desperately in need of help otherwise i'll be bald - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

hi chaps,
i have come to you all begging on my knees to help me fix this darn phone. i have a imate JAMin on the vodacom network in south africa. when i originally started the phone and it started installing all those cab files i did what some people mentioned i should do and soft reset it for it to stop adding all that other junk. this i think is about where my problems started. i had no mms facility at all. no one in south africa seems to be able to help me and if they can i certainly havnt been told about it and ive spent ages tracking people down who might help...
my brother eventually led me here...
i am having serious issues with the phone at present. i cannot for some reason connect to GPRS - my settings are still the same as they were. and then this morning when i woke up the phone seems to be dialling and then hanging up and dialing and hanging up and dialing and hanging up. i think its almost as annoying as nails down a chalk board. i have tried to hard reset but it doesnt seem to want to?!
other than that i am a complete novice at this sort of stuff. i have no clue when it comes to extended roms and the like but i would likethis phone to work properly - eg make and recieve calls. use gprs so i can go online via it on my laptop. use skype. send recieve texts. the usual things. i dont need all the fancy shmancy stuff they load and also dont need all the other countries's operating software!!
where do i start so that i can at least use the phone, or reset it so that i can use it? i have looked at other threads but to be honest i dont understand a thing....
thanks in advance...
on my knees...

hey chaps, sorry, will give you some more info...
i cant seem to hard reset it either - i get to the stage where it asks me to press the send button, but when i press this nothing happens...
is there a prevelance for virus's on these phones? can they even get them through normal useage?
thanks chaps.

Start >> Settings >> System >> Clear Storage >> "1234" and hit left soft key


O2 XDA Exec phone pad doesn't show

Hi All,
It's my first experience with PDA. I bought O2 XDA Exec few days ago.
Well i'm not too happy with it but i'm try to console myself by looking into good side of it.
The first problem i faced is Phone pad. it stopped working. Tapping on Calls doesn't show phone pad. Media->video call also doesn't work. Tapping on Phone pad from input selector also doesn't work.
When i do soft reset it works first time but again stops working.
Can any one help?
I have e-mailed problem to O2 but I don't expect any help from them.
I also had a similar problem with applications or functions not responding.
After talking to someone from O2 customer service. They confimed that a new ROM is on the way but don`t have any dates.
But did suggest changing the install from "Basic" if anyone choose "Personal"
I did a hard-reset and choose the option to do a Basic install without all the rest of the
Also de-actived "Error reporting" & "Accept incoming beams"
This has helped...
At least a soft-reset solves problem and returns operations back.
And I don`t need to resort to doinga soft-reset so often.
While we wait for O2 to release an updated ROM.
But something that still bugs me is....
Whats the difference between the power botton and a Soft-reset?
Also why not make the power-botton the reset botton?
The same problem for me. Have to soft reset often, because it only works at the first time. However, it seems as long as you don't end it in the task manager, it can be contuniously accessed.
The same problem for me. Have to soft reset often, because it only works at the first time. However, it seems as long as you don't end it in the task manager, it can be contuniously accessed.
I did hard reset and installed in Corporate mode and it works now.
How many time hard reset do you have to do it?
so everytime you have problem u need to hard/soft reset?
i guess we better get a pen and a notebook,at least we dont need to reset.
i cant take it anymore because of xda that i have always gave me problem.
i bought my xda lls,less than 2 weeks i need to send for service.within a year i already send it 4 time.
i bought my xda lli.when i open up i saw a spoil pix there wont exchange with me.
tell me,how many xda users facing problem but nothing much u can do abt it?

Pointers required for removing slow O2 software (please!)

Hi guys, great forum.
I must admit to being rather nieve and lost in all the technical stuff! Im a newbie to the XDA world, and so far Im loving it!
I bought my O2 XDA mini s on ebay, at just over 2 months old. Its in perfect condition, but when I try to remove the O2 software, it's not on the list... but its definately still on there!
Should I let my battery run out and reboot it?
Also it wont link with the outlook on my pc (installed from the cd) so it looks like its gonna take me 3 weeks of typing to put all my contacts in to it!
Can someone point me in the right direction for a thread? Or is there a good site for newbies to look at in layman's terms?
Any help would be extremely well recieved!
Hi Gary
sorry mate can't help but noticed your post had no answer. Like you I am not a techie. Most of the posters on here seem to do nothing but experiment with their XDA's all day There is a wealh of info and help but sadly only useful to other techies.
There doesn't appear to be anything geared at assisting casual users and non techies that have neither the time or inclination to fiddle with ROM's and software etc .
I reckon that would be a useful sticky for noobs- like how to change/ customise the desktop and install various A/V software and remove o2 software etc
Suggest you get the full manual and wade through that.
I bought my o2 mini s at xmas and haven't made a single call on it yet . Its far too complicated for me and working 12 hour days I've no time to play about with it. :roll:
I'm no techy either but I do know that if you do a hard reset and choose corporate install the O2 stuff is not installed. There's some good advice here too - it's maybe a bit less technical than this site.
Cheers for the replys Dave and Peanut.
I managed to find something useful here...
if theres anyone else thats confused about this stuff.
I'm really happy with mine, on the whole it seems pretty simple to use. I hate that it doesnt close programmes when you click the x though.
Im gonna have a little play, but I'll need to get my mms and gprs info from orange first if i install the corporate profile.
I find that if the phone is on for more than 5 mins ifI press the green call button it doesnt bring up the phone screen, even with the normal power setting! I'm hoping this new profile will speed the bad boy up a bit too!
WiFi is a godsend on a mobile! Yey!
Without going through all the palava of flashing a new Rom the easiest way of really removing the O2 crud is to do a Hard Reset of the device (hold the Com Manager and Voice Command buttons the poke the little reset hole on the right hand side of the unit.
When you get the option select corporate installation option and then if I remember correctly you get a count down, press the reset button (without the other two buttons) again briefly to do a soft reset this should then start Windows in its regular non O2 sullied form.
Hope this helped.

Rebuilt Wizard - now worse than before!

I desparately need help! I finally got fed up missing calls because my MDA Vario wasn't ringing or because it crashed when I tried to answer. I've had a problem for a while, in that after a day or two it will mysteriously stop making any noises. No menu clicks, no voice directions in TomTom, no notification sounds and worst of all, no ringing when a call comes in. The only fixes are to reboot or to go into Sounds & Notifications in Settings, go to the Notifications tab and then change the volume up or down! It's then fine for another day or two.
I finally got fed up and did a hard reset last week, put my data back on through ActiveSync and then reinstalled the following:
TomTom 5.21
Total Commander
I set SmartsKey to overclock to 240mhz and used Total Commander to edit the registry and switch on caps indicator, enable the various caches as suggested in in the wiki, and to set GPRS to always on (as I'm on unlimited data). No other changes, no other software. I did install the trial of SPB Mobile Shell, but then removed it because I didn't like it. I'm on the standard T-Mobile firmware, ROM WWE and I've not unlocked it at all.
The phone worked like a dream for a week or so after the hard reset, but now it's started doing the same thing with the sounds again! Furthermore, if I'm using TomTom it doesn't override the power save settings - so it turns off the backlight after 2 minutes and then turns off the phone after 5! It didn't do this before!
PLEASE can anyone help before I throw the thing out of the window and buy a Symbian smartphone!?
Thanks in advance,
Can nobody help?
Nobody have any ideas? Am I really the only one with this problem!?
What rom r u using,
that could be the problem.
tell me the rom, radio version
tj80 said:
I desparately need help! I finally got fed up missing calls because my MDA Vario wasn't ringing or because it crashed when I tried to answer. I've had a problem for a while, in that after a day or two it will mysteriously stop making any noises. No menu clicks, no voice directions in TomTom, no notification sounds and worst of all, no ringing when a call comes in. The only fixes are to reboot or to go into Sounds & Notifications in Settings, go to the Notifications tab and then change the volume up or down! It's then fine for another day or two.
I finally got fed up and did a hard reset last week, put my data back on through ActiveSync and then reinstalled the following:
TomTom 5.21
Total Commander
I set SmartsKey to overclock to 240mhz and used Total Commander to edit the registry and switch on caps indicator, enable the various caches as suggested in in the wiki, and to set GPRS to always on (as I'm on unlimited data). No other changes, no other software. I did install the trial of SPB Mobile Shell, but then removed it because I didn't like it. I'm on the standard T-Mobile firmware, ROM WWE and I've not unlocked it at all.
The phone worked like a dream for a week or so after the hard reset, but now it's started doing the same thing with the sounds again! Furthermore, if I'm using TomTom it doesn't override the power save settings - so it turns off the backlight after 2 minutes and then turns off the phone after 5! It didn't do this before!
PLEASE can anyone help before I throw the thing out of the window and buy a Symbian smartphone!?
Thanks in advance,
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Did you thik it maybe hardware not software!!!! Maybe your phones has a fault that comes and goes. I would take it into the shop to see if has a fault!
Can I suggest that you start with the basics. Do a hard reset but reset it before the extended ROM can install. (If you don't have a stock operator ROM installed nows a good time to do it). Don't install any software at all. It might sound a bit boring but it is important to establish if you have a hard ware or software fault.
Now run the fone for a few days and see if the problem returns. If it doesn't start to add your apps one at a time until you find which is the culprit. If it fails to work with the basic stock ROM you most likely have a hardward problem.
Going for repair
Thanks for the replies, all. As the phone is a year old in June and will therefore be out of warranty I spent 45 minutes this lunchtime on the phone to T-Mobile to get it sent for repair! They were fine about it, just deeply inefficient. Anyway, a prepaid bag is on it's way for me to send back. Any ideas if they will try to repair or just swap it out with another one? I imagine a fault like this which might be software or hardware and which only manifests itself after a few days will be more trouble to fix than it's worth? Anyone had any experience of getting one repaired?
Thanks again,
yeah, I had been p[laying about with roms for a few weeks and after what I think may be water damage or a drunken drop, my screen stopped working.
Take into account it was christmas time but still I received a brand new phone but had the old battery cover haha. They replaced the stylus too. My old phone was battered and screen was scratched so I was totally happy with the 3 week wait.
No questions asked although I did return my rom to exactly the one it came with, i was unable to re cid lock it.
Overall give T-mob time and it seems they replace phones ok
i did take mine into a t-mobile shop so don't know if that makes a difference (time etc) and was not covered by t-mobile insurance but my bank account has free phone insurance as back up
Hope that was of some help


Hi everyone.
This is my first time in xda and i am here posting because i have a problem with my htc elfin.
I bought the phone from e-bay. The seller told me it was unlocked but in fact it wasnt. It was on Orange and i had to unlock it using a program i bought on ebay (latter i saw it for free online ). The program was designed for htc elf but i was told it would work. Well, in fact it did, but i have a problem... The phone easilly loses network and even when it was network it wont make or receive calls... Texting works ok... I really dont know what to do... Can anyone help me??
Best regards
Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it does kind of sound like the phone may be broken... two things you could try anyways:
a) Perform a hard-reset: Switch off your phone, keep both phone buttons pressed (green&red) and switch it on. The out-of-box state will be restored and all your data will be erased (!). So backup your contacts before doing this.
If this does not work, then it is highly likely that your phone has some sort of hardware-issue. But you may still want to try
b) Upgrade the firmware of your phone (including the radio part!). Just look around in this forum, there's basically everything you need. Always pay close attention to the how-to-guides & make sure you proceed exactly as decribed there.
Good luck,
I tryed what you said. Hard reset made nothing but updating rom did... I his working better but not perfect... Maybe some antena problem dont you think?

Phone part of the phone is messed up!

Hi guys, first of all i wan't to thank the whole community for this awesome site, it has really helped me alot with my Xperia X1!.
(Xperia X1i R3AA Swedish orignal ROM)
I was configuring some stuff yesterday in the programs "SKtools" and "Advanced config", nothing serious, just removed pocket controller from autostart, uninstalled a program and changed the name & function of the Softkey #1 + a couple of different tweaks that has nothing to do with this.
That was the last thing i did, and a while later when i was using the phone i noticed that i had no signal, so i touched the signal-symbol and the pop-up said "no service" (pic #1).
Now when i start up my device it skips the PIN code screen and doesn't connect to any phone service anymore...
When i click the phone button, nothing happens, when i click on contacts or the sim-manager the pin-screen pops up and enter the code, but it still wont connect after that.. i can't recieve calls or make any, but when someone phones me the LEDs still light up as if it's calling, so it still recieves the signal... and if i manually check for carriers i find my carrier in the list (pic #2&3).
I'm really lost of what could of gone wrong.. have any of you ever experienced anything like this? Could i had happened to accidently touch something in those programs that could have caused this?
I also want to add that i did check some stuff out in the \windows folder where i tried a couple of .exe's (which i now realise i shouldn't have done...) one of them being wrlsmgr.exe which looks like an old version of the CommManager.exe where i happened to turn of the phone communication, but i started it up from there again too...
I tried a friends SIM in my phone and still the same problem, while my SIM works in his phone, so it is the phone the problem lies within.
I've searched like mad for this problem & I'd really appreciate any tip/suggestion for a fix, worst case i'll have to back up all important stuff and start over with a re-flash.
Please ask if something is unclear..(could add more screendumps, describe something i left out etc) i find the problem quite hard to describe... and i don't really remember all the stuff i did just before this happened.
i would first backtrack everything you did leading up the the stopping of the phone and undo it and if that doesnt work then Hard reset is the best bet for fixing it.
Yeah, i tried backtracking everything, but to no avail..
(Can also add that i altered some stuff in the "Tune Up!" option in SKTools at the same time, but nothing that should affect anything serious)
noONExda said:
Yeah, i tried backtracking everything, but to no avail..
(Can also add that i altered some stuff in the "Tune Up!" option in SKTools at the same time, but nothing that should affect anything serious)
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well if i were you i'd go into the phone settings and make sure everything there is set properly and if that doesnt help i'd hard reset - bit annoying i know but its the best bet (dont forget to back up all your stuff!)
Yeah, i've trippled checked everything, and all looks ok...
I'll probably have to hard reset (same as flashing the R3AA ROM over again, right?) it's just that i've had the phone for 2 weeks and yesterday when i finally had gotten EVERYTHING as i wanted it to ( the RAMdisk & final configuration of pocket plus being the last 2 big things i did), it messed up on me, when i were going to stop fiddling with specials... -.-
Thanks anyway, if i can't find a solution by tomorrow i'll re-flash it.
noONExda said:
Yeah, i've trippled checked everything, and all looks ok...
I'll probably have to hard reset (same as flashing the R3AA ROM over again, right?) it's just that i've had the phone for 2 weeks and yesterday when i finally had gotten EVERYTHING as i wanted it to ( the RAMdisk & final configuration of pocket plus being the last 2 big things i did), it messed up on me, when i were going to stop fiddling with specials... -.-
Thanks anyway, if i can't find a solution by tomorrow i'll re-flash it.
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yea - i wouldnt go fiddiling around with stuff in the windows folder or anything either
yeah i'll make sure not to do that next time, i was just curious to find out if there was an .exe or something that would turn the Wi-Fi off/on when you start it (to make the softkey #1 activate it), but i guess that's embeded in some .dll or something, didn't think some exe in the \Windows folder could mess stuff up like this >_>...

