Cannot get rid of an email account - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I set up one of my email accounts on the MDA which worked fine, then started playing with RegistryWizard ( I made several tweaks, but I think this is what may have caused the problem:
6. Use different email address in MSN
Registry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Pocket MSN
Key: AutoDomain (string)
Value: (default)
Delete key to use any email address
After I checked this option and rebooted, I deleted the email account in “Messaging”. That is a rather strange sequence of actions, and I messed up something in the process, as after this I started receiving strange messages in my “Text Messages” account (which I cannot delete). The messages are always from “701” (whatever that means). The “To” field shows my phone number, and the body of the message shows the email address of the account that I deleted. The messages do not come to the email account because I deleted it, but they somehow still show up as txt messages.
I looked in the “Messaging” options – the account is not mentioned anywhere anymore, but the messages still come in. Even hard reset did not correct this. When I look in the registry after hard reset, the “” value is back there (if it was ever gone, I never checked).
I tried searching for the deleted email address with Total Commander, and it does not find anything. Although I am not sure I am doing the search correctly. I search for “myrealbox” or “s-eugene” (which are both parts of my email address), but the Total Commander does not let me put anything into “Containing text:” field, so I may be missing some values in the registry.
I wonder where the device still keeps that email address. I have a backup of my data from before I ever started playing with the registry, but I wanted to avoid restoring it if possible because my current version of appointments and contacts is newer than the backup. Plus, if hard reset did not take care of the problem, will restoring the backup do that?
Hope somebody has some further ideas on how to delete the email account completely. Thank you.

I'm the last person that would probably be able to help, but because you metion text messages, I wonder if you have inadvertantly changed something for msn messenger? It has an option to receive messages as sms in one of the options screens.

Well, there is a checkbox under "MSN Options - SMS" called "If my data connection is temporarily unavailable, use SMS to keep my messages and contacts up-to-date." I do not entirely understand what it means, frankly, but the box is unchecked, anyway.
I guess my pointed question is: what could have screwed up my settings so much that even hard reset does not help eliminate this email account? Yes, I fooled around with registry, but I thought hard reset returns the registry to the original state?
I did not burn a new ROM on it. There is a miniSD card in the device, and there is some information left on it from before the hard reset, but I can't imagine that that can affect things this way.
Any ideas, anyone?


Lost my Email accounts after crash!!!

Well my O2 Exec went a little doolally the other day...
Froze on the password screen with no way of getting password input or using keyboard to input password. Happend after a phone call came in
I soft resetted and all seemed fine... Except my today screen details the number of unread emails in two of my email accounts. I cannot access them!
Messaging does not list them either. I cannot create the account again with the same name as it is already in the system!
Any way of either getting the accounts back into the messaging list or removing them from the machine so they can be re-added?
Otherwise reasonably happy with the device.
P.S. the crash also caused my wireless settings to be lost and also my bluetooth partnerships
I have noticed a similar problem in that if you soft reset after receiving e-mails, or texts, even say an hour after receiving them, the Exec forgets that they were there, and deletes them.
This is fine for e-mails (well, annoying not fine) as you can download them again, but for texts it means they are lost forever.
Is there a way to make the device 'save to disk' all Pocket Outlook items before having to soft reset?
I realise one shouldn't have to soft reset so often, but with a device this buggy it's outta our hands.
The biggest problem is the actual account is gone
It shows up on eth today screen but is not selectable from messaging. This means I cant read old or get new ones. I cant recreate the accounts with the same name.
I suppose that its looking like I need to do a hard reset
I had a very similar problem on my Blue Angel a while back and after trawling through the registry, I eventually found some references to the "ghost" e-mail accounts. Deleting them sorted things out for me, so it'll probably work for your Exec?
Wish I could remember whereabouts they were in the registry, but it was a few months ago...sorry. Have a snoop around and see what you can find though, it might save you a hard reset.

8525 "Fantom" mailbox in Messaging

Hi guys - I think I got a little carried-away cleaning up my storage card, and must have deleted one of my inbox's for Now when I try to readd my pop3 comcast account (which is NOT listed in the "messaging, accounts" folder list, my 8525 pops up a box saying "That name is already assigned to another account. Enger a unique name and try again." There is no account listed at all for "Comcast." The only account I have is for Xpress Mail.
I search the registry for everything I think could work. No luck. Comcast even shows up on my Today screen, when I have Messaging as a Today item. I can't open the Comcast messages, when I click on the "Comcast" reference, though... Nothing happens.
Can anyone assist? Please no hard-reset!
I had the same problem. The phantom mailbox is in a mail database somewhere, not the registry, and I used some utility or other to delete it. Sorry to be so vaugue but I did find enough clues to work it out by searching these forums.
mailbox DB
OK - well thanks for the reply - that at least gives me a place to start looking.
thanks again.
There is another solution if you use a backup program with selective restore, just hard reset, restore backup except for mail settings, then redo mail manually.
Or, if you synced with activesync after deleting whatever it is, it may still be in the recycle bin on your pc. Don't know if this would be any good, but maybe worth looking.
Good luck
Here you are:
This was the article that gave me the clues. You have to be careful of course. I dug around in these folders/db's and deleted references to the phantom mailbox.
Good luck

Clearing email settings on 8525

I've had to have my 8525 replaced via warranty exchange. Before switching out units I did a SPB backup of the 1st unit and after moving the battery and sim card to the new unit did a backup restore. For some reason the restore didn't properly set up the email accounts I had on the original unit (they don't show up on the messaging list) . So I've had to go into the new unit and set up my pop email accounts, but I am not able to use the existing names for the email accounts since apparantly there is something setup in the registry referring to the original account's names, etc. I am even showing a message for one of the original accounts showing up on my today screen. Is there a procedure for 'wiping' out the original email settings via a registry editor or some other option?
This seems to have been a bit of an issue with Spb backup. When it happened to me, the only way around it was to hard reset, then restore selectively from backup ie everything EXCEPT mail. Then setup email again.
Like you, when I tried to do it the 'normal' way, it kept telling me that the name 'hotmail' was already in use etc.
I think they are trying to fix this as it's a bit annoying when you lose sms messages etc. And it doesn't seem to affect everyone.
Try it. Hope it works for you.
I seem to remember somebody saying that if you did the restore twice, it would work. I never tested it, but I'm pretty sure I saw it mentioned a few weeks ago.
If you haven't already completed setting them up manually, you might want to give it a shot and report back here as to whether or not it worked.

Phantom Email after Backup

I ran my spb backup and now have 1 extra email that I can't account for.
My gmail account is no longer listed in the messaging area either.
Anyone know how to get rid of the phantom email?
-- edit--
on further research the phone sees the missing gmail account but it's not displaying in messaging. Is there an area in the registry to remove this entry?
I have the same issue, phone can see the gmail account, but it does not show in messaging
I searched my phone's file & reg system and couldnt find anything.. anyone know?
I found some registry settings for gmail, but if I delete them, they just come back after a re-set. If I find anything I will post it here.
from what i can tell it happens when you restore old messages with the new rom version. the only way i was able to get it to go away was to do a hard reset and not restore the text messages.
I am in the same boat with my gmail account after updating to 6.1
Has anyone figured anything out? I have tried everything with the registry and looking though the My Device/Windows/Messages folder, but I haven't had any luck.
I think it has something to do with the cemail file in the windows folder.
Can someone please please help?
There is a program called FixUnreadCount floating around either here or ppcgeeks. I will link to it if I find it otherwise search for it. This usually fixes that problem.
Try searching for the file that ryanbg mentioned on under the 6700 forums. I had that issue with my XV-6700 and that program cleared it up.
tried it.. did not work. The file was floating right here on xda..
I now have two phantom e-mail accounts. I'm on a Diamond and used sprite backup, but the problems seem very similar. I'm almost out of ways to write gmail.. Still noone with any clue?
I eventually had to do a hard reset, it was the only way to fix it.
The error isn't in the registry but in the outlook database. I restored the system databases. What I figured happened is that my newly configured email account didn't have the same UID as it did before I created the ROM. So, Outlook has no way to clear the records in that database for that email account that no longer exists. Windows CE or wm5 used to allow you access to those databases, but I don't see anything under Settings for it now. I'm sure there are other programs out there that would work, but you probably took the easiest route. You can do your restore again, just don't restore the system or "other" databases.

Email issue: not sending or auto-addressing

My email stopped working right about 2 weeks ago. It MAY be related to the new TMOUS ROM I loaded, but not sure. I can reply to email without issue, but I can't auto-address an email, nor can I send an email that isn't a reply. In auto-addressing, usually I start typing an address and options show up, not anymore. In sending, I type in an email address (not a name) and hit send. The soft button flashes, but nothing changes on the screen. I tried searching on email issues, re setup all my email information without using Manilla (native windows setup), and tried soft-resets galore. No go.
One complication in the past has been I have a large contact database (12k names) and so autocomplete often took some time (30 secs or so) to bring up options. Now however, I can leave it plugged in over nite and no suggestions.
Any thoughts anyone?
OK tried a bunch of stuff, finally gave up and re-installed the 2.13 ROM update. Without re-installing all my stuff, I tried it again. Same problem. However, I had already sync'd my contacts, so don't know if the database size is the problem. Used to work fine in the previous ROM (2.10).
Any thoughts would be appreciated
Bump? Anyone else having trouble with email?
I found a portion of the issue:
While the autocomplete suggestions are coming up now, the email still doesn't send. An additional issue is that I can't save the email to drafts either.
Another symptom, periodically I will click on an email, and only a blank screen comes up.
Did the hard reset again, and rebuilt one app at a time. Nothing caused the email problem. Seems to be related to my contact database. I'm either going to have to shrink that, or find out if something in the database is corrupted...
So I restored my database a little at a time (by unplugging the cable during sync. ) It was working fine until I put the last ones in. Then all three symptoms occured simultaneously (no address drop down, no send, and blank emails on view). I suspect at this point a corrupted record in the database, but it might still be size based. I found a couple of chinese characters in the database, which might be the problem. Deleted an restored that record, but doesn't fix it. May have to hard reset again...
Does anyone know a way to clean up and verify the integrity of an outlook database?
PIM database too big?
The problem does seem to be with the size of the database. I found that by removing one category of contacts (~4000), behavior reverted to normal. Restoring and then removing another category (~4500) did the same thing, so it does not appear to be a corrupted database.
While this works, it would be nice to have all my contacts back in. Does anyone have an idea on the limitations of the contact database size?

