TyTn doesn't wake up - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I've got my new Tytn for about a week now.
Today I had a problem:
My device was in sleeping mode, and would not wake-up either when receiving a call or by pressing the 'on' key.
I had to soft reset the device to go back to normal.
I think I remember a similar issue with Universal at first.
Does anyone has an idea on how to fix that problem?

Please search before posting:

Thanks Pof!
I made a search but I guess I wasn't as half as efficient as you!
Your link answered my question. Thank again!

Actually, I don't think there's a definitive answer yet. Your problem (won't wake up after overnight charging) has been confirmed though and some suspect SPB software as the underlying cause.
I personally suspect a bug in the TyTN's WM5 build that will be fixed with a subsequent ROM update. Powersave mode in the TyTN is a different beast. I've noticed quite a few ideosyncracies with my TyTN when it was in powersave mode.

Sleuth255 said:
I personally suspect a bug in the TyTN's WM5 build that will be fixed with a subsequent ROM update.
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Yes, I totally agree with you. I don't have any SPB soft installed, and this happens quite frequently after overnight charging.

I contacted Spb and reported this issue to them. Here is the answer I got:
please add poutlook.exe, tmail.exe, instmsgr.exe and cprog.exe to the list of Exceptions in Close button options and let us know if it helps.
Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.
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I haven't tried yet. but I will and will report the results here.
Nevertheless, I must say that since I uninstalled Spb Pocket Plus, I didn't have any more problem...

My TyTn does this ocassionally also, however my gut tells me it has to do with a program that contacts or syncs with the internet while the device is in standby.

nickcerda said:
My TyTn does this ocassionally also, however my gut tells me it has to do with a program that contacts or syncs with the internet while the device is in standby.
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In my case, I don't have any software that automatically connects to the Internet.
Actually, I have almost no program installed. Spb Pocket plus being my favorite app, I always install it first on any device I get.
That's why it was easy for me to pin down the culprit!

I believe there are two seperate issues that affect the TyTN in powersave mode being discussed here. One of them may indeed be related to SPB Pocket Plus but I'm thinking that only people reporting slowness with this app may be affected. I never had any slowdown with SPB pocket plus and the only powersave glitch I ever experienced was after overnight charging.

hmm, I suspect that you may be right about two issues. I have been experiencing that I posted in http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=59774 this thread
I have often found an Activesync process running when my device becomes unuseably slow[/url]

100thMonkey said:
I have often found an Activesync process running when my device becomes unuseably slow[/url]
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I noticed that Activesync is almost constantly running in the background. Not only with TyTn, but with all HTC devices I previously or currently owned (almost all! :? ).
Since my 1st post, and the uninstalling of Spb Pocket Plus, my TyTn never froze again.
Next to that I tried the overnight charging for 4 days now and didn't experience any problem.

hmm, I wonder what my issues could be because I don't have anything installed at all.

I have the sa like 100thmonkey. No aditional software. But it hangs too. I noticed that always, when an internetconnection is established or a software (I have Internet Explorer opened) uses Internet while I was loading my hermes, it crashes.
Maybe you can find the same reason, that some internetapplication was active before it crashes.

I followed Spb advices related to the Pocket Plus freezing issues (please check my earlier post on this).
l am happy to say that since I didn't have any problem.
So if your TyTn freezes because of Spb Pocket Plus, you must...
Add poutlook.exe, tmail.exe, instmsgr.exe and cprog.exe located in Windows directory to the list of Exceptions in Close button options.
Hope this will help!

Is there a solution
Any body found an solution for this problem? It happens all the time after nightly over charge... I Do not use Spb +

The solution is simple. It work on my CHT9000 well.
The causes for sleeping may be due to;
1) The programe installed in the micro sd card is shown on TODAY screen. (In my case, the agile messenger installed in card but shown in today screen)
2) Any operation of the phone during charging.
I just simple remove the agile messenger from today screen and soft reset before charging. The phoen will wake up with you on next day morning.(Provided that you set the alarm! )

If I leave my Orange SPV3100 on charge overnight (or for longer than about 4--6 hours) it won't wake up from sleep mode. All I do is plug the power (or USB) cable in (I dont turn of the radio or anything) and it does this.
The green light still flashes, but it wont accept SMS, phone calls or anything else.
So there seems to be a real problem?
I wonder what ROM/carrier is on all of these?


XDA II Turning itself on

My XDA II keeps turning itself on, as if a program is waking it up.
I have checked that no programs are running using the option under Start/Settings/System/Memory.
Is there a way to see what processes are running in the background?
It does this even when stationary on my desk so it's not an accidental button press.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I'd appreciate any suggestions on tracking this down as it has a huge impact on battery life.
yup... mine was caused by Activesync. Make sure you have all the settings set to "Manual".
You can also download "Notification Check" by Scarybearsoftware. It will go through your PDA and look for extra events that don't belong there.
For some time I was getting a calander event for some birthday that didn't even exist!
yep, here too
I notice that it turn on after upgrading from 1.66 to 1.72
I'm not sure that could be for this...
I'll try "Notification Check"...from scarybear software
I had this and it was doing my head in! But using the check notifications did not help. I thought that possibly some of the games I installed to my SD card may have caused the problem.
So I copied everything off the card, and formatted it in the pocketpc (resco explorer), not from a card reader! Then I copied everything back and since then not a single un-intentional turn on.
Well, it didn't fix it for me either. I'm now testing with the Storage Card removed.
I'll post back if I find anyhting.
Another problem is when your GPRS connection activates itself!! soo annoying.
Taking the storage card out made no difference.
So far, however, with Flight Mode turned on it seems to be fine.
If this is the case then that would be really annoying.
What would be going on with Flight Mode Off to cause the XDA II to wake up?
With the radio off, GPRS is also off (as is BlueTooth and IR).
Is GPRS turning the device on?
Immediately after the device powers itself on, tap the signal meter and see if GPRS is connected.
Do you have a POP3 or IMAP4 Email account set to retreive messages at a regular interval?
Thanks, I'd already checked those.
The radio off was a red herring. It woke me up at 02:06 for no reason that I coulod find, with radio off.
I'd really like to find this before doing a hard reset so that I can fix it again if necessary and posting here will help others.
There's nothing worse than curing a problem and you don't know how.
My feeling is that it is being caused by some program you have loaded . . . or worst case, by a combination of programs. Unfortunately, if that's the case, the most likely way to track down the culprit will be to -
1. Hard-reset your device.
2. Run it for a time with no additional programs installed to make sure the problem is gone.
3. One at a time, install a single additional program and run it that way for a while to see if the problem occurs.
4. Only after proving that the problem does not occur with that configuration do you install another program.
5. If the problem occurs after installing a program - Hard-reset the device again and install only that program - then you know if the program itself is causing the problem or if it is a combination of programs.
This does not necessarily sound like FUN . . . but I can't see a better way to positively identify which program is causing your problem.
Thanks for that. That is my thinking too.
I'll do that when I've got a few hours to spare and I'll post the results, identifying the offending program.
ON and OFF
I have the same exact problem.
And I did found out that this is some of the program I install.
Example : SPB Pocket Plus (also other Today's plugin)
I did a hard reset, and try with out any program, then ad one program, then two etc..........until I found out that SPB was the one.
unfortunatly I love some of the plugin, but I have to get rid of it, if I don't want my battery to fall off in one day.
Bruxelles5 wrote:
..........until I found out that SPB was the one.
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This is curious, as I have SPB Pocket Plus 2.0 installed, and I have never experienced an unintended/spontaneous turn-on (of my imate anyway ).
try turing battery monitor off in sprite backup
and also turn off the battery bar thing in spb2
that sorted my probs out
Turning on
I use Pocketplus and don't have a turning on problem, except when cradled, in which case it continuously tries to sync, even with everything set to manual.
Don't think Pocketplus is the cukprit.

How to set your universal to perform best

Hi all,
I'm having my Universal for the last month, I suffered alot from the low speed of it, I read many threads in the forums, and tried many settings by myself and ended up with the following settings to be made to make your Universal works fast:
1) Un-install the anti virus program.
2) Diactivate the error reporting.
3) Set the power settings as follows: "Start / Settings / System / Power / Advance / Un-check turn off device if not used for ".
4) To avoid ending up with a flat battery do the following settings: " Start / Settings / System / Power / Tap backlight at the bottom of the screen / Check "Turn off backlight if device is not used for 30 seconds."
5)In the same menu "backlight" tap brightness and adjust the brightness to the minimum level .
6) If your device is I-mate tap Settings / Today / use any other theme other than I-mate grass , and I-mate swoosh because their size is too big, if you use any other theme you will save more than 1 MB of memory.
Please note that the change No. (3) is the only way to avoid the freeze happens to the universal in each time you press the light button to turn on your device, if you keep your device always on you will not only avoid this freezing, but also you will allow the voice dial to work properly even if your device is closed and the screen is inside because the device will never be turned off.
In addition to the above changes, you have to get a software which really close the applications such as spb pocket plus 3.0.4 which is compatible with WM 5 , or GSPMagic., or MagicButton , then you can try your device to see the difference.
Please note that if you use spb pocket plus do not include any SD card on your today screen otherwize it will slow down your device again.., and it's much better to reduce your program shortcuts to the minimum, there is no need either for the battery indicatior on the today screen since we have a battery indicator by default on the bottom right side of the screen, and battery line "spb" on the top of the screen.
I made the above changes and my device works fine.
Try it, I hope you all will find a lot of improvement.
Need feedback on this issue please.
Hello all,
Will you please give me a feed back after making the suggested changes?
Good advice. I've just made the power and screen changes and will see how it goes. I'm hoping that the battery life won't be worse and that I don't get to anoyed having to tap a key to swith the screen back on...
The important thing is that the bluetooth headset carries on working..It's a real bugger when it rings and I can't pick it up on the headset.. Do you think they tested this thing with headsets?
I also assume that when you switch the device off using the button, it never really switches off, just pretends to... I was thinking that there are times, on a long flight, where you'd like it to be really switched off to reserve battery. What think you?
Don't worry about the battery, battery life will not be worse, but as my experience with PDAs, "More than one year experience now" I can tell you that you have to charge your PDA at least once a day "every night".
Regarding the Blue tooth Headset issue, I'm using Jabra BT 800 and it's working like a charm even with voice dial, it never misses a voice tag.
Regarding the Turn off issue, PDAs are not designed to be completely switched off, you can only swich the power off "Pretending to be completely switched off" because if you turn it completely off by removing the battery for example you will lose all data on your PDA.
Still waiting for feedback.
I have already turned off error reporting and turned off receive all incoming beams. I am a bit confuesd by Point 3 as my XDA Exec does not freeze at all when i press the backlight button- maybe it is a jasjar issue, like the antivirus? Have you noticedf any difference in battery life by just swtiching the screen off instead of putting the phone into standby?
If you have no freezing issue when you press the light button to turn the phone on, and you don't have any problem in voice dialing while the phone is on standby mode there is no need to set the phone to never switch off.
I'm using Jasjar and I'm facing the above two problems, and I can't avoid them without making these settings.
Regarding the battery issue, there is no much difference between the two modes.
carefuly folks, this is not entirely accurate:
- what freeze? Not heard many complaints on this matter
- what voice command issue; mine works perfectly WITH the BT headset fix of course
- battery life WILL & does reduce significantly with "always on"
- spb PP 3.0.4 is latest version, and there are a few alternatives that are just as good. Principle of task closing is right tho.
- There are several other truly useful hacks that would add a lot more value to this issue, incl GPRS always on, Buzz's BT headset fix, selecting working plugins only, etc etc - browse this forum from the start if u r just starting out
Not to play the devil :twisted: but WM5 devices do NOT hard-reset if (when?!) they run out of power, since internally all programs and data are now stored in Flash memory instead of DRAM.
As a side effect, you should also experience some improvement in battery life, since the smaller amount of DRAM on a WM5 device leads to a significant reduction in power consumption when the device is "doing nothing" - i.e. using very little CPU/Network, but standing by for incoming calls or user input.
- Regarding the freeze issue, I'm using Jasjar and it does freezes for 6-7 seconds whenever the power button or light button is pressed to switch the power on.
Also whenever I'm using the voice dial, this freezing causes the voice dial to delay and sometimes not responding.
But after setting the device to always on, I'm not experiencing any of those two problems.
- Battery life is not significantly reduced as you think, I tried both settings and any how I have to charge my phone once every day in both cases.
- spb pocket plus 3.0.4 is the latest version, and I did a typing mistake by saying it's 3.1.4..... sorry for that.
-Regarding the BT fix can you please post it here so that I can download it if possible... and can you please let me know what exactly does it fix?
Re: Correction
dojohansen said:
Not to play the devil :twisted: but WM5 devices do NOT hard-reset if (when?!) they run out of power, since internally all programs and data are now stored in Flash memory instead of DRAM.
As a side effect, you should also experience some improvement in battery life, since the smaller amount of DRAM on a WM5 device leads to a significant reduction in power consumption when the device is "doing nothing" - i.e. using very little CPU/Network, but standing by for incoming calls or user input.
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Thanks for the valuble information, I thought it's the same like PDA2K which I was using till the last month.
I'm so happy to know this information.
khaledelfeki said:
Still waiting for feedback.
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I hardly have problems with memory or speed.
I installed Listpro, Ewallet, some GPS software and NR de Luxe .
I use Excel, Word, and IE explorer frequently.
I use Agile in stead of MSN, but I never have problems with performance.
I do not often fully close ( settings/system/memory) programs used.
Can you give an example on which moments your really run into speed/memory problems?
herpi said:
khaledelfeki said:
Still waiting for feedback.
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I hardly have problems with memory or speed.
I installed Listpro, Ewallet, some GPS software and NR de Luxe .
I use Excel, Word, and IE explorer frequently.
I use Agile in stead of MSN, but I never have problems with performance.
I do not often fully close ( settings/system/memory) programs used.
Can you give an example on which moments your really run into speed/memory problems?
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I'm using Jasjar, I don't know the differences between Jasjar and the other universal devices, and I'm having problem always when I open the device cover and pressing the power "light" button to turn the device on, it freezes for 6-7 seconds before I can use it for any purpose.
This also affects the voice dialling when the device is on standby mode as it freezes for long time until it recognizes that there is a voice dial and them gives me the beep to start voice dialling and sometimes it does not even gives me the beep.
May be there are some differences between Jasjar and the other Universal devices but these are the problems which I'm facing and this is how I resolved it.
khaledelfeki said:
I'm using Jasjar, I don't know the differences between Jasjar and the other universal devices, and I'm having problem always when I open the device cover and pressing the power "light" button to turn the device on, it freezes for 6-7 seconds before I can use it for any purpose.
This also affects the voice dialling when the device is on standby mode as it freezes for long time until it recognizes that there is a voice dial and them gives me the beep to start voice dialling and sometimes it does not even gives me the beep.
May be there are some differences between Jasjar and the other Universal devices but these are the problems which I'm facing and this is how I resolved it.
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I have a Jasjar too. ( don't know how to get it into my profile, other then a comment)
You seem much further in know how than where I have arrived till now.
I can't say the machine is without bugs, but speed and memory never have been a problem so far.
Maybe a list of you software would give us a clue?
How big are your Outlook files?
spb pocket plus
spb diary
Resco Picture Viewer
That's all.
khaledelfeki said:
spb pocket plus
spb diary
Resco Picture Viewer
That's all.
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That's not much. Spb pocket plus is suspect?
khaledelfeki said:
- Regarding the freeze issue, I'm using Jasjar and it does freezes for 6-7 seconds whenever the power button or light button is pressed to switch the power on.
Also whenever I'm using the voice dial, this freezing causes the voice dial to delay and sometimes not responding.
But after setting the device to always on, I'm not experiencing any of those two problems.
- Battery life is not significantly reduced as you think, I tried both settings and any how I have to charge my phone once every day in both cases.
- spb pocket plus 3.0.4 is the latest version, and I did a typing mistake by saying it's 3.1.4..... sorry for that.
-Regarding the BT fix can you please post it here so that I can download it if possible... and can you please let me know what exactly does it fix?
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Dude, your JJ is F***ed! It should NEVER do this! I've not heard of anyone else complain of such a totally unacceptable delay, and I've not experienced anything like it myself, despite setting my device up from scratch about 10 times now to test various configurations. I stroingly suggest a hard reset, install spbPP (or whatever you prefer), and use for a bit to get used to it. Apply the "BT headset fix" (search for it here, it prevents BT from turning off over night), and "Always on GPRS" if u like that which most of us do, and pocket mechanic (search for "notification queue") to maintain your notifications as per another post I wrote yesterday. You should NOT have this issue at all. 7s would make me throw the JJ away right away! If this does not work for you - take it back. Good luck!
I have the exact same problem of a delay on opening when it has been turned off for a while. Also, a friend of mine has the same problem. Your above mentioned fix of keeping it on appears to have saved the day for us, thanx.
Thanks for your feedback, It seems it's only me and you who are having this problem, and it's very strange too that I had never faced any problem with blue tooth and I don't need any fix for it.
It seems that not all devices are similar.
Any how, I'm so happy with my device now after making the changes which I suggested on the top of this post, and I'm so happy too that it had solved your problem as well.
All the best.
Me too, same problen with freeze, but I newer waited for 6 7 secs, just done a soft reset, and this happends all the time.
Just changed to power of thing, will report back..

Deep Sleep mode?

I'm wondering if the Hermes (8525) has a deep sleep mode? Every night I plug in my 8525 to charge, and every morning I can't wake it up. I have to soft-reset with the stylus. If there is a deep sleep mode, is there a way to disable it? I like to do nightly backups and the backup software won't run if the phone won't wake up.
I have the same problem, but this is not always when I have it in standby for a long time. It's also some times when I don't turn the device off but let it go into standby itself.
I've had the same problem with not being able toi wake it up, but only when it's in standby during the day, never when it's plugged in.
joshnat said:
I'm wondering if the Hermes (8525) has a deep sleep mode? Every night I plug in my 8525 to charge, and every morning I can't wake it up. I have to soft-reset with the stylus. If there is a deep sleep mode, is there a way to disable it? I like to do nightly backups and the backup software won't run if the phone won't wake up.
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I'm finding that my phone won't wake up if it's plugged in either... I always have to soft-reset it to get it back on. Sometimes it takes as little as five minutes to freeze up. If no one has any answers we should compare what software we're running on our phones and see if there's a common problem.
same here sometimes the phone just dosent want to wake up atleast the soft reset works
this is happening to me with the latest cingular rom the one dated 9-21
I'm having the same issues. Applications:
Spb pocket plus
Spb diary 2
Wisbar Advanced 2
I've tried disabling all three and it still ahppens after a hard reset with no software loaded. (Oh, this is an 8525 with the latest cingular rom)
Guys, please use search facility - advanced options if necessary. I think I've lost count of the number of times these issues have come up. A while back I tied together just a few of the solutions folk have discovered - so to save you the hassle here's the link:
mikechannon said:
Guys, please use search facility - advanced options if necessary. I think I've lost count of the number of times these issues have come up. A while back I tied together just a few of the solutions folk have discovered - so to save you the hassle here's the link:
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maybe a better search engine will work. many times when i try to find something with the search i get a lot of topics wich have nothing to do with my search criteria.
but thanks for the info, tried it and now we'll wait if it will actualy help.
8YEight said:
maybe a better search engine will work. many times when i try to find something with the search i get a lot of topics wich have nothing to do with my search criteria.
but thanks for the info, tried it and now we'll wait if it will actualy help.
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I do appreciate to some extent what you say about searches. A lot of people (not you perhaps) tend to overlook the "WIKI" that ties together a lot of the more proven stuff.
Hope things work out for you.
Thanks for the posts. I too have searched and have tried every solution offered here. None worked.
What I have running on the phone.
pocket weather (suspect this one is the reason but ran the phone for 3 days with it removed and no change.)
Pocket Informant
Spb Finance
Eten phone dialer(suspected this one too so I hard reset left it off and still got the lockups)
Active sync.... Tried the changes listed here did not work.
So I took the high road and did a hard reset 2 days ago and installed nothing and did not sync with any computer. Over the 2 days the darn phone froze as many time as it did with all the above installed....
So that leaves me to speculate that the culprit is cingulars network upgrade. You see in addition to the freezing the phone randomly loses service and jumps back. That I believe is the problem. Cingular turns down sites and up sites for the rollout. Also I believe the phone has difficulty handing off to sites on standby on GSM. So either a 3g rollout will fix it or a solid radio rom, from the upgrade forumn none seem to be the silver bullet yet, are needed to fix the issue.
Thanks for letting me rant!
I had these same problems with my Tytn when I first bought it. These problems disappeared for me after I upgraded my ROM to my current configuration. (see below)
"the fake server trick" worked for me. It seems that I now have less problems with waking up. Thanks mikechannon for your comment. I did not made use of the WIKI, now I know it's there I can find a lot of solvements and tricks for most common problems. Thanks!
8YEight said:
"the fake server trick" worked for me. It seems that I now have less problems with waking up. Thanks mikechannon for your comment. I did not made use of the WIKI, now I know it's there I can find a lot of solvements and tricks for most common problems. Thanks!
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Yep WIKI is often overlooked - everyone should browse it.
Pleased that you have reduced the number of lock-ups
I had the same problem: my Hermes wouldn't wake up from standby in the morning.
And I have a solution that works perfectly well for me: I changed the settings so that on A/C my Hermes never goes into standby mode. It just turnes off the display backlight after three minutes, but keeps running all night. No adverse effects so far.
Oh, and it also helps to flash the latest ROM (see the Wiki)

wake problem might be related to radio

I don't know much about anything but I noticed that I don't the sleep of death problem unless someone calls me when in standby mode. Most of the time everything is OK but a bout once a day here it comes. Now, I'm in Israel and the radio version seems to be ancient so it might not be the problem for everybody but who knows?
My money is still on ActiveSync running as a schedule..... not likely to be Radio stack related I'm afraid.
are you using spb mobile shell??
elivne said:
are you using spb mobile shell??
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I'm using SPB Mobile Shell. Mine randomly freezes and I get the SOD all the time. Think it's related?
ThaiM said:
I'm using SPB Mobile Shell. Mine randomly freezes and I get the SOD all the time. Think it's related?
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upgrade to 1.5 - it's much more stable.
Personally, I think it's related to the battery. More specifically, how the battery charges.
If I perform a soft reset after charging the battery, I never get the 'sleep of death' problem and never have sudden battery drainoffs. If I don't do a soft reset after charging, within an hour I'll be unable to wake it up again. If I for some reason don't touch it for 8-9 hours, I can find the battery has drained.
The device is also a lot hotter after charging it. During the charging cycle the device doesn't get warm, only afterwards. This says to me that there's some problem where the device still thinks it is plugged in and ends up putting too much of a drain on the battery.
It's a good idea to perform a soft reset after every charge cycle. If you do this I think you'll see this problem disappear.
Interesting idea Doom Tints
This battery problem would explain some people's problems with leaving the phone charging overnight (i.e. halfway through the night the battery finishes charging and then the problem occurs), but other's observations (including mine) wouldn't fit this explanation.
SOD is happening across all ROMs, both WM5 and WM6 - but not predictably. The fake-server trick works for some people, but not for others. Some people say SPB software is the culprit, but there are plenty of people without SPB software who get SOD.
Could it perhaps be not the radio exactly, but the radio and how it works with the OS? For example, maybe people who flash to WM6 but leave an older radio version on their machine...?
Or could we perhaps be dealing with multiple problems that have the same symptom?
I'm not sure that you understood what I said judging by your response. It doesn't lock up WHILE charging, but sometime AFTER charging.
Just for giggles, try what I suggested -- perform a soft reset after the next time you charge it and report back the results.
I dont have the problem and this is what i have installed:
all black versions and now majik.
radio 1.41(and had all the older versions since 1.27 - never froze).
i charge it over night and no freeze.
I used push mail and stopped(no change in freezes - none!)
once a day i SR to get leaked memory back.
spb shell 1.5
htc home plug
resco file explorer(without the today plug)
spb time
all are working - had no freeze months.
Yes, but you are soft resetting every day.
I don't have any spb programs and in fact all I have is VC, PI and some medical programs. Don't have any battery issues and have not tweaked the phone at all - have all original ROM and radio. Left to charge for the night without any problem but then again nobody called me
I don't know
My Opinion
been running through threads all over, just found out that there is no solution, because when a program pushes the unit to wake up from standby it freezes, this program can be weather, alarm, mail, active sync, and even a CALL can cause this, so it's a permanent bug in wm6 and PPC :-(
nickbei said:
I don't know much about anything but I noticed that I don't the sleep of death problem unless someone calls me when in standby mode. Most of the time everything is OK but a bout once a day here it comes. Now, I'm in Israel and the radio version seems to be ancient so it might not be the problem for everybody but who knows?
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Yes you were right;
I had the Standby of Death SOD this is when the phone fails to come out of standby with a power button press. This issue only affects some people on some networks. I'm not sure if its a network problem or a software problem but as only a minority of people have it, I suspect its mainly a network problem there is a software solution.
The solution is to change the phone settings band option from auto 3G/2G to either 3G Only (WCDMA + UTMS 2100 in Europe) or 2G Only (GSM + AUTO) depending on your requirements.
Also read this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=540943&highlight=standby&page=2 where the resolution was to get a new SIM.
Obviously this only solves the problem when the crash is because of the sim and/or settings which impact the sim. To rule out a software cause its best to start with a hard reset.

Polaris reboots and/or hangs randomly

I have three Polaris (O2 XDA Orbit 2) here that crash randomly.
a) Sometimes they just refuse to wake up pressing power. Screen stays black, right green network LED blinks normally (as if phone is registered correctly) but the phone is NOT reachable, the mailbox answers the call
b) the device resets and reboots without any obvious reason...
the mentioned problems occur once in 1 or 2 days, not really reproducible...
Does anybody have the same behaviour? Is it a problem of installed Software?
Additional Software installed:
TrendMicro Office Scan
PocketCM Contacts 0.19b
Sprite Backup
Resco Explorer 2007, FTP, Registry
WakeUp Tweak
Advanced Config 2.1
TomTom 6
Battery Status Plugin + Clock
What kind of configuration you did with the Advanced Config 2.1?? the others applications are on my phone too, except Battery Status Plugin + Clock and WakeUp Tweak
is there any option to export the config? Its hard to type everything...
WakeUp Tweak is necessary for Alarm Bug prevention (IMHO) and does only set 2 reg keys AFAIK
nobody who has the same issue?
Can DirectPush can be the reason? I am connected with an SBS 2003 Exchange almost all the time...
Thx for an help,
Hmm... I have the same issues and im am using direct push as well. I am going to disable direct push for a few days to see if that will solve the problems...
One more thing. Apart from direct push we are both using resco explorer 2007 but I donĀ“t think that this has something to do with the problems.
I would try to uninstall batterystatus had the issue too had to do hardreset.
The Bleedin' Obvious...
Apologies if this is just too damn obvious to be of any use, but on earlier XDA models I have had problems with poor connections on batteries, so I would check:
1. That your SIM is clean and properly seated - reseat if necessary
2. That your battery terminals are making good contact with no potential obstructions and that it latches properly when closed
3. Try removing, cleaning and reinserting any SD card you may have inserted
That should eliminate any hardware-based causes. The only other thing that I recall having caused problems in the past (on the Artemis) was battery status - especially it's behaviour on boot (and wake??). Might be worth removing it for a bit to see if it makes any difference.
Good luck...there's always return to manufacturer - you might just have a dodgy unit?
Hi, I have the same problem as you (the first one only).
Do you use push mail palmbluetooth? I am trying to test if it has something to do with direct push. I turned it off right after yesterdays post and had no black screen or reboot since. But well... It will take some more days to figure if direct push and these problems are related.
exactly the same problem.
I have exactly the same problem of hazardous reboot.
I have a Cruise with the SFR (Vodaphone French) ROM.
I have see it live twice while my phone was on my table without having touch it.
I'll test this like you without 3G a few days and let you know.
hardware is not be the reason, although its worth to check. But it happens also if the unit is laying on the table without touching it at all...
batterystatus is NOT the reason, had reboots without it installed, can someone verify?
Resco Explorer 2007 is NOT the reason, had reboots without it installed, can someone verify?
Direct Push is the open issue to check. Without this enabled, I have a stable unit for 32 days but I'll try many more since this was not so often...
Any comments are appreciated but its definitely NOT a faulty unit since all three of mine have the same issue. Faulty firmware? Faulty OS ;-)
do you have bandswitch installed?
your is a software installed problem mate!
Report here all software installed, bye
Still no reboot or hang since disabling direct push... I did not change something else and had reboots or hangs nearly every day. Would be great to know if it is really direct push/active sync...
same with my device, I think DirectPush is the reason. Can somebody else confirm?
You guys mean to tell me that direct push, which is built into the OS and is a major component of AS on the device for years doesn't work? Come on now. I refuse to believe it. If it truly caused instability like you guys say, that would be an even BIGGER issue than the lack of video drivers!
If anything, there must a software conflict going on that is causing the instability. As a true test, try hard resetting and without installing anything, turn on AS push. Wait a day and let us know what happens.
I'll be getting my TC tomorrow and loading it up to the hilt, including setting it up for my 4smartphone account.
Well... It may sound strange but I really start to belive that this is a direct push issue. I did not have these reboots and hangs right from the start and thought about what I have done before getting the problems. I uninstalled a lot of software and nothing changed. After reading the post of avoigt about direct push I remembered that I did enable this right before the issues started. On the other hand I would not bet all my money that it is really direct push causing the problems but it is the No.1 candidate now.
I am not willing to do a hard reset right now and test just direct push course I need some of the installed components for my working days. I hope someone else is able to test that. I would even offer my exchange server for testing...
Exactly the same problem (Polaris hangs or reboots) several times a day. Removed Direct Push and have not had a problem in three days. I set the schedule in ActiveSync to every five minutes. Also changed the GPRS connection to "Always on".
Same problem!!
My Polaris just cuts completely off a few times a day or screen goes black and can't awaken it. It was working fine for weeks and just started doing this.
I do have bandswitch installed and I do not use direct push.
EDIT: When I push on the battery it turns off. I hope its the battery and not the contacts.
Hi, same problem here.
The original version was the french ROM, and it worked for a week without any problem. (I have the phone for only one week). Last night I flashed it with a english version, and installed only 2 programs, skype and core player.
1. if the phone is usb connected with the computer, it doesn't turn off.
2. if the phone is going in power save mode automatically refuses to turn back on by pressing the power button. It's like the display is disabled. If I call my number when is down like this, from the phone that I am calling from I can here the call, but the HTC doesn't ring.
3. it goes off after about 2 minutes if is innactive, and I can turn it back on only by reset. If I am using the phone (playing, browsing, etc.) it doesn't turn off.
I guess it's a soft problem. (but then again, I'm just a beginner user with this phone)
Does anyone has a solution for this?

