Activesync Error: 85002003 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have started to get this error whilst trying to Sync my Wizard.
I basically have the pushmail activated but stays connected to the the GPRS connection and Sync's the Normal Partnership but not the Exchange one.
Anyone got an idea how to fix this or do a workaround.
I have got this on AS 4.2 and also AS 4.5 (Beta)
Tis annoying as generally a Hard reset will sort it but I dont want to go down that route again

Anyone know of a patch for this issue ?

You just need delete the partership in your desktop and re-sync.
best luck.

More problems
This problem also appeared for me the other day, and deleting the partnership, performing a soft reset and reestablishing it does not work. Nothing has been changed (manually - I don't preclude some kind of automatic update) on the Exchange server, the network or the phone itself. Moreover, my colleague (who is the Exchange server administrator) has just bought a Hermes/Vario II and has the same problem. Is a hard reset necessary for this? Has anyone else managed to resolve this problem?
The problem just appeared for me on Monday afternoon during a routine sync, and I hadn't seen it before.

I had the 85002003 error with a client the other day.
I fixed it by just upgrading to the latest version of ActiveStink. No idea what caused it, but the upgrade fixed it.

ive been having this same problem for last few weeks. if anyone figures out whats causing this please post a fix for it.

Has anybody resolved this issue? I am having the same problem... Until a couple of days ago I was able to connect via ActiveSync to my Exchange server and syncronize all my items. Then, all of a sudden it stopped working and I get the 85002003 error. I have not changed anything on either my HTC Hermes/Cingular 8525 or my computer with my Outlook 2007 and ActiveSync 4.5 setup. I can sync with my desktop just fine. Also, I can sync over the air (OTA) using GPRS/EDGE/3G with the Exchage Server just fine...
Any help will be appreciate, please.
Thank you,

I had the same error a couple of times and it was usually the result of an upadte to a task in outlook.
The fix I have is to go to activesync (either on phone or PC) choose options and unselect everything except email. Select ok and re-sync and then add the other items back in. Works for me each time but haven't found a permanent fix.


Blue Screen when connecting wizard to USB/Active Sync 4

The dreaded blue screen is back for me... for no apparent reason, from one day to the next. I now cannot sync anymore at all. as soon as AS starts to sync data, i get a blue screen, with a stop 1d in tcpip.sys.
I checked through other posts regarding the topic, but couldn't find any solution for me: already on as 4.1, all drivers up to date, all patches in the system etc. no matter what I do, as soon as it starts syncing, bam!
any other ideas on what to do? haven't been able to sync for 2 days now, and it's becoming a problem now...
thanks, tom.
Bluescreen on USB but not on Bluetooth
I have the same problem, but the bluescreen appears only on USB syncing, when I sync over Bluetooth it works perfect.
never managed to get bt syncing working, any hints on that? might be an interim solution at least, but i'd also like to get usb syncing working as well.
i got a exchange server up so i can sync with the activesync over wlan/gsm thats gonna work great i hope, my qtek arrives tommorow
finally figured out what was causing the bluescreens for me: kaspersky antivirus. I found some dubious files on my system so I installed it, and even though it was not running, it still caused AS4 to bluescreen. Now after completely uninstalling kaspersky, i can finally sync again.. yay!
it seems that *anything* that does something to the TCP/IP stack is a likely cause of any problems with ActiveSync 4. This is pretty damn poor from Microsoft
I still have problems with Sygate Security Agent - removing it solved the problem.
You don't have to uninstall Kaspersky, you can just disable the network security settings of KAV. With an other firewall enabled you don't need them anyway..
I used to get the same bluescreens when syncing with USB only - but the official 4.1 release from MS seems to have cured it... (fingers crossed).

85002003 error on sync

I keep getting this error on when I try to sync my device - it syncs the local data, but not the data to the server. The server sync is still working through direct push though, just not when I'm connected via usb. Thing is, this error has been on and off since I first set up my device, although this time it has stayed and not gone away. I'm using AS 4.1. I tried upgrading to 4.2, and that worked well for a few days, but then it stopped syncing all together. So I downgraded back to 4.1, set up a new sync profile in AS, and still the problem is there. On my device it says:
Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings.
On my computer it says: The server could not be reached. This may be caused by temporary network conditions. Support Code: 85002003.
This has happened on and off since my ppc had nothing on it. Still though, the last few programs I installed are: One Note Mobile, SuDoKuWizard, Ilium NewsBreak, Spb Weather, Resco today Plugin.
Anyone have any idea what's going on or how to fix it?
I have the same problem, just started failing on Exchange sync.
It seems like the the Wizard is trying to connect via GPRS to sync mail even though it is docked, so this fails. The rest of the sync seems to work.
I have not found a fix yet, except the obvious hard reset. :roll:
I am now also getting an error when I try to run the MMS configuration on the Wizard, it is complaining that MEETING.EXE is missing, dunno why, this also happens when I select meeting from the menu.

Activesync Connection error suddenly

I have been connecting and syncing device w/out any issue until today that it begins to connect and suddely it gives me an error" Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect device and try again" then it reverts back to "guess" instead of my device name. This is really frustrating because I cannot do anything, not even download new software. I recently downloaded WM 6 softouch but it has been working fine until today.
Update: This is really weird. I was able to download a new radio rom eventhough I got this error, but I cannot do anything else through activesync such as contacts, notes, etc.
I was able to get it to work by deleting and re-installing activesync 4.5. So far it is syncing ok. Anybody had a similar issues and how were they able to resolve other than hard-reset or reinstalling activesync.

active sync, server error, re-sync

Many times I get an error message which telle me there was a sync-error and I have to re-sync (delete-reload) my device.
this is frustrating cos all my quiick-Contacts are lost and I have to setup the Outlook folder sync again all the time.
ANyone experiencing the same ?
ok the full message is:
There has been a change made on your server that requires you to re-synchronize all items on our device. Please perform a manual synch.
Support Code: 0x80883001
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
server re-sync
We had the same in our cie with the central exchange server and it was happening for all mobile users.
Our central team did something on the exchange server but I don't know what, but for sure it's coming from exchange because it was solved centrally.
If you manage you exchange server I can find out what was done exactly by our support team.
same happens to me with normal outlook (no exchange)
is there any fix?
actice synck error
me as well, i have no exchange server and i face this problem every other day.
hope to find a solution for this...
One solution is to keep your Windows XP/Vista always updated, with the latest sercurity patches.
no, my vista is always up to date.
That's not the solution
I had problems with AS any time ago, and disabling Tasks syncing solved problem....
ok, I'll un-check TASK sync and see if it helps.
You run a different ROM though. Maybe it's ROM related.
I'll keep ya posted
Hi, am Santo, you mast going to controlpanell, sistem, hardware, device manager, end go to portable device, and uninstall windows mobil with-the cable mini usb to device, when is finisch uninstal end reinstall the cable mini usb to device, then gest a moment to install the driver. install activesync when is necessari. ex for the write. Ciao alla prossima spero di esserti stato utile. Venite a trovarci su:
ok my friend, I understand that you want me to de/install the ActivSync Program? I use VISTA, I havn't installed activesync at all. It was build in, I suppose.
Well, the tip with deactivating TASK-sync helps for now
So far, so good...
Okay, so I did not read everyone's response here, because I have been staring at forums for days to try and find the answer to this very same question and I am starting to go cross-eyed. I found two things that have worked for me, one is guaranteed and the other has worked thus far...will update if it fails.
First, and I read this on another forum and got this answer directly from HTC's customer service. It is not the ideal solution, but it does work guaranteed. If you go into your settings for the sync program on your phone, or on the computer, and tell it to "NOT" sync your desktop email this problem will disappear. Now, what I did last time was change that setting so I could back up everything else and not lose any appointments and phone numbers I put in, then I went back and reversed it so that I could get my desktop email on my phone too. This is something I like to have so it is not ideal, having to do this every few days or so is a pain.
The second solution is one I stumbled upon. I went into the settings for syncing and changed it from, if conflict change on my device - to if conflict change on my computer. The problem, I believe is when there is a change on the desktop email everything gets all screwy. So I did that and haven't had the problem since then. I should note however, that I am not keeping the phone plugged in for long periods of time. I do one of two things, either I plug it in and let it sync then disconnect usb connections allowed (this lets my phone charge but doesn't let it sync repeatedly) or I just unplug after it has synched up.
I don't know if this will work for everyone, but I hope it helps. Good luck and God bless!

Emails over approx 4k cause ActiveSync to fail

Hi all
I have 2 x HD2s configured for ActiveSync with our SBS2003 server. Everything works fine when connected to my laptop via USB or when connected to WiFi (whether at my office or at any remote site unrelated to my local LAN). However, once I am using my data connection I experience the following issue which I have narrowed down through lots of trail and error:
When an email of approx 4k and above arrives I can see ActiveSync trying to sync and it then fails with an error code of 0x80830002. ActiveSync will then never reestablish a connection unless I either remove the particular email from my Outlook inbox, or, I connect to any WiFi connection.
If I set the download limit to 1k, it never fails and I simply receive a trunkated version of the email. However, if I select to download the remained of the text it fails again.
The issue is related to the size of the text within the email as attachements can be downloaded fine.
I have been on to T-Mobile as this feels like a carrier problem as I only experience it when using mobile data connection but they haven't come up with anything.
I'd really appreciate any help you can offer as this is driving me mad!!!!!
Many thanks,
I seem to be having similar problems
Which all started in Mid April. I too am on T-Mobile.....
Though e-mails in excess of 4k have been syncing when OTA is actually working. I hope an expert out there has an idea of what may be wrong!
Hi Niall
I should have posted my solution back here.
I thought (mistakenly) that my SBS2003 box was running service pack 2. It wasn't.
Went to the Microsoft updates website, allowed it to download and install and hey presto!!!
Also, I have noticed that on occasion, for example if the SBS loses its internet connection, that ActiveSync does not reestablish. Simply terminating it in WM task manager causes it to restart and then its fine.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestions. We're on Exchange 2003 SP2 already.
Terminating Activesync in the Task Manager on the phone doesn't help either. The only way to "restart" OTA syncing is to do a USB laptop sync. With SSL it falls down eventually with "Waiting for Network". Without SSL it lasts longer before falling down with error 0x80830002.
I do still wonder if it's related to us changing ISP for head office, but then surely the iPhone or WM6.1 device would also fail?

