HTCustom 1.8 cab - P3600 General

Ok, apologies if this is a dumb question from a relative newbie.
I found a thread to download "HTCustom 1.8 cab" (by Shadowmite), and need some help.
1. It's a year since it was posted, so is it still valid and a recommended download? I have read that amongst other things it will allow me to not have sim contacts listed as well as phone contacts, as well as improve the volume of incoming calls, so I am keen to try it out, as long as there is absolutely NO RISK FACTOR (I can make do without it!).
2. HOW DO I INSTALL IT? I save it to my desktop. It's a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml". What do I do now???
Apologies, but I've always used activesync to install cabs so am not sure what to do in this case!
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Mattster_spv said:
Ok, apologies if this is a dumb question from a relative newbie.
I found a thread to download "HTCustom 1.8 cab" (by Shadowmite), and need some help.
1. It's a year since it was posted, so is it still valid and a recommended download? I have read that amongst other things it will allow me to not have sim contacts listed as well as phone contacts, as well as improve the volume of incoming calls, so I am keen to try it out, as long as there is absolutely NO RISK FACTOR (I can make do without it!).
2. HOW DO I INSTALL IT? I save it to my desktop. It's a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml". What do I do now???
Apologies, but I've always used activesync to install cabs so am not sure what to do in this case!
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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If it is .cab so just copy it to your PDA and install it there.. don't extract the .cab

Hi, thanks for the reply.
Like I say, it's saved on my desktop as a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml".
So... what part of it do I copy and where exactly in my pda do I put it? In My documents? On the Storage card?

Mattster_spv said:
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Like I say, it's saved on my desktop as a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml".
So... what part of it do I copy and where exactly in my pda do I put it? In My documents? On the Storage card?
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It's not a zip, it's a cab, just that you have cab files associated with your archiver. Just copy the file to the device and tap it.

Hey Tnyynt.
To where, storage card or my documents?

Mattster_spv said:
Hey Tnyynt.
To where, storage card or my documents?
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Doesn't matter for copying, install it to your device though!

I've installed it, it did warn me that it may not work with Windows Mobile 6.1, and it seems it doesn't. Doesn't work on my device anyway, whatever the reason...
When I attempt to select any tweaks and save it, it just says error and asks me to quit the program! I'll contact Shadowmite and see if there is a WM6.1 version.
All I really want is to NOT have SIM contacts appear as well as phone contacts (so suprised there is not an option.. what's the point in having duplicates???)
Also, apparently there is a fix out there that improves the volume of incoming calls?
Advice anyone?

Mattster_spv said:
I've installed it, it did warn me that it may not work with Windows Mobile 6.1, and it seems it doesn't. Doesn't work on my device anyway, whatever the reason...
When I attempt to select any tweaks and save it, it just says error and asks me to quit the program! I'll contact Shadowmite and see if there is a WM6.1 version.
All I really want is to NOT have SIM contacts appear as well as phone contacts (so suprised there is not an option.. what's the point in having duplicates???)
Also, apparently there is a fix out there that improves the volume of incoming calls?
Advice anyone?
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It must have something to do with Framework. Do you have it installed?
As for the sound issue, do you have WOW SRS installed? If not, what's your ROM version?
Regarding SIM contacts, here!


Contacts: Sim to Memory

Is there any way to transfer my contacts from my sim card to my phone memory, or my memory stick?
You can do that through the Sim Manger application. there should be a shortcut in the Programs menu. if you have deleted the shortcut it should be under the \windows directory. You can select all of the contacts there and use the menu to select "save to Contacts"
Thank you very much . Is there anyway to transfer from phone to simcard just in case I need to switch my phone?
Yeah, that's the question.
use this freeware to select all contacts and copy them to sim card
Thank you so much, just what I needed, I'll give it a try.
Oh, BTW, does anyone have an idea how to edit your contact's information via computer? I've tried but I can't seem to figure it out. I find it a really big hassle to edit everyone's information through my 8125 because I just transferred them from the sim card so I only have their names and numbers. I have a lot of contacts. :? Thanks if anyone can help.
Oh, BTW, does anyone have an idea how to edit your contact's information via computer? I've tried but I can't seem to figure it out. I find it a really big hassle to edit everyone's information through my 8125 because I just transferred them from the sim card so I only have their names and numbers. I have a lot of contacts. Thanks if anyone can help.
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You can do it through MS Outlook>Contacts. Sync and edit, and sync again. I use Outlook 2003.
Oh, so simple, thank you! I tried it before but I was using Outlook Express so I guess it didn't work.
to sync data from OE you would need 3rd party software like
This is a link to their FAQ page.
abuawab said:
use this freeware to select all contacts and copy them to sim card
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I extracted the files and copy them to my vario (program files on the ) card, but how do I get it to work or install them? Thanks.
... heheh.. sorry for the stupid question...
nixter said:
abuawab said:
use this freeware to select all contacts and copy them to sim card
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I extracted the files and copy them to my vario (program files on the ) card, but how do I get it to work or install them? Thanks.
... heheh.. sorry for the stupid question...
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Not a stupid question mate, I can't figure it out either, :lol:

[updated 07-mar] Random Ringtones - nebohodimo Call Surprise

The only solution for a random ringtone now is Random Ringtones, MortScript by oblyvaeon. I made a simple application to do just that - randomize your ringtone. It scans your storage card (or any other location you specify) for music files and every time after an incoming call your ringtone will become one of those. Unlike the mentioned script, it does not require to be running all the time, so there is zero CPU and memory usage.
Features of version 1.2.1:
Select many folders to get ringtones from
Exclude some ringtones you don't like in those folders
The program requires Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5. If your device is complaining about wrong .NET version or missing assemblies, [re]install it first. Install only from the site mentioned above, because other packages have been reported as broken.
If something doesn't work, install the test version first and report what happens.
The program is licensed as GNU GPL v3 (free as in freedom), source code is available.
Seems a good idea; in effect what we have here is a ringtone randomiser.
Will try it out and give you some feedback.
This is what I was looking for... in two ways.
a) For a long time I wanted a random ringtone.
b) And recently I want to know how to make apps for WM5 or 6. I know basic programming and i learn easily, i'm interested in making some apps, but how? what tools do you use? Could you explain? Could yoy PM me or email me? or here?
.NET and C# is it, and the APIs used are Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status (for monitoring incoming calls) and basic registry manipulation. I can release the source excerpts or the whole code later, once I clean everything up.
Koterpillar said:
.NET and C# is it
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That's all I need thanks.
Well while i'm here, do you know a site or thread which has basic instructions about making a "hello world" app for PPC? Just to get me started.
I don't want to mess your thread, I'll post a new one for this.
This works great, and its only 8kb! Thanks a lot, I've wanted something like this for a while.
Updated it, see first post.
not work
it's a great idea but not work. i reset my htc 3300, install compac netframewor 3.5 and then install the program. the first time, it work but when i change the path and i put autorun the program crash.
i apologise for my english
Can you please post the crash details? A screenshot, or just the error message text.
in my first configuration i put 2 songs in the folder "\Tarjeta de almacenamiento\songs\" of the system.
in my second configuration i put 2 songs in the folder "\temp\" of the system.
Hi, i installed to Storage Card, and got this error:
File or assembly name
Version=, Culture=neutral,
or one of its dependencies, was not
-edit- just tried installing to device instead, same error.
sigc, I will try myself and post back. But you must not select any other folder than WM sees already (SD root is OK, but not sub-folders).
mugglescuop, install NET CF 3.5. In the future, i might rewrite the program without that dependency, but right now it's like that.
Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but how hard would it be to make this program recoginze a subfolder on the storage card instead of just the root? There's already so many other things I must put in the root (all my themes and sms tones etc.) it would be ten times worse if I moved all my ringtones in here too. Especially since many of them have the same names as my SMS tones, just longer versions.
Koterpillar said:
mugglescuop, install NET CF 3.5. In the future, i might rewrite the program without that dependency, but right now it's like that.
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cheers i thought about it afterwards and thought that it was probably the problem... i'll post back if it works.
AlternaGirl said:
Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but how hard would it be to make this program recoginze a subfolder on the storage card instead of just the root?
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AthenaGirl, can you select those tones you have in a subfolder as your ringtone in Settings-Phone?
Koterpillar said:
AthenaGirl, can you select those tones you have in a subfolder as your ringtone in Settings-Phone?
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i have to have my ringtones in '//windows/rings' usually
To make it clear:
There are several folders Windows Mobile searches ringtones for in. These (usually) are:
\Storage Card\
\Storage Card\My Documents\
Maybe I'm missing something.
As stated in the first post, the program does not copy any files. Therefore, do not put them where you don't see them yourself when selecting ringtone the usual way.
In the next version, you'll be just presented with a choice of where to choose random ringtones from.
oh right ok cheers
Still downloading NET CF 3.5... taking a while on a GRPS connection
sigc, your problem should be fixed now, download the new version.
I keep all mine in \Storage Card\My Documents\My Ringtones and they show up in the settings. In playing with this just now I discovered my SMS tones still appear if I move them from the root of the card to My Documents. You all probably knew this already but I somehow missed it. This cleans up my root a good bit. Now if I could only move those tsk files...

Any advice for a Newb

I have read all of the Wiki's and quite a few other postings and will try my first flash when i get home. Does anyone have any advice for me before i try anything? I just got the Wing and it is my 1st PDA and I am very excited to start customizing it but i dont want to trash or as i've heard "brick" the thing so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
flashing a new ROM is actually wwwwaaay easier then the threads teaching you make it seems.
advice is... flash to a custom ROM.
decide what you want your phone to be able to do. compare the different ROMs before you flash. collect and organize cabs etc for the programs you will want to install after flashing. then go for it!!
Thanks for the response. How do io even start to flash do i need special sodtware on my PC. and what is SPL? i read i need 4.0 or higher or i will brick my phone. when i say i am a newb i mean complete newb. i dont even know where to start to install the files or anything.
to check your SPL, perform a soft reset while pressing the camera button. You should see a three colored screen with the words IPL and SPL and whatever. If SPL is over 4, then you can use USPL (temporary unlock) or HardSPL (permanent unlock). Note that in this case unlock means the removal of a block that forbids the flashing of custom roms. This is called a CID unlock.
SPL = Secondary Program Loader
similar to the BIOS in a pc..tells the device to load windows, etc
Hard-SPL = is a "permanent" change/ this our case it changes your SPL to "yang4.7" or something like that
Herald-USPL = temporary upgrade to HTC Herald SPL 5+
thanks MV3 for the deffinitions and explanation it really helped alot. where can i find some .cab files at.
not like i wanted.
well things did not go like i wanted because i couldn't even backup my damn contacts because the stupid activesync wont back them up. getting tired so i will try this again tomorrow.
download and install HTC Backup
or PIM Backup..cuz they are freeware hehe
connect to your usb and transfer/install on your device. then you can run the program and backup or restore your contacts, messages, notes, calendar, etc.
if you have a data / internet should be able to download through your phone....if that's not working.. you can download it to your computer..then email it to yourself... but really, via usb is much faster/easier.
cool can i active sync the files i need with this software to or no. and how exactly do i active sync a .cab or flash or anything for that matter.
well... synchronizing with active sync kinda sucks... and is rather annoying
it just synchronizes windows outlook, outlook/ms contacts, and other ms stuff.
if the file is a pc installation/setup file.. you need to connect your phone via usb.. then run the file on your computer and it installs it to your phone... your phone will ask where you want to install it.
if it's a .cab file, transfer it to your phone... then search for where you put it and run the .cab file.
to transfer files between your pc and your phone... on your pc's activesync... click "Explore"... or just open my computer/windows explorer.. and open Mobile Device..or whatever your computer named it.
to flash.. the instructions are usually on that ROM's page..
ok i got it. so i dont necessarily need to install it to a specific folder, just somewhere i will remember.
mv3 said:
if the file is a pc installation/setup file.. you need to connect your phone via usb.. then run the file on your computer and it installs it to your phone... your phone will ask where you want to install it.
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FYI: There is a way around this. When you execute the .exe file it does establish a .cab file in the folder on your PC for ActiveSync to use to install it on your Phone. So, what I have done in the past is go to the folder on my PC, find the .cab file and then transfer that .cab file to my SD Card and then install the .cab file on your phone. Search for where you put it on your Phone SD card and run the .cab file. It does work as I have done it many times. Then continue as stated below.
ok I will try it that way too thanks guys for all your advice. all I,ve done so far is a game and some themes.but I want to get my wing running faster so what should I install. and how can I run a app and still listen to wmedia at the same time?
asctony said:
FYI: There is a way around this. When you execute the .exe file it does establish a .cab file in the folder on your PC for ActiveSync to use to install it on your Phone. So, what I have done in the past is go to the folder on my PC, find the .cab file and then transfer that .cab file to my SD Card and then install the .cab file on your phone. Search for where you put it on your Phone SD card and run the .cab file. It does work as I have done it many times. Then continue as stated below.
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i don't see the point in that... unless you want to save the .cab file to your storage card...but if that's your point, then "i see..."
imfocused said:
ok I will try it that way too thanks guys for all your advice. all I,ve done so far is a game and some themes.but I want to get my wing running faster so what should I install. and how can I run a app and still listen to wmedia at the same time?
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To make it faster, you have to kill a lot of the junk that's in it from starting up, or you can use any third party ROM.
Hello fellow newbie..
Beleive me i feel u and all these questions ur asking, i was in the same boat and for the most part still am about certain things...i to wanted my device (wing) to run faster and EVERYONE advised me to flash a 3rd party rom (ttran biggy 3.0 is awesome) heres the link
not only is it fast and slick lookin but it gets rid of all that 'stuff' u dont need and frees up ALOT of memeory so u can still add stuff (cabs/programs) u want...he even provides instructions and 'how-tos' on the thread just follow exactly using USPL instructions when flashing...if u are in need of cabs go to the 'Herald' section or click here ( its the same device and concepts as the Wing, ull find everythin u need here
mv3 said:
i don't see the point in that... unless you want to save the .cab file to your storage card...but if that's your point, then "i see..."
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There are many people who cannot connect with ActiveSync. I had trouble with it for months. So, that is another way of installing an application without using ActiveSync. This is also used as you said, to save the Cab file on your SD card.
Thanks Ivan i have read your "how to flash" thead alot of your other postings bro so i know you have this thing down pack and appreciate the advice.
Thank you too timace any dod and dont's advice you have feel free to Pm me or post it. I just dont want to brick my phone.
yesterday i loaded some themes and a game and some of my ringtones that i had made from my old nextel and now i feel brave enough to flash the rom.

Just joined the forum..newbie to Xperia..some quick help

hi guys,
normally on PC i consider myself a geek but when it comes to my phone..i dont know how to maximise its performance or do tweaks.
hope to get wisdom from the forum.
just one quick question..when i download the .cab installer..where do i place it in the phone?
can i execute it from any location?
You can place the cab anywhere you like. Most likely location is my documents. Then just run it by clicking it with the stylus.
Yes you can place the downloaded cab file anywhere in your phone and open it from there. it will install once you click on it. Some programs work when they are installed at the storage card and some don't.
a cab installer is like an setup.EXE on windows place where you want it then install it!
simple as 1 2 3
thats cool.
very easy to install the apps then.
thanks a ton. looking forward to use my X1 like a pro now
I made a cab-folder on my storage card where I keep all my cab's for what I have on my phone. So when I'm have to hard reset/upgrade my phone I have all my cab's for a new think so
osmano said:
I made a cab-folder on my storage card where I keep all my cab's for what I have on my phone. So when I'm have to hard reset/upgrade my phone I have all my cab's for a new think so
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Yep then read up on UC roms and next rom you install will be even easier!
fards said:
Yep then read up on UC roms and next rom you install will be even easier!
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That's true. You don't even need to a single click w/ UC.
For Cab, you can have it install to yr PPC w/ one right click on desktop w/ CabViaActiveSync. A must software for me.
Once you have installed a program can the cab file be deleted?
they used to but I believe that changed when wm5 came out
kirkie said:
Once you have installed a program can the cab file be deleted?
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Yes you can, but it is always a good idea to keep a copy of all CABs on your PC/Laptop in case you need to re-install after a hard reset etc.
MACkjam said:
Yes you can, but it is always a good idea to keep a copy of all CABs on your PC/Laptop in case you need to re-install after a hard reset etc.
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Cheers I have done that now....


i know this is a newby question but how do you put these app or themes onto your HTC Diamond
you download the file on your computer, and sync your phone with your computer, than drag the file into your device internal storage
WhitesellJosh said:
i know this is a newby question but how do you put these app or themes onto your HTC Diamond
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There are a couple of ways.
If the file is a .CAB file, it is the easiest the do.
Just download to your computer and sync to your phone like earlier explained and just install it on your phone (doubleclick or open)
if it is an .EXE file, it might be that you need to install it on you pc, while your phone is synched.
it will then automaticly install on your phone as well.
but most files here are cabs, so if you have internet on your phone, just download them immediatly to your internal storage and ryun them from there
easy as pie
ok so i downloaded it to my computer and then synced it to my phone but i how do i install it to make my screen appear that way. Thank you so much for all the help
Is it a cab file that you have downloaded? or another type of file?
i don't know its the Vista_Ultimate_Theme
i don't know if it will help but i just got my Diamond so I haven't figured everything out on it yet just wanted a new theme.
i just wanna change my theme cause the standard one is boring to me so please if anyone could help thank you so much.
WhitesellJosh said:
ok so i downloaded it to my computer and then synced it to my phone but i how do i install it to make my screen appear that way. Thank you so much for all the help
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Hi WhiteselJosh
Best thing you can do is install the program Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 wich can be found here
please read this first on the how to change a theme
Thank You So Much FuzzFuzz, ok so i've downloaded 0.6.7 onto my diamond and installed it but when i try to run it, it says i have an error somewhere. did i do something wrong?
Thank You So Much again
bump bump bump
What ROM are you using? You might have to update that for it to work.

