Does Hermes lose programs when battery dies? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I use/have used the Imate PDA, PDA2 and PDA2K... all of them lose all of their programs/settings (pretty much a hard reset) when the battery dies. Does the Hermes act in the same way? I was told by a sales person that since it has 128MB rom the programs install to that and you don't lose them when the battery dies like you do now. Is that true?

Hermes uses persistant memory. Won't lose apps in memory unless you hardreset. So your safe if battery runs out.

Good information, i have had a hard time with my i mate jam,,,,

Great, thanks for the info vijay. Can Anyone expand on how it tells the difference between a hard reset and a battery going flat then? Any othere differences in relation to this?

ferni said:
Great, thanks for the info vijay. Can Anyone expand on how it tells the difference between a hard reset and a battery going flat then? Any othere differences in relation to this?
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Devices running Windows Mobile 5 change the area of memory information is stored. Its called persistant storage and is one of the major benefits of WM5. Its slighter slower but all information is saved if the battery dies.
Older devices (WM2002, 2003, 2003SE) used to save information to the RAM. Faster than persistant storage in WM5, but RAM needs power to keep the information stored within. Thats the reason why data used to be lost if batteries ran out in the older devices. There is a back-up battery in the device is case of power loss but tend to only last around 20mins unless you replace or charge the battery.
Think thats about right, im sure i'll be corrected if i'm wrong.
Hope that clears things up for you.

Thanks silent... So how does a hard reset work then? if the programs are stored in persistant storage?
Also, it can't just be software based can it? Ie if i put WM5 onto one of my Imate PDA2's then that wouldn't keep the settings if the battery died... it would have to be a combination of OS and hardware right?

ferni said:
Thanks silent... So how does a hard reset work then? if the programs are stored in persistant storage?
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Well, the hard reset routine actively erases the persistant program memory. A bit like formatting a hard drive.
Also, it can't just be software based can it? Ie if i put WM5 onto one of my Imate PDA2's then that wouldn't keep the settings if the battery died... it would have to be a combination of OS and hardware right?
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When the battery of a Tytn dies ALL DATA is savely stored.
you can however, reset the device if it won't start a program or if data is corrupted.
1. If the device still runs you can go to the settings menu and select system > erase memory. this will set the tytn back to factory defaults.
2. If the device locks down on startup you can also turn it on and after it has been turned on pres the power button again and keep the power button pressed and press the reset button simultaneously until the device reboots.

Actually, there have been "unofficial" ports of Windows Mobile 5 for the Blue Angel series of Pocket PC Phones and they do indeed use persistent storage, just like the "official" Windows Mobile 5 devices do. Your device needs to have enough persistent memory available to support this in order for it to work, and the Blue Angel does. It is tricky to do, but does work.

im a noob in this Blue angel > WM5 thing and i did it too.
its not that hard.
to bad the build of WM5 for blue angel was a little heavy for the processor.
the persistant memory was there, so i could keep my data when my battery died.
finally i switched back to wm2003 because it was much faster.
now i bought a tytn and gave away the blue angel because this one is better.

Great guys, Thanks heaps for the help.


How to really power off an XDA2 /Qtek2020

Hello everybody; Sorry for this silly question, but it seems i cannot fully power off my smartphone in order to have it full charge the battery whithout the phone being on. By this i mean the smartphone totaly powered off and not only having deactivated the radio section of the phone which deals with the mobile phone section of the appliance and the bluetooth ; When i press on the power button, the only thing that happens is that the display switches off and not the smartphone; I was accustomed to a real switch off on my other smartphone P900 withj symbian UIQ 7.0
Have i missed something or is this condition a feature /bug of the phone or microsoft windows mobile 2003?
Thanking you all in advance for any input i remain
Hi, I'm new here. Just known XDA II for two weeks.
About ur question, I think it's not a bug but rather a feature. U can turn off the phone by click the phone icon at the top bar.
I would hate it if I can't power off the pda without the phone is on.
'cause when I sleep I really don't need the pda section. :wink:
Yes, you missed something...
A "real" power-down is similar to a hard-reset, and believe me, you won't do a hard-reset if it is not totally necessary.
The XDA unpackes the program files at powerup into its sdrams and keeps the data in the sdrams when it is switch off. Of course this sdrams need power to keep the data.
Otherwise, you can still remove the battery :wink:
But, I agree, it would be interessting to know how long the battery lastest when the phone is switch off.
actually, you CAN remove the battery
after all, the battery IS removable.... and intended to be replaced.
But then your PPC will be on the "backup battery" and 30 minutes
later you will lose all your data. too bad.
The fact is, not only you absolutely cannot turn this thing off,
if you're down to 5% power and will be awhile before you
plug it for more power,
if you somehoe run down the battery to zero with a phone call,
you will have a hard reset in 30 minutes ....
this is all the result of the STUPID MS DECISION, long time ago,
not to put all the critical data/install/whatever in FLASH / SD card.
this is all the result of the STUPID MS DECISION, long time ago,
not to put all the critical data/install/whatever in FLASH / SD card.
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It wasn't a bad decision for the time - memory that kept its contents without power was very expensive, and very slow. It's still not great. Symbian went the no-power memory route, and the earlier devices (Nokia 9200 series) were crippled by it (CPU underclocked to 56MHz to cope with the memory, and too little memory to do everything people wanted).
Don't forget, you can't just use regular flash memory - it's still too slow, and will wear out with too many write cycles, however a good feature would be a 'hibernate' mode that dumps the static ram to flash ram, and restores on power up. Sort of like the *FlashMan utilities, but actually useful.

what absolute crap

i have had a few gadgets, mobiles and electronic stuff in my time, but to this day have not heard such a stupid thing as if i leave my phone untill the battery goes flat, I LOSE ALL MY DATA??!! this has alreeady happened to me after 1 nite i forgot to put the damn thing on charge, somebody should tell the makers of O2 XDA that some people have a life that does not revolve around constantly checking if your damn phone is about to wipe out all your data everyday!...also I cant seem to switch the damn thing off, by that i mean, there are times when you dont want people to call you, so you switch off your phone the normal way, by pressing the off button, was this too hard to incorporate????!!!!
...phew, feel a little better now, thanx guys.
i was worried about the Switching it off thing aswell at first.
Awnser is "Turn Wireless off" tap on the signal meter and the option is there.
also about saveing battery life, remember to allways press the power button on top when your not useing it
and to stop all sound, mute it
thing to remember is..
its a PDA with a phone built in.
a Phone with a PDA built in.
there is a diffrence as i say to ppl who tell me "man why d'you want a phone like a brick"
p.s. back up all data to your pc now n then
battery life never been a problem to me so far
and i can leave it days without a recharge.
anyway, it switches itself off as a failsafe if power gets too low.
obviously you need to go back to an organizer on paper. :lol:
The XDA /MDA is more a computer that a phone.. :shock:
Over 23 years of computing an ppl still think backup up is not needed.... :roll:
Hey dont knock rai. Its peeps like him that keep us IT'ers in a job :lol:
stryker said:
Hey dont knock rai. Its peeps like him that keep us IT'ers in a job :lol:
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LOL!! :lol:
granted that the XDA is more a computer than a phone, but i dont lose all my software and my documents if my laptops battery goes flat.
im not aking to have the wheel re-invented (honest), just expect a simple "OFF" switch to "switch off" the device and to have my data and contacts still there, should i sacrilegiously forget to charge it.
rai, there is an option to write your contacts and other data to ROM, thus preventing loss of contact and appointments or all data if you have enough space.
rai said:
granted that the XDA is more a computer than a phone, but i dont lose all my software and my documents if my laptops battery goes flat.
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Ypu would if you had i lightweight laptop w/o harddive and everything stored in memory. :roll: And that's what the PPC is...
Ok, granted, you have got a SD card, so you can store data on 'disk' if wanted. I have everything synced, on SD backup, or on the SD card.
Worstcase scenario is i may have to wait until i get home to resore all data...
Practical: Just plug it to power in your car and and home at night, and you'll probably even forget it works on a battery that could go flat :lol:
Perhaps the only solution fro PDA is this :
"Toshiba announced that it created a hard drive the size of a coin targetted for the mobile phone sector. The drive can hold as much as 3GB of information and will start shipping in 2005.
Related Link:"
but unfortunately we have to wait till 2005 :lol:
hi Johan, how does it work in a SE p800, does that have a HD?
It's one of the fundamental differences between Symbian and pocketPC - Symbian specifies that the devices main memory should not loose its contents when powered down fully. WinCE takes the other approach.
A few years ago, WinCE was probably the best way to do things, as non volatile RAM (or rather RAM that needed /very/ little power to maintain state) was slow and expensive - it was one of the bug bears of the 9210 that it had too little RAM, and the whole system was heavily underclocked - down to 56MHz if my memory serves me right.
Nowadays, this type of memory is a bit cheaper, and certainly more performant (remember this is not your regular flash memory we're talking about - that would be just too slow and incapable of the write cycle demands). This means that Symbian devices now have comparable performance to the WinCE, yet WinCe is still burndened with the loss of memory on power out.
One thing I'd like to see is an automatic "hibernate" feature added to the core OS. When power drops below say 1%, all open programs are closed, the remaining critical RAM contents copied off to flash storage, and the device won't wake up again until it's charged. It'd mean that device manufacturers would have to provide enough built in spare space on the flash ROM for this, but the current situation of manually backing up the critical data with the *flashman utilities is a poor substitute.
I know several people who refuse use PPC/WinCE because of the total data loss on power out, but as with so may WinCE problems, it could be fixed quite easily with a bit of thought on Microsoft's part.
Thinking about this for a moment, it would probably be relatively easy to create a third party app to do something along these lines - we can get the battery power level, we can 'unprotect' the spare ROM space, compress and dump the critical files to it along with a 'reawaken mode' flag, and we could have a little app that runs on startup and does the reverse if the flag is present, followed by an automatic soft-reset so that all drivers etc can reload cleanly. The only tricky part is making sure that there's anough space available for the main data for contacts/diary/registry/etc plus any additionally installed programs - these could be prioritised by the user if there's some that are more critical than others.
All that sounds a little complicated for rai.
He could simply copy his contacts and save it onto the extended_ROM using a basic txt document, or save it on his SIM, which is what we all should do anyway. :lol:
he could go the long way and copy the actual file for contacts and the calendar, then paste it into a secure folder in the extended_ROM, and if ever the problem does occur again, copy and paste it again.
Either way, let this be a lesson to you all: WinCE gives you all the programs Symbian users can only dream about, but there are drawbacks - you've got to be just a little bit more responsible with their devices. Like one chap here said: It's NOT a phone.
I'm sure I've seen a prog that does automated backups to the SD card. So there is an ideal, non user intervention solution.
Also when the backpack comes out you could get a nice CF Flash micro disk. That brings all the joys of your laptop with mechanical hard drive..... hhhhm mechanicaaaallll.
oh here it is, the answer to your problems. Automated backup and low battery backup
rai the reason your laptop's batt is soo big is related to the fact that it use a harddisk because harddisks are full of moving parts which spin at a pretty fast pase
this cost batt juice
so if the xda or p800/900 had a harddisk you would not have much time to put in your data before the batt was flat
Pocket Backup Plus from Sprite Software, like stricker said , is the solution to all these problems ... use it and ....keep cool ! :wink:
Thanks for the link, didn't know about this program (as I always back up to PC anyway). OEMs should buy it and stick it preconfigured into their roms.
I've seen that backup prog recommended by others and in interest of doing as I preach I installed it. However I found an issue.... may just be affecting me tho. See the other thread I started, "spritesoftware backup package".
XDA2 backup and restore
I use sprite's backup program and backup every day to my PC. I copy this backup and of course the program to an sd card, and my webserver. That way I can be reasonably safe. Mine went flat today, but used one of those emergency chargers(takes AA batts), and was back in business in a few mins.

help - mda compact got slowers

hi xda-developers,
my mda compact got really slow an I don't know how to repair.
The battery was almost empty as it began to get slower. (as if it switched to power-safe mode) I haven't installed any new software on the mda.
Soft-resets unfortunately didn't help.
Do you have an idea what's wrong? Do I have a chance to repair it without hard-resetting the device? Are there any diagnostic-tools, that could tell what's the problem?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
You mentioned the battery was low, did it change when you recharged the device? Or is it still slow?
Remember that without using a 3rd party software, programs don't actually close but remain memory resident. You'll have to close them via the Running Program Lists.
If the above doesn't work, then maybe a hard reset is only the solution.
Yes, I have a task manager that shows what is running
PHM bit of software I think
Could you make a Hard-reset and see if things go snappier?
Carty said:
Could you make a Hard-reset and see if things go snappier?
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I am tempted but I need to make sure everything is prepared and backed up first, such as working out exactly what I want on it and that everything is secured.
In the new year I am getting a 2gb mSd so I may do it then

Unwanted automatic deleting files and software blocked??!!

I just bought a Hermes (HTC TyTN), but something is wrong. I have made some registry hacks according to what I could find here, but ie. the "ClearType on rotation" keeps disappering if I soft reset. Also some CAB files seems to install, but I can't find the applications in the device. Not in any menu, not even by using File Explorer!
The device is supposed to be SIM locked (which it's not!), but could it be software locked?? I would not think, that a SIM lock would mean I wouldn't be able to install various things, but I may be wrong.
I really hope someone has some valuable information for me, because it's really annoying!
If anyone could give me some other advises for tuning the little bugg*r I would be very happy!
I had a "" file for my Wizard, but I can't find a simular for the Hermes. Maybe that would do the trick?!
ROM version
ExtROM version
TorbenKB said:
I just bought a Hermes (HTC TyTN), but something is wrong. I have made some registry hacks according to what I could find here, but ie. the "ClearType on rotation" keeps disappering if I soft reset. Also some CAB files seems to install, but I can't find the applications in the device. Not in any menu, not even by using File Explorer!
The device is supposed to be SIM locked (which it's not!), but could it be software locked?? I would not think, that a SIM lock would mean I wouldn't be able to install various things, but I may be wrong.
I really hope someone has some valuable information for me, because it's really annoying!
If anyone could give me some other advises for tuning the little bugg*r I would be very happy!
I had a "" file for my Wizard, but I can't find a simular for the Hermes. Maybe that would do the trick?!
ROM version
ExtROM version
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Hi TorbenKB
Are you using a file based registry?
Hi Mike.
I've been trying to edit the "ClearType" registry manually with PHMRegEdit. It didn't work. Then I found a "cleartypeon.CAB" file (probably for Universal, I can't remember). It seemed to work, but I just did a soft reset before I started this thread and it went back to "no" ClearType when in Landscape....
TorbenKB said:
Hi Mike.
I've been trying to edit the "ClearType" registry manually with PHMRegEdit. It didn't work. Then I found a "cleartypeon.CAB" file (probably for Universal, I can't remember). It seemed to work, but I just did a soft reset before I started this thread and it went back to "no" ClearType when in Landscape....
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If you do a soft reset too early, ALL registry changes will disappear, as has also been pointed out in my registry & WM5-related articles (see for example ).
The solution (to be on the safe side): completely power down your phone (by long-pressing the Power button) before soft reset. It'll make the changes will be flushed back to flash ROM.
Menneisyys said:
If you do a soft reset too early, ALL registry changes will disappear, as has also been pointed out in my registry & WM5-related articles (see for example ).
The solution (to be on the safe side): completely power down your phone (by long-pressing the Power button) before soft reset. It'll make the changes will be flushed back to flash ROM.
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Hi Menneisyys.
Thank you. I wasn't aware of that, since I haven't had the same problems with my Wizard. I always power off (as in press the powerbutton for a sec or 2) and wait for about 30 seconds before I soft reset.
Do you have any idea why some files suddenly disappears? I would assume that when it's "installed"/saved to the internal storage, it would/should stay there. I mean...a "regular user" wouldn't care about turning everything completely off before soft resetting and should not experience loss of data??!!
Does anyone know if Hermes are or could be software locked? Like I said in the first post, I tried to install some programs, and they are not present at all, though they appear in "Add/remove programs".
I'm running a Danish version of WM5 btw.
TorbenKB said:
Do you have any idea why some files suddenly disappears? I would assume that when it's "installed"/saved to the internal storage, it would/should stay there. I
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I would also assume that. Can you tell us:
1. Does this apply to all your installations and if not give us an example or two of disappearing ones?
2. What location are you installing to?
mikechannon said:
I would also assume that. Can you tell us:
1. Does this apply to all your installations and if not give us an example or two of disappearing ones?
2. What location are you installing to?
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Thanks Mike.
Well,... not all. I've installed TomTom6 in Main Memory. But tomtom.exe file and other files from the TomTom directory gets deleted on soft reset, but not everytime. I have phoneAlarm and Spb Diary2 installed in Main memory too. They are fine even after several soft resets.
And... I just did yet another soft reset following the "instructions" from Menneisyys, but ClearType in landscape reg-hack is gone!!!
I usually don't do a lot of soft resets, but it seems my Hermes has a problem with charging in my car, whenever I have been using Active Sync at home. Only solution to that=soft reset...
Man, I'm loosing my patience with this device!!
TorbenKB said:
Thanks Mike.
Well,... not all. I've installed TomTom6 in Main Memory. But tomtom.exe file and other files from the TomTom directory gets deleted on soft reset, but not everytime. I have phoneAlarm and Spb Diary2 installed in Main memory too. They are fine even after several soft resets.
And... I just did yet another soft reset following the "instructions" from Menneisyys, but ClearType in landscape reg-hack is gone!!!
I usually don't do a lot of soft resets, but it seems my Hermes has a problem with charging in my car, whenever I have been using Active Sync at home. Only solution to that=soft reset...
Man, I'm loosing my patience with this device!!
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Now here's the thing! None of this may be any use to you but may spark some ideas and you may well know or have tried them already:
Regards car charging prob:
Active Sync must be fully closed before charging. i.e using a task manager, say Magic Button or HTC X Button etc and not just using the regular X at top right.
And if you get the Problem: Hermes will only charge when switched off Car Charging problem
Pulling out charger lead (or interrupting power supply) while charging in car (with device on or off ) may result in Hermes only charging while turned off
Possible Solution:
a.) Connect charger with power on
b.) Switch on Hermes
c.) Soft reset whilst connected
Hermes should now charge whilst on or off.
This is more to avoid the situation arising than to give a possible way of dealing with it when it has.
Regards the reverting registry:
Hive Registry (current position)
HKLM\System\ObjectStore] RegistryType=1
Possible change to File based registry
HKLM\System\ObjectStore] RegistryType=0
Soft Reset with application such as Tweaks2k2.
Using the device soft-reset button will remove the change again if you use it for the first reset and it will all have been for nothing!
In this setup reg changes should stick after doing resets.
Another thought is that you may have some corruption caused by the changes that are being made and the "last known good" scenario is being used on boot - see here
Hi Mike.
Again, thank you for your information.
I have Active Sync running all the time, since I use Push-mail. However, I will try to close it when I get back in my car later today and see if it charges again.
Btw. I'm already running File based registry. Wasn't sure when you asked earlier.
Tweaks2k2 doesn't work with my OS language. Do you know, if something like Spb PocketPlus ability to soft reset would do the job?
I miss some of the nice apps from the Wizard.. like the RegistryWizard by Nico Dekker.
My problems with the TyTN seems endless.. I just found out that if I turn on WiFi and tries to use PIE, the device will connect via UMTS or GSM, not WiFi!!
Seriously considering returning the TyTN and go back to my Wizard...
TorbenKB said:
Hi Mike.
Again, thank you for your information.
I have Active Sync running all the time, since I use Push-mail. However, I will try to close it when I get back in my car later today and see if it charges again.
Btw. I'm already running File based registry. Wasn't sure when you asked earlier.
Tweaks2k2 doesn't work with my OS language. Do you know, if something like Spb PocketPlus ability to soft reset would do the job?
I miss some of the nice apps from the Wizard.. like the RegistryWizard by Nico Dekker.
My problems with the TyTN seems endless.. I just found out that if I turn on WiFi and tries to use PIE, the device will connect via UMTS or GSM, not WiFi!!
Seriously considering returning the TyTN and go back to my Wizard...
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Mmmm.. sounds like it's getting you down
Afraid I don't know answer re SPb. The PIE thing about not using Wifi has come up and there are solutions but sadly I can't recall what. Will find on this board somewhere.
Depending on how vital some of these issues are, makes a difference as to whether you enjoy the tracking down of solutions. And maybe your right, possibly you have too many issues to enjoy the process. In the end though and despite a hard reset with NO backup the other day I still enjoy this device - but then I never had a Wizard!
mikechannon said:
Mmmm.. sounds like it's getting you down
Afraid I don't know answer re SPb. The PIE thing about not using Wifi has come up and there are solutions but sadly I can't recall what. Will find on this board somewhere.
Depending on how vital some of these issues are, makes a difference as to whether you enjoy the tracking down of solutions. And maybe your right, possibly you have too many issues to enjoy the process. In the end though and despite a hard reset with NO backup the other day I still enjoy this device - but then I never had a Wizard!
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Hi Mike.
I will go home and do a hard reset this afternoon. Maybe I'll just use a different ROM version and see if that makes a difference. I suspect that my mobileoperator have made some sort of application lock, which locks down every attempt to change the device..
But thank you very much for your help (and Menneisyys too). I'll search the forum yet another time to see if I can find solutions...
If none of this makes a difference, I'll return the Hermes and cry myself to sleep tonight. ...and in the morning be back with my s-l-o-w Wizard...


Hi guys i wasnt quite sure where to put this thread but finnaly decided this forum was fine. I am sorta a newbie but have been reading loads. I think this website is awesome and i will probably donate!! Anyways i have been having a problem with my phone . It is a T mobile MDA Vario Uk IPL 1.06 and SPL 1.06 and WM5, OS 5.1.70 (if that matters)it died, i went to the tmobile shop they sent it to thier place but it came back unfixed. Anyway to make a long story short i turned out to be the charger but now a week back i have got it up and running again!! But when it freezes as it does everynow and then i have no choice but to take the battery out. When i turn it back on the date and time has gone back to November 2005! It does not do this when i turn it off by holding down the power switch. It also loses some tasks i have made . But wierdly not all the tasks. For example i had 4 tasks i took the battery out , when i restarted it the date went back to 2005 and only 1 task remained!. Is there some other way to put it of that i dont know about when it is frozen? Or am i just doomed to keep changing the date!
Thnak you very much for your replies and your time in advance.
Are you trying to soft reset the phone first? Are you trying to turn the phone all the way off? Removing the battery should be a last resort approach.
Here's the deal...
You can stave off a lot of these kind of memory/freezing problems in the future by loading some kind of RAM indicator (QuickMenu has a built-in one, can manage running programs, and gives you a Windows desktop-style start menu for programs instead of the dumb folder avalanche) to let you know you have too many programs running, and you need to do a soft reset every once in a while, or at least hibernate it periodically (you can do this from QuickMenu), just to jog it clean. It would also be wise for you to load a temporary file cleaner to clear out your temp files every once in a'd be shocked how much crap piles up under the OS when you're not looking.
Lastly, since you might end up really losing some important data, I'd recommend getting DotFred's PIM backup tool and loading it on an SD card in your phone, and configure it to back up your phone regularly (like once a day at 2 am, for example). As long as the phone's left on, it'll do that for you, and if your phone really craps the bed, at least you'll have your contacts, meetings, and other info safe and sound.
Also, in the future, please add the info on your phone to your sig, so you don't have to repeat yourself 8,000 times, and you might want to try more descriptive titles for your topics than "Hey," unless you like being ignored...
Thank you Myrddin Wyllt but what did you mean by hibernating it ? do you mean just pushing the on/off button quickly so the screen goes of? oh yeah and thank you for all the advice on this forum i shal procede to do that now! Thnak you again
Yep i have done that now
upgrade your OS to at least WM6.
When I got my phone it had WM5 on it, and it used to lock up or spontaneously soft reset at least once a day, even though I soft reset it regularly. Since I upgraded to WM6 I no longer have these lockup problems.
thank you i was thinking about upgrading but wasnt sure! About the battery thing i just found out about the little hole on the side. I think this solves the problem . But about upgrading will it make my phone slower or take up precious memory or something? And the big question which one?? Also some apps i would like to have require .net framework 2.0. I tried installing it on my phone on the storage card , i had about 50mb free but it still said there is not enough space and told me to clear up space and start again! will upgrading my rom also solve this problem? Is WM6 just like WM5 what are the differences i am a beit of a newbie here! You might have to treat me like a child on this one!
Also i was wondering out of the 47.4mb internal memory of the MDA Vario how much is used by the system and how much crap have i got on? Also if i use "clear storage" then will it also get rid of programs i have installed on my memory card and i have unlocked my phone. Will it re-lock it and return the old crappy t-mobile themes?? (i have spb moble shell atm)
Thank you in advance!

