Over clock my wing with Touchflo - Wing, P4350 General

I tried to install Battarystatus on my wing with Touchflo. It did install but I was not able to see it on my today screen. Everytime I would run the program I would get a message saying I need to enable battarystatus. It never worked. I even installed Homesreen plus plus and at the exe file it would not load. Anyone know what im doing wrong. I have been reading that i should overclock my wing to 247-260 and would love to know how to do it.

jroc453 said:
I tried to install Battarystatus on my wing with Touchflo. It did install but I was not able to see it on my today screen. Everytime I would run the program I would get a message saying I need to enable battarystatus. It never worked. I even installed Homesreen plus plus and at the exe file it would not load. Anyone know what im doing wrong. I have been reading that i should overclock my wing to 247-260 and would love to know how to do it.
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Here's some Overclocking Software: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3870167&postcount=23

So I downloaded omapclock plus and im stuck. When I goto to settings and click it a window opens up and says "can't load omapclock.ink. The "register" and "unregister" is graded out. the only thing I can change is the omapclock.ink path. right now it shows \windows\startup
Someone please help.... Im really having a hard time over clocking this thing with any cab's...

jroc453 said:
So I downloaded omapclock plus and im stuck. When I goto to settings and click it a window opens up and says "can't load omapclock.ink. The "register" and "unregister" is graded out. the only thing I can change is the omapclock.ink path. right now it shows \windows\startup
Someone please help.... Im really having a hard time over clocking this thing with any cab's...
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Do you have the actual program on your phone, lol? omapclock.exe
you need that in order to overclock. it seems like you have the startup link to the program but you dont have the program on your phone and you have the program to control the speed.

Thanks for trying to help me lol... I downloaded from my phone first and tryied to install it. as soon as i clicked the zipped exe file i would get to the screen that asked to register and notregistered. it said below can't find the omapclock.ink file?? I tryed a few times then I deleted it. I would like to try it again... can you help me? Is it downloadable from my phone or do I need to use my pc? I did it both ways....
This error is driving me crazy.... Thanks again!!!!

jroc453 said:
Thanks for trying to help me lol... I downloaded from my phone first and tryied to install it. as soon as i clicked the zipped exe file i would get to the screen that asked to register and notregistered. it said below can't find the omapclock.ink file?? I tryed a few times then I deleted it. I would like to try it again... can you help me? Is it downloadable from my phone or do I need to use my pc? I did it both ways....
This error is driving me crazy.... Thanks again!!!!
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its your lucky day, i just uploaded what you need to overclock, enjoy...
almost forgot, be careful when overclocking, you can destroy your phone! if you overclock too high your screen will go CRAZY (you'll find out what im talking about) so its better to open/click the OmapClock.exe file that you just placed in the windows folder and play around with it before you use OmapClockPlus to register the speed you want. TRUST ME
actually it would be best if you make a shortcut of the OmapClock.exe to your startmenu\programs folder so you dont have to open the file explorer to find OmapClock.

Oh... your the man... Thanks bro. I got it. Quick question for ya though. Does this work the same way as battarystatus as far as it running at a lower speed when its in standby to save your battary?


camera problems

Hello everyone,
I want to first say that I am new to these boards and am glad I have found them.
My problem is everytime I try to use my camera it tells me I dont have enough memory and to stop all running progs.
I stop them all and the problem still presist. It seems to work after I reboot the phone but returns to that after I start using some prog.
Is there a way to fix this or should I just reboot everytime?
Any help is appriciated.
lazorpointer said:
Hello everyone,
I want to first say that I am new to these boards and am glad I have found them.
My problem is everytime I try to use my camera it tells me I dont have enough memory and to stop all running progs.
I stop them all and the problem still presist. It seems to work after I reboot the phone but returns to that after I start using some prog.
Is there a way to fix this or should I just reboot everytime?
Any help is appriciated.
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try flashing one of the ROMS they have here.. the reason why ur getting that is because ur running low on memory (ram). and the stock Rom the phone comes with just plain doesnt do the job. or try looking for the hibernate.cab maybe that can free up memory so u wont have to reboot all the time
You can also try the PagePool to reduce the size from the Stock 12 MB to your choice of 4 or 6.
I installed the pagepool but I cant get it to run the backup.bat file.
Error "There is no application associated with "backup". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application".
Am I missing something?
lazorpointer said:
I installed the pagepool but I cant get it to run the backup.bat file.
Error "There is no application associated with "backup". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application".
Am I missing something?
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You run it from your PC while the phone is synced with your PC. Not from the phone.
I actually tried that first but it didn't do anything but I'll give it another try.
Maybe I did something wrong.
lazorpointer said:
I actually tried that first but it didn't do anything but I'll give it another try.
Maybe I did something wrong.
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Read my walkthrough on the Herald mobile 6 forum on how to flash.
And read this for a list of ROMs.

english version of ultimatelauncher

I just downloaded UL and i love it, but all the menu's are in German. anyone know of an English version?
There you go...
do you know where i can get a icon package for this program. extension *.ico
It uses standard windows icons...
You can find *.ico files all over internet for windows, aslong as you use 32x32 and 48x48 for animated icon then its easy.
Tabs must be big enough for icons..
hi, could someone upload a .cab installer for this?
mugglesquop said:
hi, could someone upload a .cab installer for this?
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the .cab installer is available at the moment only in deutch language...
BYE, Bobo
it would be nice to be able to use icon .dll files. currently i have an icons.dll that has a bunch of icons inside that i used for cLaunch. This program will only see the first icon. is there a way to make it use any of the other icons in the file?
Bobo Xni said:
the .cab installer is available at the moment only in deutch language...
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1. go to site http://pocketland.de/product.php?prod_id=39534
2. download the .zip Archive
3. there you will find the english cab
Guy! Is this v1.2 or?
I've used some of this icons from this website.
Anyone having a problem with it freezing when it starts up? It happens to me when I have a voicemail. The active sync would open and then I can't do anything. I ended up hard reseting my phone to be able to run my phone again. I like this program. I just don't want to keeping hard reseting my phone everytime I get a voicemail and soft reseting before I clear it.
this is one sweet app.
anyone know how to enable the Task and Schedule today plugins to work in the tabs?
Anyone buy the full version yet? I tried this program and loved it, so I bought it from Handango.com. The registration seemed to work, but at some point I got "not activated" all over the screen. I went back into the configure program, and the registration code went back to all 0's. I've since been flashing a few different rom's (trying to find the best 6.1 for my 8525) so I haven't reloaded it yet. Hopefully it was a freak thing, and it'll work once I reload it.
1magine said:
this is one sweet app.
anyone know how to enable the Task and Schedule today plugins to work in the tabs?
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If your talking about the stock plug ins then they aren't really plug ins. I have yet to find a 3rd party software that hey can be used with.
blazingwolf said:
If your talking about the stock plug ins then they aren't really plug ins. I have yet to find a 3rd party software that hey can be used with.
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I guess he wanted to say if it was possible to chose Calendar and Tasks as a tab. I really don't know this isn't possible - it simply doesn't show in the plugins list
Visoredge said:
1. go to site http://pocketland.de/product.php?prod_id=39534
2. download the .zip Archive
3. there you will find the english cab
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maybe i'm wrong but in the zip file you can find the .exe file... but the .cab where is it???
BYE, Bobo
Open the .zip File
You will find the Folder "Cabs".
I think this is the current version?
See Attachments
MaxMotus said:
There you go...
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thanx a ton max
i'm wondering how the titlebar and softkeybar are made semitransparent ... that looks really sick. anyone an idea?
Visoredge said:
Open the .zip File
You will find the Folder "Cabs".
I think this is the current version?
See Attachments
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I never used the .zip file only .exe or .cab. Thank's so much for your help! It's correct it's the latest version.... Wery well!!!
BYE, Bobo
pacmantom said:
I've used some of this icons from this website.
Anyone having a problem with it freezing when it starts up? It happens to me when I have a voicemail. The active sync would open and then I can't do anything. I ended up hard reseting my phone to be able to run my phone again. I like this program. I just don't want to keeping hard reseting my phone everytime I get a voicemail and soft reseting before I clear it.
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I had the same problem when i first installed it, phone freezes then activesync opens and the phone stops to respond, had to hard reset too .
I made sure that all active today plugins are not dsiplayed ( settings,today, uncheck them ) then installed ultimatelauncher, loaded those plugins into seperate ultimatelauncher tabs. been working fine so far, I had no problems ,been two days now .
For the *.ico files, i converted few *.tga icons to *.ico , ultimatelauncher would see them but won't load them .. so i figured it could be the size of the icon, a bit big for ultimatelauncher ( 40 X 40 ) .. will try with smaller icons later .
Edit : tried with ( 16 X 16 ) icons and still ultimatelauncher won't load them

Backgrounds on Wing

Is there anyway to change the indialer backgrounds on the wing? I can find some dialer screens, but all I want to do is change the background not the buttons. Also when someone calls I would like to be able to change that background as well. I have searched all over this site and the net and can find nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
after 3 days on here you think i would have a response. oh well guess it can't be done
beergenius said:
after 3 days on here you think i would have a response. oh well guess it can't be done
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No it can be done. I remember reading about it a WHILE ago...but I did a little searching and this is what I came up with. Its called tdial design.
Thanks for the reply, but I tried that and it has an error in the file after i unzip and try to use it. May be I'm doing something wrong. Will try again.
beergenius said:
Thanks for the reply, but I tried that and it has an error in the file after i unzip and try to use it. May be I'm doing something wrong. Will try again.
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Thats odd, i downloaded it, and messed with it, and it worked fine for me. i think there are a couple of links on the page. try a different one, or i can post the one i dloaded at work tom.
that would be awsome. thanks!
beergenius said:
Thanks for the reply, but I tried that and it has an error in the file after i unzip and try to use it. May be I'm doing something wrong. Will try again.
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This is the file I used....it worked fine.
I guess my computer does not recognize this app. Every time I try to open it I get "the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)." what the Hell does that mean?
beergenius said:
I guess my computer does not recognize this app. Every time I try to open it I get "the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)." what the Hell does that mean?
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Hmmm, odd. I even redownloaded the app that I posted, unzipped it, and reinstalled it and it worked fine. You are unzipping the file first, and then trying to run the application right? Maybe whatever you are using to unzip could be corrupt. Try winrar or winzip to unzip it.
Oh, you aren't trying to install this on your phone are you? You install this on your computer and run it there, not your phone.
tdial only works if your dialer is the HTC touch dialer that comes with some roms. The default TMo rom doesn't have it. If you want to customize it with tdial, you need to first have HTC touch dialer installed.

Question about HTC HD2

Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework...so.. can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
Have you tried Google yet?
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework...so.. can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
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Download it from here:
Or get the .cab from MoDaCo, for a 2MB download, instead of a 33MB download.
(Does require registration)
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
fitnessvip ; yea i tried this but i wasn't SURE how to activate it on the HD2. How i did it was save the file onto the destop then connect the HD2 to the computer then open up the Phone memory (NOT THE "STORAGE CARD") then just copy and paste the Framework into tht place.so then i thought i was done so then i disconnect it then press the start button and going to "File Explorer" and activate it from there but it doesn't work
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
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Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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k thxs man
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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OH YEA i forgot after downloading it,can i delete the .cab file? or do i have to keep it there?
well after downloading the .cab file and installing it,i opened up the download HD2 game and it was an Error...
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
nljuggler said:
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
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I got this error after installing:
Cant find PInvoke-DLLen HTCAPI
i Sensors.HTCNavsensor..ctor (form form=
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
nljuggler said:
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
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I got the error after installing diamonCubes and Lightsaber.
I have also innstalled netcfv35, but have not done anything with this file after installing it.
In remove programs the program name is: Microsoft .net CF 3.5 so I think everything is ok, but if there is any thing you have to to after the installation I have not done that.
I new to HD2 and pocket PC.

newbie !!!!!! help !!!!!!

hi there 1st of all great site. right ive just got rid of my iphone 3gs 32gb, and got a htc hd2. i dont know how to install 3rd party apps on my phone. i did do it and i saw it an the menu screen but when i tryed to open it, it said that somthing was missing ?!?!?!? do i need anything instlled 1st to open these apps? if not what am i doing wrong. sorry for being thick.
rikgrimsby said:
hi there 1st of all great site. right ive just got rid of my iphone 3gs 32gb, and got a htc hd2. i dont know how to install 3rd party apps on my phone. i did do it and i saw it an the menu screen but when i tryed to open it, it said that somthing was missing ?!?!?!? do i need anything instlled 1st to open these apps? if not what am i doing wrong. sorry for being thick.
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Alright mate. Welcome to xda devs
Can you give us more info? You said that it said something was missing (I think I know what it was, but can you let us know what it actually said, just to be sure?) Once we know what it is, we can probably help.
And you ain't being thick. Just new
i had to restart my phone to factory settings as i couldnt get the file from the menu(can you help with this?) think it said that i needed a newer thing on my phone then it had
lol, not being funny but that isn't any more info than the first post.
we need actual details,
example "I installed core player but it gave the error "not enough bananas to complete"
just saying "its in that place where we put that thing that time" isn't enough info.
it's propably the .net framework you are missing... ver 3.5 should do... but you have to give more info when you have a problem, cause not everybody here should try to guess what's wrong with everybodys phone... we have also other things to do!... help to be helped... thats like a law!
ok i will re - put in on and get back to you all. but how do i remove the file from the phone? i try to do this but the pic of the file is still on the menu.
ok it says missingmethodexection
this app requires a newr vesion
ot the mircosoft.NET COMPACT
framework than the version installed on
the device
...and that's his edited version of the post...
Search for and install
NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab (there may be a later version available, but thats the one i use)
To instal .cab files, copy them anywhere on your phone (most people have a folder for cabs on their storage card in case they hard reset and need to instal them again) then run the .cab file from your phone to instal it.
As for the icon you have in your start menu that is left over from when you tried to instal it before, it should have been removed when you uninstalled teh program. If you just deleted the program, then that is why it was left over.
Open file manager, browse to windows/start menu and find the item you want rid of, , press and hold it and in teh menu that pops up choose delete. (Have to scroll down to find delete)
thanks sorted it

