PocketNester - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Can anyone please tell me how to install pocket nester onto my wizard, i have downloaded all of the different files from the website but i cant get it to work, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you sure you've got the correct files? The zip file name is pocket nester 07_arm_ppc. And you install it just like any ordinary program. I insatlled it this morning and i'm hooked to Super Mario brothers 3 all over again!

Thanks for the clarification, i was trying to unzip the file on the wizard, doh :? it's been a long week

you guys got a link to the latest version?

xdame said:
Are you sure you've got the correct files? The zip file name is pocket nester 07_arm_ppc. And you install it just like any ordinary program. I insatlled it this morning and i'm hooked to Super Mario brothers 3 all over again!
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ahhh you have smb 3!! i was looking all over for that game...can send it to me?

Thanks for all the help i love reliving my miss spent youth playing smash tv, i can't remember the link for pocketnester but if you pm me i will email the file over

DeniaL said:
xdame said:
Are you sure you've got the correct files? The zip file name is pocket nester 07_arm_ppc. And you install it just like any ordinary program. I insatlled it this morning and i'm hooked to Super Mario brothers 3 all over again!
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ahhh you have smb 3!! i was looking all over for that game...can send it to me?
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I have no problem in sending it to you, but I just don't know how on this forum. :?
I tried attaching it but says nes file is not allowed... i might have to send it to your email.

guyver2077 said:
you guys got a link to the latest version?
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Even the latest version is pretty old. I believe its 0.7 or something. Just google it.

I installed this, along with a ton of ROMs, which I just palced in the pocketnester folder on the storage card. If i click ont he roms they load up pocket nester, but nothing happens and if I open pocketnester and try to open a rom it can't see them.
Anyone any ideas?

paul i have about 200 roms on my phone, it takes about 60 seconds before they show up when i go to the open rom screen. otherwise i don't know.

Gotta loce pocket nester.
I'm about half way through The Legend of Zelda

Does anyone know how to make Pocketnester FULLSCREEN while in landscape view??
As it is right now, the bottom bar covers up important game space and it really gets in the way of some games.

mj82 said:
paul i have about 200 roms on my phone, it takes about 60 seconds before they show up when i go to the open rom screen. otherwise i don't know.
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Yeah, I've got about that many, so left it for an hour to see if they'd show up, but no joy!
Anyone any ideas?

Yeah, I've got about that many, so left it for an hour to see if they'd show up, but no joy!
Anyone any ideas?
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I put all the Roms in a folder named NES Roms in the root file of my storage card when i tried to put them anywhere else it didn't find them. Move them to root and they should be fine.

dragonedge said:
Yeah, I've got about that many, so left it for an hour to see if they'd show up, but no joy!
Anyone any ideas?
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I put all the Roms in a folder named NES Roms in the root file of my storage card when i tried to put them anywhere else it didn't find them. Move them to root and they should be fine.
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where is the root file? can u explain this so a dummy like me can understand it. thank you!!!

The roms them selves don't need to be in the root, but they can be.
If you put all your roms in a folder then put that in the root, that will work as well.

Just an FYI, I've looked into the source of PocketNester and I *think* it is just a few lines of code to make it work with GAPI in landscape mode. Gotta install EVC4 tomorrow and try it (code doesnt compile under VS2005, unless I make serveral changes due EVC4 vs. VS2005 compiler differences).

KTamas said:
Just an FYI, I've looked into the source of PocketNester and I *think* it is just a few lines of code to make it work with GAPI in landscape mode. Gotta install EVC4 tomorrow and try it (code doesnt compile under VS2005, unless I make serveral changes due EVC4 vs. VS2005 compiler differences).
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Woosh... that just went right over my head... just let me know if you have a .cab file i can download when you're done.

where is the root file? can u explain this so a dummy like me can understand it. thank you!!!
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Storage Card\
Just put the folder with all your roms under the storage card file and only that file don't put it within another file in a file and so forth.
1.Cut the rom folder
2.Paste into storage Card
then the program should find the Roms just fine.

KTamas said:
Just an FYI, I've looked into the source of PocketNester and I *think* it is just a few lines of code to make it work with GAPI in landscape mode. Gotta install EVC4 tomorrow and try it (code doesnt compile under VS2005, unless I make serveral changes due EVC4 vs. VS2005 compiler differences).
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OMG, you MUST get this to work. I could play so many more games if I could play in landscape mode. It's hard enough not being able to have A and B together.


english version of ultimatelauncher

I just downloaded UL and i love it, but all the menu's are in German. anyone know of an English version?
There you go...
do you know where i can get a icon package for this program. extension *.ico
It uses standard windows icons...
You can find *.ico files all over internet for windows, aslong as you use 32x32 and 48x48 for animated icon then its easy.
Tabs must be big enough for icons..
hi, could someone upload a .cab installer for this?
mugglesquop said:
hi, could someone upload a .cab installer for this?
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the .cab installer is available at the moment only in deutch language...
BYE, Bobo
it would be nice to be able to use icon .dll files. currently i have an icons.dll that has a bunch of icons inside that i used for cLaunch. This program will only see the first icon. is there a way to make it use any of the other icons in the file?
Bobo Xni said:
the .cab installer is available at the moment only in deutch language...
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1. go to site http://pocketland.de/product.php?prod_id=39534
2. download the .zip Archive
3. there you will find the english cab
Guy! Is this v1.2 or?
I've used some of this icons from this website.
Anyone having a problem with it freezing when it starts up? It happens to me when I have a voicemail. The active sync would open and then I can't do anything. I ended up hard reseting my phone to be able to run my phone again. I like this program. I just don't want to keeping hard reseting my phone everytime I get a voicemail and soft reseting before I clear it.
this is one sweet app.
anyone know how to enable the Task and Schedule today plugins to work in the tabs?
Anyone buy the full version yet? I tried this program and loved it, so I bought it from Handango.com. The registration seemed to work, but at some point I got "not activated" all over the screen. I went back into the configure program, and the registration code went back to all 0's. I've since been flashing a few different rom's (trying to find the best 6.1 for my 8525) so I haven't reloaded it yet. Hopefully it was a freak thing, and it'll work once I reload it.
1magine said:
this is one sweet app.
anyone know how to enable the Task and Schedule today plugins to work in the tabs?
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If your talking about the stock plug ins then they aren't really plug ins. I have yet to find a 3rd party software that hey can be used with.
blazingwolf said:
If your talking about the stock plug ins then they aren't really plug ins. I have yet to find a 3rd party software that hey can be used with.
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I guess he wanted to say if it was possible to chose Calendar and Tasks as a tab. I really don't know this isn't possible - it simply doesn't show in the plugins list
Visoredge said:
1. go to site http://pocketland.de/product.php?prod_id=39534
2. download the .zip Archive
3. there you will find the english cab
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maybe i'm wrong but in the zip file you can find the .exe file... but the .cab where is it???
BYE, Bobo
Open the .zip File
You will find the Folder "Cabs".
I think this is the current version?
See Attachments
MaxMotus said:
There you go...
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thanx a ton max
i'm wondering how the titlebar and softkeybar are made semitransparent ... that looks really sick. anyone an idea?
Visoredge said:
Open the .zip File
You will find the Folder "Cabs".
I think this is the current version?
See Attachments
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I never used the .zip file only .exe or .cab. Thank's so much for your help! It's correct it's the latest version.... Wery well!!!
BYE, Bobo
pacmantom said:
I've used some of this icons from this website.
Anyone having a problem with it freezing when it starts up? It happens to me when I have a voicemail. The active sync would open and then I can't do anything. I ended up hard reseting my phone to be able to run my phone again. I like this program. I just don't want to keeping hard reseting my phone everytime I get a voicemail and soft reseting before I clear it.
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I had the same problem when i first installed it, phone freezes then activesync opens and the phone stops to respond, had to hard reset too .
I made sure that all active today plugins are not dsiplayed ( settings,today, uncheck them ) then installed ultimatelauncher, loaded those plugins into seperate ultimatelauncher tabs. been working fine so far, I had no problems ,been two days now .
For the *.ico files, i converted few *.tga icons to *.ico , ultimatelauncher would see them but won't load them .. so i figured it could be the size of the icon, a bit big for ultimatelauncher ( 40 X 40 ) .. will try with smaller icons later .
Edit : tried with ( 16 X 16 ) icons and still ultimatelauncher won't load them

Just joined the forum..newbie to Xperia..some quick help

hi guys,
normally on PC i consider myself a geek but when it comes to my phone..i dont know how to maximise its performance or do tweaks.
hope to get wisdom from the forum.
just one quick question..when i download the .cab installer..where do i place it in the phone?
can i execute it from any location?
You can place the cab anywhere you like. Most likely location is my documents. Then just run it by clicking it with the stylus.
Yes you can place the downloaded cab file anywhere in your phone and open it from there. it will install once you click on it. Some programs work when they are installed at the storage card and some don't.
a cab installer is like an setup.EXE on windows place where you want it then install it!
simple as 1 2 3
thats cool.
very easy to install the apps then.
thanks a ton. looking forward to use my X1 like a pro now
I made a cab-folder on my storage card where I keep all my cab's for what I have on my phone. So when I'm have to hard reset/upgrade my phone I have all my cab's for a new install.......smart?.....I think so
osmano said:
I made a cab-folder on my storage card where I keep all my cab's for what I have on my phone. So when I'm have to hard reset/upgrade my phone I have all my cab's for a new install.......smart?.....I think so
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Yep then read up on UC roms and next rom you install will be even easier!
fards said:
Yep then read up on UC roms and next rom you install will be even easier!
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That's true. You don't even need to a single click w/ UC.
For Cab, you can have it install to yr PPC w/ one right click on desktop w/ CabViaActiveSync. A must software for me.
Once you have installed a program can the cab file be deleted?
they used to but I believe that changed when wm5 came out
kirkie said:
Once you have installed a program can the cab file be deleted?
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Yes you can, but it is always a good idea to keep a copy of all CABs on your PC/Laptop in case you need to re-install after a hard reset etc.
MACkjam said:
Yes you can, but it is always a good idea to keep a copy of all CABs on your PC/Laptop in case you need to re-install after a hard reset etc.
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Cheers I have done that now....

What did you change/mod when you first got your diamond?

Hi Everybody!
I should receive my 2nd hand HTC Diamond Touch today.
With all the mods, hacks and apps on this here forum, I was wondering what was the first thing you changed on your handset?
For me I will be unlocking the device and hoopefully the ROM.
Any suggestions as to what to mod/hack next?
The ROM because the retail ROM sucks!
My New (to me) Diamond
Changed the ROM to shaks 4.30 topaz, installed touch HD weather app, Background4all, Transparent slider and Glass Clock V2. Oh yeah, and the changescreen rotation application for landscape mode.
Look around and experiment with what you like and works best for you. The forum's a wealth of information if you take the time to search!
tried all the newer roms out there, and so far, the quickest bug free ROM ive used is duttys v4....its quick, with loads of memory left...(see ROM link in my sig to go straight to the ROM)
then, i normally change the clock, the top curtain, and then the slider.
I'm currently on
BsB 6.5F Black (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506533)
I love it,
Windows Mobile 6.5 is awesome.
It's super finger friendly!
Freckle said:
I'm currently on
BsB 6.5F Black (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506533)
I love it,
Windows Mobile 6.5 is awesome.
It's super finger friendly!
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yeah, been lookin at the 6.5 ROM`s, but im still a bit unsure whether to switch yet...just how stable are they??
gizmolisa2006 said:
yeah, been lookin at the 6.5 ROM`s, but im still a bit unsure whether to switch yet...just how stable are they??
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Very stable, I haven't had a problem yet. I've been heavily using it since yesterday and I haven't been able to find a bug or anything that bothers me yet.
You should try it, you will be amazed of how finger friendly it is!
Don't even get me started on how smooth it goes with scrolling!
Thanks for your replies so far!
I didn't get much time to play with my phone today. However, I have managed to de-brand and do a sim unlock. So for now, my spec reads:
ROM VERSION 1.37.405.1 WWE
I have tried to install a few apps, but failed. The "set up" files are all .XML and seem to open up in my browser????
I think you didn't notice the .xml files are actually within the setup file.
The setups are .CAB files, you simply move them onto the internal storage and execute them within your mobile phone.
Have fun!
Thanks for your reply.
Not sure what I am doing here?
I transfered the programs to the internal storage (my docs). However, there is no .cab file.
When I click on the program file, it either shows me a blank screen with the program name at the top or other folders e.g. open sensors or open GLES.
The programs I am trying to install are:
air horn
Diamond beer
WiFi monster
Many Thanks
scutter said:
Thanks for your reply.
Not sure what I am doing here?
I transfered the programs to the internal storage (my docs). However, there is no .cab file.
When I click on the program file, it either shows me a blank screen with the program name at the top or other folders e.g. open sensors or open GLES.
The programs I am trying to install are:
air horn
Diamond beer
WiFi monster
Many Thanks
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When you download a program for example Diamond Beer (http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-diamond-beer.html)
You will download a file called DiamondBeer2Installer-v0_1.cab
That is a CAB file. When you see that you copy it to the internal storage and run it from your mobile phone.
But sometimes (usually when it's made by real developers) you get a executable. Those are either to be run from your pc and with ur mobile phone hooked up using activesync. Or if it gives you an error when trying to execute it from your pc then most likely it's telling you that you aren't running windows mobile (means you're not running it from your mobile phone while you're supposed to), then it's the program itself (the actual and final .exe) and you will have to make a directory on your internal storage yourself and copy the .exe in there (No automated installation involved).
Sorry for the long and maybe senseless story but it's late here and I'm in a hurry.
Hello again and thanks for your patience!
I have downloaded said file. I used winzip to extract, then cut and paste the folder in my "internal storage" on my device.
Inside there are three folders:
_setup (which is the .xml file I was talking about earlier)
When I click on the setup file, me device just goes to IE:
scutter said:
Hello again and thanks for your patience!
I have downloaded said file. I used winzip to extract, then cut and paste the folder in my "internal storage" on my device.
Inside there are three folders:
_setup (which is the .xml file I was talking about earlier)
When I click on the setup file, me device just goes to IE:
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don't extract the file but cut and past on your phone
go to the file on your phone and you wil see that its a cab click on it to install.
Many, Many Thanks

Over clock my wing with Touchflo

I tried to install Battarystatus on my wing with Touchflo. It did install but I was not able to see it on my today screen. Everytime I would run the program I would get a message saying I need to enable battarystatus. It never worked. I even installed Homesreen plus plus and at the exe file it would not load. Anyone know what im doing wrong. I have been reading that i should overclock my wing to 247-260 and would love to know how to do it.
jroc453 said:
I tried to install Battarystatus on my wing with Touchflo. It did install but I was not able to see it on my today screen. Everytime I would run the program I would get a message saying I need to enable battarystatus. It never worked. I even installed Homesreen plus plus and at the exe file it would not load. Anyone know what im doing wrong. I have been reading that i should overclock my wing to 247-260 and would love to know how to do it.
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Here's some Overclocking Software: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3870167&postcount=23
So I downloaded omapclock plus and im stuck. When I goto to settings and click it a window opens up and says "can't load omapclock.ink. The "register" and "unregister" is graded out. the only thing I can change is the omapclock.ink path. right now it shows \windows\startup
Someone please help.... Im really having a hard time over clocking this thing with any cab's...
jroc453 said:
So I downloaded omapclock plus and im stuck. When I goto to settings and click it a window opens up and says "can't load omapclock.ink. The "register" and "unregister" is graded out. the only thing I can change is the omapclock.ink path. right now it shows \windows\startup
Someone please help.... Im really having a hard time over clocking this thing with any cab's...
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Do you have the actual program on your phone, lol? omapclock.exe
you need that in order to overclock. it seems like you have the startup link to the program but you dont have the program on your phone and you have the program to control the speed.
Thanks for trying to help me lol... I downloaded from my phone first and tryied to install it. as soon as i clicked the zipped exe file i would get to the screen that asked to register and notregistered. it said below can't find the omapclock.ink file?? I tryed a few times then I deleted it. I would like to try it again... can you help me? Is it downloadable from my phone or do I need to use my pc? I did it both ways....
This error is driving me crazy.... Thanks again!!!!
jroc453 said:
Thanks for trying to help me lol... I downloaded from my phone first and tryied to install it. as soon as i clicked the zipped exe file i would get to the screen that asked to register and notregistered. it said below can't find the omapclock.ink file?? I tryed a few times then I deleted it. I would like to try it again... can you help me? Is it downloadable from my phone or do I need to use my pc? I did it both ways....
This error is driving me crazy.... Thanks again!!!!
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its your lucky day, i just uploaded what you need to overclock, enjoy...
almost forgot, be careful when overclocking, you can destroy your phone! if you overclock too high your screen will go CRAZY (you'll find out what im talking about) so its better to open/click the OmapClock.exe file that you just placed in the windows folder and play around with it before you use OmapClockPlus to register the speed you want. TRUST ME
actually it would be best if you make a shortcut of the OmapClock.exe to your startmenu\programs folder so you dont have to open the file explorer to find OmapClock.
Oh... your the man... Thanks bro. I got it. Quick question for ya though. Does this work the same way as battarystatus as far as it running at a lower speed when its in standby to save your battary?

Question about HTC HD2

Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework...so.. can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
Have you tried Google yet?
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework...so.. can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
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Download it from here:
Or get the .cab from MoDaCo, for a 2MB download, instead of a 33MB download.
(Does require registration)
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
fitnessvip ; yea i tried this but i wasn't SURE how to activate it on the HD2. How i did it was save the file onto the destop then connect the HD2 to the computer then open up the Phone memory (NOT THE "STORAGE CARD") then just copy and paste the Framework into tht place.so then i thought i was done so then i disconnect it then press the start button and going to "File Explorer" and activate it from there but it doesn't work
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
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Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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k thxs man
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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OH YEA i forgot after downloading it,can i delete the .cab file? or do i have to keep it there?
well after downloading the .cab file and installing it,i opened up the download HD2 game and it was an Error...
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
nljuggler said:
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
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I got this error after installing:
Cant find PInvoke-DLLen HTCAPI
i Sensors.HTCNavsensor..ctor (form form=
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
nljuggler said:
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
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I got the error after installing diamonCubes and Lightsaber.
I have also innstalled netcfv35, but have not done anything with this file after installing it.
In remove programs the program name is: Microsoft .net CF 3.5 so I think everything is ok, but if there is any thing you have to to after the installation I have not done that.
I new to HD2 and pocket PC.

