usb network - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi all,
As i posted in another thread about networking thru bluetooth i have another similiar question.
It seems many ppl have the same problem and there is a solution tho not the best one.
Many of you know that connecting tytn to pc thro usb is unstable.
So was the case for me til i turned of the advanced networking feature of tytns usb.
Syncing works and the connections never dropped, tho this is not the best solution since the networking features are lost.
In other word you can no longer ping the phone from the laptop, which means you can't browse the laptops files from the tytn.
What happens for me is that after i've plugged in the usb cable i get a new connection in my laptop with all fancy ips and stuff, activesync is able to synchronize and everything works for a cpl of minutes.
Then the connection is dropped (activesync turns grey) tho the laptops connection-trayicon still is visible tho freezed.
When trying to open or disable the connection the whole pc turns unstable.
When trying to shutdown windows standard "task not responding" shows up telling "connections tray" bla bla, end task? you know...
Even if i end it nothing happens and i have to do a power button-shutdown.
So, am i missing something?
It seems tho everything works fine if i connect and disconnect the cable myself, the connection is dropped, trayicon removed etc, standard.
Issue seems to be when connection is dropped for other reasons (timeout? inactivity?)
Is there a way to increase activesyns timeout?
Can you still have networking features somehow even tho advanced networking is disabled?
I'm running win xp/sp2 tested on both a firewalled (kaspersky) and non-firewalled pc with the same result...
It'd be really neat to browse my laptop files thru tytn and watch a movie or two at night...

rowz said:
Can you still have networking features somehow even tho advanced networking is disabled?
It'd be really neat to browse my laptop files thru tytn and watch a movie or two at night...
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You can't do this over USB with the old networking model, as has been pointed out in my related articles (have you read them? They also explain a lot of other questions in your post - )


Pls help save my sanity

I recently bought the JJ and love it EXCEPT for one issue. I am totally unable to surf the net with any method other than GPRS. I have a Netgear router connected to my desktop and my broadband connection, and run a wireless network with my tablet PC. Before I upgraded, my IIi had no trouble syncing (I know AS 4 doesn't support this) or using IE to surf the net wirelessly. I never had to change any settings on my wifi network.
With the JJ, it connects, gives me a decent looking IP address, but immediately following connection, it kills the Wifi network. Neither the desktop or tablet PC can connect to the internet via the cable modem attached to the router anymore, and what's worse, AS crashes and will no longer synchronise the JJ (which is hooked up to the Tablet via USB). Spb Weather subsequently no longer syncs, either. The only solution I found is that I can reboot the router (the technical term for pulling the plug out of the socket and then putting it back in) AFTER I disconnect the JJ. I can go online again then with everything excep the JJ of course. Unfortunately, I have found no way to reconnect my JJ to AS without doing a hard reset (which I've already had to do twice!).
I know that I can get on the internet using my AS connection because I can update Spb weather, check email, etc. via the USB connection, but yet I cannot get IE to connect. What am I doing wrong?
Please help me complete the one thing that would make the JJ the best PDA I have ever had.
routers and activesync
Microsoft are working on this and other activesync issues. a new AS version will be available in November, so they promise...
Be aware though that in my experience, the worst configuration problems come from routers, and defining network segments... are u using windows xp, maybe network bridging the connection to JJ with the tablet pc could help, u might need to fiddle a bit with the created bridge, like disable enable bridge/connections, etc... this is how i could have tried to do it anyways...
good luck dude, it took me once five days to sort out a wireless connection via routing, and another time I just returned the kit I just bought from netgear to replace it with a one from belkin, but i still had to sweat to get things smooth..., this is the price to pay when hardware is produced by so many different companies, with different drivers, etc... we wish things were more standardised; and to the credit of MS, it forced computer manufacturers to standardise a lot of what they produce, but not enough to my satisfaction...
Peace out
to he honest, I think I just got lucky networking my desktop and tablet and IIi together. I wish the same luck came to me again as this is very frustrating!
Hmm, tricky. You shouldn't have so much trouble. Try a few things that pop to mind:
- Check if your PC has a proxy set. I THINK I once found that when I synced my PPC got passed the proxy settings, and it confused me for ages. WOuld explain why IE behaves differently to spb. I think the proxy is under advanced settings on network connections of PPC
- Check you PPC networks adaptor settings, all should be set to "obtain server-assigned IP"
- Try trning off wifi when using AS. They may conflict
- Search this board for "firewall". Other users have found this to be an issue with AS
Not too helpful, I know...
I haven't experianced any problems. I synced with my BT Voyager w\l router first time and always makes the connection when I'm in the area.
It even makes PIE half usable!
I wish mine would work too
My wifi network is now unstable
still can't connect to internet for IE

End of my tether with Activesync 4.1

Is there a credible alternative to Activesnc 4.1 anywhere ? I am absolutely sick and tired of this cr*p.
I want to be able to sync calendar, tasks, notes and files - reliably. That's all. That's not too much to ask is it?
Any ideas ?
I'd be interested in one, been looking for a day or two but pretty new to the PPC thing and not making much progress.
Atm the only surefire way to ActiveSync seems to be, soft reset before sync, again after. It's quite a 1 shot deal, once it's synced, it won't again without a soft reset of the PDA. Note: Never needed to restart the PC used, I have tried this, no difference.
Have you read this?
Solved that problem for me.
reading the other post now ... my activesync kills itself too i need to reboot my pc to make it work again ... apart from that it wont even synch all my contact ... it misses out random ones all the time
Can't tweak my TCP settings
I'd love to do this, but I can't go messing about with the TCP settings on my company laptop. Not if I want to keep my job.
I need a decent alternative to AS 4.1 even if that means AS 4.2
Yeah, tried that (amongst several hundred other things). I already use DrTCP for optimising my lans due to me using gigE with jumbo packets, so am pretty familiar with it on that ground. I also tried many other reg tweaks (on the PC not PPC) regarding networking etc. to no avail.
From all the tests and tweaks I've done I'm no further into solving this issue, which doesn't half stick in my side. PC m$ os with m$ software talking to a PPC with m$ os with m$ software, who the hell is writing this utter drivvle software?
I have concluded however that the PC / ActiveSync 4.1 side of things does not fail or lockup, regardless of reboots or no reboots or net settings used. It is the PPC's running ActiveSync which borks, stalls then grinds to a halt. I suppose it's possible m$ will fix the PC 4.1 software to not bust the PPC but I've also pretty much resided myself to needing a ROM update to fix the PPC half
This of all things annoys me, I've fixed almost everything else wrong with this phone but turning it off on a regular basis just takes the biscuit, like who does that nowadays? :roll:
Yeah that's right - it's the PPC which goes funky, but in my case it was down to the PC (i think) cramming data at it.
If you switch off (untick) all elements of the today screen it also works better, although that's not really a solution!
Microsoft do need to release ActiveSync 4.2 asap.
Yeah, tried all that, I only have MSN on today page anyways but have tried it with nothing. I only sync contacts anyway and even then only about 100 - still hangs if not the first time...
What about this?
Device Manager
I was successful in resolving a "stubborn" active Sync, by doing the following:
Remove USB Cable to K-jam.
Open device manager.
Go to Network adapters.
Disabling adapter called: "Windows Mobile Based Device".
Re-enabling adapter called: "Windows Mobile Based Device".
Plugging USB cable back in.
Kind regards
I was successful in resolving a "stubborn" active Sync, by doing the following
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But for how long?
I find that AS is very unstable.
I have installed the latest ROM and still get problems with both my devices.
If I play an MP3 in Windows Media Player, AS drops the connection and I have to unplug my MDA Vario (or my XDA Mini S) and reconnect it again.
If I soft reset for any reason while still connected to AS, it drops the connection and on re-connect it hangs at 'Looking for changes' and I have to re boot the PC to get a connection again.
Other times without warning it will drop the connection and not re-connect without a re-boot of the PC
etc. etc etc.
Fortunately all my contacts, calendar and tasks are held on my PC in Thunderbird (I don't use Outlook) and I have a seperate sync programme for syncing them so I don't need to rely on AS for data sync.
But I do wish there was an alternative for enabling the connection to the PC.

Activesync Disconnects

I have been suffering with a persistant Activesync connection problem. It usually connects and syncs fine the first time I boot my machine, but after around five minutes it almost always disconnects (though my Vario II continues to charge). Unplugging and replugging the USB cable does not work and the Activesync icon remains grey. Trying to start the connection manually either from the Vario II or from Activesync on the desktop also does not reconnect the device. In fact the only way to get it to connect again is to reboot my PC.
I'm using Activesync 4.2 downloaded from Microsoft this morning. I've tried deleting and recreating the partnerships, which does not help the issue. I've tried several USB cables which also do not resolve the issue, so I am now asking for your help.
If anyone has any insights into whaty might be happening I would appreciate your help...
I'm having the same problem, but in my case unplugging the cable from the device and plugging it again usually restarts the sync. Sometimes, however, I have to soft-reset to get it working again. Very annoying.
Hi Chris,
Ive had tons of issues with activesync on my works laptop..... I use a VPN and zonealarm... I used to have tno issues but since I got WM5 wich uses IP address's it always does the same thing as yours.. ive made sure the IP address is allowed in zone alarm.... my colleague also had this issue.. he managed to solve it by using a differnet USB port as his laptop has 3 one is on the side of the machine ... try using a different USB or disable zone alarm if you use it this could be causing the problem.
I sometimes get it to work if I have no VPN client running but as soon as I do use it the active sync stops.
Hope this may help you
I have exactly the same issue with my Vario II, never happened with my Vario and I have changed nothing other than my phone. Makes me think its summin to do with the harware possibly? Anyone else found a cure for this?
I Had the same problems, so I gave up on USB connection with active sync, I have 4 USB ports on my laptop and tried all, I now use bluetooth and works everytime.
There has always been problems with USB and actgive sync, so 4.2 was suppose to fix, but not for me.
I've got the same probelm on my Tytn. I've solve it to delete the Pocket Mechanic :shock: , I've done a S.R. and from now on the A.S. works correctly.
Ciao, Cesare
Had to use my old vario for a bit today, used activesync and it worked fine for the whole time I had it plugged in, got a new Vario II replacement today, got home and its exactly the same, would appear to be a mismatch between Vario II and activesync 4.2, can I connect by wifi?
Hello hmm the problem is if it uses direct or ip ,try go settings - connections - ( usb to pc ) and disable advance network funtctionality.
Hope that works
I had this problem too - I disabled advanced network capabilites in the "USB to PC" control panel under the Settings/Connections folder, and then Activsync stayed connected after that.
HTC TyTN 7/22/06 ROM
Just given that ago, Took me 5 attempts for the usb to pc connection settings screen to show up but then I realised it had to be plugged in to do it! Duh! What features do I loose by disabling ADVANCE NETWORK FUNCTIONALITY?
After the activesync working fine with my orange spv3100 for 4 weeks it suddenly refused to connect. I un-checked the "advanced functionality" box as suggested and it works again. Many thanks for the solution peeps.
I too would like to know what functions this deactivates.
Same problem, I've installed ActiveSync 4.5beta and now it stay connected, sometimes it disconnects but after restart of the phone it works again, one friend told me that the problem comes from the Activesync in the phone, so may be we have to look for the problem in the phone not in the PC
Activesync 4.2 problem
Hi all,
I too started having the same problems with Activesync 4.2 hanging my phone if left charging overnight. I decided to disable the advance network connection and that worked for a while. Now the phone wont sync AT ALL. It charges, but I can't do anything else. I reinstalled the Activesync 4.2, did a soft reset, off-on to the mobile, turn off-on my computer and still nothing. I will d/l Activesync 4.5 beta to see if that solves the problem, but it looks to be a problem with the Activesync in the mobile and not the one in the computer. I did the troubleshooting and it is detecting the USB connection but does not sync. I would really like to know if wireless sync can be achieved. Will post any fix if I find one. BTW my mobile is about a month and a half.
activesync always disconnect
fantastic_mr_q said:
Just given that ago, Took me 5 attempts for the usb to pc connection settings screen to show up but then I realised it had to be plugged in to do it! Duh! What features do I loose by disabling ADVANCE NETWORK FUNCTIONALITY?
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pls help here im tired of this activesync problem
thank you
Sync problems with tytn
I've read through all the messages in this thread and wondered if someone could help me with some problems i've been having with syncing mine with a laptop. Often when I have the device plugged in when i boot up the laptop activesync won't start until i've disconnected the usb cable then reconnected it again-i never had this problem with the imate jam. My second problem arises when sometimes it says on the files section that there are un resolved items???? i then try to resolve the issue and a wizard comes up with add or remove buttons.afraid that i might remove something essential i tried the add button hoping this might resolve the issue-it didn't. i then gave up as nothing worked. after switching the laptop off and then syncing a day later there were no items to resolve so what exactly is happening. how can there be unresolved items one minute and nothing the next.also i hadn't done anything different on the tytn.if i select the add button on the window does it add a copy of the file highlighted and could this affect the operation of the device.Sorry if this seems a little confusing but i never had this problem with an xda exec or an imate jam.
please could someone help a non technical fifty something.
activesync always disconnect
fantastic_mr_q said:
Just given that ago, Took me 5 attempts for the usb to pc connection settings screen to show up but then I realised it had to be plugged in to do it! Duh! What features do I loose by disabling ADVANCE NETWORK FUNCTIONALITY?
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I agree, where is this option?
I'm running version 4.2 and along the top bar all I'm seeing is:
File - View - Tools - Help
Nothing like "Settings" and/or "Connections" in sight. Under "File" there is the "Connection Settings" option, but nowhere does it mention "Advanced Networking Functionality".......
Can someone explain this please?!
The "Advanced Networking Functionality" is on your phone, not on desktop's activesync.
On WM5, go to Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC and you will find the "Enable Advanced network functionality" option.
pof said:
The "Advanced Networking Functionality" is on your phone, not on desktop's activesync.
On WM5, go to Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC and you will find the "Enable Advanced network functionality" option.
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Every time I try that, I just get an error message saying: "Failed to disable RNDIS to use Serial".
Has anyone else seen this message? Happens regardless of whether the Vario II is connected by USB or not...
I'm still getting the RNDIS error, has anyone else come across this? Is there a solution?

ActiveSync not working (all of a sudden)

Hi All
I searched the Forum but couldn't find a solution to this problem.
1. Came back form holiday yesterday - synced up my HD" with Outlook no problem
2. Tried to do it this morning. By the normal 'connect PC' option didn't come up and activsync icon didn'tr light up on PC
3. Rebooted HD2 and change
4. Tried to repair/reinstall activ sync, but towards the end of the repair it says 'there was a network error reading from file 'setup/msi'. Guessing that the file may be corrupt, I downloaded it again..same I can't repair or reinstall
5. There is definitely a connection of some sort as the HD2 begins to charge when connected
Bottom line is that the HD2 is not syncing - and I can't figure out why not.
Any advice appreciated...
Do you have a Norton (Symantec) firewall installed? I’ve found that the Norton product can interfere with ActiveSync.
Active Sync not working
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
ActiveSync is just a bit crap. It'll do this occassionaly, so if you use it a lot then get used to it.
A restart of the phone, whilst the USB cable is not plugged in, usually does the trick. Only plug it in again when it's fully started.
Also, try setting the AS connection to not allow USB connections, unplugging and plugging back in, and then setting it to once again allow USB connections.
Just messing with it like that usually works for me. Like I said, it's just a bit crap.
Activ Sync
Yeah, I seem to recall I had this problem a while back - I'll faff around with the settings and see if it makes a difference
stevep said:
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
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Well if johncmolyneux's suggestions don't work then try disconnecting your phone from the PC, restarting both, disconnecting the PC from the network, disabling the firewall element of AVG (if it has one) and then connecting the phone to the PC again.
If that doesn't work I can only suggest removing ActiveSync, totally shutting down your PC, starting up, then re-installing ActiveSync.
I had a similar problem but I was able to narrow it down to Norton in the end but it's a real pain when you don't know why it won't work.
Good luck with this.
I also occasionally was not able to connect with Active Sync, but rebooting the HD2 always fixes that issue. You said that this did not helped you, so try messing with the settings on Active Sync, like johncmolyneux said, also try when plug the usb cable into the device by default it asks you what kind of connection you're establishing (Active sync, data transfer and internet sharing) - try using data transfer, if it connects, unplug and connect it again, this time use active sync.
Reinstall activsync and Try to disable faster data Synchonization on HD2
Active Sync not working (solved)
That'll teach me to not check the obvious! - It turned out that the cable had developed a fault. I changed the cable and it's now OK.
Case closed.

Bluetooth tethering to OSX

I got my Tilt2 successfully connected to my MacBook Pro and the Bluetooth PAN connection seems fully connected (green light, authenticated, timer running). Connection process was a bit cryptic but I guess I should have expected that... However I can't get a working internet connection (no ability to ping, no web/email).
Also what is the difference between PAN and NAP? I think I know this but not sure. Sometimes the windows on my Tilt say NAP but the connection in the Mac system preferences always says PAN.
Can you also transfer files to/from your Mac to a WinMo device?
Thanks much.
tried some of the guides ?øg&meta=&aq=f&oq=
^ Thanks, indeed I tried many of those links. Many only cover USB connection, many are for Windows PCs only. I got through the very odd set up steps all the way through to the point that everything should just be working yet no data actually flows.
This worked for me: . Finally.

