Bluetooth tethering to OSX - Networking

I got my Tilt2 successfully connected to my MacBook Pro and the Bluetooth PAN connection seems fully connected (green light, authenticated, timer running). Connection process was a bit cryptic but I guess I should have expected that... However I can't get a working internet connection (no ability to ping, no web/email).
Also what is the difference between PAN and NAP? I think I know this but not sure. Sometimes the windows on my Tilt say NAP but the connection in the Mac system preferences always says PAN.
Can you also transfer files to/from your Mac to a WinMo device?
Thanks much.

tried some of the guides ?øg&meta=&aq=f&oq=

^ Thanks, indeed I tried many of those links. Many only cover USB connection, many are for Windows PCs only. I got through the very odd set up steps all the way through to the point that everything should just be working yet no data actually flows.

This worked for me: . Finally.


Pls help save my sanity

I recently bought the JJ and love it EXCEPT for one issue. I am totally unable to surf the net with any method other than GPRS. I have a Netgear router connected to my desktop and my broadband connection, and run a wireless network with my tablet PC. Before I upgraded, my IIi had no trouble syncing (I know AS 4 doesn't support this) or using IE to surf the net wirelessly. I never had to change any settings on my wifi network.
With the JJ, it connects, gives me a decent looking IP address, but immediately following connection, it kills the Wifi network. Neither the desktop or tablet PC can connect to the internet via the cable modem attached to the router anymore, and what's worse, AS crashes and will no longer synchronise the JJ (which is hooked up to the Tablet via USB). Spb Weather subsequently no longer syncs, either. The only solution I found is that I can reboot the router (the technical term for pulling the plug out of the socket and then putting it back in) AFTER I disconnect the JJ. I can go online again then with everything excep the JJ of course. Unfortunately, I have found no way to reconnect my JJ to AS without doing a hard reset (which I've already had to do twice!).
I know that I can get on the internet using my AS connection because I can update Spb weather, check email, etc. via the USB connection, but yet I cannot get IE to connect. What am I doing wrong?
Please help me complete the one thing that would make the JJ the best PDA I have ever had.
routers and activesync
Microsoft are working on this and other activesync issues. a new AS version will be available in November, so they promise...
Be aware though that in my experience, the worst configuration problems come from routers, and defining network segments... are u using windows xp, maybe network bridging the connection to JJ with the tablet pc could help, u might need to fiddle a bit with the created bridge, like disable enable bridge/connections, etc... this is how i could have tried to do it anyways...
good luck dude, it took me once five days to sort out a wireless connection via routing, and another time I just returned the kit I just bought from netgear to replace it with a one from belkin, but i still had to sweat to get things smooth..., this is the price to pay when hardware is produced by so many different companies, with different drivers, etc... we wish things were more standardised; and to the credit of MS, it forced computer manufacturers to standardise a lot of what they produce, but not enough to my satisfaction...
Peace out
to he honest, I think I just got lucky networking my desktop and tablet and IIi together. I wish the same luck came to me again as this is very frustrating!
Hmm, tricky. You shouldn't have so much trouble. Try a few things that pop to mind:
- Check if your PC has a proxy set. I THINK I once found that when I synced my PPC got passed the proxy settings, and it confused me for ages. WOuld explain why IE behaves differently to spb. I think the proxy is under advanced settings on network connections of PPC
- Check you PPC networks adaptor settings, all should be set to "obtain server-assigned IP"
- Try trning off wifi when using AS. They may conflict
- Search this board for "firewall". Other users have found this to be an issue with AS
Not too helpful, I know...
I haven't experianced any problems. I synced with my BT Voyager w\l router first time and always makes the connection when I'm in the area.
It even makes PIE half usable!
I wish mine would work too
My wifi network is now unstable
still can't connect to internet for IE

usb network

Hi all,
As i posted in another thread about networking thru bluetooth i have another similiar question.
It seems many ppl have the same problem and there is a solution tho not the best one.
Many of you know that connecting tytn to pc thro usb is unstable.
So was the case for me til i turned of the advanced networking feature of tytns usb.
Syncing works and the connections never dropped, tho this is not the best solution since the networking features are lost.
In other word you can no longer ping the phone from the laptop, which means you can't browse the laptops files from the tytn.
What happens for me is that after i've plugged in the usb cable i get a new connection in my laptop with all fancy ips and stuff, activesync is able to synchronize and everything works for a cpl of minutes.
Then the connection is dropped (activesync turns grey) tho the laptops connection-trayicon still is visible tho freezed.
When trying to open or disable the connection the whole pc turns unstable.
When trying to shutdown windows standard "task not responding" shows up telling "connections tray" bla bla, end task? you know...
Even if i end it nothing happens and i have to do a power button-shutdown.
So, am i missing something?
It seems tho everything works fine if i connect and disconnect the cable myself, the connection is dropped, trayicon removed etc, standard.
Issue seems to be when connection is dropped for other reasons (timeout? inactivity?)
Is there a way to increase activesyns timeout?
Can you still have networking features somehow even tho advanced networking is disabled?
I'm running win xp/sp2 tested on both a firewalled (kaspersky) and non-firewalled pc with the same result...
It'd be really neat to browse my laptop files thru tytn and watch a movie or two at night...
rowz said:
Can you still have networking features somehow even tho advanced networking is disabled?
It'd be really neat to browse my laptop files thru tytn and watch a movie or two at night...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can't do this over USB with the old networking model, as has been pointed out in my related articles (have you read them? They also explain a lot of other questions in your post - )

How to Setup Laptop to Use 3G Internet from My Cingular 8525?

Okay, I've searched for several hours so I don't act like a true newbie and ask a dumb question that's been asked a hundred times, but I can't find anything definite on this, so here goes.
I have a new Cingular 8525 and have Cingular's PDA Connect Unlimited data plan. I am in a 3G area. I have an out of the box phone with Windows Mobile 5 with no ROM updates or hacks on it.
I would like to take my laptop in the car and hook my phone to it and have my laptop use the 3G connection that my phone is providing. I know you can setup a modem connection, and I've done that, but it only connects at 115k, which is the fastest setting the modem driver and bluetooth dongle have listed. I would like to be surfing on my laptop at the 3G speeds.
I know there are implications where Cingular may or may not charge me, because I am supposed to possibly have something called the Laptop Connect plan, but lets assume that's not an issue.
Also, whichever way is easiest, I can either use my USB cord to tether my phone and laptop together or use my Bluetooth on my laptop and connect that way.
Anyone have the steps on how to make this work?
Did you ever get this working?
I have almost the same situation: a Tom Tom GO 720 device that will talk to the 8525's Handsfree service via Blue Tooth, but says that the phone is not advertising the DUN service.
Got it working
I did two things to make it work.
First, I got Internet Sharing working by using the cabinet called UPRREY-ICS[1].cab that you can find on this forum site. This will install a link to the Internet Sharing application and show it under Programs.
That made my laptop able to use the GPRS connection. This uses the Bluetooth PAN to tether the laptop and the phone. (but be careful - your plan might not allow large data transfers).
Second, I found two files, also on this forum site, called (or separately as and has a .rgu file in it that I didn't have to mess with .. I just copied the other files to the windows directory and restarted.
Now my TomTom GO 710 finds the handsfree connection, the phonebook/object connection, and the DUN service so it can get on the internet when it needs to.
Thanks to URPREY, The.Drone, and MUN for their previous posts. You rock.
I have a tomtom gps 720 that I am trying to conntect to a HTC touch diamond, downloaded the software and have placed it into my windows directory etc.. which seems to have helped as it now shows on my tomtom that my phone supports wireless data transfers, the problem I am having now is when putting the setting in the tomtom for the wireless settings my mobile of phone does not appear so I am getting up to 65% through setting it up before I run into a wall....
any further ideas?
I would suggest using the data cable method without bluetooth headaches. Diamond has a ver poor battery, so when ised with USB cable it can stay alive but ultimately your laptop battery is drained
Diamond should have built-in internet connection sharing option. Does the prompt that appears when connecting to PC have that? If not try the HTCtoUSB PopUp cabs taken from Raphel.
I have no problem connecting the htc diamind or the tomtom go 720 to the PC, I'm just trying to get the wireless data to work so I can send and receive text messages through the TomTom.
I need to find the best possible laser color printer
Hello, I need to find the best possible laser color printer at the lowest possible price. I need to prints lots of documents black and white, flyers with a few photos on them, color posters and etc. So I would like to have both of best worlds and have some great photo quality and print the most pages per toner cartridges. Can anyone help me basically find a good all around color laser printer that has full ink toner and not so expensive?

Problems with PAM disconnecting as soon as it connects

Ok, so I've had issues with vista and pam before, but I have a new one, that I can't find anything about on google, on here, or anywhere else so far. I have a laptop with vista 64 home premium that I can PAM with mogul's ICS using my phone or my wife's (both are on the unlimited PAM plan.) My wife's laptop runs vista 32 home premium, and both of our phones have an identical issue when trying to tether with it, meaning its not an issue with the phones. When connecting to PAM on her laptop, 7/10 time, it will go through the steps, and when the vista networking gets done with identifying, pulling an IP from the phone ICS, and checking for connectivity (which vista does by pinging a server by domain name to determine that the DNS is working in addition to the network being open) it will be up for a split second, then disconnect. Sometimes it will disconnect after Identifying, but before making the connectivity check. The rest of the time, it connects and works fine. We have tested other cables, and recently I tested it under safe mode with networking, and made my first progress.
Under Safe mode with networking, it will connect perfectly every time. The hard part now, is I do not know what program or device conflict could be causing it to disconnect immediately after completing connection. Has anyone had this issue and found any other programs or hardware to interfere?
I haven't had this proble in specific but I did have a problem with using ICS in vista to let my PS3 go online via my laptop using the mogule as my internet connection, in one instant it actually gave me the blue screen of death. I have to say that with Ubuntu and Vista the best way to use the phone as modem is to run ICS (on the phone) and hit connect (I'm speaking about the usb method) the phone will say check cable or something and then hook the cable up. This way has eliminated the quick disconnect witch i experience in Ubuntu a few times.
Hope this help

WM 6.1, internet connection sharing bug?

Hello everyone,
I have done some research on Google and with the forum search here, but couldnt find out if this is a known issue:
I am using WM pro 6.1 on a Samsung i780. The device has a working internet connection (Internet explorer, connection to exchange server ... all works flawlessly).
When I enable internet connection sharing and surf on the connected laptop this works for about 40 seconds to 10 minutes, then the connection breaks up. I haver to hit "Connect" again on the device and after 10 seconds I am connected again. Of course this is extremely frustrating.
I checked this behaviour with 2 different laptops, one running WinXP, another running Windows7.Same behaviour. So the problem must be with the device and internet connection sharing on the device. The connection is via USB cable, so it ought to be very stable.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. What would be the next steps? What should I try to find out?
I actually know a bit how a computer works (I wrote an even rather successfull computer chess program a long time ago ) but this I can't solve. It is important for me, because I seldome use internet at home and if I can get this to work I dont need another internet connection (saves me 20 Euros a month!)
Thanks again!
to simplify
basically I can imagine the following steps to bugfix:
- is there a debug file in windows mobile 6.1. where it writes info about the internet sharing? then I could check there why it disconnects.
- if not, is there a utility for windows mobile which maybe allows more stable connections opposed to the built in connection sharing?
- should I try updating to 6.5.?
Again: Internet on the device/mobile phone ist stable (!). What disconnects is the "INternet Connections Sharing" even though that is via a USB cable(!).

