Found an open wireless network - how can i browse the HDD? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have found a couple of open wireless networks. I was wondering how i can access the HDD's of PC's on the network?

i doubt anyone will reply to you mate..

Errrm, you'll need a network browser (like resco file explorer which can do it) and access to the PC's hard drive to be allowed by the computer in question.
Thankfully, access is not granted by default.
Good luck with your 1337 haX0ring.... {/sarcasm}

Not a good idea to be asking this here. Unless those PC's are yours, I'd advise you to ask you question somewhere else.

Re: Found an open wireless network - how can i browse the HD
dangerous_dom said:
I have found a couple of open wireless networks. I was wondering how i can access the HDD's of PC's on the network?
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Just because you can does not mean you should.
Didn't your parents teach you right from wrong? Not that I'm an angel, but there are some things you just should not do, especially when your behavior creates victims.
If you do, be sure to tell us how the smell is up there, while your sniffing your way around their backsides..... :evil: :roll:
Don't bother trying to debate this. You'd be wrong to do it and that's a fact.

dangerous_dom: getting access to a network doesn't necessarily give you access to anything else other then the network.
You might want to run a port scanner to find open ports, target vulnerable ports and reverse map open network shares.
However, any sensible PC user should shut down unnecessary open ports, disable public shares and use a good firewall. Find out how to get around these issues and you'll be getting somewhere.
An open wifi network is much like a wired LAN. Just find out how to penetrate a LAN and access shares in the normal manner and then apply your techniques over wifi.
Beware though, it's likely to be highly illegal, easily monitored, and morally reprehensible. But then, we wouldn't be hackers if we hadn't found a way to deal with these questions, eh?

Can I browse your hard drive>

:::shhhh::: i heard a buzz about an upcomming release of metasploit for pocket pc. enjoy :wink:

Re: Found an open wireless network - how can i browse the HD
Tref said:
Just because you can does not mean you should.
Didn't your parents teach you right from wrong? Not that I'm an angel, but there are some things you just should not do, especially when your behavior creates victims.
If you do, be sure to tell us how the smell is up there, while your sniffing your way around their backsides..... :evil: :roll:
Don't bother trying to debate this. You'd be wrong to do it and that's a fact.
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Before you get all high and mighty, jump down from that horse a minute. Who said i was planning anything nasty? Far from it, actually i planned to leave a 'note' (.txt) on thier desktop telling them that there network is unsecure and that they need to protect it. There are kids around here that would do damage.
They are my neighbours, but i dont know which ones and there are too many doors to go knocking on. I would hardly **** on my neighbours.
Did your parents never teach you that people were innocent until proven guilty? (oh yeah, your american - the US threw that rule out of the window a few years back now )
But yes, it a fair point that this should not be discust on public forums. If anyone has a way i cant leave some kind of not for them, please PM me.

The Windows Messenging Service might be open - if they've got open Wifi connections, it's likely they've got open services, so you can probably just demi-spam them with a warning message.

Re: Found an open wireless network - how can i browse the HD
dangerous_dom said:
Tref said:
Just because you can does not mean you should.
Didn't your parents teach you right from wrong? Not that I'm an angel, but there are some things you just should not do, especially when your behavior creates victims.
If you do, be sure to tell us how the smell is up there, while your sniffing your way around their backsides..... :evil: :roll:
Don't bother trying to debate this. You'd be wrong to do it and that's a fact.
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Before you get all high and mighty, jump down from that horse a minute. Who said i was planning anything nasty? Far from it, actually i planned to leave a 'note' (.txt) on thier desktop telling them that there network is unsecure and that they need to protect it. There are kids around here that would do damage.
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That's really not any of your business is it? If they are smart enough to have a computer, they should be smart enough to lock it down. Bottom line is that if you hack their computer, it's unethical and perhaps illegal no matter what kind of message you leave, and you leave yourself open to suspicion as well. I'm American and I take offense to your other comment because not all of us think alike, and some if not most of us are a bit smarter and less judgmental than you'd like to acknowledge.

I really agree with the above comment. that was really offensive. people need to realize that all americans aren't alike. we're all from different parts of the world. so please don't say stuff like that because I consider it racism. and about browsing your neighbor's hdd, I think its best if you just leave it alone. it isn't any of your business. they can learn from their own mistakes.

I should advise you that there has already been a succesful court action against someone that used a neigbours wi-fi connection without authorization. It is not up to the person with the wi-fi to keep others out. It is simply illegal to connect to someone elses broadband connection. The fine was very heavy and has now set a precedent in law.
Don't believe it ? see here

Re: Found an open wireless network - how can i browse the HD
dangerous_dom said:
(oh yeah, your american - the US threw that rule out of the window a few years back now )
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Dom, if you're going to dump on us Americans get it right. You need to capitolize the "A" and since you were trying to say "You Are" it is spelled "You're" as "Your" would refer to his ownership of what ever you would be calling "american".
Damn, takes a Yank to teach a Bloke proper English!!! :lol:

I did not mean to seriously offend anyone, sorry if i have. It was just a bit of teasing really. I was really responding to the arrogance of the poster i quoted.
I have some good American mates who live here now and i know that many Americans are not scary Bush-following freaks as the media often portrays.
Thanks for the English tips too, i just get a bit lazy of the forums. But to be honest, you yanks have murdered the English language anyway!

I wasn't judging you to be guilty of anything you did, you hadn't done anything. I was judging your own stated intent. And I stand by it. You'd be wrong to do so. Arrogance? If that's arrogant so be it though I don't see where my belief in thinking that you'd be wrong to go traipsing through your neighbor's garden for the sake of telling them their carrots are ready to be picked even approaches arrogance. Though I think your supposed good intentions smack of arrogance.
Think about how you might feel if you came home and found a note on your kitchen table telling you that you had left your back door unlocked, left there by a stranger. Would you feel violated? Creepy? Or thankful? Common sense Bloke.
I'm proud to be an American, so you'd be wasting your time to even go there. Besides it has nothing to do with what I'm trying to impart.
And I did say I was not an angel, nor do I ride horses.

Tref said:
Think about how you might feel if you came home and found a note on your kitchen table telling you that you had left your back door unlocked, left there by a stranger. Would you feel violated? Creepy? Or thankful? Common sense Bloke.
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Actually when you put it that way you do have a point. While i had no ill intent, it's not a great idea now i think about it.
Well said, I stand corrected.
Tref said:
nor do I ride horses
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But i though all Americans wear cowboy hats and ride horses shouting yeeha!
/Quickly exits.....

dangerous_dom said:
Tref said:
Think about how you might feel if you came home and found a note on your kitchen table telling you that you had left your back door unlocked, left there by a stranger. Would you feel violated? Creepy? Or thankful? Common sense Bloke.
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Actually when you put it that way you do have a point. While i had no ill intent, it's not a great idea now i think about it.
Well said, I stand corrected.
Tref said:
nor do I ride horses
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But i though all Americans wear cowboy hats and ride horses shouting yeeha!
/Quickly exits.....
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Actually we do all ride horses, but some of us only do so on two occasions. One of those is when we're heading out to rescue the fair princess from the bad guy, The other is when we're riding off into the sunset, as the cowboy always seems to do.
Now picture me tipping my hat to you....and riding my horse off into the sunset. Heeeeya

Well, see what ya miss when ya dont come on this forum for a day.....
Yeah, its illegal to use a WiFI network that isnt yours, whether that be to use its associated ADSL connection or any other resource it links to (PCs and printers included).....but its also a case of one of them things that you wanna do to others, but dont wanna have done to yaself
Anyway, chances are although you may get access to their network shares, the user directory that stores the desktop directory is normally protected by a password anyway - unless they really are dumb and created usernames without passwords...and installed a broadband connection without a firewall and setup a wireless network right out of the which case, you leaving them a note on their desktop will be the last of the things they will be able to see behind all the popups, viruses, etc :lol: Maybe you should turn to offering your services to set their PC up correctly
PS: Isnt it the English that rode off to rescue fair princesses The Yanks dont have fair princesses

You are correct Dom, there are some good (great) the ones that saved your entire continent from speaking German about 65 years ago. You're welcome.


Security Issues...?

Just read this piece of information...
I've always thought about this ever since a buddy of mine coded a little bot to do about the same thing to an online game.
Anyway,the real question I guess is, What can be done to prevent these types of thing from happening? What do you think?
Doesnt Android tell you everything a program is going to access before it's installed? I ALWAYS read that.
The only thing that this article is trying to point out is that non tech savvy users, which are probably a lot of Smartphone users won't really understand or care to know the "details" of the apps and what its all going to do, as such; they're more prone to installing these malicious apps. On top of that, they were showcasing that right now, they've only taken the GPS coordinates from the phone, but if they wanted to - passwords, messages, etc could be taken from the phone without anyone ever knowing.
I think this is good, it makes people more aware and allows us to be more cautious. Not mention, it's becoming obvious that Mobile data/traffic is easy to target and probably even easier to trick users (than on computers) because of lack of security and the notion that ones' phone cannot be "hacked" or what not.
i had to go threw to get a app because my bank blocked Android Market lol anyway. They sent out a server wide warning that app was bad last night.
BTW is there an app which logs where and what your phone sends? Like "littlesnitch"?
There's not much that can be done about this, and it's a perfectly legitimate threat.
Yes, the app DOES tell you what it will be doing, but nearly any app that has Network access and Fine Location, especially if it does grab your GPS coordinates for something in the app itself, could send stuff behind the scenes and you'd be completely unaware.
I definitely don't think this will be the last time we'll hear about this sort of malicious app.
Negrito said:
Doesnt Android tell you everything a program is going to access before it's installed? I ALWAYS read that.
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Of course but you don't know EXACTLY what the app is doing with the info(unless you tear it apart).Like in the example a weather widget,of course its going to use gps.So what if another app that can access your phones info that would typically need to, but is broadcasting that info to a remote server.If you get what I'm, trying to get at.
Edit: What kmart
The only truly saving grace of these phones about the sensitivity of location awareness with respect to paranoia of the same, is that we can pull the battery and remove any doubt that the phone cannot disclose its function or location.
There was an article I read a while ago that the Fed's had issued over 3 million location requests last year to Sprint on users - warrant-less! How's that for Paranoia!!!
But all these apps in the market has the Buyer Beware tag so, of course at some point or another it will be exploited! For the most part, the idea of location awareness and marketing/advertisement and or service oriented provisioning is a great concept. The openness of the Android system to provide the same - will undoubtedly have it's shortfalls. A Good Firewall app that notifies and asks for approval prior to transmitting info or accepting connections from an app would go a long way to controlling potential problems. Just like a PC, which basically these phones have become.
well, considering I don't go on any financial sites from my phone, there's not much they can get off they want my school email password? Have at it...they can read those worthless emails if they want (heck, even send a nice threatening email to my profressors for all I care lol).
Not to mention that my phone gets wiped a few times a week, just like so many other people here, there's not much they can get unless they can manage to hack into my google account and steal my credit card which case, they won't be able to spend much on that account, since there's nothing in it lol.
This is as bad as "big brother" listening to my phone calls. What do I care? lol. If someone wants to know where I am, then by all means, let them know where I am. I'm not doing anything of interest to them.
On a side note, we apparently have caught the attention of the mods in this sub-forum, and have become a "family forum" according to a different thread lol.
tatonka_hero said:
On a side note, we apparently have caught the attention of the mods in this sub-forum, and have become a "family forum" according to a different thread lol.
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Hey Tatonka! Lol, wassup? hahaha, but if you could, please elaborate? I know it's off topic, but I'm happy to be apart of the Android Family hehe...
And oh... is there any PGP type Android app that anyone might be familiar with? Lol, just thinking about it with this topic, lol...
I was thinking about that 'Firewall App' idea.Maybe that could be done,it would definitely be something worth looking into.
In response to totonka's post,i hear you.I'm the same way,BUT there are plenty of people who do have sensitive info/files/pictures(you know what I'm talking about) that surely wouldn't want ANYone to have access to.That's just how it is.I'm just thinking of the tons of people who don't even know that this is even possible.
casperlt1 said:
I was thinking about that 'Firewall App' idea.Maybe that could be done,it would definitely be something worth looking into.
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My thoughts also, but I don't know if it is a true Firewall or just handles calls...
A security issue is still a security issue even if it doesn't affect you, and an invasion of privacy is still an invasion of privacy even if you don't care about it. Not trying to start any sort of flame here, please don't take it that way. Just mean to say that if you wait to take a stance on a known problem until it becomes YOUR problem, haven't you maybe waited too long?

Holy Monitoring Batman

Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
hahaha man thats insane
but could be useful
27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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I have mixed views on this, on one hand as a parent I think this is a great tool to keep kids from preditors because as these phones get more and more fetures they become more and more like computers, there is software form comps that do this so it only makes sense that it would come to the smart phone world.
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
Yeah, I see the use, but I still think that is it a breach of privacy. My parents never used blocking software on the PC, or looked over my shoulder. Sure, I saw some things on the internet that I prolly should not have, but I am no worse for the wear. I guess parents have the right to do it, but I think for business it is kinda sketch..but you work for them. Then again, Calls and e-mails, sure, but pictures and the like I think is to invasive.
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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At least you know he's straight if the other demographic isn't what you wanted.
This is awesome.
My kid is so screwed, haha. (seriously, I don't care if he looks at porn. I just want to know he's not dead.)
EDIT: Whoah.... $100/year? Forget that. MobileDefense is free and good enough.
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
wonbattlelost said:
i can understand when their younger. maybe even until their 15 (15year olds...GOD!)
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But think about it this way... with an app like this, you could have them start walking to school and running errands when they're like 4 or 5.
Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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I agree with you to a point and I really dont want to turn this into a parenting thread BUT I used to think the same way "you know let the kid experince life and learn from thier mistakes" thats what we did" but at then I became a parent and I relized just how much the world has changed. it used to be that you could let your kid go outside and ride their bikes and not have to worry becuase everyone in the community watched out for eachother, now I have to worry about pervs that might try to take my daughter and I can honestly say with one exception that i dont think my neighbors would do anything. then you have the pervs on the net and every celebrity basically saying that its ok to be permiscuious. as the father of a girl, yes i want to know where she is and if shes ok and yes if shes sending out inapropriate photos.
as for the work stuff. if the company provides you with a phone on thier dime then they have the right to know what you are using it for.
wtphoto said:
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
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Visionikz03 said:
Exactly!!!! Why would u hire someone u cant trust? Just to have a body? Sounds like the risks outwheigh the benefits. And if parents arent raising their children right and expecting some secretive software to cover up their inability to teach morales and respect to their children then what is this world coming to?
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my point precisly but at the same time I see the use for it becuase I worry about the other people out there.
i understand not trusting other, not so much the kid. But this software, text, email, contacts, calls the whole 9 yards. I can understand gps. You know where they are, and if you dont hear from them, you can just check.
Also if the kid were to ever get in trouble (assuming the kids 13+ and not an idiot maybe younger if you got a smart one) he/she would catch on that his/her phones being monitored. Who wouldnt ditch the phone and use another way of communication. Or better, leave the phone at home and then sneak out. $100 for the year down the drain
Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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This is 100% true. A few of my friends have parents that ALWAYS want to know where they are, what they're doing, and want them to call like every hour. Let me just say, I'm so thankful my parents don't do that to me. Mind you, it's not a bad thing to be checked in on every once in awhile (my parents did that), but that's just ridiculous. My common sense level compared to theirs, as well as my level of maturity, is just so much higher. I end up learning things either myself or the hard way, but I appreciate that. Now whenever I'm confronted with a task, I'm able to think for myself, and I have the confidence to know I can do things on my own. Sorry that got off-topic, but I believe there is a point where parents need to settle down and trust their kids. I've earned my parents trust, and am able to a lot more without restrictions because of it.
my parents never trusted me, and now im homeless. true story brah.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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or he discovered proxy servers, flash browsers, or cached pages.
I am on the fence about this one. I read the article and immediately thought this would be perfect for my daughter.
However, it is a tough call. Realistically, the only thing this type of technology is guaranteed to do is cause a level of resentment and disstrust towards the parent.
The ultimate question...Is it worth it? If this prevents a crime towards the child then I think it is, but for day-to-day child raising I think it may cause more damage than good. It is awfully difficult to teach values to a child if they think you are spying on (and thus don't trust) them.
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
seaweedopm said:
You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
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ok first i think that if people like you are going to start judging the way that others are raising thier children then this thread needs to be closed and you need to seriously take a look at yourself before you do anything else you can raise your children the way you like but dont judge others (unless there is actual abuse going on) second you have a 5 year old wait 7 or 8 years and then you might change your mind teens are a completely different ball game.
and on that note my final thought to you and then I am leaving this thread alone is that I see parents like you all day long I even have a friend that raises her kids with the same line of thinking and im not saying that you are wrong but most of the time they are spoiled brats that have no respect for any adult other than thier partents. Also everytime you see a parent on the news after their kids been taken by some perv you hear the same thing "we had no idea he/she was doing anything like that" oversight is your job as a parent if somethign happens to your child it is no ones failure but your own.

I'm over it I just want it done, please

Can anyone here please for the love of god tell me how to get my damned computer running Window's Xp 03 to detect this HD2. I picked it up for my friend and it was already running Android but all the guys info, pic's and email is still locked into the phone and no clear data doesn't work. I need to access the file that holds all of this and delete it. You can call or skype me and I'll be happy to pay someone to walk me through this. Its worth it to me not to waste anymore time or stress and get him outta my hair.
Hey there, judging by your area code you are in SC...but where in SC? I'm in Florence...if you are local, I could possibly help you out in person.
I'm in Myrtle Beach, I actually go the hd2 to connect to my macbook and I can make out the files on the sd card I simply don't know which folder contains the personal info stuff, I don't wan to delete the android stuff. Although there is one file called android.
jacumja said:
Can anyone here please for the love of god tell me how to get my damned computer running Window's Xp 03 to detect this HD2. I picked it up for my friend and it was already running Android but all the guys info, pic's and email is still locked into the phone and no clear data doesn't work. I need to access the file that holds all of this and delete it. You can call or skype me and I'll be happy to pay someone to walk me through this. Its worth it to me not to waste anymore time or stress and get him outta my hair.
Have you uninstalled your antivirus and, then, connected the phone for autodetect? Everytime I flash... the same problem...
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I haven't but I will, right now I have the access I need oddly enough via macbook first try I just need to remember what folder I delete that removes the gmail adress and all the info. I'm copying them all over to my desktop and I guess I'll just delete them one by one.
I will gladly pay someone 50 dollars to fix this garbage for me I'm sick of this phone and ready to wipe my butt with it. Mainly because i tried deleting a file and upon restart now it won't detect there is an sd card which there is. I don't get how easy this is for you guys.
jacumja said:
I will gladly pay someone 50 dollars to fix this garbage for me I'm sick of this phone and ready to wipe my butt with it. Mainly because i tried deleting a file and upon restart now it won't detect there is an sd card which there is. I don't get how easy this is for you guys.
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If you wouldn't delete a file on your computer unless you were REALLY sure you knew what you were doing... DON"T DO IT ON YOUR PHONE! untill you're sure. Just a rule I live by...
P.S. For goodness sake don't mess with the registry!
jacumja said:
I'm in Myrtle Beach, I actually go the hd2 to connect to my macbook and I can make out the files on the sd card I simply don't know which folder contains the personal info stuff, I don't wan to delete the android stuff. Although there is one file called android.
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Why don't you just start from scratch...
Honestly I don't have time to start from scratch and i don't understand any of this mess. I work 2 jobs and hacking or modding is not my forte. You want me to rebuild a motor and I can do it blind folded but this is your world and not mine and I'm experienced enough to know that.
You bought a phone that is modded and you call it a piece of crap. Do a hard reset and use the stock ROM if you don't want to mod it.
If you bought a computer that had the wrong OS would you call it a piece crap too? Don't blame the phone blame the mod that the person you bought it from.
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm upset with the situation of not being able to delete the guys info off the phone. Obviously I wanted it modded if I bought it modded and I've stated I wanted it modded. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
Master of the Obvious
This is a problem I see often with people who want to do Technology savvy stuff without the disciplines and background in Technology whatever it is?
(At the very least make the Effort to know the Basics)
That is why Apple products exist for? I always hear Mac people insult Windows products! and its always for the same reason? "Severe Ignorance of Technology!"
That is why Grandmothers can use Macs!
"Distinctions without Differences is Master of the Obvious"
The only real advice I can give you is...
Stop Whining and "Man-Up" to the task at hand! Relax and use your brain for which it was intended for? "Reasoning" you are very fortunate to have found XDA, but "most" of the people here are for the advancement and self-Teaching of Technology! You are not going to find more Intelligent Tech Savvy people than on XDA!
Now for the Master of the Obvious things?
make sure that you have described the problem with enough detail for someone to help you! and hopefully you previously have taken the time and effort to do a "Search" on your problem! but if you are like many I see here and want everyone to hold your hand for something you are too slothy to do yourself? Then hope that someone here is Altruistic enough to help you? Remember you have spent more energy whining about the problem than....
Back up everything using either MS MyPhone or SPB Backup?
and then you can reinstall the HD2 with what you want on it?
Good Luck
Sent using my HD2
Wow hd2shadow, thank you so much for your useless input as well as the anonymous insults. Its really easy to make fun of someone or put them down when they're not in front of you. I'd probably do the same thing if I were you so no worries. I don't know you anymore than you know my but you seem like a real *****.
I am not a Mac fan boy nor am I putting anything down. I'm using a Mac because I'm in the middle of a move and do not have access to my Windows operated desktop. I build half a million dollar race cars for a living. I highly doubt I'm severely ignorant of technology as you put it.
Compute that while you rail your Steve Jobs blow up doll with a hacked HD2 balls deep in your ass, best of luck.
$100 to anyone that will walk me through this, last two ******s excluded.
So are you talking about on android? If you can get it to sync to your mac just access the file on the SD card "android" then remove data.img give your phone a nice little reboot and you can set android back up per your settings with no previous data.
jacumja said:
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm upset with the situation of not being able to delete the guys info off the phone. Obviously I wanted it modded if I bought it modded and I've stated I wanted it modded. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
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Ok, so let me try to understand then. You bought a phone that was modded with a ROM that wasn't made for you're phone, you don't have the time or desire how to get it to work and you don't want to hard reset the phone and start from scratch?
Yeah I must have been talking out my a**
odds are I fixed it.
how to get my damned computer running Window's Xp 03 to detect this HD2
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. use ActiveSync 4.5
already running Android but all the guys info, pic's and email is still locked into the phone
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delete account in email or reinstall Android do Search on that!
HD2 Boots up in Windows Mobile and you have to tell it to Run Android!
I have the access I need oddly enough via macbook.
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so use DoubleTwist? or other Mac Syncs use Search.
I just need to remember what folder I delete that removes the gmail adress
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Windows you just delete account! but you never were specific if Android?
Mainly because i tried deleting a file and upon restart
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Well that was just Stupid Deleting without know what you are doing!
J Newtons 2nd Law; Don't know enough to be Dangerous!
i don't understand any of this mess. I work 2 jobs and hacking or modding is not my forte
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That is very True, J Newtons 1st Law; When you don't know anything? Then Do Nothing! J Newtons 2nd Law; Don't know enough to be Dangerous!
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
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You Blame everyone but yourself for not knowing enough!
Wow hd2shadow, thank you so much for your useless input as well as the anonymous insults. Its really easy to make fun of someone or put them down when they're not in front of you.
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Actually it easier when they are in front of me! Its how I prefer it. And if you have not figured out why people here cant help you is because you don't give enough information to deduce what the problem is and how to fix it? I purposely put all that you posted because just maybe you might learn what the problem is here?
COMMUNICATION FAILURE! Advice #1 Don't Whine when posting!, #2 Don't Insult those who try to HELP YOU! #3 The Most important, Be Humble!
I build half a million dollar race cars for a living. I highly doubt I'm severely ignorant of technology as you put it.
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Don't care about cars you build? has nothing to do here with Tech.
and I know you doubt it but let me ask you, THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE NOT BEING UNDERSTOOD? Remember Its not up to us to try to figure out what you are trying to say? Its up to you to make yourself clear to everyone who is trying to help?
I don't know you anymore than you know my but you seem like a real *****.
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I only know what you write, just like you know me by what I write. and you don't know if I am a Gay Woman? and ***** is not very nice
$100 to anyone that will walk me through this, last two ******s excluded.
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You get more Flies with Honey than Vinegar! If you change your attitude you might? not have to pay? But if you READ what you posted below you might understand why they might not jump at that savory opportunity?
Lets Try Again but this time Leave out the unnecessary, and focus on details of the problem. I get tired of guys like you here! that why I unloaded on you! I have been with XDA along time but use different Login names when I see immaturity of actions because they have a tendency too vengeful boyish tactics.
The rest is here below;
Can anyone here please for the love of god tell me how to get my damned computer xxxxxxxxxxxx. I picked it up for my friend and it was already xxxxxxxxxxxxxx into the phone and no clear data doesn't work. I need to access the file that holds all of this and delete it. You can call or skype me and I'll be happy to pay someone to walk me through this. Its worth it to me not to waste anymore time or stress and get him outta my hair.
I'm in Myrtle Beach, xxxxxxxxxx and I can make out the files on the sd card I simply don't know which folder contains the personal info stuff, I don't wan to delete the android stuff. Although there is one file called android.
I haven't but I will, right now I have the access I need oddly enough via macbook first try I just need to remember xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and all the info. I'm copying them all over to my desktop and I guess I'll just delete them one by one.
I will gladly pay someone 50 dollars to fix this garbage for me I'm sick of this phone and ready to wipe my butt with it. Mainly because xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx now it won't detect there is an sd card which there is. I don't get how easy this is for you guys.
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm upset with the situation of not being able to delete the guys info off the phone. Obviously I wanted it modded if I bought it modded and I've stated I wanted it modded. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
Honestly I don't have time to start from scratch and i don't understand any of this mess. I work 2 jobs and hacking or modding is not my forte. You want me to rebuild a motor and I can do it blind folded but this is your world and not mine and I'm experienced enough to know that.
Wow hd2shadow, thank you so much for your useless input as well as the anonymous insults. Its really easy to make fun of someone or put them down when they're not in front of you. I'd probably do the same thing if I were you so no worries. I don't know you anymore than you know my but you seem like a real *****.
$100 to anyone that will walk me through this, last two ******s excluded.
Ok I am bored now....
Thank You to CyanPrinter for helping me getting this issue resolved. Also thank you z33dev33l your simple idea would have solved the issue as well. I unfortunately stopped reading before you posted it due to the two **** sticks that needed to turn the thread into an "Internet Pissing Contest". I appreciate the help from either of you. Thank god there are tech savy people our there that aren't complete douche bags every chance they get to people that are not.
Fyi. hd2shadow I find it hilarious that you had to run your **** sucker like you did yet you had not clue with your infinite experience how to fix the issue. Yet the people that took know issue with me did in less than one sentence. Maybe your just a pretender who's obviously got a self worth complex. Either way keep lurking and being confrontational to people for no reason on the internet. We all know what would happen if you ran your mouth like this face to face with someone. Which is exactly why you do it here.

[Q] GSM Scrambler bypass.. Challenge for you!?

Hi all,
My school is going to import GSM scramblers in order to block all cell phone signals (including GSM, CDMA, 3G and more I think)
First off-
I want to know if this is illegal (in the Netherlands) I've already googled and searched the whole forum but no real results.
The school it self says this is legal as they are also going to provide parents special codes that will allow the them to contact their children for emergency calls.
However here comes the big deal, where our XDA developers play an immense role at... is it possible to bypass those scramblers? Is there any chance for an app that will penetrate those scramblers to get the special codes? (prefer android platform )
Share opinions, idea's, tricks , information everything is welcome
Thanks in advance
PS: you dont wanna know why they want to do so mwuahahahahaha :evil:
Haha, I am on this school. It's called: the calandlyceum.
http : / /
There are more people from this school chatting about it
(delete the spacebars in the link)
I don't know about the Netherlands, but here in the US it's illegal. I don't think there's a way to defeat a scrambler. Usually, the school makes these arguments:
1) If there's an emergency, use the school's phones. - Ok, well 1000 students aren't going to stand in line for the phone while the school burns down.
2) If there's an emergency outside of school, you can use the school's phones - A student should not have to go back to his or her school to use the phone because something happened that is worth notifying their parents about.
3) Kids use them for cheating - Give me a break. There are much easier ways to cheat. For example, paper? Or graphing calculators? You're gonna ban those too?
It is illegal in most countries to interfere with the radio signals, but you would have to look up the specific law and possible exceptions for the Netherlands yourself (they might even have a website to look up the laws, at least we in Austria do)
How are they going to permit certain calls to go through when they are jamming the signal though? Could someone enlighten me?
Just hope that the jammers are weak so you can use your phone outside
Per Jeremy Clarkson, hammers solve everything
GSM jamming is ILLEGAL in Netherlands!
(sorry I can't link)
Well it is school, so shouldn't you be paying attention instead of using it for whatever?
Kid Poker said:
Well it is school, so shouldn't you be paying attention instead of using it for whatever?
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What if there's a family emergency or something? People shake their heads like it'll never happen but it's happened to me.
Personally I would sue the school. Or riot. Or maybe an EMP. But literally, I would take this to court. I don't have any links for evidence but im sure by calling a legal agency or even maybe the EFF (yes I know, they are technically in the US but I've seen them give advise to people overseas...) you could gather evidence and legal proof that what they are doing is against the law.
Maybe look into the technology behind it. If there is a way for your parents to get around it, then there are loopholes in the system.
That is my 2 cents, as a US resident. It could be much different in where you are. And i feel sorry for you bro.
Sent from my screaming Atrix *4G* using the XDA App
Tylerjd said:
Or maybe an EMP.
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Wait a second....that's actually an awesome, if not clearly legal, idea.
I mean, building EMPs is legal, right? I am so gonna build one. (
I would be careful using it though
frosty_ice said:
Wait a second....that's actually an awesome, if not clearly legal, idea.
I mean, building EMPs is legal, right? I am so gonna build one. (
I would be careful using it though
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You're gonna destroy every electronic device within range. How about you don't do it?
Product F(RED) said:
You're gonna destroy every electronic device within range. How about you don't do it?
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I was kidding man. Don't take everything so serious
I'm not even the OP, but one day I'm still gonna build a tiny EMP just to try it out.

Data-Miner Android L

I am starting to think that I am not going to use Android L.
Look at this. So, Search, from thegreatestdataminingcompanytheworldhaseverknown is now metasticized throughout the Android OS. Every page, every app, calls out to thatsearchengineeveryoneuses. It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout.
I realise that my point of view will strike many Upright Citizens as shocking because, after all, 'we can trust them'. All I can say is, our public education system has failed us. (Hint: If you are not paying for a product...
... you are the product)
Time for me to start looking into Linux options. Failing that, I'll just stick with Carbon 4.4.4, which serves fine. Oh, I'll probably try Andriod L, but I'm pretty sure now of what I'll find.
Interesting read. I never trusted them when it comes to your data and listening. Lol
If they want to watch me look at tits and asses, so be it
And the Moto X has had always on listening since release, better just throw the phone away and get a dumb phone...
Sent from my Moto X
How do they decide who to listen too? That's a lot of people to eavesdrop on. ?
Quantumstate said:
. . .
It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout
Reading that post says to me that the phone listens when the screen is off, not when the phone itself is off.
There are also options to turn off the "search from any screen" feature.
So I guess I am not quite as paranoid as you, yet.
Maybe that's why fewer devices have removable batteries; so we can't turn them off all the way.
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murso74 said:
If they want to watch me look at tits and asses, so be it
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You have a misconception of your importance. This, you were trained into though, so you come by it honestly.
Darth said:
How do they decide who to listen to? That's a lot of people to eavesdrop on.
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Doesn't matter. With a security mindset you assume it's always you. Ask Schnier.
marvin02 said:
Quantumstate said:
. . .
It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout
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Reading that post says to me that the phone listens when the screen is off, not when the phone itself is off.
There are also options to turn off the "search from any screen" feature.
So I guess I am not quite as paranoid as you, yet.
Maybe that's why fewer devices have removable batteries; so we can't turn them off all the way.
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Ya, but what proof do we have at this point that it's not listening when actually -off-? I have none. (ref: OnStar) If you deal in sensitive matters, would you give them the credit? I wouldn't.
Looking into this, I find there is no viable Linux alternative, as we used to have with Opie. So either I block everything G**gle with an independent app like Android Firewall, or do with 4.4.4.
Oh no! Now everyone will know about my life because I'm super-important.
I'm not going to even try to say that Google does no wrong and doesn't use most of the data we send to it for advertising, but they don't listen to you, the phone does.
The phone listens for certain frequencies of sound in certain orders, if it doesn't see those, it keeps looking. It doesn't record every single thing said and send it to Google, it only sends what you say to it (everything past "OK Google").
It's the same way a button works. Nothing records when a button isn't pressed, but things records when it is.
As for the rest of Google, they do make their living off of a free service, what more can you expect? I'd rather pay for a no ad version of their stuff instaid, but untill that's possible, that's just the way it works if you want those beautiful services.
i really couldnt give a flying hoot nannies @#$% about that i have got absolutely nothing to hide. i read an artical a while back that the CIA tracks anybody who is "tor curious" hi CIA i really dont care if you're reading this because im on you internet monitoring list or whatever. i am not doign anything that i dont have the right to do. Damn i love the US. anyhow if your concerned about that what about this than?
Quantumstate said:
You have a misconception of your importance. This, you were trained into though, so you come by it honestly.
Doesn't matter. With a security mindset you assume it's always you. Ask Schnier.
Ya, but what proof do we have at this point that it's not listening when actually -off-? I have none. (ref: OnStar) If you deal in sensitive matters, would you give them the credit? I wouldn't.
Looking into this, I find there is no viable Linux alternative, as we used to have with Opie. So either I block everything G**gle with an independent app like Android Firewall, or do with 4.4.4.
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It's simple my friend...... A smartphone is not for you then. Get an old flip phone and no one will spy on you. ?
No tablet or computers with cameras or microphones either.
New cars have Bluetooth... Not good.
Some TV's and video game consoles have cameras. Gone.
Can't think of anything else just yet. ?
Yeah.. it's not recording and streaming everything you say. The always listening feature isn't going to decipher everything you say until it matches the hot word, that would kill your battery. It's only kicks in when it detects multiple tones in a certain order.. I don't even know why I'm typing this, think what you want dude, that's not how it works. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.
bluebloomers said:
I'm not going to even try to say that Google does no wrong and doesn't use most of the data we send to it for advertising, but they don't listen to you, the phone does.
The phone listens for certain frequencies of sound in certain orders, if it doesn't see those, it keeps looking. It doesn't record every single thing said and send it to Google, it only sends what you say to it (everything past "OK Google").
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The phone has a co-processor which is independent of the main system. Sure, its main function is to watch for keywords and instigate searches based on commands, but it can also be co-opted. I'm not saying any more because apparently I'm frightening a few people here who don't want to face it.
Darth said:
It's simple my friend...... A smartphone is not for you then. Get an old flip phone and no one will spy on you. ?
No tablet or computers with cameras or microphones either.
New cars have Bluetooth... Not good.
Some TV's and video game consoles have cameras. Gone.
Can't think of anything else just yet. ?
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Nice trivializing there, Darth. Of course I've hardened what I have, and since this is such a touchy subject I'm not giving any hints. You have no idea who I am or why I bring this up.
You guys just blithely hand over all your contacts, your network of friends, your calendar, the websites you visit, your searches, your location 24x7, hell your very phone calls. I feel sorry for younger people these days who have no idea that all their online activity will follow them around -forever-. The stupid things they say online, being victimized by bullies, all will follow them to every future job application, every romantic engagement, and their future neighbors will know more about them than they can imagine. And I feel sorry for those whose self-esteem is so low that they feel worthless.
You just have no idea what prostrating yourself to the authorities like this, means. You have no idea what it was like in East Germany or Soviet Russia, much less where we're headed. You've never read 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. And you will pay the price by a subtle enslavement which is too abstract for you to understand, without an education. Something will smell bad but you will never be able to figure out what it is nor do something about it.
I am not here to bicker or school you. I was just trying to do y'all a favor by giving you a perspective that you may not have seen, with everyone so anxious to be "licking your lollipops". I tried to help, but some of you are too cool for me.
Thanks for that. Maybe you should unmask yourself and make a proper point rather than misguiding, misinterpreting and mistakenly telling everyone that they are stupid. Oh yes, and telling everyone what they may or may not have read (wrong on both counts).
Where did you get your education? Were you ever told to think for yourself? Let's go back over that last one again, as modernity tends to gloss it... Were you ever told to think for yourself?
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
^ completely agree
Yes, I know. I'm the bad guy, lol.
See, this is why no one any longer shares any real information with you on The Internets. You feel frightened of what you are doing when I demonstrate why... and so you senselessly take it out on -me- rather than getting your own sh*t together. Good job there.
kboya said:
Oh yes, and telling everyone what they may or may not have read (wrong on both counts).
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Don't lie. No one will believe you after a while.
Remember, privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect.
Cardinal Richelieu understood the meaning of surveillance when he famously said, "If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." Watch someone long enough, and you will find something to arrest -- or just blackmail -- with. Privacy is important because without it, surveillance information will be abused: to peep, to sell to marketers and to spy on political enemies -- whoever they happen to be at the time.
We do nothing wrong when we make love or go to the bathroom. (the adults here, anyway) We are not deliberately hiding anything when we seek out private places for reflection or conversation. We keep private journals, sing in the privacy of the shower, and write letters to secret lovers and then burn them. Privacy is a basic human need.
If we are observed in all matters, we are constantly under threat of correction, judgment, criticism, even plagiarism of our own uniqueness. We become children, fettered under watchful eyes, constantly fearful that --either now or in the uncertain future-- patterns we leave behind will be brought back to implicate us, by whatever authority has now become focused upon our once-private and innocent acts. We lose our individuality, because everything we do is observable and recordable.
How many of the adults present have paused during conversation in the past four-and-a-half years, suddenly aware that we might be eavesdropped on? Probably it was a phone conversation, although maybe it was an e-mail or instant-message exchange or a conversation in a public place. Maybe the topic was terrorism, or politics, or Islam. We stop suddenly, momentarily afraid that our words might be taken out of context, then we laugh at our paranoia and go on. But our demeanor has changed, and our words are subtly altered.
This is the loss of freedom we face when our privacy is taken from us. This is life in former East Germany, or life in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. And it's our future as we allow an ever-intrusive eye into our personal, private lives.
Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why educated people must champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.
The level of stupid in this thread astounds me. If someone wants your information or something of yours, they're going to get it. It doesn't matter if your phone is always listening or not.
Sent from my Moto X
'Good job' there, eh, "imnuts".
Giving up is not the answer.
i love how, when everyone doesn't jump on this tools bandwagon, he turns on the forums.
Op is as a TROLL!
Thread is ridiculous!

