IS there a manual for disassembling the magician? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Believe me I've look, but can't find it anywhere.
I wa't to prepare myself before replacing the touch screen, that has obviously broken.
It's not in the Wiki, where it should by IMO

Found it, it was in the Wiki for the charmer:

Have U updated the Wiki?

Updating a Wiki? -> Wiki has been updated by adding "/magician" to string "disassembling Charmer"
Furthermore, the manual only goes as far as removing the parts from the housing and cleaning some contacts on the earpiece.
Missing are:
How to remove/clean-contacts the backup battery and replacing the touch screen from the display.
As I stated that I'm not lazy, I will post both procedures shortly. I've already succesfully removed the touch screen from the display (very tough doublesided tape). I've ordered a new one from hong kong (€ 5,-).
The rebiuld of this touchscreen will be photodocumented and posted in hopefully 14 days (shipping!!)

Magician vibrator
My vibrator is spinning at a slower speed that it used to. As you pull apart yours for the screen fix, can you also please provide some pics of how and where its mounted so that I can compare it to mine before I pull it apart to check. This area isn't shown in the speaker repair document in the Wiki.

G-man said:
My vibrator is spinning at a slower speed that it used to. As you pull apart yours for the screen fix, can you also please provide some pics of how and where its mounted so that I can compare it to mine before I pull it apart to check. This area isn't shown in the speaker repair document in the Wiki.
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I will provide a picture for the vibrator.
It it mounted in the front plate, but you have to remove the systemboard to get to it. It has two spring contacts that may cause a bad connection. cleaing with a pencil erasor and alcohol wil probably help.

i had the casing of my xda mini replaced in a celphone shop. however, the imbecile damaged my xda phone and now its signal signal is intermittent. the signal goes off, sometimes it is recovered in its own but oftentimes you have to manually search for a signal. now i cannot use its phone function since how can my messages and calls be received if i dont have any signal. can this problem be solved or remedied?


S100 Loses Signal

Hi, I hope someone can help me.
I dropped my phone a couple of months ago and now I'm experiencing a problem. It appears to work fine for hours then suddenly starts losing signal strength to the point where it goes altogether. I can start a call with 5 bars and be cut off with no signal in a minute even though I've not moved. It will nearly always lose the signal when I'm on the phone but takes longer when just in other use. All remaining elements of the phone work fine. Please can someone suggest what it could be as it is getting me down...thanks
I'm sure it's a hardware problem.
have got the same problem.Did you already find the problem.In the beginning the signal just dropped but know i even cannot find any service at all.
I've had some luck by raising all the contacts under the sim card but the signal still comes and goes when I use the phone ??
I droppped my phone the other day and it is doing exactly the same thing. Mine is a Qtek S110. I used to 'lurk' on this forum ages ago.. but [email protected] BACK to seek help! If and when I get my phone fixed I WILL post and let you know what it is, if I havent already found the solution here!
I think it definately has something to do with the SIM holder, whenever the signal decays and vanishes, if I take out the sim and put it back in it comes back straight away. if I just take out the battery and replace it doesn't
ok.. next time i lose signal I will do that. maybe even run some isopropyl alcohol over the contacts to make sure they are clean.
I will keep you posted in my findings!
(oh.. i tried a makeshift external aerial last night to see if I could see if it was an internal aerial fault. It didnt make any difference, so either my homemade job was [email protected] or it isnt an aerial problem, I'm yet to find out!!)
oh poooop..
that unfortunately didnt work for me.. Oh well. i even tried cleaning the contacts and making sure the 'sprung' contacts were connecting with the Sim correctly.
I actually lost signal until it came back 15 mins later.. hmmmmmmm!!!
Can anyone advise where I can look on the circuit board to see if there is any damage. I am capable of doing this and making a basic repair !!
I had a look at the mda strip down guide on here, but I could see any reference to the aerial or anything. I think I'll have to send off for repair! Doh!
I emailed HPC and they wouldn't take mine back as apparently it was not sold in the UK.
I think I'll give a go. a mate of mine said they were good n' quick.
no wurries!
the unit that sorunded in red (in the Attached picture) is connected to the main board with tiny connector, and this connector is a male to female connector. the male is solderd to the main board and the female to the unit. my guess is that one of the connector parts (the male or the female) was disconnect from its soldering, and you need to resold it. but it is just my guess based on my experience.
I was taking a look at the mda-jam.pdf guide to removing the case and it suggests that the aerial contact on the board you have pictured is with the front panel.
Can anyone confirm if indeed, the aerial for the phone is the metal casing? That would suggest that the dents in the front of mine could have affected that very contact.
Would still like an answer to my previous post.. but I think I may have fixed my phone temporarily.
Using the above information I got a flat bladed blunt instrument (in this case a normal dinner knife) and carefully placed it into the empty sd card slot. Using the diagram from the case removal guide I applied pressure with the knife to the area where the 'aerial connector' rests against the front bezel, inside, whilst at the same time pushing on the front outer casing with my thumb in the same position.
The thought process being, that it may have worked loose.
Sure enough I have noticed a vast improvement in signal yesterday and today. I am going to keep an eye on the phone today when I go out to see if the signal stays up!
Okay.. latest update.
The signal did drop out a little bit throughout the day, So I have taken it upon my self to put my electronic training to good use.
Using the (now much read) case removal manual I carefully .. and I MEAN carefully took my phone to pieces.
I was convinced that the reason my signal kept dropping out was either that something had worked loose or that there were some contacts that needed cleaning or reseating.. as I was able to get a signal by squeezing the case at the top.
So.. Here's what I did (In reverse order)
Page 9 straightened and cleaned the 3 contacts on the RHS plastic plate with isopropyl alcohol. Also cleaned the corresponding contact points on the main PCB with alcohol and dried with a lintless bud.
Page 10 3 contact points, top right and top edge left are the contact points I refer to above. Also cleaned the 2 sprung contacts at the bottom of the PCB RHS page 10
Page 16 cleaned sprung 'Aerial Output' contact with alcohol.. also pushed connector outwards to make a betterr contact. Also cleaned 'contact to the antenna' area and dried thorughly with a lintless bud. Any other contacts I could see were cleaned and dried too.
Whilst putting the phone back together I was very careful not to touch any components. Battery contacts and Sim contacts were also cleaned.
One thing to note in the manula is that it it possible to unclip the connector for the camera prior to removing the plate in page 8. However, it is probably best to follow the guide, if you are unfamiliar with the type of connectors used. They can break easily.
My phone booted correctly and is currently on charge.. I am checking functionality at this very moment and can see that the signal is good and all other parts / hardware functions appear to be good. watch this space! It COULD be one fixed phone!!
I can't remember who on this forum wrote the mda-jam.pdf manual, but I would like to publicly thank you as you have helped fix my phone!
I hope its worked !!! Let me know !
Well so far I have noticed a dramatic improvement on how the phone was. I am sitting here with full signal, whereas on Saturday I had between 2-3 bars.
I lost a little signal earlier today but as soon as I held the phone up, the siganl came back. So, it's not perfect, but the phone is useable now.
As long as it lasts for the rest of my contract, I'll be happy!!

Bluetooth & SD Slot damage??

I have Dopod 818 Pro..
Suddenly, my SD slot isn't working, I already soft reset, Hard reset, Upgrade ROM from WM5 to WM6.1. Nothing is working,
so does the bluetooth. Everytime i enable the BT, its back to disabled.
My prophet is never dropped or damaged. it happened suddenly.
Any idea for solutions??
Same fault here. All was working OK, then it seriously corrupted an SD card to the extent that it can no longer be read by anything (I've not tried it with an other one yet). Also, Bluetooth will not switch on. The busy icon appears and it spins for 20 seconds, then just returns to OFF.
Radio rom downgraded back to 2.19.21
Hard SPL'd to 2.g4.4pda
Same fault in all WM5, 6 and 6.1 roms tested
*This began to happen _after_ I took the thing apart to clean and investigate the LCD high pitch whistle* Something has not bee put back correctly
Are there any images of the inside with significant items such as BT aerial etc highlighted? I need to get in there and look for bad connections.
I've fixed my BT problem (touch wood).
When reassembling the pda, the aerial panel surrounding the camera and speaker, was not put back into place correctly. There are three separate aerials on it.
Looking at the panel assembled in the phone, there is a small strip aerial to the right hand side, this has a single leg that extends down to contact a pad on the pcb. I'm guessing that this is the BT aerial by process of elimination
The leg got bent when removing the panel and did not make contact when reassembled. I also noticed that over tightening the two top screws will deform the panel and cause similar problems.
I now have working BT and the SD card reader has not caused any further problems.
wll, ive never open the PDA, and it happened suddenly. Im afraid to open the whole prophet to check whats goin on in there..
i0i, can you please explain me again step by step, by using picture? so i can understand completely of what you said ..hopefully i can rescue mine thanks
There is a good guide to taking apart the Prophet over at Modoco, the link is in the Prophet wiki. Otherwise there is a link to the service manual here
It contains good photos and instructions. Like I said, my identification of the BT aerial is not 100%, it is only a guess based on things that work and don't work. I would not want to post photos with arrows that might be wrong. If you take it apart and look at the aerial panel then my description should be pretty clear.
Reading through the Service Manual and some posts in this forum it appears that battery voltage might be an issue with some of the more "mechanical" functions of the Prophet. Checking your battery for low voltage might be a wise step before cracking open the case. All kinds of bits ping off and it never goes back together absolutely correctly

Looking for technical documents (schematic)

I dropped my Hermes (belt clip broke) and now I have two problems with it:
1) the keys around the joypad don't work.
2) most of the time the display is just white but sometimes it still work, but the pixels are shifted down about 5 (the bottom 5 lines are at the top.
I checked the Wiki but the service manual has no diagrams in it so I can't troubleshoot to find which PCB is broken. Summed up it just says replace to boards one by one until the problem is solved. I've diassembled it and looked with a magnifiying glass but I can't find a crack. After reassembly everythings the same (yes, I double checked the connections to make sure none were loose). I'm guessing that the break is somewhere in the middle of a multi-layer PCB where it is not visible.
So what I'm looking for is any type of schematic diagrams that will allow me to trace connections. Then I'll know what part to order.
Any ideas?
still broke
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the info. I was afraid it would be difficult to get a copy of the drawings. I'm a master electronic technician and have the equipment to to do some testing but it doesn't help to just randomely measure PCB traces without knowing where they go or what signals should be there. The PCB I was referring to is the D-Pad board. It appears to be a 4 layer board, which makes it imposssible to trace manually.
I read the complete 13 page ( ) post about the WSOD but none it doesn't seem to be touch sensitive. It doesn't matter where I put preasure, there is no change.
I don't want to start buying replacement parts on a trial and error basis because that would get expensive if I don't find the problem on the first go. Maybe I'll buy a defective unit on Ebay (or if anyone has one to sell I'm in Germany. PM me) and try from there.
Don't know if this will help, but someone submitted some service manuals to my site ages ago.

[REF] GT-I9300 Service Manual

Here is the Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) Service Manual.
Please take a moment to read the notes and issues about this manual in this post.
For some reason Google didn't pick up that post, so I had to re-post here...
Now, if you are brave and happen to have a GT-I9300, you can still help us by posting some
internal pictures, to verify some issues in the manual. If they are good,
some of them will eventually become part of the SGS3 Hack-Pack.
Thanks and Enjoy!
I will be opening up the phone in the next few days due to me managing to damage the sim card holder section(not holding sim card) So at present i have got somthing putting pressure to keep sim card in place. I have a new sim card holder on order so when it arrives i will pull phone apart and take some pictures.
If you have any advice for me before attempting this please let me know via pm
Do you have any experience in this kind of electronics? I mean, are you planning to replace and solder the SIM card holder by yourself?
If you have not done this type of soldering before, I do not recommend it.
If you do decide to do it on your own, make sure:
You are working on a clean workspace
You are well grounded and not wearing wool clothes mixed with synthetic materials to avoid any ESD.
Have the right tools for the job.(Temp controlled SMD soldering iron + flux and acid-free lead-free SMD solder etc.)
A very steady hand with good eyes!
As for the pictures, keep the environment as bright as possible, preferably daylight. Try to keep your PCB on a bright or neutral background. (Bright cardboard is usually good.) Inspect your pictures and make sure you can read the text on the smallest chips. (The big ones we already know about, its the smaller ones that are difficult to navigate around.) Make sure the pictures are well focused.
Good Luck!
From looking at the pictures I was hoping I don't have to solder the sim card slot in. It looks easily replaceable as it looks like it's just a connector and not soldered
Replaced the sim holder. My camera wasn't good enough to get focus of the smaller chips however it is very very easy to take phone apart. And I guess Samsung are expecting issues with sim slot so they have fixed it using one screw and connected to board using a pull off connecter.
Just in case anyone else is interested the sim holder/sd holder cost me £20, delivered.
E:V:A said:
Here is the Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) Service Manual.
Please take a moment to read the notes and issues about this manual in this post.
For some reason Google didn't pick up that post, so I had to re-post here...
Now, if you are brave and happen to have a GT-I9300, you can still help us by posting some
internal pictures, to verify some issues in the manual. If they are good,
some of them will eventually become part of the SGS3 Hack-Pack.
Thanks and Enjoy!
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amazing !!!
Hi guys,
Here is my contribution to da community, hope so it helps.
h t t p s : / / docs . google . com/open?id=0B9lrf7AWQW7ETjRZTkFXb1luN0E
On image 20120616_150200.jpg you can see the region jumpers. The images are of a live demo unit - everything works besides the GSM/3G data. Haven't tested to see if the NFC is working.
The real unit has some more antenna connector. The demo one does not have PBA /printed board antenna/ the ANT102 and ANT103 as well as the capacitors and the coils u may seen them market in red cycles (ANT102, ANT103, C102, C191, L103, L102) there is no room on the MOBO for C192 /or at least I can't find its place/.
^^ Here is the link for above! (Thanks!)
Hi again,
I can confirm that the NFC is working on the live demo unites. According to the original S3 user manual the NFC antennas are build into the battery back.
I still can't figure out what is the "W2" antenna connector for. The Live demo unit has no connector soldered to the motherboard and also lacks the small PCB antenna with the white coaxial cable. Some ppl claim that the W2 is for WiFi antenna, but it is not, because I got great WiFi connectivity tho the lack of such PCB antenna. I can only confirm the WiFi working fine, under "G" type of WiFi networks. The openWRT firmware of my current router has known bug and I can't bring up "N" standard in air, to check if the PCB antenna is for "N" type of WiFi networks.
I also did some testing to see if the PCB is for GLONASS or GPS, and it seams that this PCB antenna with the white coaxial cable is not for any of these services. That's why I think it might be for wifi "N" or 3G data/networks. Donno if the 802.11n requires a separate antenna.
^^ Please post a link to a specific image, that clearly show the connector(s) you're talking about.
Hi I have a live demo unit to, so I think I can help about this =).
I can't show you the mainboard back because I' m new user... xD
I don't really know what you mean with NFC (sorry, I'm not really good with english)
W1 is a GSM external antenna conection
W2 is a wifi external antenna conection
And the white wired antenna is for wifi to.
After thinking a lot, if you conect an antenna to the GSM antenna conection (external or the internal lacked in Demo unit) you probably can't use phone function.
That function probably was crippled by software or because demo units don´t have imei maybe o.o.
The only thing I need to try is to connect a microsim to the phone
No one has any insights ???
johnny21a said:
No one has any insights ???
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I have sgs3, international version on my workbench right now.
Don´t have any clue what could I share, so - if there is anything specific -- let me know. I will do my best..
Samsung galaxy S3 i747
i have a Galaxy S3 SGH-i747m that has been water damaged and given to me so i could try and fix it. I can take pretty much any pictures you want, have openned the phone a couple times now to try and clean it up.
My problem is that the works well, it starts up, unlock the screen, plays sound...but the screen is off. Now at first when i was "playing" with it the screen would flicker on and off to show me the battery charging logo when it was plugged in. I've cleaned the phone and all flex connectors with some products. the phone still turns on and works but my screen is off. It detects the touch since i can unlock the screen ( it plays the water sound when i slide my finger on the screen) and speaker works when i boot it up (little booting sounds).
I was thinking there might be a small fuse on board for the screen backlight and that could be blown. I was also thinking my battery might be damaged and is not giving the phone the right voltage to the right connectors or something so i have ordered a new battery on ebay (under 4$) and am waiting for it.
Anyone has an idea to some specific things i should be looking for ? only thing haven't disassemble is the digitizer from the framebecause doing so would surely break the glass. It bums me up a bit since there are some electronics behind the frame that could have been damaged by the water that i couldn't see.
Bigred065 said:
i have a Galaxy S3 SGH-i747m that has been water damaged and given to me so i could try and fix it. I can take pretty much any pictures you want, have openned the phone a couple times now to try and clean it up.
My problem is that the works well, it starts up, unlock the screen, plays sound...but the screen is off. Now at first when i was "playing" with it the screen would flicker on and off to show me the battery charging logo when it was plugged in. I've cleaned the phone and all flex connectors with some products. the phone still turns on and works but my screen is off. It detects the touch since i can unlock the screen ( it plays the water sound when i slide my finger on the screen) and speaker works when i boot it up (little booting sounds).
I was thinking there might be a small fuse on board for the screen backlight and that could be blown. I was also thinking my battery might be damaged and is not giving the phone the right voltage to the right connectors or something so i have ordered a new battery on ebay (under 4$) and am waiting for it.
Anyone has an idea to some specific things i should be looking for ? only thing haven't disassemble is the digitizer from the framebecause doing so would surely break the glass. It bums me up a bit since there are some electronics behind the frame that could have been damaged by the water that i couldn't see.
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check if you can see anything on the screen, use some extra light, torch for example.
if so - then its more likely that the LEDs in the display panel are damaged, since it flickered, as you said. also could be the driver circuit for backlight. Clean connectors for display panel, use magnifier, or better microscope to check for corrosion. use IPA to clean or scrape off the corrosion.
also - maybe this is not the right place to discuss this.
Redrigon said:
Hi I have a live demo unit to, so I think I can help about this =).
I can't show you the mainboard back because I' m new user... xD
I don't really know what you mean with NFC (sorry, I'm not really good with english)
W1 is a GSM external antenna conection
W2 is a wifi external antenna conection
And the white wired antenna is for wifi to.
After thinking a lot, if you conect an antenna to the GSM antenna conection (external or the internal lacked in Demo unit) you probably can't use phone function.
That function probably was crippled by software or because demo units don´t have imei maybe o.o.
The only thing I need to try is to connect a microsim to the phone
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I don't have he white antenna coaxial cable neigh the PCB antenna board that this cable is connected to but I have WiFi.
Could it be for WiFi N(150Mbps)?
Watter damage, LCD working/not working?
Bigred065 said:
i have a Galaxy S3 SGH-i747m that has been water damaged and given to me so i could try and fix it. I can take pretty much any pictures you want, have openned the phone a couple times now to try and clean it up.
My problem is that the works well, it starts up, unlock the screen, plays sound...but the screen is off. Now at first when i was "playing" with it the screen would flicker on and off to show me the battery charging logo when it was plugged in. I've cleaned the phone and all flex connectors with some products. the phone still turns on and works but my screen is off. It detects the touch since i can unlock the screen ( it plays the water sound when i slide my finger on the screen) and speaker works when i boot it up (little booting sounds).
I was thinking there might be a small fuse on board for the screen backlight and that could be blown. I was also thinking my battery might be damaged and is not giving the phone the right voltage to the right connectors or something so i have ordered a new battery on ebay (under 4$) and am waiting for it.
Anyone has an idea to some specific things i should be looking for ? only thing haven't disassemble is the digitizer from the framebecause doing so would surely break the glass. It bums me up a bit since there are some electronics behind the frame that could have been damaged by the water that i couldn't see.
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I have identical symptoms with my i9300.
1. Water damaged
2. Dried in a can of rice etc over several days
3. Cleaned under sim card, lots of debris there, looked scorched, I cleaned with alcohol and a brush in an ESD protected environment.
4. Re assembled, the display briefly flashed on, and showed the expected "Battery is low, an d No Sim Card" then powered off.
5. Now after charging the battery and emplacing my sim card, I hear the proper musical tones when the phone boots but the screen doesn't light.
Where you able to get the screen working?
I am going to try a more throughal cleaning and I will try viewing the LCD under a more power full light.
I too worry that just getting the LCD screen replaced might not work; the screen may be fine but the mother board LCD power supply might be at fault...
I will keep you posted and keep an eye on this forum to find out how to fix this.
This thread has served its main purpose.
OT discussions are prevalent.
Thread Closed!

Sony Xperia Z3C GPS FIX - an Hardware problem

Hi all,
during these months I have had a lot of problems with GPS Fix with my Z3C. These problems occurred after the update to 6.0.1 and I thought that It was a software issue.
In my case, GPS works well after upgrade but It degraded little by little. Applications like GPS Status reported a very very low satellite signal.
Reading every possible forum, I found some guys that explain how to "solve" the problem plugging the usb and powering the phone. An other post specified that the solution was not the "powering" and the fix become better if you lightly pulling the usb connector to you... and It was true! So the problem was not software.
So I opened the phone, disassembled the mainboard from the chassis and tryed to understand what part was involved in the "usb pulling solution".
I found that many connectors (like a little pin) were connected to some particular parts to the chassis (as if it were used as antenna).
In this photo you can see where the mainboard connectors impact on the chassis.
(Sorry the forum prevent me to post link or image)
And this is the specific connector involved in "usb pulling solution"
(Sorry the forum prevent me to post link or image)
It seem that this connector was linked in the edge of connection area, not in the middle as the other connector.
So I gently bent the connector upward and reassembled the phone.
After that, the GPS Status reported a signal very high. Never seen a signal so hight before!
The fix was very fast and the accuracy was constantly under 3mt
I'm not an expert, I'm only a normal user. I hope that this thread can help some other like me that need GPS works very well for run, drive and play.
Thank you for this post - I've been fighting with my GPS for months and am about ready to open up the phone too. Any chance you could post the images externally somehow? It would make this a lot easier to follow for me.
Wulfhere said:
Thank you for this post - I've been fighting with my GPS for months and am about ready to open up the phone too. Any chance you could post the images externally somehow? It would make this a lot easier to follow for me.
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I'm trying to post images but the forum reply me in this way:
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
I'm asking to the moderatos if is possible to unlock me.
I will let you know
Anyway... start watching "sony z3 compact disassembly" on youtube. You need some tool to do this without destroy the phone. But trust me, is not so difficult. In particular, take care about the battery door opening.
gepp81 said:
I'm trying to post images but the forum reply me in this way:
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
I'm asking to the moderatos if is possible to unlock me.
I will let you know
Anyway... start watching "sony z3 compact disassembly" on youtube. You need some tool to do this without destroy the phone. But trust me, is not so difficult. In particular, take care about the battery door opening.
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Just add a few 'well done Mr Developer' messages to a few threads, you'll soon get to ten
great news waiting for photos, maybe link to photopucket or something ?
Nice you've fixed it yourself!
gepp81 said:
It seem that this connector was linked in the edge of connection area, not in the middle as the other connector.
So I gently bent the connector upward and reassembled the phone.
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I've already disassembled a plenty of Sony phones (from Xperia X10 pretty much to every single later Sony phone that was available in Poland) and the issue with bent connectors is very very common. I also had this problem in my Xperia PLAY where my WiFi and cellular network connectors were bent and were linked on the edges of the plates.
ALL Connectors
GPS Connector
romcio47 said:
Nice you've fixed it yourself!
I've already disassembled a plenty of Sony phones (from Xperia X10 pretty much to every single later Sony phone that was available in Poland) and the issue with bent connectors is very very common. I also had this problem in my Xperia PLAY where my WiFi and cellular network connectors were bent and were linked on the edges of the plates.
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Do you have a connectors map?
Hell. I had the same problem : suddenly the GPS signal became very weak, almost unable to catch any satellites and degrading over time, so since I still had 1 month warranty I sent it to the repair center and they changed my PBA (which is the motherboard, I believe.) It is now working like a champ again. If I were to get the problem back in a few month, after my warranty expiration, I'll definitively try to do what you did.
Thanks for the info.
gepp81 said:
Do you have a connectors map?
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Unfortunately, no... but I recommend visiting iFixit site where some of the phones are nicely described.
Thanks a milion gepp81!
I ve ordered some replacement parts and tools and I will try to resurrect my z3 gps.
Yarymo said:
Hell. I had the same problem : suddenly the GPS signal became very weak, almost unable to catch any satellites and degrading over time, so since I still had 1 month warranty I sent it to the repair center and they changed my PBA (which is the motherboard, I believe.) It is now working like a champ again. If I were to get the problem back in a few month, after my warranty expiration, I'll definitively try to do what you did.
Thanks for the info.
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Same with me.
I believe that since we got a new imei number e got new warranty. I have to check the law.
Enviado do meu D5803 através de Tapatalk
Can anyone confirm this please? It looks weird to me. According to service manual all antenna connectors are on secondary side of mainboard (accesibble without removing battery, just after opening rear cover and removing that frame around, which has 4 screws, if I remember correctly).
It works
IkE Blaster said:
Can anyone confirm this please? It looks weird to me. According to service manual all antenna connectors are on secondary side of mainboard (accesibble without removing battery, just after opening rear cover and removing that frame around, which has 4 screws, if I remember correctly).
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It works. All the connectors are on one side of the motherboard (not the battery side). The picture gepp81 posted shows the antenna area where the connectors connect to, so not the actual gps connector.
Thanks a lot!
I had absolutely no GPS signal.
After trying every software tweak / wipe / rom.... (I was hopping it was a software issue) I finally tried your solution, straighten all the little contacts, and now my GPS has a wonderful signal!!!
I destroyed my back cover, but it doesn't matter I prefer that than no GPS
Wow, thank you. I can also confirm this. Despite that official service manual says something different.
Previously zero signal at all (23 satellites with 0 SNR), sometime 1 very weak satellite. Now 9 fixed, another 6 visible. Those 15 doesn't have very strong signal, but it's usable.
I am thinking about using some thin wire to improve it (like this: ).
Another successful story here - gps stopped working, i updated my rooted kitkat to slimm 2.4, opened phone, did the connectors trick, but gps was still dead. Then after few days i checked "Device only" in Location settings and GPS came back to life! Now works with "High accuracy" mode as well
lakicamm said:
Another successful story here - gps stopped working, i updated my rooted kitkat to slimm 2.4, opened phone, did the connectors trick, but gps was still dead. Then after few days i checked "Device only" in Location settings and GPS came back to life! Now works with "High accuracy" mode as well
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Also had problems with my gps. First I thought it was water damage. But pulling with the usb connector made it work again.
Did the trick with bending the connector. Now I have signal but is is not very strong.
Is there a way to make the signal stronger?
Is the copper strip the antenna?
Can I replace this with another copper strip that works as a better antenna?
Or .....?
If your gps antenna is somehow damaged, you could fix it using silver paint:
I didnt try it, but friend of mine uses it to fix broken boards on laptops... Should work in phones too
Same problem. I sent my phone to service. They changed motherboard. Now GPS Works perfect. And my warranty is extended for 2 years, because of different motherboard and IME. Thanks Sony, very good service

