Choose Intelligently between Wifi, USB, or GPRS - Networking

I have a problem where I have my Prophet connected via USB to my computer, which in turn has a broadband connection. It can connect just fine through this connection, but I have remove my MEdia Net (cingular) from drop down choice in my Connection Settings page. But then when USB isn't connected, I have to go back and choose MEdia Net on drop down choice for internet so it will connect to GPRS. When connected via Wifi, I don't have this problem. It seems to automatically see that the Wifi is on and so connects to internet via this, instead of GPRS. How can I do it so that there's this intelligent choosing of USB over GPRS, that way it'll only connect via GPRS when there's no Wifi or USB.


8525 Internet via Wi-Fi?

I cannot for the life of me find any clear-cut instructions on how to setup the 8525 to use Wi-Fi for Internet instead of GPRS/3G if a Wi-Fi connection has been established. I've been able to connect to my Wi-Fi router but when I try to go to a website it still tries to connect to GPRS/Edge/3G! Help!
When I want to connect to wifi, I use connection manager to connect to wifi, then disconnect, and then reconnect, and for some reason this works.
Otherwise I get the same problem as you do.
Hope this works for you.

Bluetooth PAN

Ok well i have been connecting my 8525 via Bluetooth PAN for a little while now for internet connection in my car computer. But all of a sudden it doenst work anymore. IN the internet sharing it says that it is connected and on my computer it says its connected but i cant load any webpages. When i double click the bluetooth connection on the computer it says that data is only being sent and nothing is being received. It also says that the signal it very strong... What could be the problem? O and the phone has a connection via 3g...
The latest "official" 8525 ROM has a 'Proxy Manager' where you can enable/disable the AT&T Proxy. Ensure that it is disabled, the proxy won't work on a WiFi or LAN connection. If your ROM has this, it will be listed under Start | Programs.
Otherwise, ensure that you're not using any other proxies.
Also, look at the Activesync settings on your PC, some older versions of Activesync have a setting to disallow the PDA access to the network.

Help:Internet via Wifi

I am trying to connect to my office internet via Wifi. On my old atom, I just type proxy:80 on the My Work Network proxy and it will work.
On my new Wing, everytime I type proxy:80 and then open the IE, it can not connect to internet and while I check on the My Work Network the proxy:80 that I type before was deleted.
- If I syncronize the Wing using usb cable and connect to my laptop that plug to my office network, tha internet is work well.
- If I run on save Mode, the proxy:80 that I type on My Work Network is saved and I can connect to the internet.
Any hint and clue ?

Retaining Internet Stream with Activesync

How can I force my device to prevent it from trying to find an internet connection through Activesync?
Scenario: I am streaming internet radio on my device, but want to remain connected to Activesync. Activesync runs on my work computer, so internet radios streams are blocked. When the device connects to Activesync, it always trys to use that internet connection instead.
I have tried removing the "At Work" network connection, I have "allow wireless communications" in the communications settings of Activesync as well as selecting "this computer is connect to: The Internet".
Nothing I seem to do works.
I want to remain connected to Activesync, but use my wireless provider's internet.
up. anyone?
to the top

HD2 as wirelss usb device?

Hi, I got a laptop without a wireless card for internet connection. So I've been using my HD2 as a USB wireless device, which gives me internet everywhere. THat very nice, and it works extremely well, however I got a question. WHen at home and at work I would like to connect to the wireless router, and not to my mobile internet, is that possible?
Because even tho i connect without problem to my own router at home, I cant really make my HD2 use that for my computer. Is it even possible?
nope... and that is the whole purpose of a wireless card, to pick up wifi signals from a router
It is possible.
Use ICS Control:
Setup should be as follows:
public interface: BCMSDDHD1
private interface: RNDISFN1
Connect your HD2 to WiFi network, click "Start ICS" and plug the cable in to your PC. Should work If you have XP, you should kill Active Sync process first.
Thank you, however I'm not sure that I do everything correctly.
There's quite a lot of settings in that pieve of software, is all I have to edit really the public and private interface drop down boxes? Nothing else?
And when connection to wifi, shall i then just minimize ICS controls, go to phone settings and connect to wifi there?
Thank you
What you want is for your phone to connect to the internet through wireless connection, not your phone's data/internet connection?
If so, then it's definitely possible. Not only at home and work, but also at many wifi spots throughout the world. How you go about it depends on some things.
Does your home and/or work wireless router connect straight to the internet (such as a connection from the wireless router to a cable modem, etc.) ? If so, you only need to know how to connect with the wireless router and your phone should default to that connection for internet when your phone's wifi is turned on. You can always turn data connection off when you turn wifi on to make sure it goes through wifi.
If your wireless router does not connect directly to the internet but one of the computers on the router's network does, then you'll have to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on that internet enabled computer as posted about above.
I want my phone connected to the wifi router, simple yes. However, then I want my phone to share the internet from the router, with a computer connected to the phone via usb cable.
So my phone will actually work as a wireless usb device, connecting to a wifi router.
WMWiFi Router provides following options on the phone:
1)3G converting to WiFi
2)3G converting to USB
3)3G converting to BlueTooth
4)WiFi converting to USB
5)USB converting to WiFi

