Very poor playback of video on p3600 (trinity) - P3600 General

Hi all.
I have a Trinity since just a couple of days and I´m very happy with everything about it, except for one huge thing that will make me get rid of it if it´s not solved shortly.
The problem is that for some reason I can´t watch divx movies or listen to mp3 files thru the standard player I´ve always used in windows mobile phones all the way back to the qtek s100. I use TCPMP (former Betaplayer) and I encode with PocketDivXEncover as usual. When I try to watch the movie I only get a very distortet image with a lot of pixels and strange colors, and very distorted and wierd sound for a couple of seconds, and then the screen goes black?! I still have my Qtek 9100 with the exact same program in it so I transferred the same exact video files to that phone and tried them, and they work and play perfectly and smoothly as they should. So obviously there is nothing wrong with the program or the video files, so what could be wrong?! I thought it might be something with the program then so I tried installing DivXPlayer and CorePlayer, but the same issues are there as well. Doesn´t work.
It´s totally fine to play mp3 files thru the built in windows media player, then they play just fine, and it´s also fine to play wmv video files thru media player.. But the wmv format is simply way too bad to watch movies on such a good screen. Divx is way better and I just can´t understand why this new and expensive product can´t play back divx files when all my old pocket pc and windows mobile phone of several years back can handle it with no problems at all.
I´ve tried searching around but havn´t found any sollution to the problem or what is causing it, just others with the same problems. Please help, I really don´t want to get rid of this phone as I think it has everything I could possibly want except for this major problem!!

same here i have the same problem, apparently if you select RAW buffer or something like that it sorts it, not got round to it yet, too much else to experiment on!
for video though i use "total video converter" & select "mobile mpg4" 320x240 500kbits/s and they play perfectly in media player

Ok, I´ve tried all the settings in TCPMP, putting it in directraw and everything, I can quite ok picture if I do that, but the sound still doesn´t work properly. It plays for a couple of seconds, then distorts in a wierd way and then stops playing even thou the video is still playing..
I´ll try the program and settings you stated and see if the result is satisfactry. I´ve never been able to get the same quality with wmv as with divx, so that´s why I don´t like wmv as a video format, escpecially on such a large and good screen and the trinity has.

steeth said:
Ok, I´ve tried all the settings in TCPMP, putting it in directraw and everything, I can quite ok picture if I do that, but the sound still doesn´t work properly. It plays for a couple of seconds, then distorts in a wierd way and then stops playing even thou the video is still playing..
I´ll try the program and settings you stated and see if the result is satisfactry. I´ve never been able to get the same quality with wmv as with divx, so that´s why I don´t like wmv as a video format, escpecially on such a large and good screen and the trinity has.
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there is a file around here which may solve your problem. Please use the search function...

Ok, just tried Total Video Converter with the settings you described, and it´s actually quite ok with the mp4 format. But still not as good as divx, can still see some pixel artefacts, but a lot better than the wmv format. So I guess until someone comes up with an explanation and sollution to the divx problem I´ll have to stick with mp4..
Thanks for your tip!

I am using PV Player that came with Orange, no problems here.


Any fix for full screen video on JasJar WMP

Is there any hack to gain full screen picture on the universal JasJar yet?
Reghack? If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Dude, you HAVE to switch to TCPMP! It's free, WAY better than WM, and plays a LOAD more codecs! COMPLETE no brainer once u know. Enjoy
True about TCPMP, but there are a number of services that use WMP. For instance, the popular online TV sharing tool Orb uses it for viewing programs. I don't believe TCPMP can be used in place of WMP for stuff like that.
Can you get orb to work at all on the jasjar i get an error when i try to play any video or music file says file is corrupt or not supported by windows media player
Mikee4fun said:
Is there any hack to gain full screen picture on the universal JasJar yet?
Reghack? If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
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Funny thing that. Encode your own video and it won't play full screen, however record a video on the jasjar @32x240 resolution and WMP happily plays it in full screen mode. I don't think a hack is needed as much as a bug-fix (as you rightly state in your subject header)!! :roll:
JASJAR Full Screen Video
I disagree, any play back of videos created by the jasjar do not play back in full screen mode, they dont even take in full screen mode. I always have this tiny little square inside a big screen.
Re: JASJAR Full Screen Video. Works for me.
simon_darley said:
I disagree, any play back of videos created by the jasjar do not play back in full screen mode, they dont even take in full screen mode. I always have this tiny little square inside a big screen.
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Sorry to hear that simon_darley. Have you upgraded to the latest ROM? If yes, I can't help you, but if no, then you should do that first. Either way, I was merely posting my experience.
If I record video on my Jasjar @ 'Large (320x240)' in 'MPEG-4' format, I can play it back full screen in WMP no probs at all!
Re: JASJAR Full Screen Video. Works for me.
mackaby007 said:
If I record video on my Jasjar @ 'Large (320x240)' in 'MPEG-4' format, I can play it back full screen in WMP no probs at all!
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Me too. I'm on the latest ROM too, and there was a release note regarding full screen video that came with that ROM. I didn't read it very carefully, cause I too use TCPMP, but I think that's when it was fixed?
here are my settings:
perferct video and audio quality::::
640x450 screen size @ 15 fps and 300kb video bitrate and 90 kb video bitrate done as wmv format by tmpgenc 3.0.... for memory saving ive got 80 music vids on my 2gb sd card
if i wanna watch an avi or mpeg i use tcmp player with the original divx/mpeg coded videofile downloaded from the net
what file should i d/l ?!?
I'm buying the JasJar and i didn't quite understand what files i need to d/l.
anyone ?
"" if you want the .cab files which you copy to your JasJar and install locally.
"tcpmp.setup.0.66.exe" if you want to connect your JasJar to your computer via ActiveSync and run the .exe from the desktop to install it.
10x sub

Videos.. They just won't work!!

Hi all, firstly I've used the search function and failed to find anything on the subject.. I'm blaming vb's generally bad search engine!
Anyway, I'm having a problem running videos I've encoded on my Vario II. I've encoded them using Pocket DivX Encoder and they still don't work. On my phone I have installed Divx, PCPMP, Pocket MVP, and WMP obviously. So far, all I've managed to get to kind of work is one video which doesn't play in WMP, but plays in all the others.. well, when I mean play, has sound which is ok, skips now and then and the video is either all black or just shows the very first frame and goes weird.
Where am I going wrong? Are there specific settings I should use with PocketDivXencoder? Should I use a different program?
I used to use Virtual Dub a while ago when encoding videos for my Iriver h300, but wouldn't know what settings to use to get vids to play on my vario II..
Also, with the syncing, I can get it to sync, but WMP10 just doesn't want to sync.. so I can't do the videos that way. And I'm not installing WMP11!
Thanks! This is driving me mad.
jamiepyrite said:
Hi all, firstly I've used the search function and failed to find anything on the subject.. I'm blaming vb's generally bad search engine!
Anyway, I'm having a problem running videos I've encoded on my Vario II. I've encoded them using Pocket DivX Encoder and they still don't work. On my phone I have installed Divx, PCPMP, Pocket MVP, and WMP obviously. So far, all I've managed to get to kind of work is one video which doesn't play in WMP, but plays in all the others.. well, when I mean play, has sound which is ok, skips now and then and the video is either all black or just shows the very first frame and goes weird.
Where am I going wrong? Are there specific settings I should use with PocketDivXencoder? Should I use a different program?
I used to use Virtual Dub a while ago when encoding videos for my Iriver h300, but wouldn't know what settings to use to get vids to play on my vario II..
Also, with the syncing, I can get it to sync, but WMP10 just doesn't want to sync.. so I can't do the videos that way. And I'm not installing WMP11!
Thanks! This is driving me mad.
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Don't know what you looked up but it wasn't for example TCPMP or Core Player or Raw Frame Buffer etc etc etc using the advanced search options to select Hermes forum (important with this issue to specify Hermes). I think you'll find there's oodles of info - not all good but oodles all the same

audio video sync

Hi guys loving my Ameo, had it 5 Weeks now, read all the posts about video problems, I have a great picture with tcpmp, the only trouble about 5 minutes into a video and the audio video goes way out of sync, I have tryed everything with tcpmp, no luck am i missing somthing, anybody got the same problems.
johnwalk said:
Hi guys loving my Ameo, had it 5 Weeks now, read all the posts about video problems, I have a great picture with tcpmp, the only trouble about 5 minutes into a video and the audio video goes way out of sync, I have tryed everything with tcpmp, no luck am i missing somthing, anybody got the same problems.
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I have the same problem with Windows Media play WMV's, the longer i watch the vid the more out of sync it seems to gets, normally the audio comes after the video, and the time just keeps increasing. then when i press pause. the video stops instantly and the audio carries on until it catches up.
However, if i plug the advantage in to the power surpply it doesn't seem to be as bad. It makes me think that it is due to the CPU speed, mentioned in
But if anyone has any ideas about how to keep it in sync it would be appricated.
ive tried it with the power cable plugged in. still losing sync. just stopping and starting it corrects sync problem. i have now tried a number of rips. all converted in different formats. resolutions and bit rates still lose sync. anybody got any ideas
same problem here..anybody who knows how to solve this problem?
Lestat79 said:
same problem here..anybody who knows how to solve this problem?
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which version of TCPMP are you using?
doesnt matter which i use,even with coreplayer it goes out of sync
this problem i did not have with mda pro
im affraid this is all to do with the ati chipset and tcpmp, until a fix is found this is going to happen. the best i can get is about 4 minutes. and ive tried most variations in frame size, rate, and bit rate, even files which play at 120% still lose sync.
i went back to watching movies on my psp partly because of this and also as the picture quality is much better as well!
Strange. I use TCPMP to watch all the films and TV shows I download from torrents, and they all play fine. I've never had any problems with the sound going out of sync.
I also never have any out of sync problem. This device rocks for video playback, by my standard. I do lots of youtube and downloaded movies, and the picture is really really good with TCPMP.
I converted a dvd movie to avi 1400MB(high settings) and with this video i have no out of sync.Very strange is with 700mb divx xvid movies its going out of sync.
I've the sync problem too in coreplayer and tcpmp.
AgentBignose said:
I've the sync problem too in coreplayer and tcpmp.
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is it not possible to get codecs to add to pocket media player so it will play divx etc? As far as i know media player supports the graphics chip so performance should be better
leoni1980 said:
is it not possible to get codecs to add to pocket media player so it will play divx etc? As far as i know media player supports the graphics chip so performance should be better
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if it was possible , someone would have done it woudnt they?
this problem is one of the major sucky things about this device
Posting to an old post, I know, but as I'm also having the audio/video sync problems, I thought I'd ask everybody that DOESN'T have the problem if they'd be so kind as to specify their EXACT settings.
In my case I'm using Core player.
Under Video I'm using ATI Imageon, Video quality = High, Smooth zoom = on, Dither = ticked and Accelaration = unticked (I have problems with it ticked)
Under Advanced I've even ticked Override AVI timing based on Audio, but no difference. I've also changed the A/V offset to -0.45 seconds, as per another post relating to this issue, with no result.
Under buffering my normal buffer size is 4192, set to preload at 70% underrun, with preload for audio set at 65 KB.
I've ticked Microdrive mode. with the buffer size being 16000 KB and the starting point being 1472 KB

My Diamond plays no videos anymore!?!?

the phone played it befor, then after I deinstalled some software, it doesnt play any videos at all anymore!
It only shows a black screen and plays the sound!
Only the TCPM plays videos..
What should i do??
You need the correct codecs to play certain formats.
What exactly did you uninstall?
i have the same stupid problem....
i cant play video on youtube....
i thought that i need a codecs but i dont know which one....
note:as far as i remember youtube worked perfectly a week before
I've got the same problem,
I think it's to do with Coreplayer or TCPMP, once I installed these programs, Youtube videos wouldn't show any video only sound.
Because I use Coreplayer quite a lot, i haven't tried uninstalling yet. But I'll try it and use memmaid to clean the registry and see if that works...
hope you find something....
anyone experience thiss too?...... any videos i've taken with the camera won't play in the normal player, ie select the video from TF3D and press play, i get sound and no video again. The file will play through coreplayer though...
anyone else with the youtube problem get this aswell?
kareem9nba said:
You need the correct codecs to play certain formats.
What exactly did you uninstall?
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I know that!
Only the Videos, wich i made with the kamera for example!
I Deleted now the whole memory! And nothing happend! Still the videos are not showing!
The problem is within the Windows Media Player, and I cant find a CAB, to reinstall this! Or at least install the standart codecs new!
So? Noone can help me?!?!
I really do not know what i should do!
I hardreseted the phone again, but nothing happens! Only a black sreen and sound is comming up..
Please someone!
i tried to install youtube but no luck still the black screen....
i cant play my own recorded video with the default windows media player...
i searched and found that TCPMP is the reason
we need to reinstall the codec...
any help???
Yes, one way, to reinstall the Windows Media Player or the other way would be, to reinstall the codecs.. But I've not found any cab (not on the phone storage nor on the internet)..
HELP!! I really would like to watch videos again!
install Coreplayer
ucxoq said:
install Coreplayer
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It wouldnt be an solution for me.. I want to watch videos I took, over the TouchFLO.. And I don't want to open an 3rd Party app..
But however, I've installed the software..
And, the screen is even black in this software!!!
Please, could someone help me?!?! I really dont know what to do!
I'm searching for hours!
i tried lot of cab...
i think the only way to get it working again is to hard reset

Video, What am I doing wrong.

I have tried several trials on video converters and no matter what I do I get great picture but the voice is way behind.
How do I get the voice to catch up with the film. ( sorry I know it is not techy language)
I use MediaCoder to transcode video. It's free.
The even got the iPod Edition which u can use for simplicity reason.
Thank you, can you tell me what settings you have used on that programme.
Core player, THE best media player you can get imo.
Will even play .mkv!!!
mightycaz said:
Core player, THE best media player you can get imo.
Will even play .mkv!!!
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He is talking about encoding the movie.
You can try Windows Media Encoder (from Microsoft).
It's also free, and does a good job on encoding movies.
hi guys,
i seem to be having the same problem with the whole audio and video out of sync. i have tried a range of format eg. wmv, mp4, 3gp etc but all are about half a second out of sync. i have even tried core player and tmpcp but with no luck. did anybody else have this problem and manage to fix it? any help will be much appreciated
I use the HTC Touch HD Video Converter which is very good. He is especially for WVGA 800 x 480 screens, and the quality of the movie is very good.
HTC Touch HD Video Converter v1.21
I have not (yet) seen the problem with the sound you describe here.
I use DVDFab6 since a while, originally to convert videos to my iPod, but now also to my HD2.
I have a Touch Diamond too, but the screen is a bit too small to watch for longer time and it drains the batteries also very fast. I haven't tried yet fully, but my first tests show me I can do 3-4 hrs of video on one battery and still have enough power left to use it as a phone. Which is very useful if you have to do a lot of short flights.
I use the PS3 settings in DVDFab6 and adjust the display to 800x444 size, depending on the original size. I found that I can not play them directly from Mediaplayer, but if I click on them in the FileExplorer they start playing without any problem.
BTW, also the iPod m4v files play nicely without delays on the HD2
Yeah i have the same problem, the video/audio file is perfect on my pc but about half a second out of each other on my HD2. You can adjust the audio/video sync in core player but it shouldn't be happening in the first place.
hi guys, thanks for your help. i called htc tech support but all they were able to say was perform a hard reset, which sadly didnt fix the problem! even mp4 videos downloaded straight from the net have the same problem. such a shame because apart from that its an amazing phone. will keep trying and post up if i have any luck
I just tried the one that Braakie suggested and although it converted my 700Mb AVI film to a 500Mb MPEG 4 film, when i tried to copy it to my SD card on my HD2 it said the MPEG 4 format wasn't supported. Can someone enlighten me as to what formats are supported and/or what movie player they use.
I'm having the same audio sync issues as others here. I'm encoding using handbrake and when I play it back on the PC it is perfectly in sync. However when I play it back on the HD2 using the HTC video player the audio lags slightly but noticeably behind the video. When I copy it to my wife's Touch HD it plays fine, so it seems to be a problem with the HD2 software.
I'm running the stock Vodafone 1.43 ROM with all hotfixes applied. Will a ROM update fix this? Anyone else with this ROM having/not having this problem?
I'd be very grateful for any input.
Somewhere on XDA is Chainfire's video driver update (or a reference to it) which you should find and install to help overcome the lip synch issue.
If you can't find it using Search... then go onto the Modaco site and its there somewhere under the Toshiba TG01 device.
Good hunting.
Thanks for your help - I've found the driver here:
However, as far as I can see that's a 3D OpenGL driver and not something that I would expect to affect video/audio synchronisation. Unless, of course, you had the same problem and this fixed it for you? I don't really want to mess about with video drivers unless I'm sure it will fix it.
I was a little dubious and cautious myself but installing the driver did seem to make a difference, sufficient for me not to notice it as much.
Installation is a personal choice. You might want to make a full backup of your device using, say, SPB Backup, before you install. That way you can do hard reset and restore if you don't like the driver.
All the best,
I have the same problem with youtube vids too, just had a replacement hd2, but it's just the same, skyfire, coreplayer, youtube you name it, audio lags the video...
Real pain in the butt for a device who's main feature is a huge screen...!!!
wacky.banana said:
I was a little dubious and cautious myself but installing the driver did seem to make a difference, sufficient for me not to notice it as much.
Installation is a personal choice. You might want to make a full backup of your device using, say, SPB Backup, before you install. That way you can do hard reset and restore if you don't like the driver.
All the best,
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Well I installed the 3D driver, which was easy enough, but unfortunately it made no difference at all to the video/audio sync in either of the two driver modes so I uninstalled it again. (No need for a hard reset, thankfully). I'm using the video in this thread to test since you can easily tell whether it's properly in sync or not.
Oh well, it was worth a try - thanks for the suggestion.

