The Speakers - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I had my JJ for 10 Days. Tuesday i woke up with the Speaker above the screen NOT Working (when in PDA mode). It works when i twist the screen and make it in a Laptop mode.
Actually if i twist it half way between the PDA and laptop modes it works.
Now, i am thinking this could be a connecter issue, right? It can't be a software issue!! can it? I hardrest, and softrest.
it was working fine when i went to bed Monday night, Never dropped it nor hit it hard anywhere.
The funny thing is every time i bought an I-mate PDA starting with the JAM, WIZ, and now the JJ, I have always had problems with the Speakers.... Nothing else. Maybe it is just my Luck.
Any ideas?


Has it died??

My O2 XDAII is 10 weeks old. After using the internet and the screen freezing I SOFT-RESET it. Now the screen will only flash with the O2 logo between the backlight coming on and off and a few letters/numbers at the bottom right of the screen. Ive never had any problems before...I cant soft-reset, hard-reset or (it seems) to be able to charge it. The only way in which it stops 'flashing' is to take out the battery. Is there anything I can do at home?? (as you probably guessed Im a novice at all this!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks, Rob
This happened to me just yesterday, although It happened in different circumstances. Baiscally, I went to turn the phone on and it wouldn't (with any button.) I tried a soft reset and all that happened was the O2 screen appeared with the backlight flashing on and off every 10secs.
Before trying a hard reset I waited to see what would happen when i connected it to the cradle at work. Soon as I connected it. it switched back on, but it was as if it had done a hard reset (ie everything I have installed was erased. Good job I made a backup!).
Basically, it seemed to rectify the problem once connected to the cradle, which hasn't happened to you I know, but i thought I'd let you know that I got the same "symptoms".

Vibration Stopped Working

ok so the other night i realised my XDA2 had stopped vibrating all of a sudden, so i done a soft reset and it didnt help it, then i was doing a backup in xbackup so i could hard reset it and see if thast worked, but halfway through the back up i got a message and it vibrated to i canceld the upgrade and was happy, but by the end of the night it stopped again, so i backed up and hard reset, when i turned the phone onto to test the vibration, it still wasnt working. and also the battery seems to be draining itself alot quicker, im lucky to have more thatn 40% by the end of hte day if i charge it up over night the night before.
ill admit i have dropped the phone about 2 months ago, so i dont tihnk that is anything to do with the vibration stopping work, just letting u know so u know wots happend with it.
please help coz wen im at work i have to have it on silent and i dont know when people have text me (
some one must be able to help me?
dont worry now people it is fixed, i went to put it in my cradle which rests ontop of my pc tower and i kinda missed the cradle adn dropped it onto the desk, it now works fine )

Atom's keypad problem, super-HUGE problem!

Ok, on a beautiful day [aka 2 days back], I turned on the Atom and realized that there's a weirdest problem I've ever seen. It seems like the "up-arrow" button (or "north" in the d-pad) is being pressed all the time without being released. If I activate the start menu, for example, it would just automatically going through all the items bottom to top and back again.
First I thought it was a software problem, so I soft-reset it several times. That didn't help. But I found out something. If the atom was soft-reset, the problem does not appear until a hardware button is pressed [ie you can enjoy the touch-screen all you want]
So, I tried hard-resetting. Didn't help either. So I talked to myself, why not try some different ROM? So I did, tried it with 2 older ROMs from O2 (I have all the ROMs released). Didn't help.
It was frustrating because along with "keypad problem" you get another one free: there's no way to turn off the Atom. Try it yourself, holding an arrow button and press the power one, see if it turned off. So, I left the battery drain, just to see how it'd be.
After an afternoon, the atom drained completely. So I had to recharged it and wait. Surprisingly, after charged again, the problem seemed to go away! Thank god...
Now, I was trying to reproduce the problem again but no luck (or should I call it luck). After a few hours leaving it alone, when turned on, it was doing it again! I was so mad, I would have banged the thing on to the wall if I had another phone to use atm. Anyways, I left it to drain the battery and there it was, working again, for the whole night
This morning, when I woke up, guess what, it was doing it AGAIN!!! I'm so desparate now. Tell me what to do, please.
Thanks for going thru the problem w/ me. This is, by far, the weirdest and most frustrating problem I've ever experienced.
Stuck Button?
Hey I had a problem like this with my Wizard 8125 except it was with the Wireless Manager Button, acting as if it was always being pressed. I tried all the same things you did, but the only thing that solved it was taking it apart, blowing out any dust and making sure nothing like particles or sand or dirt was lodged between the button and the sensor. I guess you could try this and take your Atom apart. I have an Atom now but I don't know how to take it apart. Maybe search for the Technical manual on the web or on this site.
I hope this helps!
Thanks pelicantacos. However, being an all-thumb as I am, I don't think I have the courage to do it. But it's good to know one probable cause. Thanks again.
one more possibilities:
you have water between sensors. After you regarge, temperature go up (from battery), and water go out....

Blue Tooth and Windows, Vista maybe, Issue?

Has anyone had this happen?
Syncing with my Vista computer using BT. I dont (forget to really) turn off BT on my HTC 7501 and if I turn off the computer and say don't look at my HTC 7501 device for some time, around .5 - 8 hours, then try to turn it on the device wont come on. I can see the Blue Tooth light lit on the HTC 7501. Gotta do a reset to get the 7501 to come on.
It seems the BT freezes or is 'searching' or something. Anyone know what this is?
I had bought an HTC 7501 begining of July and this happened so much it pissed me off, so I returned it after 5 days (after attemting to take it apart also . Failed misearably because did not want to damage the device.
Here it is 15 August and I love the device so got another one and its nice because it has all the updated FW, no more "test device" stuff on boot up.
To give some more Troubleshooting tips. I had an ATT 8525 for 3 days end of June that did the exact same thing. Returned it because of this and the stylus holder broke.
One thing I am going to do is remove Vista on my computer and put XP on and see if it still does it, but anyone have an more experience with this?
Wizarc said:
Has anyone had this happen?
Syncing with my Vista computer using BT. I dont (forget to really) turn off BT on my HTC 7501 and if I turn off the computer and say don't look at my HTC 7501 device for some time, around .5 - 8 hours, then try to turn it on the device wont come on. I can see the Blue Tooth light lit on the HTC 7501. Gotta do a reset to get the 7501 to come on.
It seems the BT freezes or is 'searching' or something. Anyone know what this is?
I had bought an HTC 7501 begining of July and this happened so much it pissed me off, so I returned it after 5 days (after attemting to take it apart also . Failed misearably because did not want to damage the device.
Here it is 15 August and I love the device so got another one and its nice because it has all the updated FW, no more "test device" stuff on boot up.
To give some more Troubleshooting tips. I had an ATT 8525 for 3 days end of June that did the exact same thing. Returned it because of this and the stylus holder broke.
One thing I am going to do is remove Vista on my computer and put XP on and see if it still does it, but anyone have an more experience with this?
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I also use Vista and generaly do not have any problems with syncing both with USB cable and bluetooth.
But sometimes Vista for some reason refuses to recognize my X7500 as registered device and then happens, what you have described (no matter whether on Bluetooth or USB). However it is Vista (the same happens sometimes in my other comp with WinXP), not my X7500, to be blamed. In such case I have to restart Vista and everything comes to normal state.
The bad part is my computer is off and I am usually in bed or just getting up in the morning 8 hours later to find my device wont turn on. Also cant get calls in on my 7501 device when this happens because cant get the unit to turn on, which is very bad for business.
In reallity I gotta remember to turn of my 7501 bluetooth before turning the 7501 off.
But again this was happening with my ATT 8525 WM5 device also.
So, it is BT and ?Windows? related?
Wizarc said:
The bad part is my computer is off and I am usually in bed or just getting up in the morning 8 hours later to find my device wont turn on. Also cant get calls in on my 7501 device when this happens because cant get the unit to turn on, which is very bad for business.
In reallity I gotta remember to turn of my 7501 bluetooth before turning the 7501 off.
But again this was happening with my ATT 8525 WM5 device also.
So, it is BT and ?Windows? related?
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It is windows not BT.
I usualy do not switch of BT in my X7500 at all. I use Jabra as headset. I also use ny X7500 as internet access point while of the office, so the BT is almost always ON. I just switch X7500 off or let it switch off automaticaly. Itconsumes no more then 5% to 10% of battery during the night. Of course I have to charge it every day or sometimes twice a day if I use it hardly.

[Q] Digitalizer broke itself?

Ive read similar situation in the forum, but most people state or they will send it cause it is on warranty (mine isnt) or they will get a new digitalizer from ebay or something close then try to fix it.
But my case seems a little bit different, i didnt drop it, i didnt get it wet, i didnt do anything and nothing happened to it!
I was playing bejeweled before bedtime and when i stopped as always i layed it at my night stand without any problems. Next day i woke up ( i use an old phone in offline mode as my alarm clock thank god) and just grabbed it as always and without hitting anything just went down the stairs, and when im at the street i wanna listen to some music and when i tried to use it, it seems the screen is not aligned, he recognizes my touch, but everything seems out of place (touch wise).
So thinking it could only be a rom problem i did task29 and reinstalled another rom, and nothing changed, then i tried a different rom from a different cook and it doesnt skip the alignment screen at first, but then i repeatadly (but gently) tapped many times in the crosses then it managed to get to the phone, but i cant just use it.
Btw the bottom buttons (phone call, home, back) dont work either, only end call sometimes works.
How can a digitalizer brake from night to morning alone?-_- Any thoughts?

