOM BT stack on the universal; have tried manually hacking away at this; but have given up now....
hi mikeycollins13 wrote
It is abslutely impossible to set this baby up with TT5. I got TT5 to work on the Magician, and the XDA 2, but this, abosulutely beats me. It seems Tomtom barely let's me choose any ports...lost.
I agree Have tried andreuroig way, I can´t get a com0 in tomtom ,
Please help.
MIracle, got it to work. Clip on + tt 5.1
This how I did it:
1.) IN BT settings, (After having paired and chosen 'Serial', went to COM ports and selected 0
2.) Then, from inside tt5, went to gps...picked the 'other BT', it ehn showed IR ports, serial cable etc, Port 7 (no use, couldn't do much) and THEN Com port 0. Clicked that and it worked.
PM if you need help
slight subject change, but.... JasJar, Tomtom 5.1.......slight twist
possible to have the 100mb GB map stored on the phone, so to use a SD GPS Card?, Due to the new memory layout of the phone this could be an issue.
I have that and TTN3 was ok with the 32mb map in, but since 5.1 you cant have smaller than GB 105mb, so im stuck on TTN3 for SD GPS unit and TTN5 for the, err not yet purchased BT GPS unit,
Some sort of map cutter would be nice,
Ive ordered my Jasjar but waiting for the post,
What i really what to know is, do i put the SD GPS unit on ebay now and recoupe some losses having to get a bluetooth unit or not ????
Jasjar, BT GPS and TT V5.1
Some people here state that they installed TT V5.1. Actually V5.1 is an upgrade that can be downloaded from the TT support site. It requires V5 as a basis. BUT the V5.1 only comes in EXE format (no CAB fiile) so I wonder how you guys were able to get 5.1 installed as the setup program crashes as soon as it connects to Activesync 4.0 or 4.1.
you have to copy the 5.0 cab files across, then run them and it installs that way,
then just the 5.1 ugrade to copy across
faisal.husain: no idea about how to install de Widcom BT. That is out of my league.
Start from zero. Erase your bond with your GPS. Start TT5 and select any port that you have free (COM7 or even Serial on COM1).
Pair your GPS and follow the steps I've mentioned. It should work, but only, if it's not a non SIRF III gps.

Universal problem BT port

Hi all,
Cannot register a serialport (Bt)
Have manage to put TomTom5 working with BT Gps.
thanks to "andreuroig"
with this work around:
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 8.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 8 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
The problem is the BT-com port is not visibel in any software neither in Tomtom the Com0 is not visible after the above instruction.
Is there a way to do the BT-com port visible?
Complete step by step guide can be found here :
Thanks I have done that , still have a problem TomTom works but if I want to use another program it don´t connect :roll:
Hi, try to do that as listed above BUT replace COM 0 with COM4. This seems to have worked for me, TT5 now works automatically, and I can use Memory Map on COM 4.
More testing tomorrow but it seems to be OK.
Josef, gpsgate is a piece of software that allows you to share a serial port between many different programs at the same time. Try downloading the working demo and see if it helps.
Hi kevwright,cruisin-thru,
kevwright can you reset your device and after connect to Com4 with memory map? Tomtom will work I know.
Please let us know your testing.
cruisin-thru , I have tried GPS-gate and send one e-mail. Haven´t get a replay yet. gpsgate worked well in xdaII
Ah, after reset it does not work, sorry.
This thing also loses the Outgoing Port regardless of reset (just overnight for example) so am at a loss on this one.
Alternately, can we get Memory Map to "see" COM0 as that fix seemed to work for TomTom OK?

GPS problems

I have a MDA Vario and am having huge problems getting my bluetooth GPS to work with my device. I have a BT GPS (BT77 I think) and have gone through the pairing process and setup the GPS manager in settings. I have an outgoing com port setup on com 6 and the GPS manage setup to direct this to com 9.
I have installed AA Navigator but this can't find the GPS device on com 9. I have also installed VisualGPSce and this too can't see the device. I know the GPS works as I have tested it with my PC.
I am running MrClean 2.24 custom ROM.
Does anyone have any suggestions???
Make sure the GPS is set as an "Incoming" port.
I would actually start from scratch by deleting the GPS pairing from the devices list and do the following.
To do this, go to Start/Settings/Connections, Tap the "Bluetooth" icon and then select "Devices" at the bottom.
Make sure the GPS is not in the list and follow the instructions on pairing the GPS. Usually, you turn off the GPS and when you turn it back on, you hold the power button until you get an LED either flashing rapidly or continuously on.
Ok, go to the "COM Ports" section and tap "New Incoming Port". This should show you the list of paired devices. Tap the GPS entry and select it as COM 6 and make sure the secure connection box is NOT checked.
In your software, you should set the GPS to this com port if it is available.
Also, if you must use the GPS applet in the settings, try setting it to COM 8. For some reason, this seems to work better than others.
Hope that helps.
Setup for TomTom
My BT device is almist the same and I use Tom Tom (was 5 now 6).
I pair to the BT GPS (had to disconnect from the car kit - headset mode while I did this).
Then I go back to the GPS device and discover services (get rid of the keyboard if it pops up and select the Refresh button).
I created an OUTGOING port to the GPS device and used COM6. I then run up TomTom and pointed it at COM6 and it all just works.

vario 2 tomtom 6 gps pairing

I have searched every website and tried everything to get my gps to pair with tomtom 6 on my vario 2, to no avail. I’ve finally got them paired perfectly. Everyone seems to get results in different ways, if you have tried all of theirs, try this…. All downloaded files are shareware and free.
1. Download fit4cat hermes tweaker. (Google search)install. Then enable the gps hidden icon (enable gps settings). It will now show in settings – connections.
2. Download BTHTools1100.exe (Google search) and install.
3. Download Task Manager 2.2 (Google search). Install. It has a very good registry editor plus, plus..
4. Open Task Manager 2.2 and the regedit section in the program.
5. open HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE , open System, open CurrentControlSet, open GPS Intermediate Driver,
6. under Drivers is Controlled Panel Configured device .In Commport change to COM4. ( com 2 also works fine. Have not had to try other comm. Ports.)
7. in Multiplexer change Driver interface to Com 4 ( or 2, depending on above)
8. goto Start, Settings,Connections, Bluetooth, Devices. Delete any old gps connection.Turn on gps. New partnership search. It will find your gps with a yellow question mark icon next to it. Select and press next and enter passkey for your gps is asked. Tick the serial port option and finnish. You will then be taken to the new screen from the installed BTHTools1100.exe. select serial port and choose com same as above.
9. goto Start, Settings,Connections, Bluetooth, Com port, this should now automatically show your gps devise name with the com port next to it
10. goto Start, Settings,Connections, Bluetooth, Security, leave the check box unchecked.
11. goto Start, Settings,Connections,gps. Programs should show COM4.
12. goto Start, Settings,Connections,gps. Hardware should also show COM4.
13. goto Start, Settings,Connections,gps. Access should have box check manage GPS automatically.
14. Open tomtom 6. Turn on gps. Go to GPS status screen and configure. Other GPS receiver works for me. It should now give you the option for COM4. select
15. tomtom should now find your GPS everytime!!!!
Hope this helps as I was pulling my hair out.
thanks alot! I'll give this a try - its always been hit and miss with my GPS and TomTOm6 !!
Please post which GPS device you use.
I have a AD-300 bluetooth GPS set to COM0; I paired it with my Vario II without any problems: out-of-the-box.
Tomtom6 set to "other bluetooth device" connected to com0. Works everytime
Thanks craigsadd77 - very helpful
Do you know what the icons on Today that BTHTools1100.exe creates actually mean or what they do?
I've got a BT icon with a red line through it, a small clock then on the right, 2 icons that look like batteries with a "1" and a "2" in them?
Pairing Hermes TomTom 6 with Bluetooth GPS receiver
#Hermes can not be in flight Mode#
1st: Run BTHTools1100.exe
no icon comes up
Pair them in Bluetooth Manager
Holux (outgoing port com4)
Incoming Port (com8)
no security
In settings >> Connections >> GPS
Programs set GPS program port to Com 8
Hardware set GPS hardware port to Com 4
baud rate 4800
If GPS program is not seen in settings\Connections
Use resco registry or other program and:
Go to Hkey_local_Machine\ControlPanel\GPS settings\ creat (make new) "Group" with Dword data =2
In TomTom chose:
Bluetooth GPS
should be working Now
drbrains said:
Please post which GPS device you use.
I have a AD-300 bluetooth GPS set to COM0; I paired it with my Vario II without any problems: out-of-the-box.
Tomtom6 set to "other bluetooth device" connected to com0. Works everytime
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thats how i set my BT-74R without any problems

