Just joined the forum..newbie to Xperia..some quick help - XPERIA X1 General

hi guys,
normally on PC i consider myself a geek but when it comes to my phone..i dont know how to maximise its performance or do tweaks.
hope to get wisdom from the forum.
just one quick question..when i download the .cab installer..where do i place it in the phone?
can i execute it from any location?

You can place the cab anywhere you like. Most likely location is my documents. Then just run it by clicking it with the stylus.

Yes you can place the downloaded cab file anywhere in your phone and open it from there. it will install once you click on it. Some programs work when they are installed at the storage card and some don't.

a cab installer is like an setup.EXE on windows place where you want it then install it!
simple as 1 2 3

thats cool.
very easy to install the apps then.
thanks a ton. looking forward to use my X1 like a pro now

I made a cab-folder on my storage card where I keep all my cab's for what I have on my phone. So when I'm have to hard reset/upgrade my phone I have all my cab's for a new install.......smart?.....I think so

osmano said:
I made a cab-folder on my storage card where I keep all my cab's for what I have on my phone. So when I'm have to hard reset/upgrade my phone I have all my cab's for a new install.......smart?.....I think so
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Yep then read up on UC roms and next rom you install will be even easier!

fards said:
Yep then read up on UC roms and next rom you install will be even easier!
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That's true. You don't even need to a single click w/ UC.
For Cab, you can have it install to yr PPC w/ one right click on desktop w/ CabViaActiveSync. A must software for me.

Once you have installed a program can the cab file be deleted?

they used to but I believe that changed when wm5 came out

kirkie said:
Once you have installed a program can the cab file be deleted?
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Yes you can, but it is always a good idea to keep a copy of all CABs on your PC/Laptop in case you need to re-install after a hard reset etc.

MACkjam said:
Yes you can, but it is always a good idea to keep a copy of all CABs on your PC/Laptop in case you need to re-install after a hard reset etc.
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Cheers I have done that now....


wm2003 4.01.12 deleted my files?

after installed it on my t-mobile mda n' passed several difficult trouble on radiostack, this os such a great thing that i expect to figure on my pda. but, later i realized that the os didn't fit my expectation when its began to erase my files on the sdcard 'misteriously'.
a thing that make me become so so bad, the size of files doesn't match with the used area on the card, what kind of trouble is this? they erased my files but the space didn't change..
is there any idea to get my files back before i'm goin' to format it?
how to avoid it in the future?
thx for read it..
The only way to avoid it is to write protect the memory card by moving the slider switch to lock position.
slider switch...
thank's for ur answer, it migth be useful, but can you point the position of the slider? whether it's.on the pda or on memory? l'm using visipro mmc 256mb, n' i don't see any slider on lt.
Re: slider switch...
cep said:
thank's for ur answer, it migth be useful, but can you point the position of the slider? whether it's.on the pda or on memory? l'm using visipro mmc 256mb, n' i don't see any slider on lt.
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Only SDCard has a write protect slider, and U'r using MMC not SDCard.
I have a same problem before, my SDCard erased, it happened twice, and I run the SD_Fix registry file, since 2 months this problem never happen any more.
How do I run this file?
I'm glad to find oud this thread, i've faced this problem since i upgaded my XDA to 4.01.16, i've lost all data in my MMC card as you had.
I downloaded the "SD_fix" files but how do i run it to solve the problem ?
How to Run SD_fix.reg
sonie_vespie said:
I'm glad to find oud this thread, i've faced this problem since i upgaded my XDA to 4.01.16, i've lost all data in my MMC card as you had.
I downloaded the "SD_fix" files but how do i run it to solve the problem ?
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just copy the .reg file to your PPC and run it. CMIIW...
Re: How to Run SD_fix.reg
dharma said:
just copy the .reg file to your PPC and run it. CMIIW...
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Yes, but how? I have it on my PPC and when I click it, it says: "There is no applicationassociated with SD_FIX (working)". Run the application first then open the file from within the application".
Re: How to Run SD_fix.reg
Deke Martin said:
dharma said:
just copy the .reg file to your PPC and run it. CMIIW...
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Yes, but how? I have it on my PPC and when I click it, it says: "There is no applicationassociated with SD_FIX (working)". Run the application first then open the file from within the application".
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Sorry, I forgot to advise you to install Registry Editor Program on your PPC first. (e.g. PHM Reg edit)
it's quite good, i alo thought that but i had installed "regeditce" prog so the file doesn't associate .
I'd installed the PHM as u mentioned above and ran the SD_fix but it didn't react (install or import..ect), it just opened the PHM program. Hence, i dont know whether it's imported to the registry or not now i'm waiting and hope the problem will be solved.
Thank you all
Unfortunately, it doesn't work w­ell, after running that file, i installed two programs on storage card (HandMap and E-dictionary). Then I tried to soft reset and my MMc card was erased. oh, what can i do now ?
sonie_vespie said:
it's quite good, i alo thought that but i had installed "regeditce" prog so the file doesn't associate .
I'd installed the PHM as u mentioned above and ran the SD_fix but it didn't react (install or import..ect), it just opened the PHM program. Hence, i dont know whether it's imported to the registry or not now i'm waiting and hope the problem will be solved.
Thank you all
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I don’t know exactly what the problem is, if another one who had the same prob and been solved please share how to solve this.
Sorry sonie_vespie I can’t help you better than I did.
Where is the SD_fix.reg file
How can I get the SD_fix.reg file? Thanks
the file is above
I think that the .reg file is exported form a key in REGISTRY, but when i run it, it isn't imported to the defined key exactly so the card is still erased
Help me, thanks 'coz i like the 4.01.16 of T-Mobile
hi all,
Let use "Resco registry" to import SD_fix to Registry. It's okay now
sonie_vespie said:
hi all,
Let use "Resco registry" to import SD_fix to Registry. It's okay now
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I glad to hear that, good luck than..
Many thanks for your help, darma
hope we have chance to share our xp
best regards,

Extended ROM Unlock tutorial

Can someone point me to a simple Extended ROM Unlock tutorial because I just can't manage to find my way through the Forum.
I'de like to place my favorite apps in ROM...
The General
GeneralPatton said:
Can someone point me to a simple Extended ROM Unlock tutorial because I just can't manage to find my way through the Forum.
I'de like to place my favorite apps in ROM...
The General
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well general, depends on the OS you are using..
if you have rom version 1.6.x.x it won't work easy yet.
the pre 1.6.x.x roms are quite simple, download totalcommander for ppc, install it, run it, in the adress-bar type "\extended_rom\" without the " " 's, and voila, there they are..
good luck..
the search button on top of this page would give the oppertunity to search for words as extended rom in de wizard forums.. :wink:
Thanx works fine with TC
Just a last question, all cabs i place in extended_rom will install automatically after hard reset ?
'cause I saw i had a autorun.exe file in there and some sutomization cabs that install after Hardreset ???
The General
Re: Ok
GeneralPatton said:
Thanx works fine with TC
Just a last question, all cabs i place in extended_rom will install automatically after hard reset ?
'cause I saw i had a autorun.exe file in there and some sutomization cabs that install after Hardreset ???
The General
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There's a config file in there too (can't remember it's name off hand, but it's fairly obvious). This has a list of the cab files to install after a hard reset. I guess you'd need to add your cab files to that list as well as copying them to extended ROM.
Re: Ok
GeneralPatton said:
Thanx works fine with TC
Just a last question, all cabs i place in extended_rom will install automatically after hard reset ?
'cause I saw i had a autorun.exe file in there and some sutomization cabs that install after Hardreset ???
The General
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depends, some have a config.txt file, if you open this one and edit it to your
needs, the files you put into it will be installed after hard reset, if you
set the right parameters from the txt file.
other roms have the autorun.exe wich installs all the files in the extrom.
i'm not sure anymore if this is right, but i believe that if you rename your
cab's like this:
applicationX.cab -> Default_applicationX.cab
it will install without any problems.
if you have problems with unsigned cabs, you can use the signed.patch
wich can be found on the ftp.
On my Cingular 8125 the extended ROM is write protected, does anyone know how do I remove the write-protection?
jsnipper said:
On my Cingular 8125 the extended ROM is write protected, does anyone know how do I remove the write-protection?
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Only way around is to flash an older rom into your handset..
Re: Ok
nmx77 said:
GeneralPatton said:
Thanx works fine with TC
Just a last question, all cabs i place in extended_rom will install automatically after hard reset ?
'cause I saw i had a autorun.exe file in there and some sutomization cabs that install after Hardreset ???
The General
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depends, some have a config.txt file, if you open this one and edit it to your
needs, the files you put into it will be installed after hard reset, if you
set the right parameters from the txt file.
other roms have the autorun.exe wich installs all the files in the extrom.
i'm not sure anymore if this is right, but i believe that if you rename your
cab's like this:
applicationX.cab -> Default_applicationX.cab
it will install without any problems.
if you have problems with unsigned cabs, you can use the signed.patch
wich can be found on the ftp.
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Could tell us where on the ftp we can found signed.patch?
Herc. 8)
Here it is
i couldn't find it on the ftp anymore as well..
i'll put it there again, but here it is for you
if it's that easy to get into extended rom, then why do people release the unlockers for extrom? i don't get it.
Ray_jai said:
if it's that easy to get into extended rom, then why do people release the unlockers for extrom? i don't get it.
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you can access the files on the extended rom, but you can't edit any of the information there. you have to flash a new extended rom image for any changes to take effect. I think those that are looking at the extended rom unlockers is for a different purpose. I think I read somewhere that it let some people use the extended rom space as extra storage (~10 megs), but it messed up applications on the phone, especially the camera.
in general, it doesn't seem to be a good idea to unlock the extended rom. most rom builders look like they are trying to learn how to edit this properly to add it o their rom kitchens.
can one's extended rom go curropt?
after i heard about this, i went into extended rom just to see if it works.
and it did. i exited total commander and started to gather my anti theif program to get installed.
now I go back into extended rom, and everything became gibberish!
and when i click on something it says "error 3 Changing to dir!"
WTF is going on!
can someone help me out?

HTCustom 1.8 cab

Ok, apologies if this is a dumb question from a relative newbie.
I found a thread to download "HTCustom 1.8 cab" (by Shadowmite), and need some help.
1. It's a year since it was posted, so is it still valid and a recommended download? I have read that amongst other things it will allow me to not have sim contacts listed as well as phone contacts, as well as improve the volume of incoming calls, so I am keen to try it out, as long as there is absolutely NO RISK FACTOR (I can make do without it!).
2. HOW DO I INSTALL IT? I save it to my desktop. It's a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml". What do I do now???
Apologies, but I've always used activesync to install cabs so am not sure what to do in this case!
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mattster_spv said:
Ok, apologies if this is a dumb question from a relative newbie.
I found a thread to download "HTCustom 1.8 cab" (by Shadowmite), and need some help.
1. It's a year since it was posted, so is it still valid and a recommended download? I have read that amongst other things it will allow me to not have sim contacts listed as well as phone contacts, as well as improve the volume of incoming calls, so I am keen to try it out, as long as there is absolutely NO RISK FACTOR (I can make do without it!).
2. HOW DO I INSTALL IT? I save it to my desktop. It's a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml". What do I do now???
Apologies, but I've always used activesync to install cabs so am not sure what to do in this case!
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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If it is .cab so just copy it to your PDA and install it there.. don't extract the .cab
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Like I say, it's saved on my desktop as a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml".
So... what part of it do I copy and where exactly in my pda do I put it? In My documents? On the Storage card?
Mattster_spv said:
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Like I say, it's saved on my desktop as a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml".
So... what part of it do I copy and where exactly in my pda do I put it? In My documents? On the Storage card?
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It's not a zip, it's a cab, just that you have cab files associated with your archiver. Just copy the file to the device and tap it.
Hey Tnyynt.
To where, storage card or my documents?
Mattster_spv said:
Hey Tnyynt.
To where, storage card or my documents?
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Doesn't matter for copying, install it to your device though!
I've installed it, it did warn me that it may not work with Windows Mobile 6.1, and it seems it doesn't. Doesn't work on my device anyway, whatever the reason...
When I attempt to select any tweaks and save it, it just says error and asks me to quit the program! I'll contact Shadowmite and see if there is a WM6.1 version.
All I really want is to NOT have SIM contacts appear as well as phone contacts (so suprised there is not an option.. what's the point in having duplicates???)
Also, apparently there is a fix out there that improves the volume of incoming calls?
Advice anyone?
Mattster_spv said:
I've installed it, it did warn me that it may not work with Windows Mobile 6.1, and it seems it doesn't. Doesn't work on my device anyway, whatever the reason...
When I attempt to select any tweaks and save it, it just says error and asks me to quit the program! I'll contact Shadowmite and see if there is a WM6.1 version.
All I really want is to NOT have SIM contacts appear as well as phone contacts (so suprised there is not an option.. what's the point in having duplicates???)
Also, apparently there is a fix out there that improves the volume of incoming calls?
Advice anyone?
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It must have something to do with Framework. Do you have it installed?
As for the sound issue, do you have WOW SRS installed? If not, what's your ROM version?
Regarding SIM contacts, here!


i know this is a newby question but how do you put these app or themes onto your HTC Diamond
you download the file on your computer, and sync your phone with your computer, than drag the file into your device internal storage
WhitesellJosh said:
i know this is a newby question but how do you put these app or themes onto your HTC Diamond
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There are a couple of ways.
If the file is a .CAB file, it is the easiest the do.
Just download to your computer and sync to your phone like earlier explained and just install it on your phone (doubleclick or open)
if it is an .EXE file, it might be that you need to install it on you pc, while your phone is synched.
it will then automaticly install on your phone as well.
but most files here are cabs, so if you have internet on your phone, just download them immediatly to your internal storage and ryun them from there
easy as pie
ok so i downloaded it to my computer and then synced it to my phone but i how do i install it to make my screen appear that way. Thank you so much for all the help
Is it a cab file that you have downloaded? or another type of file?
i don't know its the Vista_Ultimate_Theme
i don't know if it will help but i just got my Diamond so I haven't figured everything out on it yet just wanted a new theme.
i just wanna change my theme cause the standard one is boring to me so please if anyone could help thank you so much.
WhitesellJosh said:
ok so i downloaded it to my computer and then synced it to my phone but i how do i install it to make my screen appear that way. Thank you so much for all the help
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Hi WhiteselJosh
Best thing you can do is install the program Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 wich can be found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=405749
please read this first on the how to change a theme
Thank You So Much FuzzFuzz, ok so i've downloaded 0.6.7 onto my diamond and installed it but when i try to run it, it says i have an error somewhere. did i do something wrong?
Thank You So Much again
bump bump bump
What ROM are you using? You might have to update that for it to work.

Question about HTC HD2

Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework...so.. can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
Have you tried Google yet?
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
Hey u guys/girls,hope u have a good day so far
k so i downloaded like 1 or 2 HD2 Games and when i open it to play, it says tht i need a newer version of the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework...so.. can anyone help me with this?
Thxs in advance
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Download it from here:
Or get the .cab from MoDaCo, for a 2MB download, instead of a 33MB download.
(Does require registration)
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
fitnessvip ; yea i tried this but i wasn't SURE how to activate it on the HD2. How i did it was save the file onto the destop then connect the HD2 to the computer then open up the Phone memory (NOT THE "STORAGE CARD") then just copy and paste the Framework into tht place.so then i thought i was done so then i disconnect it then press the start button and going to "File Explorer" and activate it from there but it doesn't work
Hockey_Rulez11 said:
nljuggler ; oooh yea, how could i forgotten tht? ofc i tried google.(not tryin to b mean) **ur 2nd comment** - naw no thxs
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Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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k thxs man
nljuggler said:
Well that's how I found the result in my second post. If you should decide to download it anyway. Copy the .cab file anywhere on your phone (or storage card). Find it with the File Explorer on your phone and click it.
It will start the installation. I'm not even sure it's going to ask you where you wish to install it, but do select 'Device' if appropriate.
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OH YEA i forgot after downloading it,can i delete the .cab file? or do i have to keep it there?
well after downloading the .cab file and installing it,i opened up the download HD2 game and it was an Error...
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
nljuggler said:
Yes, you can delete .cab files after installing them. Too bad the game gave you an error. What was the exact error?
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I got this error after installing:
Cant find PInvoke-DLLen HTCAPI
i Sensors.HTCNavsensor..ctor (form form=
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
nljuggler said:
Hey, a new actor enters the scene. Welcome [email protected]@!
A quick search on Google shows that your not the only one with this problem. Haven't found out what caused it yet.
But when do you get this error, as it would be very coincidental if you are referring to the same game as Hockey_Rulez11. Because he never mentioned the nam of the game.
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I got the error after installing diamonCubes and Lightsaber.
I have also innstalled netcfv35, but have not done anything with this file after installing it.
In remove programs the program name is: Microsoft .net CF 3.5 so I think everything is ok, but if there is any thing you have to to after the installation I have not done that.
I new to HD2 and pocket PC.

