Backgrounds on Wing - Wing, P4350 General

Is there anyway to change the indialer backgrounds on the wing? I can find some dialer screens, but all I want to do is change the background not the buttons. Also when someone calls I would like to be able to change that background as well. I have searched all over this site and the net and can find nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

after 3 days on here you think i would have a response. oh well guess it can't be done

beergenius said:
after 3 days on here you think i would have a response. oh well guess it can't be done
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No it can be done. I remember reading about it a WHILE ago...but I did a little searching and this is what I came up with. Its called tdial design.

Thanks for the reply, but I tried that and it has an error in the file after i unzip and try to use it. May be I'm doing something wrong. Will try again.

beergenius said:
Thanks for the reply, but I tried that and it has an error in the file after i unzip and try to use it. May be I'm doing something wrong. Will try again.
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Thats odd, i downloaded it, and messed with it, and it worked fine for me. i think there are a couple of links on the page. try a different one, or i can post the one i dloaded at work tom.

that would be awsome. thanks!

beergenius said:
Thanks for the reply, but I tried that and it has an error in the file after i unzip and try to use it. May be I'm doing something wrong. Will try again.
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This is the file I worked fine.

I guess my computer does not recognize this app. Every time I try to open it I get "the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)." what the Hell does that mean?

beergenius said:
I guess my computer does not recognize this app. Every time I try to open it I get "the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)." what the Hell does that mean?
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Hmmm, odd. I even redownloaded the app that I posted, unzipped it, and reinstalled it and it worked fine. You are unzipping the file first, and then trying to run the application right? Maybe whatever you are using to unzip could be corrupt. Try winrar or winzip to unzip it.
Oh, you aren't trying to install this on your phone are you? You install this on your computer and run it there, not your phone.

tdial only works if your dialer is the HTC touch dialer that comes with some roms. The default TMo rom doesn't have it. If you want to customize it with tdial, you need to first have HTC touch dialer installed.


Pocket CM Keyboard

I've been using pocket cm keyboard on my 8125, but now I get a message saying this version cannot be run after 11/0|/07. I was using version 0.11. Does anyone have the version that can be run after 11/01/07 and post the cab for the download?
i'll host!
i get the same thing. I think you just have to download the new one off the pocketcm site
zeitgeist said:
i get the same thing. I think you just have to download the new one off the pocketcm site
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I tried that, and the newest I saw on the website was v.011 which I downloaded and got the same message.
From post #774 here:
tene said:
Uninstall, soft reset, redownload the 0.11b, reinstall it should be fine.
I made a mistake in the cab file I posted, sorry for the inconvenience.
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I need help actually installing it. I installed the cab file... and you know how you have to change the keyboard from the little triangle by the keyboard button (you know what im talking about). anyway, I change it to Pocket CM, and it switches right back to the origional. what is going on.
GTASouthPark said:
I need help actually installing it. I installed the cab file... and you know how you have to change the keyboard from the little triangle by the keyboard button (you know what im talking about). anyway, I change it to Pocket CM, and it switches right back to the origional. what is going on.
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try this:
steph... i tried that, it didn't work sadly .. I must be doing something wrong.
Ok.. i started over with everything. Removed the Pocket CM from my phone.
Installed the CAB for the SIB thing.
re installed the cab for the pocket CM (iphone one)...
Then, tested it to see if it worked. Didn't (but other keyboards were added strangly... and they worked... except i have no use for them and i want them gone )
Then i found another keyboard that looked cool.. installed the cab (by the way, to the main memory.), didn't work either. even after a few soft resets
has anybody ever had that problem, or know what im doing wrong?
Using a Windows mobile 5... t-mobile MDA. QVGA screen.
GTASouthPark said:
I need help actually installing it. I installed the cab file... and you know how you have to change the keyboard from the little triangle by the keyboard button (you know what im talking about). anyway, I change it to Pocket CM, and it switches right back to the origional. what is going on.
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Install on the device, not the storage card.
hotdog53 said:
I tried that, and the newest I saw on the website was v.011 which I downloaded and got the same message.
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Never mind, I have it now after installing to my device instead of the storage card. Thx. to the way, where's the exclamation mark? I'm using the iphone skin.
variosteph said:
try this:
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thanks. I figured it out now. i guesss... you can only put in one cab keyboard at a time. and it uses the latest one.... thanks for the help tho, it cleared some stuff up.

G'Reloc error...

I'm getting crazy over here...
from one moment my G'reloc does give me errors when applying.
It says:
Can not open file C:\Kitchen\SYS\***\***
*** = a different map/file each time
I tried different G'Reloc.exe files and used different SYS-folders (even ones that worked before without any problems)
Can not cook roms anymore because they will not boot somehow...
Please help me with this weird error..
What are the files it's trying to access?
Also check out the IRC room they have, if it's still up at least.
TheChampJT said:
What are the files it's trying to access?
Also check out the IRC room they have, if it's still up at least.
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It's a different file each me...
But often it is one of the bluetooth related files....
Maybe the files you downloaded were corrupted. Try manually replacing the files, or just uninstall and reinstall the kitchen.
TheChampJT said:
Maybe the files you downloaded were corrupted. Try manually replacing the files, or just uninstall and reinstall the kitchen.
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Ok I know a little bit more...:
I formatted my laptop and did a clean install of windows...
After that g'reloc worked again.
I installed all programs I always use on my pc again.
And today when I used G'reloc again I get the same error each time. Even if I use different locations or diffirent SYS folders (also ones I know they work!)
Which program or setting interacts with G'reloc???
Merten i don't use that program because i don't know what it does.
But i tryed to open it but i think i got the same error as you got.
Is it something like this: cannot open file (root\dir\imageinfo.bin).
And then you only have one option to click the ok button (this will exit the program)?
Know i tryed some other g'reloc programs what i got and the all gived me the same error pointing to the imageinfo.bin and then give me one option to click the ok button.
But there was one g'reloc program what did work and gived me no error.
I send a email to you with g'reloc.exe so it could be that it will give your virusscan some trouble because it is a .exe file I hope it will work for you.
I will back in some hours so i can't respons to your questions so fast.
menomenic said:
Merten i don't use that program because i don't know what it does.
But i tryed to open it but i think i got the same error as you got.
Is it something like this: cannot open file (root\dir\imageinfo.bin).
And then you only have one option to click the ok button (this will exit the program)?
Know i tryed some other g'reloc programs what i got and the all gived me the same error pointing to the imageinfo.bin and then give me one option to click the ok button.
But there was one g'reloc program what did work and gived me no error.
I send a email to you with g'reloc.exe so it could be that it will give your virusscan some trouble because it is a .exe file I hope it will work for you.
I will back in some hours so i can't respons to your questions so fast.
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Thanx man for the effort. But I did not receive a thing... did you mail to:
[email protected]?
If your back maybe you can upload to rapidshare?
Thanx anyway!!
Well, I came across two things in PPCGeeks forum. People reported errors when they were running G'reloc on FAT32 en fixed it by changing to NTFS.
The other thing was that people reported a fix by just disabling their antivirus program. This might explain why it worked before you started installing all your programs on a clean windows install. I hope it works for you as well because I really like your roms
Maart84 said:
Well, I came across two things in PPCGeeks forum. People reported errors when they were running G'reloc on FAT32 en fixed it by changing to NTFS.
The other thing was that people reported a fix by just disabling their antivirus program. This might explain why it worked before you started installing all your programs on a clean windows install. I hope it works for you as well because I really like your roms
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WOOHOOOO!!!! the Virusscanner was the problem!!!! I use kaspersky for a year but probably since a recent update it messes up g'reloc....
I will be cooking again.....!!!!
Thanks for the great tip!!!!!
Next time, please post questions in the Q&A section.
thank you

Over clock my wing with Touchflo

I tried to install Battarystatus on my wing with Touchflo. It did install but I was not able to see it on my today screen. Everytime I would run the program I would get a message saying I need to enable battarystatus. It never worked. I even installed Homesreen plus plus and at the exe file it would not load. Anyone know what im doing wrong. I have been reading that i should overclock my wing to 247-260 and would love to know how to do it.
jroc453 said:
I tried to install Battarystatus on my wing with Touchflo. It did install but I was not able to see it on my today screen. Everytime I would run the program I would get a message saying I need to enable battarystatus. It never worked. I even installed Homesreen plus plus and at the exe file it would not load. Anyone know what im doing wrong. I have been reading that i should overclock my wing to 247-260 and would love to know how to do it.
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Here's some Overclocking Software:
So I downloaded omapclock plus and im stuck. When I goto to settings and click it a window opens up and says "can't load The "register" and "unregister" is graded out. the only thing I can change is the path. right now it shows \windows\startup
Someone please help.... Im really having a hard time over clocking this thing with any cab's...
jroc453 said:
So I downloaded omapclock plus and im stuck. When I goto to settings and click it a window opens up and says "can't load The "register" and "unregister" is graded out. the only thing I can change is the path. right now it shows \windows\startup
Someone please help.... Im really having a hard time over clocking this thing with any cab's...
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Do you have the actual program on your phone, lol? omapclock.exe
you need that in order to overclock. it seems like you have the startup link to the program but you dont have the program on your phone and you have the program to control the speed.
Thanks for trying to help me lol... I downloaded from my phone first and tryied to install it. as soon as i clicked the zipped exe file i would get to the screen that asked to register and notregistered. it said below can't find the file?? I tryed a few times then I deleted it. I would like to try it again... can you help me? Is it downloadable from my phone or do I need to use my pc? I did it both ways....
This error is driving me crazy.... Thanks again!!!!
jroc453 said:
Thanks for trying to help me lol... I downloaded from my phone first and tryied to install it. as soon as i clicked the zipped exe file i would get to the screen that asked to register and notregistered. it said below can't find the file?? I tryed a few times then I deleted it. I would like to try it again... can you help me? Is it downloadable from my phone or do I need to use my pc? I did it both ways....
This error is driving me crazy.... Thanks again!!!!
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its your lucky day, i just uploaded what you need to overclock, enjoy...
almost forgot, be careful when overclocking, you can destroy your phone! if you overclock too high your screen will go CRAZY (you'll find out what im talking about) so its better to open/click the OmapClock.exe file that you just placed in the windows folder and play around with it before you use OmapClockPlus to register the speed you want. TRUST ME
actually it would be best if you make a shortcut of the OmapClock.exe to your startmenu\programs folder so you dont have to open the file explorer to find OmapClock.
Oh... your the man... Thanks bro. I got it. Quick question for ya though. Does this work the same way as battarystatus as far as it running at a lower speed when its in standby to save your battary?

Question about HTC HD2

Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
Have you tried Google yet?
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
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Download it from here:
Or get the .cab from MoDaCo, for a 2MB download, instead of a 33MB download.
(Does require registration)
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
fitnessvip ; yea i tried this but i wasn't SURE how to activate it on the HD2. How i did it was save the file onto the destop then connect the HD2 to the computer then open up the Phone memory (NOT THE "STORAGE CARD") then just copy and paste the Framework into tht then i thought i was done so then i disconnect it then press the start button and going to "File Explorer" and activate it from there but it doesn't work
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
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Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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k thxs man
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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OH YEA i forgot after downloading it,can i delete the .cab file? or do i have to keep it there?
well after downloading the .cab file and installing it,i opened up the download HD2 game and it was an Error...
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
nljuggler said:
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
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I got this error after installing:
Cant find PInvoke-DLLen HTCAPI
i Sensors.HTCNavsensor..ctor (form form=
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
nljuggler said:
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
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I got the error after installing diamonCubes and Lightsaber.
I have also innstalled netcfv35, but have not done anything with this file after installing it.
In remove programs the program name is: Microsoft .net CF 3.5 so I think everything is ok, but if there is any thing you have to to after the installation I have not done that.
I new to HD2 and pocket PC.

Apps Installation

Helo everyone. I'm new to the forum and to Windows Mobile. I hope this question is in the correct place....don't want to get bashed on my first post. I have searched for about an hour now for the answer to my question but I can't find anything that relates to my problem. I am trying to install a converter..."Pocket Converter 1.50" on my TMobil USA HTC HD2. After downloading the cab file into a folder...a screen pops up that says "installation of Pocket Converter 1.50 was unsuccessful". OK...I then tryed one called "MSS Converter 1.08. Same thing happened with it too. I have successfully installed other apps so I was wondering what might be the problem.
I have had the same issue a couple of times. I think sometimes the download gets corrupted. I just redownload and usually the app will install.
Thanks for replying......I've downloaded these 2 apps numerous times and on different days but still no luck. Do you think I could download them to my computer then copy them over to the phone and install?
That may be a good idea, other than that maybe try and download from another source. I think also some apps have issues with the hd2.
signman, do you have links to the exact cabs you tried, so I can test them on mine?
What kind of converter program are those? If they're for converting units of measurement, I use the uConvert app which works great on the HD2, and was developed by an xda member...I've attached the cab here for you to try if that's what you're looking for.
i used to have this happen to me all the time when i downloaded the cab directly from my hd2. Try using a pc to download it then transfer via usb and install. Hope it works!
jfmckenna said:
i used to have this happen to me all the time when i downloaded the cab directly from my hd2. Try using a pc to download it then transfer via usb and install. Hope it works!
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I have it happen alot with opera on the phone, but when I goto the same link with IE it works fine .... I guess IE still has its uses..
sirphunkee said:
signman, do you have links to the exact cabs you tried, so I can test them on mine?
What kind of converter program are those? If they're for converting units of measurement, I use the uConvert app which works great on the HD2, and was developed by an xda member...I've attached the cab here for you to try if that's what you're looking for.
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Sorry for taking so long to post I couldn't find my post!
The links to the apps I am trying to download are as follows...
Well since I'm a new user....I can't post the links..I got them from
I finally got the MSS Converter downloaded and installed from another website. Can't remember where I got it. I'm going to try to get your posted cab directly to my phone and try that one. Well that didn't work. Installation says it was unsuccessful. Maybe I have to do it like jfmckenna has suggested. Thanks for helping me out guys...I really appreciate it.
Signman1123 said:
Sorry for taking so long to post I couldn't find my post!
The links to the apps I am trying to download are as follows...
Well since I'm a new user....I can't post the links..I got them from
I finally got the MSS Converter downloaded and installed from another website. Can't remember where I got it. I'm going to try to get your posted cab directly to my phone and try that one. Well that didn't work. Installation says it was unsuccessful. Maybe I have to do it like jfmckenna has suggested. Thanks for helping me out guys...I really appreciate it.
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If all these installs are failing, I'm guessing you're either missing the NetCF 3.5, or the sdkcerts cab, both are attached below. These are necessary to run many of the apps/cabs you'll find here and at other sites like Just put the cabs on your SD card (I recommend just putting all the ones you install in a folder there for easy reference later), and run each one, then you'll probably be able to install the stuff that was giving you issues.
cab files
I've downloaded the cab files you posted but the NetCFv35 says I have to first remove the older version. How do I remove the older version? I know nothing about Windows Mobil...sorry.
sirphunkee said:
If all these installs are failing, I'm guessing you're either missing the NetCF 3.5, or the sdkcerts cab, both are attached below. These are necessary to run many of the apps/cabs you'll find here and at other sites like Just put the cabs on your SD card (I recommend just putting all the ones you install in a folder there for easy reference later), and run each one, then you'll probably be able to install the stuff that was giving you issues.
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I thought HD2 did have NetCF 3.5 preinstalled
I got a Telstra Hd2
do i need to install these to cabs
Thank you
Signman1123 said:
I've downloaded the cab files you posted but the NetCFv35 says I have to first remove the older version. How do I remove the older version? I know nothing about Windows Mobil...sorry.
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ilordvader said:
I thought HD2 did have NetCF 3.5 preinstalled
I got a Telstra Hd2
do i need to install these to cabs
Thank you
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Right...I forgot that it was already loaded on the stock ROM, you can skip that signman.
m'lord, I would suggest installing the will probably be necessary for you at some point if you're installing any homebuilt apps. I suspect that most custom ROM's would have it built in.
sirphunkee said:
Right...I forgot that it was already loaded on the stock ROM, you can skip that signman.
m'lord, I would suggest installing the will probably be necessary for you at some point if you're installing any homebuilt apps. I suspect that most custom ROM's would have it built in.
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Humm...if it is the same version I already have on the phone...wonder why it is telling me to remove the older version first. Where can I look to see what version I have on the phone?
sirphunkee said:
Right...I forgot that it was already loaded on the stock ROM, you can skip that signman.
m'lord, I would suggest installing the will probably be necessary for you at some point if you're installing any homebuilt apps. I suspect that most custom ROM's would have it built in.
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where can i get the sdkcerts cab for hd2
cab file
Check post #9 above.
Flash Lite
Sirphunkee. I managed to get your uConvert installed but it is trying to install Flash Lite. That install does not work...I get a "error installing Flash Lite". Is there anything else I can do? I downloaded Flash Lite to my computer and copied it to my phone. Still won't work.
I used a Flash Lite cab file posted on the forum for my fix. Thanks everybody for your help.
Signman1123 said:
I used a Flash Lite cab file posted on the forum for my fix. Thanks everybody for your help.
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Ok good, I'm glad you got it working (I'd forgotten it wants flash light installed to get it to work). Does uConvert cover everything you need then?

