Putty for Wizard HERE with port selection - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

i everyone, this is my first post here, and since i found lot's of info about this device, i think it's my turn to make a "donation", since i've been searching for a free SSH client with port selection for WM2005 and was not able to find it, i just downloaded tthe Pocket Putty Development SVN and compiled it from source, it's tested and working, and here it it
Please leave comments and keep up the excellent work everyone

Thanks, could you descibe what it does. What is a SSH client?

devilboy1488 said:
i everyone, this is my first post here, and since i found lot's of info about this device, i think it's my turn to make a "donation", since i've been searching for a free SSH client with port selection for WM2005 and was not able to find it, i just downloaded tthe Pocket Putty Development SVN and compiled it from source, it's tested and working, and here it it
Please leave comments and keep up the excellent work everyone
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Thankyou very much - the lack of port selection was a major PITA for me with putty

meschle said:
Thanks, could you descibe what it does. What is a SSH client?
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a secure shell client is like a terminal client, for example : you need to do some admin work on your linux server, until now there wasn't any GOOD ssh client for the Wizard, some lacked port selection some lacked protocol compat, this one has them all.

thanks devilboy for explaining that

awsome, thanks!!

So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.

So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.


devGOD said:
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yep i downloaded the svn from there but...
WM5 compatiblity (not yet tested) -> is now tested coz i compiled it and i'm using it
and btw, their binaries don't have port selection, this one does, since it's a build from the latest development source
about the esc thingy, never tried it but i'll see what i can do

When you say port selection, do you mean the ability to choose something other than port 22; or do you mean the ability to do port forwarding through the SSH connection?
I'd love to find a free SSH client that can do port forwarding so I can reach my OWA page (my company places OWA behind the firewall and will only do push e-mail to treos w/goodlink).
Thanks for posting this!

PHAT ****!!
I use (Pocket) Putty a LOT. I didn't actually miss the exclusion of port selecting in the "normal" version, but now that I have the availability, I sure will use it

100Tbps said:
When you say port selection, do you mean the ability to choose something other than port 22; or do you mean the ability to do port forwarding through the SSH connection?
I'd love to find a free SSH client that can do port forwarding so I can reach my OWA page (my company places OWA behind the firewall and will only do push e-mail to treos w/goodlink).
Thanks for posting this!
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yep, that's it, you can select something other than port 22

bartour said:
So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.
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i tried with CTRL-C and it also worked

Anyone figure out how to get the up and down keys working correctly in VI?? Works fine in the shell, but VI goes into insert mode and starts inserting junk characters.
It must be the TERM setting, but I'm not figuring it out. Any ideas?

bartour said:
So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.
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You can map it using PQZII which may be found somewhere in the forums or at http://www.nicque.com/PQz/.

Just reflashed my wizard and gonna test it l8r, and i'll post feedback l8r too


Terminal service client FULL SCREEN ??

The new support of better resolution in Terminal client is great! but why not in full screen?? it would be nice working in full screen mode VGA. the bars on top and bottom of the screen are stealing to much space. any ideas?
maybe just a registry key?
or any similar applications which are supporting full screen, but faster than citrix and VNC?
Um, Terminal Services *IS* Citrix, M$ bought the code to it years ago...
I've just installed the ICA client on my Universal, will try it sometime
ICA client works perfectly on my device...Takes up more space than I'd ideally like, but it's flawless.
sl9: oh, didn´t know that. thanks for the explanation.
sub69: well i also have the ICA client installed. But my problem is that i have a hosted exchange-box with MS Office, but where i can log in only from the ASP´s-Website, which again is not supported by pocket internet explorer....
is ICA working in full screen?
but in any case i can´t understand why MS didn´t implement that function. am i wrong or did the last version in wm2003se work in full screen?
I'm trying to set this up, but it doesn't seem to work out... COuld some provide me a step-by-step tutorial ? I'm working with Windows XP and WM2005.
Thanx !
Sammy ;o)
Hmmm, I login to my work network using an IE portal which (after a few passwords etc) automatically loads my ICA Client and off I go. Exchange boxes and ASP's that don't support IE are beyond me, I'm afraid.
No full screen options anywhere, ever. Not in ICA or Terminal Services Client (as far as I can remember)...
www.logmein.com It's free and nice and it works with firewalls, etc....and of course, full screen
Post some screenshots.
I made an app that will make most apps fullscreen, but show me a shot and I'll see if it's suitable.
I'm on QVGA WM200SE tho...
vijay555: That sounds nice! as soon as i have some spare time i will post sone screenshots. thnx!
dherrero: Hey, great hint! this tool is working perfect! very fast and the resolution settings are incredible!
I had a problem accessing the ICA config UI localy on my universal. IE seems to have an issue with the loopback address? I can access the config UI remotley but not locally! Has anyone else experince this? I may try reinstalling after a hard reset to see if it's something else screwing up the TCP stack...
Also, I doubt you'll find anything that makes beter use of bandwidth than the ICA protocol (and conversly, anything that makes worse use of it than VNC! :wink: )
wrt ICA v RDP - ICA is based on similar stuff to RDP but is significatly more advanced, allowing multiple virtual channels to be incoporated into one ICA channel, allowing things like drive mapping, client printing etc. True, M$ bought ICa technology from Citrix (and Citrix are, in fact M$'s biggest partner!) but I belive developemnt of ICA leads developemtn of RDP quiet significantly.
I manage a farm of about 30 metaframe servers here at work so getting a working ICA client on my universal would be handy! I've had it working fine on other WM5 devices and WM2003SE devices previosuly.
ICA fullscreen is cool and I've had it working previously. There's a config option in the UI somewhere. Lurverly! Is usless on CE devices without a keybopard though as you can't get the SIp up without the taskbar being visible!
tintoy - look in the developers forum for my program SipSwitch, for toggling the sip from a shortcut (ie Hardware button!). That way, hide the UI but use a spare hardware button to bring up the SIP.
Never tried it on WM2005, but it should work.
Sounds excatlty like what i was looking for when i tried full screen icaon my himilaya! I'll seek it out.
tintoy - let me know how SIPswitch goes.
Re terminal services; I've had a quick play on WM2003 and I can do something with it, but I don't run terminal services on my desktop (how can I test it - run remote desktop?) so haven't tested the actual client screen yet.
But, as I said, post a screenshot and I'll have a think about it.
Right now my WM2005 emulator is playing up, so a little delay...
i found this today
BitmapCacheSize : REG_DWORD Default is 1500. This value is the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache in memory. The maximum value is 32000.
BitmapPersistCacheSize : REG_DWORD Default is 10. This value is the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache file.
0x5DC(1500) and 0xA(10) respectivly,, im using on these now, i noticed that the defaults on JJ was v low in comparison so i upped them and it has got rif of the black boxes and real slow refresh
i added this key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
add FullScreenAlways : REG_DWORD added value 1
dosent make it full screen, the way were after, it refers to the terminal session size being forced to 640x376 256 colours, rather than having a 1024x768 session that you have scroll bars on to pan around..
Carnivor didn't mention it, but those parameters are found here...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
On my Jasjar they were also way low... 10 and 1 instead of the 'minimun' on 1500 and 10. I changed them, but haven't tried it yet hopefully it'll help
Don't know if it is relevant to ths subject, but would like to share. I use GoToMyPC. It is not free, but it supports full screen (as always) and many different zooming options. Very usable on JJ.
Also, it works through firewalls and dynamic IP address. All the networking complexity is handled by GoToMyPC.
Carnivor said:
i found this today
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I don't think that those settings are ment for the Pocket PC. They look for me like settings for embedded CE.
I have another interesting problem:
I have to open in a terminal session another session, because the other server is'nt exposed to the internet.
In the second "session" the "Shift" key is ignored. That's bad for typing a case sensitive password... :?
The CAPs key works fine.
Strange, isn't is?
dherrero said:
www.logmein.com It's free and nice and it works with firewalls, etc....and of course, full screen
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Can you please point out the free version ?, I can only find a trial version
it dosent clearly state that its WM5 but the keys definatly make a big improvement of display glitches. those black boxes i had everywhere are long gone.
Logmein is fab. Free, fullscreen and just works.
I've found a good VNC client that works full screen: http://dotnetvnc.sourceforge.net/
Works like a charm if a little slow.

Can I control my HTPC using my Wizard?

I have a HTPC (without a mouse or kb) plugged into my TV, and while I have a remote (IMON 2.4G DT) the mouse control isn't too great. What I would like to do is use my Wizard as an input device, primarily for the mouse but probably also for keyboard
I thought Total Input sounded promising, but I have two issues with that:
1. 'Server is unreachable' - which presumably is just a matter of configuration of the network, and hopefully I should be able to sort that, and
2. (and this is the bit I really need help with) TI requires the NET Framework 1.1, a consequence of which is the PC can no longer boot straight into the default desktop, but now stops at the 'Select a user' screen.... where you click WITH A MOUSE which user you want to log on as
So, my question is, does anyone have any novel solutions or can suggest a piece of software that will alow me to do what I want?
I really don't want another mouse and keyboard cluttering up the living room, and to be able to use the Wizard as the input device would be really handy.
You can fix that login issue by Clicking 'Start' > 'Run'
Then type "Control userpasswords2" (without quots)
Then set the default user
Great stuff ! Thanks for that hiazle, I'll give it a try
Is there anyone out there who has got this app working and how did you find it? Does it work well?
Mellon said:
Great stuff ! Thanks for that hiazle, I'll give it a try
Is there anyone out there who has got this app working and how did you find it? Does it work well?
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Have you got a link to it? I've not seen it before, and it sound like it might be handy...
which is free, but they also do an all-singing all dancing version which isn't, but you can get a trial.

Control/Semd Commands to Vario II from PC

Anyone know of any software (open source preferably) that can be used to control the Hermes from a PC over USB, I'm not meaning along the line's of an emulator, but something that say, presents a keypad on the PC that i can then use to dial a number on the phone.
Looking for open source as I'm looking for ideas to develop something of my own (dial numbers, access address book and messages), although any open source software that can send commands to the Phone over USB would do to give me a starting point
Could something like http://smslib.sourceforge.net/ SMSLib help? It has good (I used Java) interfaces for addressing the phone when connected to a COM port. It could be used as an example.
Hope it helps.
Best regards, jZ
NOM4D said:
Could something like http://smslib.sourceforge.net/ SMSLib help? It has good (I used Java) interfaces for addressing the phone when connected to a COM port. It could be used as an example.
Hope it helps.
Best regards, jZ
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Thanks i'll have a look
This will cost you, but it's well worth it (I consider it a "must-have" app):

Remote Shutdown of PC from WM5?

Does anyone know of a freeware program that can remotely shutdown the home PC from a Wifi network? I found a free Wake-On-LAN program and I can turn on my computer from anywhere in my home with it, but I don't have the means to turn it off. Thanks.
Using a VNC client on your phone and the server on your pc you could remote in and shut it down as if you were in front of it.
Hmmm, call me ignorant but I just wonder what putpose does it serve? If it is a home network and your house is not as large as CENTRAL PARK New York you should be able to actually walk to your computer and shut it down instead of sitting room next door and do it from there!
How much more lazy the human race can get?
Junner2003 said:
Hmmm, call me ignorant but I just wonder what putpose does it serve? If it is a home network and your house is not as large as CENTRAL PARK New York you should be able to actually walk to your computer and shut it down instead of sitting room next door and do it from there!
How much more lazy the human race can get?
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note that he mentioned swhithing a pc on using wake on lan - thats why he mentioned his house - lan limitation. the real purpose of what he looks for would be turning your pc off while being away.
Curious D: i didn't hear of any app written especially for this, but for example emule can do it. if you use emule on your home pc - try checkin out it's mobile client - mobiemule - a java applet that lets you manage your downloads as well as turning your pc off. if it's not suiteble for you, i would suggest setting up apache server with a special php code on it, execing an app to close windows and then using your phone browser to access this php code. a bit of a workaround but in my opinion the easiest. (i used to controll winamp this way
This might be a solution! I did not digg in to it because of such tasks are not interesting to me but I am sure you can do what you need to do with it:
it's another option, yes it is possible but not very handy. i know setting up apache or any other web server is not very handy task neither. i would just code a simple app for desktop pc that would listen on telnet port and after receiving specified command would shut windows down. maybe even code a simple version of "web server" so it would be accessed using web browser? huh, i'll try in my spare time ;]
i could wrap up an application that would sit launched at your pc and listen for a connection. you would have to open a web browser (not only at your phone, it could be anything computer like and browse for an adress like:
to force my application to perform any action. it could be shutting down your windows or anything else.
note - it requires you to have a public ip address, and you would have to forward some_ports for it in your lan - just like any other serverlike application. would you be interested? it is quite easy so i can do it for you. cheers
Thanks for all the replies.
Raceit: I thought about VNC, but my VNC program incorporates an RC4 encryption which isn't supported for the WM5 platform at this time (at least I couldn't find any. This would be the ideal situation since then I can control my computer from my phone to do some simple operations. (I can do this already with my laptop, but it takes a long time to start up whereas the phone is fairly immediate)
Banannq: No no...Junner2003 is right. I AM lazy. I'm actually looking for it because there have been some nights that I remembered I forgot to shut down the computer and when you are in bed, you don't really want to go across the house to shut something off. I'm a light sleeper and when I wake up, I think about stuff. The idea that you had is over my head. Thanks for the offer for setup, but it seems I would have to open my firewall which I would rather not do. Again, thanks.
Junner2003: Thanks. I'll look into that link from Microsoft.
Curious D: too late mate, i already did the base of program ;]
now i can only finish it ;] it receives a message from a www browser and all i need to do now is to make it respond with an action, which is quite easy job - i'll add a procedure of shutting windows down and i'll upload it somewhere this evening. if you want it, you can get it, if you prefer not - no problem. for me it was a good oportunity to code something new ;]
forget evening. it's done. remember it is very simple...
so you need to launch included exe file on your windows machine. i tested it on xp, it should also work on older OS's, but i cannot be sure.
as i said - if you have lan at your home (and probably you have if you use your phone to connect to wifi) you need to access your router menu to allow connections to the pc my app is running on. depending on manufacturer it is done a bit different but still quite simple. you need to find a function called "port forwarding" and set up a new rule. You allow traffic to "your pc ip number" on "99" port (thats my app specification). you basicly need to allow traffic via tcp, but can be also tcp+udp
when it's done thats it.
providing that the programm is running, you can first try opening you pc's browser and type a specified url in your browser:
you should see "/hello_world" message in return.
you can then try
your ip can be checked by typing "ipconfig" in command line (windows_start>run>cmd) on your pc.
then you can do the same on your phone : http://your.pc.ip.address:99/message
if it works it means that everything is ready to go. then go:
and that should do the magic.
i hope it's quite clear for you, if not - please ask. i'll try to help you if you think my program would be worth it ;]
i hope you like it
Wow. That's really cool. Thanks. I'll look into it more on my next day off. (Schedule's a little wacky, but it brings food to the table) Thanks again. Out of curiosity (not asking for more because you have already been very generous with your time and effort), can something be set up without port forwarding? If it is within a home network, can something be setup like VNC (without the remote desktop) simply to shutdown a computer within my own Wifi network?
Yes, should be possible either if you use STATIC IP ADDRESSES (which is always a problem if you have a linksys router) or just via computer name in the network: " \\MyComputerName " (you will have to turn file sharing in for that!)
Cool. I'll try it soon. Thanks again.
Curious D said:
Does anyone know of a freeware program that can remotely shutdown the home PC from a Wifi network? I found a free Wake-On-LAN program and I can turn on my computer from anywhere in my home with it, but I don't have the means to turn it off. Thanks.
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Can you please post the free Wake-On-LAN app that you have??
sorry guys, i didn't have time to post anything sooner - had a terrible day with my wizard - 4 hard resets and finally rom upgrade :/ huh, looks good now...
anyway - i didn't code anything that would communicate through windows network neighbourhood - it sounds like an interesting idea, but i dont think i could be able to accomplish any success here very soon ;] sorry.
freeyayo50 said:
Can you please post the free Wake-On-LAN app that you have??
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Here you go...

[Q] Remote Android Development

Hi guys,
isn't there someway to develop my Android apps on a webserver so I can work on them via FTP on any machine ?
I have a problem of not being able to continue work on a project once I leave work or leave home.
Please help me.
Maybe even use a SVN.
It's a bit of a hassle, but I just use dropbox. When I finish working at home I copy the project to dropbox. When I get to work it's ready to go. Copy it back again before I leave work.
Actually I seccond SVN (or GIT if that's your fancy). It can sometimes be tricky to setup on a remote server but the versioning is well worth it.
I got the impression it wasnt just going from home to work and back that he was having trouble with though. All good suggestions though
OK ?
alostpacket said:
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just wondering what any of those have to do with Android development ?!?
rigman said:
It's a bit of a hassle, but I just use dropbox. When I finish working at home I copy the project to dropbox. When I get to work it's ready to go. Copy it back again before I leave work.
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I appreciate the dropbox suggestion.
As an aside, I put a document into my dropbox on my Linux computer at home and immediately checked for it on my dropbox app on my Android phone - it was not there.
Neighter was it avaiable at work hours later at work - don't know how I might force it to refresh.
How about Eclipse RSE ?
As an Android developer using Eclipse comes with the territory.
I came across some thing called RSE( remote system explorer ).
From what I've read, it should give me FTP access to remote files.
But it fails when I try to configure a "Remote system Type".
Does anyone have sucessful experience with this ?
captsisko said:
just wondering what any of those have to do with Android development ?!?
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They do stuff like this:
I came across some thing called RSE( remote system explorer ).
From what I've read, it should give me FTP access to remote files.
But it fails when I try to configure a "Remote system Type".
Does anyone have sucessful experience with this ?
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It sounds like you need to better explain what you're actually trying to do. Are you trying to just take some files with you, or are you trying to be able to access your home computer remotely?
They have different solutions. It sounds like maybe you are confusing the two.
VPN/RemoteDesktop/VNC all have to do with accessing a computer remotely which is what you said you were trying to do originally. However it sounds like that's not what you need. Maybe I misintepreted your post. My appologies.
If you're just trying to take your project from home to work and back, then you should set up a server with SVN (or Git or Mercurial) somewhere, possiblly over SSH.
This can be on your home computer, or work (depending what ports your network admin allows), or on a hosted third party server (such as a shared hosting server like BlueHost, DreamHost, or iPowerWeb or something). I'd recommend the hosted 3rd party solution.
Though, if you use linux at home SSH is built into your system.
Dropbox and FTP are OKish, but you might as well just use a USB stick or something...
But SVN and Git have real version control and intgrate with eclipse. If you have it setup properly you can just hit a command in eclipse's project explorer and all the changes are commited to the remote repository.
So anyways, SVN is my advice too
Thank you very much alostpacket !
You were right about needing to explain better. I was not trying to achieve a remote desktop access solution. I was looking for a way to work on my Android projects without have to copy then on a USB or email them to myself.
I use a VPS to host my websites and I assumed I might be able to work on my Andoird projects via FTP from my server so regardless where I am, I have access to the same project - I don't know if you guys think that is possible ?!?
However, I will start to investigate SVN and Git.
Thanks again.
No problem, I'd say check with you VPS provider too, often times they have tutorials on how to set up SVN, or sometimes even automated one click installs.
There will be some learning curve with using SVN, but it will give you a lot of control over versioning your work. It's WELL worth the effort.
If you ever make a mistake you can easily roll back to an earlier version, or you can "branch" off from the main codebase to try out a beta feature and merge it back later with side by side views showing you where all the changes are.
Most every experienced developer uses some type of versioning control software (SVN, Git, Mecurial, CVS, or SourceSafe).
Git does many of the same things but is a bit more advanced and more designed around larger projects with teams of developers working remotely. (Git was developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel teams to use). Mecurial I think costs $$ and is like git. CVS is a bit old, and SourceSafe is a Microsoft produc that I think also costs $$.
SVN is based on CVS and is intended to be the successor and more user friendly than CVS, but it's still takes some time to learn and some patience.
Many Android developers use Git though, so the choice is up to you, however I think SVN is a bit easier to learn.
FYI a SVN inside a dropbox works too.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

