Broken MDA charging socket - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

My phone accidentally fell on the carpet from my desk while it was charging and the charging socket broke and now is loosely stuck inside the charging hole. USB as well as charging aren't functioning. I was about to open it up with the help of the wizard disassembling manual but I don't know what I need to do afterwards. I know I will be sautering but will it be just that simple or will I have to be careful how and what I sauter? Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated! I would contact T-Mobile but my warranty has already expired.

Well, the USB port falling out/in is pretty common problem that is covered under warranty (as long as you haven't "dropped" the device).
Post warranty replacement is $100, still a pretty good deal. If you clobber the device when you take it apart, I suspect you may be out of luck on the $100 out of warranty replacement.

I suggest Pocketpc Techs..costs 60 dollars to fix it. If not then just get a seperate battery charger and bluetooth usb to sync. Goodluck!

Thanks everyone for getting back to me. Ever since the MDA broke, life has been a mess. Schedules are all messed up and I forget my appointments, hence the late reply to your comments. Clems, you said there is an external battery charger that can be purchased? Where can I find this charger? I will look up the procedures for sync the MDA with bluetooth.

Even if you decide to just use an external charger and bluetooth sync, you should try to remove that loose usb plug. If its rattling around in there loose, who knows what components or solder pads it might touch and short out. You might endup totally killing your phone


Broken S100, hope to repair myself?

Hello all. My S100 have the usb connector that don't run very well: it is unfixed at the phone structure and it is not able to guarantee correct alimentation for recharging the battery.
It is matter for assistance center, indeed, but i have a very bad experience with Qtek Assistance in Italy, with 4 months of waiting and 100€ for a "in guarantee period" damage... Now that the 1-year is passed, i fear that the cost of reparation will be a bit expensive..
So, in your experience, what are the possibility for a not-so-skilled electronic engineer (me) to repair the phone myself?
Thanks for the insigh
Having the same problem. The usb connector is lose and not fastened to the mainboard. Probably to keep it from breaking when wiggeling the usb port when remowing and connecting tha usb cable. Instead there's some legs on the port pressing towards the mainboard. On mine these legs lost their strength and didn't spring against the connectors any more. I just bent them abit which helped for a month but now they are soft again and I'm going to have to do it again.
Anyone having a more permanent solution that's not soldering?
Maybe I just should bend them further and they might hold longer.
Having i similar problem with the backup battery and had to tape in place but it still loses connection sometimes.


I am returning my 8215 for warranty exchange, but there is some slight physical damage (i know i shouldnt have done this)
I needed to plug my cell into my computer for activesync...
but my usb cable (the end tha t goes in the phone) was bent, so i unbent it and stuck it in the phone with some difficulty
I pull it out, and the phone will not charge with the normal charger, instead, I had to plug my usb cable that I used for activesync, which is the only one that works with my cell now, into my ipod usb adapter to charge it! When I examined it, the usb female plug on the 8125 is slightly bent, and only works with that 1 USB cable
So should i return the phone, and risk them charging me if they find this out? Will they find this out and charge me? Or when they say they will are they just threatning you? NO opinions please!
I also heard HTC repairs phones, how much would this cost for them to repair this issue?
Thank you so much for all help!
Just call them and tell them your phone isn't charging anymore. Doesn't hurt to know. If they say it's your fault well, what do you got to lose? Just keep using your sync cable and ipod charger :lol: If they replace it, great don't mess it up again.
As far as HTC...they're on the otherside of the country from us. I'm sure they'll repair it for an x amount of dollars, getting your phone back however will take months.
They won't know if it is bent because you bent it purposely or if it's just a result of repetitive plugging and unplugging. Don't be paranoid. This falls under normal wear and tear and should be covered under the 1 year warranty.
i took it to cingular today and told her the phone people told me to tell the girl to handle the whole exchange process, so she did it, that way, if they try to charge me, I can say the cingular employee did the call not me, and she should have seen any physical damages.

MDA mini USB port falling out, cannot please

Like it says...
The mini USB port is VERY loose and pretty much falling out. I called Tmo and they will replace the MDA but it will be 7 biz days not includin holidays...which puts it around January 8th (roughly). Because of the loose port, it will not read any usb connections and wont charge. Is there any "band aid" fix for this to get it to charge for at least the next week, until the swap out happens??? I cannot make any real modifications that may nullify my warranty as the new MDA is being shipped under my warranty, but I need to keep my battery charged for at least a week.
And how can I prevent this from happening with the new device I'll be getting to replace this MDA (keep the usb port from getting loose on the device)???
Thank you in advance for any tips, help, and whatever else you can provide.
I had this same thing occur and well, there's no way to fix it short of re-soldering it to the mainboard or as T-Mobile will be doing for yours, replacing the mainboard. Since you're sending it off for warranty replacement 'd strongly reccommend against the solder solution so unless you've seen an external battery charger for this battery type you will have quite a time keeping your phone charged. I'm sorry that your situation is so bad.

Urgently needed

Hey guys.
Just looking for a damaged jasjam.
Needing a main board. Seem to have blown the charging circuit and sync circuit in the phone. Have tried new battery, charger, usb doesnt work etc.
So if anyone has a mainboard or complete phone i could buy please let me know. Dont mind if the screen is smashed or anything. Just need the mainboard to work.
i have a spare phone. but its in perfect working order.
that said, make me a sensible offer...

Broken Charging Port

Hello Wizard Owners,
Last night, while plugging my Cingular HTC 8125 into my charger, I pushed a little too hard, and had the mini-usb held at a bad angle. The furthest left and furthest right charging pins bent and are now broken off inside the phone. The broken off bits have since been lost, and now when I plug in the mini-usb charger--my phone will not charge. Is there anything I can do to replace the charging pins or modify the phone so it will charge properly? Or do I have a nice expensive paperweight now? Thanks for your help in advance.
There is a thread in my siggy discussing this issue. I'd suggest reading through it and see if any of it can help. Beyond that, see if there is someone locally who can fix it. I paid $50 here in Fresno for my usb port to be repaired.

