Activesync - Networking

This is now driving me mad. I had problems with my LAN connection on PC and removed Activesync 4.2 during trouble shooting. Once I had resolved the LAN problem I reinstalled Activesync 4.2 and everytime I try to connect my universal via USB it crashes the PC.
I have exited my firewall (ZoneAlarm and Sprite backup) but still same result I have even deleted the previous setup for PC from both hand held and PC.
It all works fine on my laptop and have not found anything regarding this on the forum or via Google.
All help appreciated as I am now out of ideas.

had a similiar problem once, it was caused by the lan card, they were sharing the same ports as the usb port so it caused the computer to crash, maybe if you look at your device manager.

or try to deactivate your LAN conection (right click) and then activesync, if it works it probably is the port sharing thing

I also have trouble with activsync causing my wifi internet connection to cease working every time i connect my atom via usb. Once the internet connection goes down the only way i can get it to start again is by a restarting my laptop.
any ideas.

nipple said:
I also have trouble with activsync causing my wifi internet connection to cease working every time i connect my atom via usb. Once the internet connection goes down the only way i can get it to start again is by a restarting my laptop.
any ideas.
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I also have this problem. did u manage 2 solve?

this is a hardware conflict issue. see whats sharing the irq with the usb.
i have found before that a xda connected to a usb2 port was conflicting with a built in usb1 port that a mouse was connected to.
you may have to change the irqs used in bios.

thanks for the reply, could you elaborate a little.
cheers nipple

Thanks for the advice but afraid to no avail.
But have solved the problem by closing Activesync and Sprite backup via Windows Task Manager successively connected PPC and the restarted the above applications. Who knows what was causing the crashing as I checked everything no hardware conflicts IRQ's nothing but as I say the above worked and I am happy again


Problem connecting imate jasjar with pc, please help

I've previously been connecting my Qtek 9090 to my computer fine.
I've just purchased the Imate Jasjar and need to transfer my contacts and diary across from the pc but I'm unable to do so.
I've been getting the message "one of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it, when connecting the device using the usb cable given in the box.
If you've got any possible solution it would really really help right now!
Are you using ActiveSync 4?
Yes I instaled activesynk 4 also. I forget to say that my pc sees jasjar as a local connection area 2 after a while connecting it to my pc.
Is this have something to do with some settings;
:idea: Do your have a firewall / Anti-virus running on your pc? This, from experience has caused some connectivity issues in the past. If so, disable, connect your universal, then re-enable your firewall / Anti-virus.
i been having the same prob with AS4 and jasjar
ive tried turning off firewall and antivirs but still no connection..
by any chance was your imate jasjar bought off expansys???
mine was
You might want to verify that you are connected directly to the computer and not via a USB hub. I have had problems with WM5 devices connected to hubs not detecting properly, but direct connections worked.
Robert Harrold
i use the usb ports of my usb hub..
the only way i can sync is via BT
its wireless i agree but i need to use the cable aswell...
Well I bought mine also from expansys, Is this has something to do with my local area connection at home; Iam saying this because sometimes jasjar connects to my pc only as a local area connection 2. Then it can be synchronized by taking on and putting on the cable again. But this is not the wright way. Any ideas; Thanks
yeah.. same thing mine also conects as lan 2...
but never have i been able to get it to sync.. so could you please tell me more in detail if ever you got it synced,,if so how
Do you have any kind of VPN software installed on your laptop such as Checkpoint Secure Remote?
AS4 gave me no end of trouble at first with the same symptoms as yourself. I removed the VPN software and all of a sudden everything started to work properly.
no i dont have vpn software..the only firewall i have is that of xpsp2 and the antivirus program i use is trendmicro pc-cillin/..ive tried with both of them off still no usb connection to activestink.... bt AS works no matter what
Have you try uninstall the Pc-cillin, reboot the machine then try again.
same **** here
List of issues:
-as4 will not see jasjar, spins forever
-----Solution, soft reset device, this has happens due to your last sync.
-Needs to resync everything - connection resets every second time almost
really very buggy
lpsi2000 said:
Have you try uninstall the Pc-cillin, reboot the machine then try again.
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It's not enough to turn off antivirus and firewalls... you need to uninstall them...


Uni running latest rom.
Info :- Yesterday Activesync working at home and at work through USB.
Got home last night and thought I will set up my bluetooth conenction at home. Did this no problem at all the Uni connects through Bluetooth fine.
Get to work today and Uni Will not sync through USB.
I have gone through these Forums and can not find anything. Activesync just keeps saying connected.
Help !!!!!
Me again.
I have been through the Forums on this site and tried all the stuff on here.
Can I have on PC connect by bluetooth and another via USB.
I have tried soft reset and Activesync still says Connecting then times out after a long time.
Any help on this matter would be good.
Can I have on PC connect by bluetooth and another via USB.
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Yes. For my Xda Exec I have a USB connection to 'WORK-PC1', I have also set up a WiFi internet connection at work. Then, when I get home I use a Bluetooth connection and surf the internet using my 'HOME-XP-PC' connection via anothre ActiveSync 4.1 partnership (and also via a USB cable link if I want).
Alot of reference is made (here & other web sites) to ActiveSync & issues with partnerships: it appears that the thing to do is delete any troublesome partnerships, reset the PC & set up the partnership again.
Here we gop then :-
Active Sync :- Work PC (USB) Home PC (Bluetooth)
Have Wi-fi working no problme at home or work.
I have had to hard reset my UNI. Now both work and home connect fine using usb.
I set up BT on Home and the usb connection stops working. Also will not sync usb at work.
soft reset nothing. turn BT off nothing. Hard reset again and it syncs with both pcs usb.
Bluetooth on work pc this time.
Same again once BT set up will not usb sync.
GOD I HATE ACTIVE SYNC. In fact im renaming it to CraptiveSync.
I have no tired this in as meny ways as can set up BT first then USB.
BT and BT on both pc's works fine. but will not usb.
USB first then BT.
My experiences with this type of CRAP so far has led me to believe:
1) It's NOT ActiveSync - it's OK as long as v4.1 is used. Ensuring that WinXP Pro uses SP2 etc. etc.
2) It's NOT the PDA - only a handful of options HOWEVER one crucial thing I have learnt is:
Start > Settings > Connections > Connections (icon):
Advanced (tab): > Select Networks:
Ensure BOTH options are set to 'My Work Network'.
3) If there are any issues, IT'S AT THE PC END OF THINGS and it's this multitude of crappy layered & hidden options and badly written drivers that casues ActiveSync (et al) to go AWOL. :evil:
Oh, & ongoing issues I have with COM ports.....
CraptiveSync issues still happening.
Hard reset both Pc's connect fine using USB. As soon as either PC is switched to Bluetooth and a connection is set up USB STOPS WORKING.
IT WORKS FINE until Bluetooth set up.
Anyone ??
USB Activesync Issue
I'm getting the same issue, but I only connect through USB. I sync to a work PC and a home PC. It all worked fine straight after reflashing (a mere two weeks after I got the damn thing, too many problems with the slow Orange ROM).
It started with the "Connecting..." message staying on the screen on the home PC. I have just now deleted all partnerships on the PC and am trying again. It's now just saying "Retrieving settings..."
I'm going to rename the phone and try again from scratch.
I don't know how Activesync works but I'm wondering if maybe the version of it on my phone, that was installed during the reflashing is different/incompatible with the version on my PC. I have no idea if Activesync is installed during the flashing process or if it somehow sits there throughout. Does this sound reasonable? If it is the case, how does one go about checking the version of AS on the phone?
Any help appreciated. TIA
I have sorted out the Bluetooth isssues I was having in this thread.
Heres how :-
Home pc (Bluetooth) Work pc USB.
Hard reset the UNI (This restores active sync back to default settings).
Set up USB pc first.
Then set up Bluetooth Pc.
It works.
I noticed while buggering about last night that there seems to be something up with one of the network adaptors and IP addresses but honestly I don't know enough about TCP/IP to do anything with it!
I managed to sync using a BT connection but it seemed to take an age.
Won't reconnect bluetooth
I'm having what appears to be a distinct problem. I have a T-Mobile MDA which I synch by cable at the office, and by bluetooth at home.
This arrangement worked for a while, but now every time I disconnect the bluetooth, I can't reconnect until I go into bluetooth settings, choose devices tab, find the home PC partner, press and hold for edit. There I see the Activesync service checked, but if I refresh, the Activesync service is unchecked. If I check it, I can synch via bluetooth without difficulty.
Any ideas? This clearly seems to be a problem with the PPC Activesync.
This problem -- I have to edit the bluetooth connection on the PPC -- has a slight wrinkle. Just unchecking and checking the Activesync service on the devices edit will make it possible to connect. It is as if the service is actually unchecked when it appears checked.
zone alarm & active sync
I just figured it out from my end ... with the :connecting" activesync problem. It seems that Zone Alarm was the culprit and since then everything has been working fine.
hey underwurlde how do u surf the net on ur universal via ur pc? i ve been tryin since i dont kno wen but havnt been success full. on connectin them by bluetooth it asks for a dialing number or a pass. which will be used to connect
hey underwurlde how do u surf the net on ur universal via ur pc? i ve been tryin since i dont kno wen but havnt been success full. on connectin them by bluetooth it asks for a dialing number or a pass. which will be used to connect
I would love to know the answer to this one.
I was surfing on wifi last night. Now today activesync just says connecting for ever when using USB.
I read on the MS website an old post that said if you do many soft-resets usb activesync may be imparied and you need to do hard reset. There is no way I will reinstall all my apps again. I am sure this is a firmware thing.
Something has become corrupted in the universal's program storage. hard reset just effectively reinstalls everything. Perhaps re-installing one of the cabs from the extended rom will solve this problem.
anyone have any suggestions or sovled this problem themself ? (my problem is definitely not firewall!)
hey underwurlde how do u surf the net on ur universal via ur pc? i ve been tryin since i dont kno wen but havnt been success full. on connectin them by bluetooth it asks for a dialing number or a pass. which will be used to connect.
Firstly Essgee Im assuming your craptivesync connection is on your home pc via bluetooth. It makes no odds if its bluetooth or usb. If its a work connection it might be a firewall thing. I can ot surf the web at work on my ppc as the fire wall will not let me.
Home PC. Or slack work firewall.
Sync with PC. Open ActiveSync up. Go to file and the connection settings. In the drop down box marked as "This computer connects to" change it to the internet. You should now be able to surf the net.
Let me know ??
This happend to me. I had to hard reset PPC and it has not happend since. Dont know what went wrong. I did read somewhere that WI-FI connected to a WLAN and then BLuetooth Activesync don't get on when both are trying to connect to the internet. (This was my problem).
hey underwurlde how do u surf the net on ur universal via ur pc? i ve been tryin since i dont kno wen but havnt been success full. on connectin them by bluetooth it asks for a dialing number or a pass. which will be used to connect.
Firstly Essgee Im assuming your craptivesync connection is on your home pc via bluetooth. It makes no odds if its bluetooth or usb. If its a work connection it might be a firewall thing. I can ot surf the web at work on my ppc as the fire wall will not let me.
Home PC. Or slack work firewall.
Sync with PC. Open ActiveSync up. Go to file and the connection settings. In the drop down box marked as "This computer connects to" change it to the internet. You should now be able to surf the net.
Let me know ??
This happend to me. I had to hard reset PPC and it has not happend since. Dont know what went wrong. I did read somewhere that WI-FI connected to a WLAN and then BLuetooth Activesync don't get on when both are trying to connect to the internet. (This was my problem).
I didn't actually use bluetooth, just wifi. It might be another reason, it might be because we disconnect the PPC from the PC when activesync is doing something, or making a call, and this corrupts something on the PPC. It definitely not the PC as I tried different ones and also reinstalling activesync and wiping registry entries.
Anyway I had to do a hard reset, and it all worked again. Damn it!
If you are having trouble with the reconnection problem -- that is, having to reboot the PC and/or soft reset the Wizard to get a success, I have found that most of my problems were reduced by using ActiveSyncToggle to shut off Activesync, and disconecting the bluetooth connection on the PPC rather than shutting off bluetooth.
ActiveSyncToggle solves the PC problem entirely (I never have to restart PC) but I still sometimes have to go to PPC bluetooth connection, click on the PC and uncheck and re-check the activesync service. This is clearly a software problem, since the service is checked but acts as if it is unavailable; unchecking and then putting the check mark back cures the problem.
ActiveSyncToggle solves another problem for me. Sometimes in boot up, the bluetooth starts after activesync, which causes an error "can't find the com port" from activesync. Since I now shut off activesync, I don't get these error messages.
Not exactly plug and play, though.

Activesync Disconnects

I have been suffering with a persistant Activesync connection problem. It usually connects and syncs fine the first time I boot my machine, but after around five minutes it almost always disconnects (though my Vario II continues to charge). Unplugging and replugging the USB cable does not work and the Activesync icon remains grey. Trying to start the connection manually either from the Vario II or from Activesync on the desktop also does not reconnect the device. In fact the only way to get it to connect again is to reboot my PC.
I'm using Activesync 4.2 downloaded from Microsoft this morning. I've tried deleting and recreating the partnerships, which does not help the issue. I've tried several USB cables which also do not resolve the issue, so I am now asking for your help.
If anyone has any insights into whaty might be happening I would appreciate your help...
I'm having the same problem, but in my case unplugging the cable from the device and plugging it again usually restarts the sync. Sometimes, however, I have to soft-reset to get it working again. Very annoying.
Hi Chris,
Ive had tons of issues with activesync on my works laptop..... I use a VPN and zonealarm... I used to have tno issues but since I got WM5 wich uses IP address's it always does the same thing as yours.. ive made sure the IP address is allowed in zone alarm.... my colleague also had this issue.. he managed to solve it by using a differnet USB port as his laptop has 3 one is on the side of the machine ... try using a different USB or disable zone alarm if you use it this could be causing the problem.
I sometimes get it to work if I have no VPN client running but as soon as I do use it the active sync stops.
Hope this may help you
I have exactly the same issue with my Vario II, never happened with my Vario and I have changed nothing other than my phone. Makes me think its summin to do with the harware possibly? Anyone else found a cure for this?
I Had the same problems, so I gave up on USB connection with active sync, I have 4 USB ports on my laptop and tried all, I now use bluetooth and works everytime.
There has always been problems with USB and actgive sync, so 4.2 was suppose to fix, but not for me.
I've got the same probelm on my Tytn. I've solve it to delete the Pocket Mechanic :shock: , I've done a S.R. and from now on the A.S. works correctly.
Ciao, Cesare
Had to use my old vario for a bit today, used activesync and it worked fine for the whole time I had it plugged in, got a new Vario II replacement today, got home and its exactly the same, would appear to be a mismatch between Vario II and activesync 4.2, can I connect by wifi?
Hello hmm the problem is if it uses direct or ip ,try go settings - connections - ( usb to pc ) and disable advance network funtctionality.
Hope that works
I had this problem too - I disabled advanced network capabilites in the "USB to PC" control panel under the Settings/Connections folder, and then Activsync stayed connected after that.
HTC TyTN 7/22/06 ROM
Just given that ago, Took me 5 attempts for the usb to pc connection settings screen to show up but then I realised it had to be plugged in to do it! Duh! What features do I loose by disabling ADVANCE NETWORK FUNCTIONALITY?
After the activesync working fine with my orange spv3100 for 4 weeks it suddenly refused to connect. I un-checked the "advanced functionality" box as suggested and it works again. Many thanks for the solution peeps.
I too would like to know what functions this deactivates.
Same problem, I've installed ActiveSync 4.5beta and now it stay connected, sometimes it disconnects but after restart of the phone it works again, one friend told me that the problem comes from the Activesync in the phone, so may be we have to look for the problem in the phone not in the PC
Activesync 4.2 problem
Hi all,
I too started having the same problems with Activesync 4.2 hanging my phone if left charging overnight. I decided to disable the advance network connection and that worked for a while. Now the phone wont sync AT ALL. It charges, but I can't do anything else. I reinstalled the Activesync 4.2, did a soft reset, off-on to the mobile, turn off-on my computer and still nothing. I will d/l Activesync 4.5 beta to see if that solves the problem, but it looks to be a problem with the Activesync in the mobile and not the one in the computer. I did the troubleshooting and it is detecting the USB connection but does not sync. I would really like to know if wireless sync can be achieved. Will post any fix if I find one. BTW my mobile is about a month and a half.
activesync always disconnect
fantastic_mr_q said:
Just given that ago, Took me 5 attempts for the usb to pc connection settings screen to show up but then I realised it had to be plugged in to do it! Duh! What features do I loose by disabling ADVANCE NETWORK FUNCTIONALITY?
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pls help here im tired of this activesync problem
thank you
Sync problems with tytn
I've read through all the messages in this thread and wondered if someone could help me with some problems i've been having with syncing mine with a laptop. Often when I have the device plugged in when i boot up the laptop activesync won't start until i've disconnected the usb cable then reconnected it again-i never had this problem with the imate jam. My second problem arises when sometimes it says on the files section that there are un resolved items???? i then try to resolve the issue and a wizard comes up with add or remove buttons.afraid that i might remove something essential i tried the add button hoping this might resolve the issue-it didn't. i then gave up as nothing worked. after switching the laptop off and then syncing a day later there were no items to resolve so what exactly is happening. how can there be unresolved items one minute and nothing the next.also i hadn't done anything different on the tytn.if i select the add button on the window does it add a copy of the file highlighted and could this affect the operation of the device.Sorry if this seems a little confusing but i never had this problem with an xda exec or an imate jam.
please could someone help a non technical fifty something.
activesync always disconnect
fantastic_mr_q said:
Just given that ago, Took me 5 attempts for the usb to pc connection settings screen to show up but then I realised it had to be plugged in to do it! Duh! What features do I loose by disabling ADVANCE NETWORK FUNCTIONALITY?
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I agree, where is this option?
I'm running version 4.2 and along the top bar all I'm seeing is:
File - View - Tools - Help
Nothing like "Settings" and/or "Connections" in sight. Under "File" there is the "Connection Settings" option, but nowhere does it mention "Advanced Networking Functionality".......
Can someone explain this please?!
The "Advanced Networking Functionality" is on your phone, not on desktop's activesync.
On WM5, go to Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC and you will find the "Enable Advanced network functionality" option.
pof said:
The "Advanced Networking Functionality" is on your phone, not on desktop's activesync.
On WM5, go to Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC and you will find the "Enable Advanced network functionality" option.
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Every time I try that, I just get an error message saying: "Failed to disable RNDIS to use Serial".
Has anyone else seen this message? Happens regardless of whether the Vario II is connected by USB or not...
I'm still getting the RNDIS error, has anyone else come across this? Is there a solution?

How to set a BA WM6.1 on XP with AS 4.5?

I can't connect, grayed out. Can't find a solution on this part for the forum for it?
There is no specific solution, as this should just work out-of-the-box. Maybe a proper HardReset will solve the problem?
And BTW: what is grayed out? AS connection is initiated automatically just after connection. Maybe connection is not properly done or cable is damaged?
Reinstalling AS might also work as well. I have had that happen to me before, but before going into HR, reinstalls, flashing, etc., try the obvious ones (ie, try to plug the craddle in a different USB port)
On the pocket :
Start => Settings => System=>USB to PC=>Enable advanced network functionality should be checked
On the PC
open activesync
File => Connection settings=>Allow USB connections should be checked
after these settings your device should connect, if it is not check if your firewall blocks the access of activesync to the network
yes, my only experience of failure was due to a firewall that blocked the connection between BA and AS...
Try to shut it momentarily down and then retry
If you are not successful this way, perhaps you have problems on connectors or cables, but it sounds me quite strange...
Let us know how you are going on!
...or change your USB port...
xplode said:
On the pocket :
Start => Settings => System=>USB to PC=>Enable advanced network functionality should be checked
On the PC
open activesync
File => Connection settings=>Allow USB connections should be checked
after these settings your device should connect, if it is not check if your firewall blocks the access of activesync to the network
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Xplode. I did all this still it isn't connecting. I haven't tried the XP firewall yet. Now I have read on the above the first option could be untaggged but this was about another device. Many seems to have similar problems when not using Vista and de comm. center but everthing on hardware is working here.I put off the firewal for a moment, reset and it basically didn't do anything. AS is set as an exception in the firwall options. Can't do much more now since I am in the hospital since 5-31
I have the same problem with my notebook. If you're email-account in Outlook is running on an Exchange-Server, ActiveSync will only connect when the PC ist connected to the Exchange-Server. I tryed ActiveSync on an other PC without Exchange and it's working.
Greets Rossi
Meanwhile I removed Office 2003 still I haven't been able to sync with the device.I haven't got any exchange account. I can't remember if I did before at home, sync.Probely not. I can't test because I ain't home yet. I didn't use the BA as my main device, just to experiment with.
Hmm, I did browse the BA via AS at home

ActiveSync not working (all of a sudden)

Hi All
I searched the Forum but couldn't find a solution to this problem.
1. Came back form holiday yesterday - synced up my HD" with Outlook no problem
2. Tried to do it this morning. By the normal 'connect PC' option didn't come up and activsync icon didn'tr light up on PC
3. Rebooted HD2 and change
4. Tried to repair/reinstall activ sync, but towards the end of the repair it says 'there was a network error reading from file 'setup/msi'. Guessing that the file may be corrupt, I downloaded it again..same I can't repair or reinstall
5. There is definitely a connection of some sort as the HD2 begins to charge when connected
Bottom line is that the HD2 is not syncing - and I can't figure out why not.
Any advice appreciated...
Do you have a Norton (Symantec) firewall installed? I’ve found that the Norton product can interfere with ActiveSync.
Active Sync not working
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
ActiveSync is just a bit crap. It'll do this occassionaly, so if you use it a lot then get used to it.
A restart of the phone, whilst the USB cable is not plugged in, usually does the trick. Only plug it in again when it's fully started.
Also, try setting the AS connection to not allow USB connections, unplugging and plugging back in, and then setting it to once again allow USB connections.
Just messing with it like that usually works for me. Like I said, it's just a bit crap.
Activ Sync
Yeah, I seem to recall I had this problem a while back - I'll faff around with the settings and see if it makes a difference
stevep said:
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
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Well if johncmolyneux's suggestions don't work then try disconnecting your phone from the PC, restarting both, disconnecting the PC from the network, disabling the firewall element of AVG (if it has one) and then connecting the phone to the PC again.
If that doesn't work I can only suggest removing ActiveSync, totally shutting down your PC, starting up, then re-installing ActiveSync.
I had a similar problem but I was able to narrow it down to Norton in the end but it's a real pain when you don't know why it won't work.
Good luck with this.
I also occasionally was not able to connect with Active Sync, but rebooting the HD2 always fixes that issue. You said that this did not helped you, so try messing with the settings on Active Sync, like johncmolyneux said, also try when plug the usb cable into the device by default it asks you what kind of connection you're establishing (Active sync, data transfer and internet sharing) - try using data transfer, if it connects, unplug and connect it again, this time use active sync.
Reinstall activsync and Try to disable faster data Synchonization on HD2
Active Sync not working (solved)
That'll teach me to not check the obvious! - It turned out that the cable had developed a fault. I changed the cable and it's now OK.
Case closed.

