New Dopod838 questions - activesync, email, skins, loggon password - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

OK HTC guru's.
I have finally recieved my Dopod 838 Pro after a very long wait. I have searched the forum (flame suit on) but still have a few questions which are niggling me.
Ok, first off should be the most simple. How do I instal skins? I feel so stupid here. I see that they are usually .tsk files, but where do I place them so I can find them in the Today menu?
Second, when I first started my PDA I had to do a setup, this asked me if I wanted a Pin or Password set. I skipped it (eager to get to the phone part), but now I can work out how to put it on. I have found under "lock" in the Personal Settings that you can set the pin or password, but it only allows me for set this to restore after a period of inactivity. How do I make it work after power on?
Third, email. My carrier (3 Mobile Australia) has an unlimited email pack which I have subscribed to which uses 3MMS settings. I have set it up and it sends and recieves beautifully using those settings. Except, that to send emails, I have to manually press send/recieve to clear the outbox. I have set the check for new incomming mail every minute, so it finds these ok (subject to problem 4 below), but outgoing mail is annoying. Any tips/hints?
Fourth, activesync/email. OK, now when the phone is not connected to my PC via activesync, the check for email every minute downloads any email perfectly. When I press the send/receive button, it clears my outbox perfectly. However, if the phone is connected to the PC by the activesync, I get a cannot connect or modem disabled error. This only happens if I try to use the email while connected to activesync. Any comments, better still, any solutions.
[email protected]

adamcullen said:
OK HTC guru's.
I have finally recieved my Dopod 838 Pro after a very long wait. I have searched the forum (flame suit on) but still have a few questions which are niggling me.
Ok, first off should be the most simple. How do I instal skins? I feel so stupid here. I see that they are usually .tsk files, but where do I place them so I can find them in the Today menu?
Second, when I first started my PDA I had to do a setup, this asked me if I wanted a Pin or Password set. I skipped it (eager to get to the phone part), but now I can work out how to put it on. I have found under "lock" in the Personal Settings that you can set the pin or password, but it only allows me for set this to restore after a period of inactivity. How do I make it work after power on?
Third, email. My carrier (3 Mobile Australia) has an unlimited email pack which I have subscribed to which uses 3MMS settings. I have set it up and it sends and recieves beautifully using those settings. Except, that to send emails, I have to manually press send/recieve to clear the outbox. I have set the check for new incomming mail every minute, so it finds these ok (subject to problem 4 below), but outgoing mail is annoying. Any tips/hints?
Fourth, activesync/email. OK, now when the phone is not connected to my PC via activesync, the check for email every minute downloads any email perfectly. When I press the send/receive button, it clears my outbox perfectly. However, if the phone is connected to the PC by the activesync, I get a cannot connect or modem disabled error. This only happens if I try to use the email while connected to activesync. Any comments, better still, any solutions.
[email protected]
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Hey Fellow Aussie,
Im also on the 3 network but I am using a JASJAM. Im still having MMS problems (cannot receive them proprely).
Anyways, to answer some of your questions:
1. How do I instal skins? - put them (tsk's) in your My Documents folder or in the root of your microsd card. They should show up under the menu after that.
2. Pin or Password set - not sure how to do that after the PDA has been set up. I actually did a hard reset when I realised I couldnt find the option.
3. Email - I also use the $3 month unlimited sen/receive with 3email. I actually forward my corporate emails to my 3 email inbox, which I then download to my phone. When I send an email from my phone, the return address is my corporate email. Much cheaper than using data traffic with 3netaccess UMTS.
--- to answer your question about send/receive, the email wont get send out until a send/recevei has occured. If you have the option for auto-send receive (ive got mine set to 1 minute) then dont worry about it. After you write the email, it will be sent out shortly after that.
4. activesync/email - In MS Activesyn on your pc, you have to enable the "allow wireless connection on device when connected to desktop". This is avaialbe in the connection settings of MS activesync on your desktop. Ensure you are not connected to your PDA when you do this (as the option will not be available).
I hope this helps,.
Now do you have a few moments to help me out - specifically to 3 carrier settings. I have tried to do them manually but i havent managed to set it up 100%.
I have checked the extended ROMS on the wiki but they are generic ext.roms which do not have the 3 carrier settings. I know for a fact that 3 Australia tweak the shipped ext.rom to include set up files for their network.
Can you please copy all your files from you extended rom and email them to me. my email is [email protected].
if you havent unlocked/mounted your extended ROM you can do this with the fit4cat tweaker software. This software is available on the wiki I beleive. Or just use the extended ROM unlocker that is posted on the STICKY thread in this forum.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Xda2 Newbie

I hope you don't think me too much of a plank but I've recently bought an Xda2 and am confused as to the best method of getting my email's.
<sigh> not another idiot I hear you say but as far as mobile anything's are concerned I'm a dummy!
I don't want to dial into my ISP every time so if any of you 'Patient' people can help me set up my Xda, I would be most grateful.
Best Regards
Ian G
It's quite easy providing you have a bit of information about your ISP.
Open your inbox - doesn't matter which one, active sync or SMS.
Use the Accounts -> accounts... menu option to open your accounts
Add a new one with the new button.
First settings page: Enter your email address
It'll now try and auto-configure your email settings. I have never known this to work, so hit the skip button.
On the next screen, enter your name as you want it seen, and your ISP's username and password (check the save password too).
I presume this is a regular POP3 account, so leave POP3 selected on the next page, and give it a name - this will eventually appear as a new set of inbox/sent items/outbox/drafts once you've finished configuring things.
Next page, enter your ISP's incoming mail server address, probably [email protected] or [email protected].
For outgoing mail - and I'm presuming you're with o2 here, use Outgoing mail servers usually only allow people to send mail when they are logged on, so your ISP's outgoing mail server will not allow you to send mail if you're connected via o2 gprs. To send mail via the usual GPRS connection, this must be o2's mail server. Leave the domain blank.
Click the options button and on the options page select whether you want to check for mail periodically (Note, due to a crap design decision at microsoft, only the set of email folders that was most recently viewed is synchronised). Select "The Internet" as the connection (presuming you want to use GPRS or Internet passthrough, and you haven't change the default O2 connections).
On the next options page, leave each checkbox blank, and on the final page you can opt to receive whole messages or just the header + a certain amount of included message body.
Once you click finish, things should start working, and you should be able to select the new ISP's inbox, write messages, and send them with the icon at the bottom of the screen.
Let us know if you get into any problems.
Much obliged to you A.C
I will give it a go thanks for your patience!
Best Regards
Ian G
Set that up ok A.C
Now I get "Unable to connect: you have no modem entries created and no network card present"
What do I do now A.C - bearing in mind that I haven't entered anything into the Xda2 yet, only got it this afternoon!
Thank you
Ian G
PS - I would want to connect GPRS (I Think) <embarrased smile>
If you dont have any modem connections in settings/connections/manage existing connections, you will have to create one, tab new give it a name, chose celllular line gprs, tab next , acesspoint name! dont know about UK settings but here its: internet, tab next , well dont know what to use in your network, here we dont need to fill in anything, tab finish..Now if you then tab and hold you new connection there comes a pop up menu:delete / connect chose connect and if your settings are correct youll see ( after a info pop up) two arrows at your signal strengh indicator, and you are disconnect hold down your hang up button..using your inbox, send or recieve should start up your gprs connection automaticly..
Dont know if was any help, but anyway, good luck.

Outlook disconnets UMTS session

Hi all,
I have a time contract with my provider. It is based upon usage of 15 minutes time-slots of connection. However, if I open Outlook to check for new messages, the program automatically disconnets the UMTS session upon receiveng incoming mails. This means that if it takes , say, 40 seconds, I loose the whole time slots left. If I want to reply to a message, I have to reconnect opening a new session and wasting a second time lot.
Is there any setting or hack to the registry that can be made to fix this issue? I would like to manually disconnets when I am finished. And since I have a time contract, not a volume-based contract, I can't afford a GPRS/UMTS always on hack.
Thank you
Set your mailbox to be on internet settings, not work settings. Both settings cannot coexist, and you will be disconnected as soon as outlook request the work connection.
work/internet connection
Thank you, but...HOW?
go in your mailbox, select menu - tools - options
Click on your mail account then next, next, next, next then options.
In connction, choose Internet then next, next and finish . Close the window
You are set.
thaihugo said:
go in your mailbox, select menu - tools - options
Click on your mail account then next, next, next, next then options.
In connction, choose Internet then next, next and finish . Close the window
You are set.
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I did it. Thank you. Problem is:
if I manually connect to GPRS/UMTS (I have to go to the connection settings, look up the profile and tap and hold on it to open the menu. QUite tricky!) and then open the mail client everything works fine. It connects, check, receives and sends, disconnects BUT ACTUALLY doesn't. OK.
If I open the client and let it automatically connect by tapping the send/receive option, it checks, etc, AND ACTUALLY disconnects from the UMTS.
It's kind of weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can it be possible not to have an option in the settings????
Please help me.
thank you all!

Hi from a newbie and a request for email help

Hi all,
Great site you have here. Read up lots of interesting information before deciding to buy the XDA Mini S recently.
I'm very happy with the handset for the most part and have got it all set-up and used Active Synch successfully but for the life of me I cannot set-up the email. I have input all my details including POP3 info and such like but when I press send/receive it says its connecting - activates O2 Active in the GPRS session - then says finished, but without sending the message in the outbox or getting any new ones!
Anyone able to help as its driving me mad.
Hopefully installing Tomtom (when I get it) won't prove this difficult!
Many thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
make sure that you have set the GPRS connection to your ISP
I am in hong kong. I had that experience before. I checked the email setting. Then, in server info page, tap option. You will then see option (1/3) make sure to choose the connection to your ISP GPRS. Tap next, tick outgoing server. Tap next --> done.
Thanks for the reply but I don't think that has made any difference.
If it helps I have a email address and am using Outlook 200 on my PC.

problem with mail account

Hi all, I am new using this kind of phone(got it as gift from my wife). Since I am new to this technical stuff, I might(?am) sound daft.
I am having problem setting/using mail account. I am in the UK. The phone was bought from a private dealer(mobilephonesdirect) on a T mobile contract. Has internet access.
I set up new mail account as per instructions (not outlook--never used it). I tried Google mail, Yahoomail etc.
But when i go to mail tab, all accounts say "no mail".
When i create new mail and tap send i get the message "cannot connect with current connection settings. To change connection settings, tap settings". I tried, but dont know what to do.
I called Mobilephonesdirect, they asked me to get settings from T-mobile. said the settings are fine, especially since I am able to use and browse the internet.
Called HTC, but no help apart from suggesting to download the update.
Hope I am making my problem clear here.
Really appreciate your help.
You probably need to disable the proxy that was automatically setup by the phone. I can't check my own phone just now (also on UK tmobile), but it should be in start -> settings -> connections somewhere.
Hope that helps.

Telstra HD2 - ActiveSync/Internet/GMAIL Solutions

Hi everyone
I have searched through numerous forum post and development websites to find these answers (has taken a couple of weeks, with no help from $&% Telstra), so I thought I would put them all in one post. I don't take credit for any of the work arounds, I just figure there is a lot of individual posts without the answers in one spot.
Tip 1:
Don't use the default GMAIL settings as this doesn't allow you to actually specify to connect to 'The Internet' and is default set to Telstra Internet (was for me anyway). There is a good step by step guide on the GMAIL website - create a new acounnt but the key is to not enter as your email address as it automatically detects the settings and masks/blocks the advanced screen. By following this, I could then have GMAIL on my WiFi with no data plan enabled (long story)
Tip 2:
Do this to configure a new Telstra Data connection as the default one can't be modified:
(link to be approved so msg me and I will send in mean time)
However make sure the 'This network uses a proxy...' part isn't checked, opposite to the guide on the above link.
Doing this actually meant my GMAIL could now connect using the DATA plan but by default used the WiFi when it was connected.
Tip 3
The ActiveSync and Exchange part is by default configured to Telstra's dedicated email plan. On my phone there was actually a PDF on the storage card about this and also a step by step guide on how to configure your ActiveSync/Exchange to connect through the normal internet, not through Telstra's plan. However, as I have seen many similar examples on the internet, following this procedure was great except the settings would not save. Changing from 'Dedicated' to 'Internet' never actually accepted.
I was determined to figure this out, so installed a registry editor. With some snooping I found enough information to be dangerous and did some searching, and found this link:
(link to be approved so msg me and I will send in mean time)
If you go to the bottom about Network Registry Settings, the key one is:
By changing this to 0, my 'Internet' setting would save for the ActiveSync/Exchange and sure enough, connection to my exchange server was succesful.
CeRegEditor is the program I found really simple to use.
Tip 4
Install these two free applications for Data Connection management
Good for Enabling/Disabling Data Connections - DataController.CAB
I don't fully understand the full power of this one, but it is good to see what is happening and has an auto disconnect: BandSwitch.V2.8.CAB that is mentioned in the registry tips/tweaks section, tip 50 or somewhere there abouts.
Tip 5
Cookies Home Tab - sensational!!
Tip 6
Unlock the quicklinks (plenty of posts on how to do this) and also remove the non-used Telstra Home-Tabs (well I don't use them as they always have a wap redirect to
Tip 7
If you are facebook user, check out the 'touch' version. Go to and down the bottom there is a link to facebook touch
So that is about it for now, following all the above, after a hard reset worked a treat without having to install a non-telstra ROM.
Hope this helps, like I said, I don't really know all the details of the work arounds, more just posting them all in one spot for future frustrated people with the Telstra version. I am loving the phone now (also have followed other registry tips from this site).
Happy using and massive thanks to all of you who actually did figure out the solutions!
Thanks for this.
The Dedicated/Internet drop down box does work without the reg hack but it resets itself back to dedicated.
I found also that I had to make a new connection to telstra.iph for activesync to stay connected when the screen was off.
Woudl greatly appreciate if you could send me the missing details above. I have not managed to get WMDC to recognise the phone yet so can't, and not keen to yet anyway, replace the Telstra ROM.
i get "Access Denied" when i try the registry hack, anyone else come across this?
I did get that, within the Registry Editing software there is an option to unlock the registry, once you do that you can then change the settings!
Thread Links
Have put the thread links in the txt file
Problem with Telstra Connection
saxjase said:
Have put the thread links in the txt file
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Hello, I have the Telstra T9193 here in Argentina and I want to use with other internet carrier, I configured the connection and Internet is working fine but I can't check the emails....
So I think that the problem is the default Telstra connection, maybe only the ROM permit use this connection to check emails.
Could you know something about it?
Hi Diegogleo
Which email are you trying to check? Webmail like GMAIL or Hotmail or a separate pop3 account?
If it is hotmail, the default windows live setup seems to work fine.
You have to change the settings of your email account to use 'Internet' not 'Telstra Internet' (or whatever pre-programmed data connection might exist). That way, when you are in WiFi or using your Mobile Providers Data, you can pick email up.
If it is exchange mail, you will have to do the registry edit above.
saxjase said:
Hi everyone
I have searched through numerous forum post and development websites to find these answers (has taken a couple of weeks, with no help from $&% Telstra), so I thought I would put them all in one post. I don't take credit for any of the work arounds, I just figure there is a lot of individual posts without the answers in one spot.
Tip 1:
Don't use the default GMAIL settings as this doesn't allow you to actually specify to connect to 'The Internet' and is default set to Telstra Internet (was for me anyway). There is a good step by step guide on the GMAIL website - create a new acounnt but the key is to not enter as your email address as it automatically detects the settings and masks/blocks the advanced screen. By following this, I could then have GMAIL on my WiFi with no data plan enabled (long story)
Tip 2:
Do this to configure a new Telstra Data connection as the default one can't be modified:
(link to be approved so msg me and I will send in mean time)
However make sure the 'This network uses a proxy...' part isn't checked, opposite to the guide on the above link.
Doing this actually meant my GMAIL could now connect using the DATA plan but by default used the WiFi when it was connected.
Tip 3
The ActiveSync and Exchange part is by default configured to Telstra's dedicated email plan. On my phone there was actually a PDF on the storage card about this and also a step by step guide on how to configure your ActiveSync/Exchange to connect through the normal internet, not through Telstra's plan. However, as I have seen many similar examples on the internet, following this procedure was great except the settings would not save. Changing from 'Dedicated' to 'Internet' never actually accepted.
I was determined to figure this out, so installed a registry editor. With some snooping I found enough information to be dangerous and did some searching, and found this link:
(link to be approved so msg me and I will send in mean time)
If you go to the bottom about Network Registry Settings, the key one is:
By changing this to 0, my 'Internet' setting would save for the ActiveSync/Exchange and sure enough, connection to my exchange server was succesful.
CeRegEditor is the program I found really simple to use.
Tip 4
Install these two free applications for Data Connection management
Good for Enabling/Disabling Data Connections - DataController.CAB
I don't fully understand the full power of this one, but it is good to see what is happening and has an auto disconnect: BandSwitch.V2.8.CAB that is mentioned in the registry tips/tweaks section, tip 50 or somewhere there abouts.
Tip 5
Cookies Home Tab - sensational!!
Tip 6
Unlock the quicklinks (plenty of posts on how to do this) and also remove the non-used Telstra Home-Tabs (well I don't use them as they always have a wap redirect to
Tip 7
If you are facebook user, check out the 'touch' version. Go to and down the bottom there is a link to facebook touch
So that is about it for now, following all the above, after a hard reset worked a treat without having to install a non-telstra ROM.
Hope this helps, like I said, I don't really know all the details of the work arounds, more just posting them all in one spot for future frustrated people with the Telstra version. I am loving the phone now (also have followed other registry tips from this site).
Happy using and massive thanks to all of you who actually did figure out the solutions!
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Hi Jason...thx for the GMail solution. Still haven't gotten it to work and it is most frustrating. I have another question...what is the correct procedure for installing these .cab files? Again...something else i've tried and doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated!

