E-mail check time??? - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

Is there a posible to check e-mail automatic?
With a PC that is posible but i can noy find this on the Artemis.
Perhaps a idea for a software dev. so he check mail every .. minuts and switch off and on.

Yes you can...
Snuffer said:
Is there a possible to check e-mail automatic?
With a PC that is possible but i cannot find this on the Artemis.
Perhaps a idea for a software dev. so he check mail every .. minutes and switch off and on.
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Hello there,
Yes you can. I have my Artemis set to check and download new emails every 30 minutes from my Hotmail account.
But I had to use 2 software for this.
First I had to use HTTPMail Provider which enables you to check for HTTP mails such as Hotmail.
And secondly I had to use a software called GB-Soft Tweak which disconnects the GPRS as soon as HTTPMail has finished downloading messages.
GB-Soft, after a set amount of time, also disconnects GPRS if you are browsing the net etc.
Its perfect and I couldn't ask for anything more as far as email is concerned.
I used MSN Live for PPC and its good but when downloading email messages with an attachment more than 1 MB, it would time out and display an error.
Hope this helps. If you need more help then PM me and I will be glad to help. I remember when I was desperately looking for a solution to this a few months ago.
PS: If you intend to download messages from a pop3 account such as Gmail and not HTTP then you don't need HTTPMail Provider. In fact you don't need anything. All you have to do is open MESSAGES,MENU,TOOLS,OPTIONS and then select the account you wish to change, then keep selecting OK, until you get to SERVER INFORMATION, here you will see OPTIONS. Click on it and then tick the box where it says CONNECT AND CHECK FOR MESSAGES EVERY: and here you can specify a period of time after which it should connect and download your messages.
I would still recommend GB-Soft Tweak as this is still needed to automatically disconnect from GPRS once pocket outlook has finished checking for messages.

Where can i download GB-Soft Tweak from, and is it free.

Why do you need to disconnect GPRS?

buca said:
Where can i download GB-Soft Tweak from, and is it free.
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bford said:
Why do you need to disconnect GPRS?
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Otherwise your phone bill will be very high...

Yes phone bill will be very high if you dont have an unlimited internet plan from your mobile operator plus leaving GPRS on wastes battery!

Dead Cell said:
Hello there,
Yes you can. I have my Artemis set to check and download new emails every 30 minutes from my Hotmail account.
But I had to use 2 software for this.
First I had to use HTTPMail Provider which enables you to check for HTTP mails such as Hotmail.
And secondly I had to use a software called GB-Soft Tweak which disconnects the GPRS as soon as HTTPMail has finished downloading messages.
GB-Soft, after a set amount of time, also disconnects GPRS if you are browsing the net etc.
Its perfect and I couldn't ask for anything more as far as email is concerned.
I used MSN Live for PPC and its good but when downloading email messages with an attachment more than 1 MB, it would time out and display an error.
Hope this helps. If you need more help then PM me and I will be glad to help. I remember when I was desperately looking for a solution to this a few months ago.
PS: If you intend to download messages from a pop3 account such as Gmail and not HTTP then you don't need HTTPMail Provider. In fact you don't need anything. All you have to do is open MESSAGES,MENU,TOOLS,OPTIONS and then select the account you wish to change, then keep selecting OK, until you get to SERVER INFORMATION, here you will see OPTIONS. Click on it and then tick the box where it says CONNECT AND CHECK FOR MESSAGES EVERY: and here you can specify a period of time after which it should connect and download your messages.
I would still recommend GB-Soft Tweak as this is still needed to automatically disconnect from GPRS once pocket outlook has finished checking for messages.
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Do you have Hotmail Plus setup? (where you pay per year) because i have set up httpmail provider and Poutlook like you said and i get a error saying Payment Required?
Is your hotmail account really old?


Direct Push? Exchange Server?

I am a little confused here. I have a cingular 8125. I have it activesyncd to my two computers (at work and at home) it shows all my events/calendars/task. I also have my email setup, and if i have a wifi connection or GPRS connection, I can check my email.
My question is what is direct push and all that? I just found www. emoze . com that says it will push you contacts and all for you. but i dont understand that. If it connected to my computer wouldn't active sync do that?
On a side note so i dont start a new thread. What is a good Alarm program (lightweight) that woud work
The one on there now...well sucks!
I also have my email setup, and if i have a wifi connection or GPRS connection, I can check my email.
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Thats the difference that DirectPush makes... u don't have to check ur mail, it comes directly to ur phone when it reaches ur server... so no more "send / recieve"... it's OTA n live...
mail2web offers this free of cost too n well, u would know the difference when u use DirectPush... the simple pleasure of having mail arrive at ur handheld without initiating an exchange...
cant help u with ur alarm issue, though... never really felt the need for one...

PushMail with Exchange

I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
Olleman said:
Any ideas?
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Yes, wait for a new ROM. Hopefully will be fixed then...
I have the same problem. Testet the server with MTeoR and 9100, they get the email direct, without the 10 minutes delay.
Go to ActiveSync --> Menu --> Schedule...
Change the settings in "Peak times" and "Off-peak times" to "As items arrive" instead of "Every 10 minutes".
Olleman said:
I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
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Hi Olle
I also have push e-mail enabled on my TyTN and I normally receive my mails just a bit before they arrive in my Outlook Inbox.
Can you check your ActiveSync schedule? Is it really set to "As Items Arrive" or have you set a frequency (every 5 or 10 minutes)?
Also, what ROM version are you using?
Thanks for your answers, I went through all the settings I could find before I posted and I do have active synch and sceduling set to "when items arrive" it was actully my default setting.
My ROM version is:
Swedish language.
I do too, as many others have the same problem with bluetooth stereo sound so I'm looking forward to a new ROM release, perhaps that will solve my 10 minutes delay as well - or could it be some setting on the server?
I have also noticed that my device definetley seems to draw more power with pushmail activated than what it did when I used IMAP4 and looked for new mail every 20 minutes. I always have my 3G/GPRS connection active since I've got flatrate on data.
Could be your Operator's DHCP lease timeout policy that's getting you. You're describing exactly the push email situation that happens when your phone's IP address changes faster than the 7 minute heartbeat. Your description fits right down to the increased power consumption too btw. Try this: check your IP address every 5 minutes or so using www.myipaddress.com to see if its changing. If it is then there's your problem and you need to see if your operator has a plan that provides a DHCP lease timeout that's greater than 7 minutes.
Also, there's an A2DP solution too but it involves buying more headset hardware.....
hm...not that problem either, I seem to have the same IP number as long as my connection is active..
Hi again,
hm....just to add some more information to the subject that perhaps will help someone to see what the problem is...
I tried setting the schedule to every 10 minutes and back again to "when object arrives" (I've got swedish language on the phone so I'm not sure about the exact phrase) to see if the setting somehow had "locked"....same result though. I did however find something peculiar, my phone is synching every 8 minutes the WHOLE time, I've never used push mail before but I assume that it shouldn't behave like that except if I do get an e-mail every 8 minutes - right?
It also says in active synch that it's synching "E-mail 0/1" every time but I seldome have a new mail after this "every 8 minute synch".
Ohh btw, about the A2DP thing, I don't really considder it a fix if one needs to buy new hardware, that's more like going around the problem. I've got the latest Sony Ericsson A2DP Stereo headset and the phone should definetley be able to use it.
Any ideas anyone ?
Best Regards, Olle
hi guys when setting up push mail, will it auto detect if server has latest service pack etc, as i have set mine up and dont have the option for 'as they arrive' under schedule only got manual,5m,10m etc
I think you have a problem with the setup of your infra.
You need to :
*Configure your exchnage to enable Direst push
*Put an HTTP timeout of a least 15 minutes
Take care if you are using Microsoft ISA2000 you need to adapt registry key.
More info please visit www.httpsync.net
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
Yes in fact enabling the push on the exchange side (or your mobile) is quite simple but some strange behaviour can occur...
ie: the direst push is based on http session that must be keep online during 15 minutes...
also the device receive at it FIRST configuration that the Exchange is able to perform direct push if at the time of the configuration the exchnage was not able to perform direct push you have a risk that you would never be inform of the capability so you need to reconfigure your device ...
ISA2000 is not able to relay (by default, without modifiyng the registry) the fatc that you exchange is Direct push enable...
your sysop will found many information on my website here upper.
Olleman said:
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
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Well, my TyTN is sync'ing every 8. minute aswell. But Push is working correctly with MTeoR and 9100 with the same Exchange server.
Guys has anyone got a step by step on setting up push, cause there seem to be options and things that some people leave out, My compnay is trying to test it to see if we should roll it out and microsoft just keep blowing their horn about how great it is and nothing on how to make it work!
Standard Tytn and standard exchange server, starting from scratch.
Also just a note that with the Tytn my boss has handed me and with it in it's current state the schedule option is greyed out, I would ideally like to reset and start again, but it is his one we are testing before we role out XDA mini-s's
OK, problem sorted, looks like the servers I was adding, if i clicked the adanced options it wouldn't save, so now, setting up of a server is done and is syncing.
EDIT; nope, still not syncing up although now I can press the sync button and it actually does something, takes ages , but says 'none' under last sync
Olleman, are you using Office 2007 as well?
I exited Outlook 2007 (beta) and it seems that the typical "syncronize every 8. minute"-thing has stopped.
EDIT: No I'm lying. It had no effect...
8 minute syncs mean the connection is being dropped between your PDA and your Exchange server. Every 7 minutes the PDA side heartbeat wakes up activesync and re-establishes the connection and AUTD syncs your mailbox. Exchange can't send email to you when it arrives because it can't signal your PDA's activesync and tell it to perform an AUTD operation because the existing connection is getting dropped. So it queues the request for the next time the connection gets established.
That being said, there are a number of things that could cause the connection to drop. Since your IP address appears to be stable, that isn't one of them and your next step is firewall timeouts. As has been stated earlier, if your Exchange system has an ISA as its front end then the heartbeat timeout has to be increased from its default value using the indicated links.
I actually implemented mine w/o an ISA by enabling http proxy on the front end server. So, the only device in my way is our Checkpoint firewall which has a 30 minute https timeout (no issues). You might also have to check your own firewall timeout settings for https (or http if, God forbid, that is your connection).
Also: the date and time are correct on your PDA right?
OK, now that I have the server there, thought it might work, but no go, can anyone give more details on what i should do?
Well, I have T-mobile and if I use the default t-mobile ROM. I can sync with all but email. I set up an exchange server without ssl so I can use the $4.99 tzones plan, (HTTP only). :lol:
Works fine if you hard reset and do not allow their ext rom crap to load by soft resetting after the hard reset.
Without their limited, BULL S*&##T, attempt at making more money by charging you extra just to use the Server Activesync functions, ,,, ya, stuff that is in WM5 and works fine by default, bastards.
Anyway, try to softreset after doing to pen alignment stuff, after a hard reset, before it loads the ext rom programs, and ServerActivesync will work, or use another ROM.
Settle down, Beavis :lol:

Automatic Outlook Mail/Exchange Synchronizer [rk-OSR] [Latest Update: 15 OCT 2007]

rk-OSR version 1.0.10 Automatic windows mobile outlook mail and exchange active synchronizer.
Here is a application I developed for my personal use now sharing with you all for non commercial use.
I basically use this utility to check emails from multiple email accounts from my windows mobile device using the wifi, gprs networks
You can even perform Exchange Active Sync too!
Feature list
Works on windows mobile 5 and 6.
Can sync up multiple email accounts at multiple schedules setup.
Can perform Exchange Active Sync.
Connect using: Wi-Fi only, Wi-Fi if not GPRS, Manual Wi-Fi, Gprs Only or Existing connection(USB)
Switch off GPRS/3G after sync
Option not to sync during Saturdays and Sundays
Get notified on emails or failed attempts
Get notified with custum sound(wav files).
Keeps device 'Alive' till all the accounts have been synchronized.
Supports 'Silent' mode.
Supports command line initiation.
Supports one touch* email checking(one touch on the shortcut connects to wi-fi network and switches between accounts and synchronizes and then hangs up wi-fi)
Can be set to sync only if device sleeping.
Does not write anything to registry.
Does not run in background.(works on notifications)
You can uninstall the application from ‘Remove programs’ and delete the application directory.
Install the cab file attached below
After installation launch the program rk-OSR from the programs and go thru each tab page to configure it and finally save the settings (make sure the Enable check box is checked) test the functionality if working properly. Then close the application. Now the sync should happen at next specified schedule.
*One touch synchronization: A Very good feature for people checking mail manually, so that you do not have to switch accounts and click the sync menu each time or start/stop wifi etc, just one click to do that now. You can also assign this shortcut to hardware buttons. The new install adds a new program icon called ‘rk-OSR-Now’ to your programs list. But you need to do the following procedure done before attempting ‘rk-OSR-Now’ shortcut.
You should configure the ‘rk-OSR’, and make sure it is working properly and you are able to synchronize your accounts properly.
You must edit the shortcut, rk-OSR-Now; add additional text “Now” without quotes. Basically your target should read as below
"\Program Files\rk-OSR\rk-OSR.exe" Now
Hope it is simple to configure.
I have been using it on TyTn with WM6.
By the way this is my first WM application!
Following command lines supported
"\Program Files\rk-OSR\rk-OSR.exe" Now ---> Checks the mail manually
"\Program Files\rk-OSR\rk-OSR.exe" Enable --> Enables the rk-OSR
"\Program Files\rk-OSR\rk-OSR.exe" Disable --> Disables the rk-OSR
Update: 1.0.10
Added better file browser to locate the *.wav files
Fixed the bug with the 'Wait time to Sync'
Email.zip is a sound wav file 'You got mail' (ofcourse female voice! )
Note: this application requires Compact Framework 2.0
You need compact framework 2.0 installed inorder to run this application. The compact framework is already part of WM6, so if your device is WM6 skip this step. But most of the WM5 devices do not have this update. So you must download here and run the installation on your desktop (then active sync to update your device). Only after completing this step install the application.
New: If you want 'Push Like Mail' support please follow the application link to rk-SMS Switch
How to info for rk-SMS Swich with rk-OSR here
If you like the application please show your support by donation on Paypal
Download from here
Looks like this post of mine pushed down too fast because of the WM6 release(Wrong timing )
So i am just bumping my post up.
Anyone has any feedback?
I have synchronization problems whith gprs connection and activesync.
I try it you software....
Thank you.
Aslher said:
I have synchronization problems whith gprs connection and activesync.
I try it you software....
Thank you.
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If you have synchronization problems already the rk-OSR might not work for you.
rk-OSR just schedules the outlook synchonizations, all the sync logic is on the outlook, not in rk-OSR
First you have to fix the problem with your sync, then only you could use rk-OSR
rk-OSR Update 1.0.1(One touch sync)
Please read the first post for the updated information and the cab file.
tytnguy - I'll try the app and get back here.
the idea sounds solid and do sync manually, so thx for the app allready
Keep up the good work in making life better for everyone
Update 1.0.2
There was a bug..
If you used Wifi to sync then any subsequent attempt to switch on wifi using the communication manager would fail(till soft reset )
Its fixed in version 1.0.2 now
I'm not sure why this app is not getting more attention, i mean syncing over wi-fi, isnt that what everyone has been cribbing out ever since AS4/WM5 came out??
neways, thnx for the app, will try it out..
let me see if I understand this app correctly before testing it :
At a given schedule it will turn on wifi
disconnect wifi
Right ?
What if im not at home at the time, so dont have wifi, will it default to GPRS ?
What happens to the schedule I have allready set in activesync ?
Right now i have just scheduled in active synch. So it uses either wifi provided I turned it on when i got home or if not turned on, GPRS.
damase said:
let me see if I understand this app correctly before testing it :
At a given schedule it will turn on wifi
disconnect wifi
Right ?
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Yes It does.
damase said:
What if im not at home at the time, so dont have wifi, will it default to GPRS ?
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Right now i do not have that functionality, but I will look in to that possiblilty
damase said:
Right now i have just scheduled in active synch. So it uses either wifi provided I turned it on when i got home or if not turned on, GPRS.
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I am not clear on the above. Can you explain a bit more?
Hi there tytnguy, I've got a question:
I'd like to use your app; I have an exchange account for work; but for my private mail I use the Outlook Mobile. The problem is that when I set it to sync every 30 minutes or so; it keeps doing that during the night; waking me (an the misses) every time someone tries to sell me Viagra, Russian brides or weight-loss pills.
The times you enter in the "schedule-tab"; are those the exact times that the app will sync? Or are those the times between which the "outlook-Mobile schedule" will be active?
BTW: looks brilliant for a first-timer!
stynos said:
Hi there tytnguy, I've got a question:
....waking me (an the misses) every time someone tries to sell me Viagra, Russian brides or weight-loss pills.
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I know its not funny
stynos said:
Hi there tytnguy, I've got a question:
The times you enter in the "schedule-tab"; are those the exact times that the app will sync? Or are those the times between which the "outlook-Mobile schedule" will be active?
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Exact time on which you want the schedule to occur.
Thank you
tytnguy said:
Exact time on which you want the schedule to occur.
Thank you
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Thanks for the quick reply!
Do you mean the time the sync will occur?
stynos said:
Thanks for the quick reply!
Do you mean the time the sync will occur?
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Sorry about the typo.
I meant to say 'Exact time the synchronization will occur'
Quick answer.. Yes
tytnguy said:
Yes It does.
Right now i do not have that functionality, but I will look in to that possiblilty
Right now i have just scheduled in active synch. So it uses either wifi provided I turned it on when i got home or if not turned on, GPRS.
I am not clear on the above. Can you explain a bit more?
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Sure, in active sync, in the email properties you can say check for new mail every 4 hours or2 hours etc.., and determine settiings for peek, and off peek days/times.
It then checks if i have new email according to this, using either wifi provided I leave it on, or gprs if wifi is off.
tytnguy said:
Sorry about the typo.
I meant to say 'Exact time the synchronization will occur'
Quick answer.. Yes
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Brilliant! I just had it sync; works like a charm!
The only thing: the device wakes up. Any change of performing the actions in the background? So the screen doesn't come on?
damase said:
... or gprs if wifi is off.
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Are you able to setup the network configurations to use Wifi and if not available then to use GPRS?
I am not able to do it on my TyTn?
I dont think I setup anything specific really...
If Wifi is avaialble and the phone is connected to my acees point at home it uses wifi to connect to the internet and so on
If its not, it goes through connecting to the net via GPRS
Im running WM6 by the way.
damase said:
I dont think I setup anything specific really...
If Wifi is avaialble and the phone is connected to my acees point at home it uses wifi to connect to the internet and so on
If its not, it goes through connecting to the net via GPRS
Im running WM6 by the way.
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You only use exchange?
yes only exchange

POP3 Problem : E-Mail cannot Sync

Can anyone or has anyone successfully set up and sync'd to a pop3 acct with their HD yet???
I use the same settings as on my desktop computer and get a message in outlook
"Outlook cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your email settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again".
This cannot be, I am connected VIA wifi, I can browse the Internet ( using Opera ) and made sure the password was correct ( pullin' out the Stylus )
Any SOlutions ???
You do know pop3 messages are not left on the server after you downloaded them on your desktop, don't you? So unless you have checked the option to leave a copy on the server in your e-mail client you cannot download messages again.
For a more conenient use you should get an imap mail server. With imap the messages are server based, so whatever you do with the messages in your mail client (mark them as read, delete them) will happen to them on your mail server. This way you can have the same messages on every device you use to view them (desktop, phone, laptop).
Thats not IT
chr5s11 said:
You do know pop3 messages are not left on the server after you downloaded them on your desktop, don't you? So unless you have checked the option to leave a copy on the server in your e-mail client you cannot download messages again.
For a more conenient use you should get an imap mail server. With imap the messages are server based, so whatever you do with the messages in your mail client (mark them as read, delete them) will happen to them on your mail server. This way you can have the same messages on every device you use to view them (desktop, phone, laptop).
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Yes, I am very much educated in the process of retrieving an email. but even if My Inbox was empty, I would get an empty INBOX, not an error message.
This is just a guess but how are your network choices set for Outlook, ie Work ISP etc?
Are you on contract or PAYG? I've never been able to use my phone's IMAP or POP3 client, regardless of model, due to the way that PAYG WAP works...
unless 'syncing' with pop three is different from what I think, I have accessed my pop3 account without hassle on my xda2i. (not bought the HD just yet )
I've used it with IOL and GMAIL wthout too much hassle on PAYG vodafone UK gprs.
This is my config :
I am on T-Mobile WNW - Free Internet HSDPA, ( I have unlocked the content restrictions to view all websites )
I have the following pop3 Settings:
Email : [email protected]
Your Name : Name Here
Account Display Name ( Greyed out ) : Name Here
Incoming Mail Server : [email protected]
User Name : [email protected]
pwd : ********
Save Password : Checked
Outgoing SMTP ( Requires Auth & Use same usr name and PWD )
Network Connnection : T-Mobile Internet
AutoMatic Receive : 2hrs
Message Type : HTML
This is the total config, It is exactly the same as my outlook on windows XP machine, which can sync. I am however unable to on my phone.
I am asking if anyone who has a HTC Touch HD has successfully setup a pop3 yet ????
I has a similar problem and I am on T-Mobile,
I unchecked the proxy option in Setting / Connections / Proxy Settings and it seems to work now
In network connections you have T-mobile as the internet access network?
He stated that he is using WiFi, the internet connection setting should not be relevant. The proxy setting mentioned by tombradshaw above may be problem.
I'm having the same exact problem, using the internet connection, did anyone find a solution for this pls?
faw+ said:
I'm having the same exact problem, using the internet connection, did anyone find a solution for this pls?
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The solution is already posted as well on other threads.
Turn off the proxy server option and it'll work.
No that didn't make it for me
The asnwer is very simple
your setting:
Email : [email protected]
should be:
Email : example (without the rest the account knows this from the POP and SMTP )
This should make your email to work!
Has anyone come up with a solution for this yet? I am trying to connect to a pop3 e-mail account belonging to a privately owned domain and have everything set up in the same way to the original poster, except I am connecting via my provider's (Orange UK) data tariff.
My Internet connection does not have a proxy specified, I can connect to a hotmail account without issue, and I know all of the details are correct as I have just set them up fresh on a different computer.
Any suggestions not already mentioned will be appreciated as I have read through the entire thread and none of the suggestions so far have led to me being able to connect.
The message I receive is:
Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again.
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Is there really no one out there who knows how to solve this? I really don't want to be stuck using hotmail when I am travelling half way around the world
I also have the same problem:
While my first pop email account works fine, the second (pop.gmx.de) doesn´t synchronize any more. For the first two weeks everything worked fine, but a couple of days ago, the second mail accoutn stopped working.
Of course I checked the logon data sevral times, re-entered the complete data as a new account, soft-reseted my Touch HD, etc.
I also checked the same POP mail account at the same time from my notebook without any problems - so it cannot be a server problem.
Strange: When I you the web interface from GMX it tells me that there have been several unsuccessful logon attemtps to my account.
So it seems as if the Touch HD scrumbles the POP password, that I re-entered unnumbered times.
Any ideas or solutions to this?
lumi74 said:
I also have the same problem:
While my first pop email account works fine, the second (pop.gmx.de) doesn´t synchronize any more. For the first two weeks everything worked fine, but a couple of days ago, the second mail accoutn stopped working.
Of course I checked the logon data sevral times, re-entered the complete data as a new account, soft-reseted my Touch HD, etc.
I also checked the same POP mail account at the same time from my notebook without any problems - so it cannot be a server problem.
Strange: When I you the web interface from GMX it tells me that there have been several unsuccessful logon attemtps to my account.
So it seems as if the Touch HD scrumbles the POP password, that I re-entered unnumbered times.
Any ideas or solutions to this?
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My GMX worked perfectly for months, but since 2 weeks its exactly the same like you describe it. Yahoo still working without any problems. Seems GMX changed something on their servers
6Fg8 said:
My GMX worked perfectly for months, but since 2 weeks its exactly the same like you describe it. Yahoo still working without any problems. Seems GMX changed something on their servers
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Yep. For me too. Since a few days my gmx won't work...
As for the GMX account not working, i tried it again today without changing anything in settings. Just hit send/receive - worked like a charm!

Can anybody help with the email problem

I keep having issues with receiving email (IMAP), i have a non branded x1 and from the start i had problems with this, now im running 5.01 from itje but on all roms i had this problem.
When i press send/receive i get these 2 following errors:
messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct.
cannot connect to the incoming mail server. Be certain that your login information is correct, then try again to send and receive mail.
Some times i have to press send/receive 5 times before i receive any mail, and i always have a stable internet connection (3G/HSDPA) when i try.
The problem isn't related to Gmail what i first thought, because i have another IMAP account (my own domain) and the same happends to this account.
Anybody know how i can fix this?
Btw: i have searched everywhere but nobody knows what the problem is related to or how to fix this.
which rom have you using ?
As stated above, im currently using itje's Touch-IT v5.01 but i had this problem with the original rom and all other roms ive tried.
I know there is a bug with sending emails. But there is a fix for that. Search for smtpfix (or something). Receiving email through pop or imap should be working fine.
Cenobite_ said:
I know there is a bug with sending emails. But there is a fix for that. Search for smtpfix (or something). Receiving email through pop or imap should be working fine.
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Yup i know, i found that fix for sending mail.. But i have problems with receiving it....
FalkenX said:
Yup i know, i found that fix for sending mail.. But i have problems with receiving it....
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IMAP and Exchange are working fine for me. You can check the following:
1. Whether IMAP connection is allowed in your gmail account.
2. You should download emails using wifi or ActiveSync connections for the first time.
3. Or you can reduce email size and download period shorter such as the past 3 days.
4. I recommend using stock rom for stability. Cooked roms are fast but they have problems with stability.
5. I am sure there are no problem with Xperia stock rom, as I have been using both exchange and imap for 3 months now.
htainlin said:
IMAP and Exchange are working fine for me. You can check the following:
1. Whether IMAP connection is allowed in your gmail account.
2. You should download emails using wifi or ActiveSync connections for the first time.
3. Or you can reduce email size and download period shorter such as the past 3 days.
4. I recommend using stock rom for stability. Cooked roms are fast but they have problems with stability.
5. I am sure there are no problem with Xperia stock rom, as I have been using both exchange and imap for 3 months now.
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At first thanks for your answer, but i had the same problem with the stock rom, after that the same problem with EVERY rom i used..
1: IMAP is on, i use IMAP for more then 2 years now
2: Is that really necessary? I have never seen then, but will try to set the account up again and receive over wifi the first time
3: Ive allready reduced the size to 2 kb and only for the past 3 days
Im a really the only one with this problem? Pretty wierd since my internet is working great, only sending and receiving mail gives errors..
Does your imap server mandate you use tls or some sort of authentication? I remember I needed to import the server certificates in Windows Mobile. Can you look at the log file on the imap server?
Cenobite_ said:
Does your imap server mandate you use tls or some sort of authentication? I remember I needed to import the server certificates in Windows Mobile. Can you look at the log file on the imap server?
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No this is not needed, not for Gmail and not for my own domain.
Ive tried what htanlin said, i connected through wifi and now i have no problems at all, send/receive without any problems..
Now im going to switch back to 3G...... lets see what happends!
Nope, didn't work either..
When i switched back to 3G it worked once to send/receive, which got me 4 new headers..
When i tried to send/receive again to download the emails i got this message again:
messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct.
So i cant send/receive email while im on mobile internet
This is so wierd, on my iphone i have no problem at all to receive email from any IMAP account while im on 3G......
HI falkenX, sorry, I might be barking up the wrong tree.
I had a similar problem, have you checked the imap and smtp server addresses? I know on itje's 5.04 ROM, the Gmail defaults to imap.gmail.com, but I've always used imap.googlemail.com (and smtp.googlemail.com). After I changed them to these I stopped getting those errors.
kinnyfaifai said:
HI falkenX, sorry, I might be barking up the wrong tree.
I had a similar problem, have you checked the imap and smtp server addresses? I know on itje's 5.04 ROM, the Gmail defaults to imap.gmail.com, but I've always used imap.googlemail.com (and smtp.googlemail.com). After I changed them to these I stopped getting those errors.
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Tried that just now, still the same error:
Messages cannot be downloaded etc.
did you try the network enchancement with sktools ?
Tylwith said:
did you try the network enchancement with sktools ?
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No, whats that?
Sounds like a problem with the IMAP server of your email service(s). Try again in a few days?
Sfkn2 said:
Sounds like a problem with the IMAP server of your email service(s). Try again in a few days?
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In a few days? LOL i live of my emails m8!
And it cant be a problem with the imap server since it does work when im connected through wifi or another phone..
Its only not working on 3G, the main reason i use my phone, besides calling offcourse ..
You could consider using a different email client. I gave up on the windows mobile standard client. Using qmail now. It works like a charm and it's free!
Cenobite_ said:
You could consider using a different email client. I gave up on the windows mobile standard client. Using qmail now. It works like a charm and it's free!
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Maybe i have to indeed, but do you still get a notification when you receive any mail?
select your account, then go to settings.
select "edit account setup"
click next, until you reach the screen w/ the outgoing mail server prompts.
click on "advanced server settings"
try unticking require SSL for both incoming and outgoing..
but more likely, for "network connection", instead of having it on "internet" (which I think is default), select your actual data connection that you use.
mrbkkt1 said:
select your account, then go to settings.
select "edit account setup"
click next, until you reach the screen w/ the outgoing mail server prompts.
click on "advanced server settings"
try unticking require SSL for both incoming and outgoing..
but more likely, for "network connection", instead of having it on "internet" (which I think is default), select your actual data connection that you use.
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I have tried both with/without SSL on/off..
And i have tried both selected "The Internet" and "GPRS Internet"
All resulted in the same errors..

