Capitalize first letter of sentences not working - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

hi, I am curious to learn whether anybody else has the problem wit WM 5.0 that disabling the keyboard setting "capitalize first letter of sentences" is not working. I tried this already on the Hermes and now on the TyTN. It stays without result. If I type with the keyboard, the automatic correction to capitalized letters keep working even though I uncecked the letter box in the settings.
any help available for this?

It's time to get this post back in the light...
Got this issue also under WM6 and it's quite annoying!
Anyone seen a solution on this matter now?


Help needed: Transcriber problem

I just got my XDA II and I absolutely love it!! I have only one small problem:
When I activate transcriber and write a word, the word just stays there and is not translated into characters, that is it stays on the screen just as I wrote it. It also makes the sound notifying me that it has begun to interpret the characters. Yet nothing happens, but if I wait for about one minute, it finally works. As long as I don't change program, transcriber works perfectly from then on.
But that's the problem: As soon as I change program again, I have to wait like a minute until its working again. When I'm in a rush, that just won't do!
Has anybody encountered the same problem? Or does anybody have an idea of how to fix it?
Any help is really appreciated!
I dont know why this happens but if you are in a hurry is it possible to write all the words then transcribe when complete instead of on the fly.

Autocomplete working for anyone?

I have set up all the options for Autocomplete in Settings/Input. I've chosen to NOT use T9 but the regular Windows Mobile autocomplete. It doesn't seem to work at all - I get no list of words appearing inany apps - SMS, email or Word.
Anyone else having the same problem or has anyone got this feature working OK?
Try a soft reset.
yes it does work
yaelle said:
I have set up all the options for Autocomplete in Settings/Input. I've chosen to NOT use T9 but the regular Windows Mobile autocomplete. It doesn't seem to work at all - I get no list of words appearing inany apps - SMS, email or Word.
Anyone else having the same problem or has anyone got this feature working OK?
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i had a similar problem but got help from a very nice member on here unfortunately am at work but what you want to do is search under the posts i started on the forum and find the one i think its entitled letter recognition when typing contacts and if you follow that thread you will be sorted because that's how i got help and if you cant find the thread pm me then all look it up for you
OK - a bit more playing around and I realise that neither auto complete or autocorrect work with the full QWERTY keyboard if T9 is turned off. But they both work fine with the compact QWERTY. Soft reset didn't help though.
Could someone out there test this combination please?

Which Registry Key controls Auto Cap of first letter?

Even though it seems that no one else has this problem or wants it resolved, I CANNOT stop the Capitalization of the First Letter when typing mgs or emails!
And of course I have unchecked the setting! Tried all kinds of check/uncheck settings in Input, etc. !
So the last resort is the Registry. Does anybody know where I can find this key that controls Capitalization?
I have the 'new' Generic UK R2 ( and did not have this problem with R1 -but that had a different Customization Software ID though!-)
I´m interested in a solution too! Unchecking the settings seems to have an effect on the software keyboards only...
untick the capitalize XXXXXX
What exactly is the problem? You don't want it to auto capitalize the first letter after a full stop? I seem to be having the opposite problem, mine rarely capitalizes when I want it to after a full stop.
alias_neo said:
What exactly is the problem? You don't want it to auto capitalize the first letter after a full stop? I seem to be having the opposite problem, mine rarely capitalizes when I want it to after a full stop.
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I've looked for a solution for this for many years, started with windows mobile 2003. You should believe that it could be fixed like altezza says, but he has not tried this himself because that choice under 'settings>input>keyboard>options' has never worked. A bug for how many years ..?
I find it very useful to choose by myself if I want a capital letter or not. Especially since we at least in Norway writes most abbreviations with a dot. Many folks do that, dont they?
A bit frustrating that the next word then is capitalized, i.e. Like this.
This Capitalizing or Not must be controlled by registry. Come on, somebody must know which key it is....!
If it would capitalize after a 'dot', okay but it capitalizes the beginning of a new line, no matter what!
And again for some that don't read my entire post: YES I have tried the settings check/uncheck... duh!
So again, this auto capitalizing at beginning of a new line has to stop.
I would not complain if auto cap at beginning of new sentence (dot/period) but this crap is unacceptable. I don't understand why nobody else finds a solution, expecially since this is there for quite a while.
Okay, kindly, somebody, what is that Registry Key?
So NO ONE knows the Registry Key? Come on, people here disect the ROM but no knowldge about this little key?
As per laaban message, since 2005 he's been looking for a solution. If you're 100% certain you can find it in the registery, why haven't you tried?
I think it is not the keyboard setting which controls the is the programm you write with! For example: Writing a new SMS will capitalize the first letter but writing in PIGEON or OPERA doesn´t! Or what dou you guys think?
Pretty sure it's related to Pocket Office, something like Auto Correct, but my attempts at unticking boxes still made it happen.
I just do a Ctrl+Z to undo the "correction".
The settings menü under settings-> keyboard->options-> is only for the windows mobile notes program! There is still no solution for the other programs!

WinMob 6.5 Input issue

I installed the 6.5 rom on my Hermes/TYTN but have some input issues.
When entering text something very annoying happens.
After typing the first or second character of a word the cursor always jumps back one or two places, as result the rest of the word is put in front of the first character(s).
For example, if I want type "handheld", I get this result "ndheldHa".
As you understand this is very annoying and I have to pay attention every time.
This occurs in almost every application (Agenda, Tasks, Excel, ...) but it never happens with the first word, only on the next ones.
The only application which is not affected is SMS (fortunately).
I already tried changing the input, keyboard and dictionary options but did not find a solution.
Does anyone has a clue how to resolve this ?
Couldn't find any trace on Google or the forum either ...
Thanks in advance
i got the same problem here

Keyboard problem

My HD2 has just developed a new glitch over the past few days. When I'm typing using the sense keyboard the keyboard sometimes disappears and I just end up tapping the body of the text. I've made sure I'm not inadvertantly pressing the keyboard at the bottom of the screen. Has anyone else had this issue, and how can I resolve it? I recently installed the "currency symbols for keyboard .cab", could this have anything to do with it?
snerkler said:
I recently installed the "currency symbols for keyboard .cab", could this have anything to do with it?
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I can't help with your problem mate, but I will confirm that it's not the currency symbols cab that's caused your problem. I've been using that since the day it was released and I've never had the keyboard disappear on me.
Have you installed anything else recently? Does this happen in every app that uses the keyboard, or is it only one particular app?
No, I've not installed anything else that I can think of, except I've now set memmaid to run on a daily basis.
I think the keyboard issue has happened both with SMS and email, but I'll make sure I'm more aware when/if it happens again.
i have the same if not more then that problem, when im typing using the sense key board it tends to lag and also sometimes the are where im typing switches to the top of the text which then i have to press on the last word to continue typing on the end of the messege.
I also noticed when im typing it tends to swtich to something off the typing area, such as if im writing a text messege or email and then the area where im typing is no longer active and the previous messege is highlighted...
the only things i have installed on my phone are
Adobe flashlite 3.1
Microsoft .Net configuration
Microsoft .Net CF 3.5
Duttys task manager 2.1.1

