MDA Vario Radio ROM update problem - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have updated my Radio ROM to 2.24.10 (T-Mobile-US_2.24.10_Radinly) but it crashed. Windows is starting but the phone is not working, and I can't connect with activesync to install the backup.
Please help me!

I have kind of the same problem, I allso didn't find a solution yet...
If you find one, could you tel me?

Restart the phone and keep pressed the camera button while the phone will go in the bootloader mode With the USB-cable connected, on your phone screen will apper "USB" in one of the corners... Now you cand install the radio ROM for your device. I suppose that you know where you can find the radio ROM you need...


need to make my brick back to a fone plz help

cingular 8125.
I need the original rom file (original firmware )can anybody help plz right now my fone stuck on the RUU mode can anybody help
If it is realy a brick without any chance of life I need a part of it: the keypad.
Thats really rude.
not a complete brick yet
not a complete brick yet is in loader mode red,blue ,green screen
All the cingular roms are here ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Cingular/
user name xda password xda
which rom do you have?
It looks like you are in bootloader (multicolored) mode so that is good
connect via usb - you dont need to activesync to update rom. You should get a usb sign bottom left of screen and then start update.
Upgrading without activesysnc
After a interruptus ROM upgrade my s200 d'ont start . after the HTC i have a white screen but not more.
The activesync don't connect and i can't put the ROM another time.
I obtain the multicoloured screen with usb in the left botton.
Please, could anybody help me to update the rom in this situation , mayby without activesync ??
You can flash a rom from the 3-colored bootloader mode (hold voice button when turning device on). When it says usb you can just flash without activesync.
Yes thank's i found a ROM that don't need activesync , after that i had changed that rom by my rom and at the moment my s200 y ok.

Bricked my S200 after installing jasper AKU3.3 plz help!

hello all,
i'm a newscommer on this forum,i've trust in upgrade my phone with aku3
i correctly followed the topic , install step 1 (forG3) and step 2
my device worked fine after the first install (qteck 2.15 fr ->2.2 from step1)
i've synchronize my phone, and run the second part, installing without problems, reboot > freeze on the boot screen htc
no way to synchronize again. my phone is reconized by mtty (1.51 and 1.50) but i don't know how to use it
ipl 2.09
spl 2.20.0000
gsm 02.47.21
i've tried all the night to find a solution on all forum i knew, i drive me to this one, i think it could help me best ( you'r pro dudes )
but i'm allways stick. i've call htc division hotline (i'm from france) , they said i have to send back my phone ( but he's now out of waranty, cause it's not a legal rom i've installed, so i have to paid, and i've allready too much invest on my device)
plz said me there is still a hope!
did try upload another rom from bootloader ?
did try upload another rom from bootloader ?
but first try a hard-reset
i don't know how to load a rom from bootloader (i allready have made soft and hard reset
no one could help me ?
1. dowenload this latest Qtek official rom from here: ftp://xda:[email protected]_220734_2207114_024721_QtekWWE_Ship.exe
2. enter your S200 into bootloader mode by pressing power +camera + reset, let go of the reset, but keep holding power + camera until the three colur screen will show up (that is bootloader mode).
3. connect the S200 to your pc (make sure your battery is fully charged)
4. run the Qtek official rom.
5. good luck!
i've tried those kind of upgrade several time, but without possibility of establishing an active sync connexion, it's impossible to launch the rom install...
does samebody knew if it's possible to make a rom dump with an emulator and copy it on a sd card for autoinstall backup in bootloader mode ?
while in bootloader you don't need to establish any activesync connection. just plug the usb cable, then if appears "usb" on phone you are good to go.
install the original DOPOD rom from the ftp.
this rom don't work, it give me the message
error 294 invalid vendor id
it's now working ! great !
i've juste install again the step one of jester's aku3.3 (so, i'm on a 2.20 os, i think i'll keep it for a while )
thank you verry much
pti_nourson said:
it's now working ! great !
i've juste install again the step one of jester's aku3.3 (so, i'm on a 2.20 os, i think i'll keep it for a while )
thank you verry much
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So you can now change your signature again, right

Artemis doesnt`t start

please help! I have made a wrong ROM Update for my Artemis. The result is that it doeasn`t starts anymore. I see only the start screen no more. If i make a SW or HW reset tahn i see a 3 colored screen and USB. But i don`t get a connection via usb to my compute`! How can i wake up my Artemis ???
tell use more what did you do and how did you do it?
what artemis is it?
what rom was it
Flash went sour..
You need the original ROM which was on your device when you bought it. What version (HTC, MDA, etc..) and what language was the original ROM?
please i need help too
I guess I made the same or a similar mistake that dr.moppi did. My machine is a Dopod P800 from mainland china with the chinese operating system. I flahsed it with PDAMobiz_Dopod_P800W_AKU301_v1.1.2_PowerMap. Don't really remember what the original ROM was but now when i turn it on it freezes when it lights up. On the screen, it says
IPL 1.27.0001
SPL 1.27.0000
GSM 02.67.90
I don't get a connection through usb to the computer either. I am not sure if I did the hard reset correctly. Didn't understand the instruction on that "press the soft key left and right and soft reset at the same time." Anyway, you guys are all experts, can you help me please?
it should be the same as my problem
if i remeber than i used the same ROM Update :-(
I hope anyone could give us a solution, please.
@dr. moppi we can only help you if we know what version you had before.
@empathyvirus you have to look for the original ROM which, in your case, should be the Chinese Dopod ROM. Install that one and your good to go.
Without the original ROM the only thing left to do is: sending your device to your provider or contact and sent it to the guys of imei-check. Either way, you'll probably have to pay to get it fixed.
how to install original rom
Thanks for your quick reply Pyth. In the case I get the original ROM from somewhere, how do I install it if I can't get a connection between the phone and my computer? Can you advice?
Put your device in bootloader by pressing the record button and reset at the same time. If you have your USB-cable connected between your PC and your phone it will indicate a connection by 'USB' in the left corner of your device. Now you should be able to run the ROM executable and update your device.
thanks anyway
i tried but it didn't seem to work. anyway, i have troubled you enough and maybe it's best i just go to the repair centre of dopod and pay for a fix. i really appreciate your help though Pyth.
Where can i find the t-mobile rom its the MDA Compact III that wont start for me

stuck at boot loader -cant connect to pc

I tried a new rom and now am stuck at the bootloader with no OS on the phone.
ipl 2.10.0001
spl 2.10.0001
gsm 02.69.21
I have searched all the forums and still cannot get my spvm600 to do anything. I have tried to run several roms but the problem is they cant see the phone as activesync wont connect. is there a way i can boot from the sdcard or somthing or do i have a expensive paperweight. when i try to hold down the camera and comms keys on start it asks me to format the device and then says doen and goes back to the above screen
Try to restart your device and deliberatly go to boot loader (keep camera button in) (keep usb disconnected).
once at boot loader screen connect usb cable ... you should now see "usb" in bottom left corner on device screen.
now run a wm5 rom like in step 1 of "how to upgrade from WM5 to WM6" thread - -
it worked for me!
every rom i try to install on it needs activesync to connect to it but activesync douesnt connect to it as the phone has been formatted. there must be a way to fix it but but i am totally stuck
Rom Upgrade doesnt need Active Sync, you just need to be in bootloader and have the usb cable connected. Then just go through the update utility.
I try that and it still seems to say no device connected would you like to try copying again. I cant understand it cause it makes that bling noise when i plug it in
Use Update_NOID
You must use the No_ID Updater to upload a ROM from the 3 colour screen. Just run this exe file and you should not have any problems.
Please help, I too have the same problem. Installed all the versions but no use. Can any one help me how to downgrade to Original German ROM version for Neo. So that I can return to O2 company... otherwise this become expensive paper weight
my phone is now working.
the no id rom worked a treat.
xtrafletch thanks a million!!

Dead Wizard, please help

Few days ago my Wizard died all of a sudden. When turned on it only gets to the point when it shows "HTC smart mobility" and stays there. So not even to the screen with IPL, SPL. I tried soft/hard resetting, playing with battery but it was all no go, same.
I can get to the red-green-blue bootloader screen however, shows IPL 3.08, SPL 3.08. If i connect via USB cable to computer, bootloader screen shows "USB" on bottom. The ROM on the device was TNT's (not sure which version), Windows Mobile 6.1. It worked for ages without any problems with this ROM before this.
ActiveSync does not recognise Wizard at all, I cannot establish connection and therefore downgrade/upgrade the ROM becouse upgrade programs (for exmaple with ROM got originally with the device) say they cannot contact the device.
What are my options, please help.
in my opinion , it is normal for active sync to not recognize your phone , because it's not turn on properly ,i mean it only recognize the phone when you enter windows mobile.
if i were you i would try to flash any rom i like and see if it works. i hope this helps
But ROM upgrade/downgrade program requires ActiveSync connection to run and I can't establish it...How to solve the situation, please advise?
when you are in bootloader screen and your phone is connected to the pc by usb cable just start the downgrade/upgrade program and it should work.
i did that. rom update utility complains that it cannot connect with mobile...
that was tried with:
1. official t-mobile ROM that was on the device when I got it
2. CUSTOM__RUU_Wizard_1050412_WWE_101_11210_WWE ROM
my IPL and SPL versions now are 3.08
sorry , i can't think of anything that might help you.
same problem
phones a brick.
I can get to the bootloader , i can even perform a succesful hard reset.
But it doesnt get recognized by the computer in bootloader mode. is there any way to flash the rom if the computer doesnt recognize the device?
Try this look for nbd v8.1 or v8.3 .
hold the camera button and do a soft reset but keep holding the camera button until the 3 color screen comes up it should sync your phone then run the nbd rom or original cingular ship rom like this one ** RUU_Wizard_225111_22511102_022511_CWS_WWE_Ship_1 ** i prefer original then other but that's me. Hope this help you.

