Can I control my HTPC using my Wizard? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have a HTPC (without a mouse or kb) plugged into my TV, and while I have a remote (IMON 2.4G DT) the mouse control isn't too great. What I would like to do is use my Wizard as an input device, primarily for the mouse but probably also for keyboard
I thought Total Input sounded promising, but I have two issues with that:
1. 'Server is unreachable' - which presumably is just a matter of configuration of the network, and hopefully I should be able to sort that, and
2. (and this is the bit I really need help with) TI requires the NET Framework 1.1, a consequence of which is the PC can no longer boot straight into the default desktop, but now stops at the 'Select a user' screen.... where you click WITH A MOUSE which user you want to log on as
So, my question is, does anyone have any novel solutions or can suggest a piece of software that will alow me to do what I want?
I really don't want another mouse and keyboard cluttering up the living room, and to be able to use the Wizard as the input device would be really handy.

You can fix that login issue by Clicking 'Start' > 'Run'
Then type "Control userpasswords2" (without quots)
Then set the default user

Great stuff ! Thanks for that hiazle, I'll give it a try
Is there anyone out there who has got this app working and how did you find it? Does it work well?

Mellon said:
Great stuff ! Thanks for that hiazle, I'll give it a try
Is there anyone out there who has got this app working and how did you find it? Does it work well?
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Have you got a link to it? I've not seen it before, and it sound like it might be handy...
which is free, but they also do an all-singing all dancing version which isn't, but you can get a trial.


Terminal service client FULL SCREEN ??

The new support of better resolution in Terminal client is great! but why not in full screen?? it would be nice working in full screen mode VGA. the bars on top and bottom of the screen are stealing to much space. any ideas?
maybe just a registry key?
or any similar applications which are supporting full screen, but faster than citrix and VNC?
Um, Terminal Services *IS* Citrix, M$ bought the code to it years ago...
I've just installed the ICA client on my Universal, will try it sometime
ICA client works perfectly on my device...Takes up more space than I'd ideally like, but it's flawless.
sl9: oh, didn´t know that. thanks for the explanation.
sub69: well i also have the ICA client installed. But my problem is that i have a hosted exchange-box with MS Office, but where i can log in only from the ASP´s-Website, which again is not supported by pocket internet explorer....
is ICA working in full screen?
but in any case i can´t understand why MS didn´t implement that function. am i wrong or did the last version in wm2003se work in full screen?
I'm trying to set this up, but it doesn't seem to work out... COuld some provide me a step-by-step tutorial ? I'm working with Windows XP and WM2005.
Thanx !
Sammy ;o)
Hmmm, I login to my work network using an IE portal which (after a few passwords etc) automatically loads my ICA Client and off I go. Exchange boxes and ASP's that don't support IE are beyond me, I'm afraid.
No full screen options anywhere, ever. Not in ICA or Terminal Services Client (as far as I can remember)... It's free and nice and it works with firewalls, etc....and of course, full screen
Post some screenshots.
I made an app that will make most apps fullscreen, but show me a shot and I'll see if it's suitable.
I'm on QVGA WM200SE tho...
vijay555: That sounds nice! as soon as i have some spare time i will post sone screenshots. thnx!
dherrero: Hey, great hint! this tool is working perfect! very fast and the resolution settings are incredible!
I had a problem accessing the ICA config UI localy on my universal. IE seems to have an issue with the loopback address? I can access the config UI remotley but not locally! Has anyone else experince this? I may try reinstalling after a hard reset to see if it's something else screwing up the TCP stack...
Also, I doubt you'll find anything that makes beter use of bandwidth than the ICA protocol (and conversly, anything that makes worse use of it than VNC! :wink: )
wrt ICA v RDP - ICA is based on similar stuff to RDP but is significatly more advanced, allowing multiple virtual channels to be incoporated into one ICA channel, allowing things like drive mapping, client printing etc. True, M$ bought ICa technology from Citrix (and Citrix are, in fact M$'s biggest partner!) but I belive developemnt of ICA leads developemtn of RDP quiet significantly.
I manage a farm of about 30 metaframe servers here at work so getting a working ICA client on my universal would be handy! I've had it working fine on other WM5 devices and WM2003SE devices previosuly.
ICA fullscreen is cool and I've had it working previously. There's a config option in the UI somewhere. Lurverly! Is usless on CE devices without a keybopard though as you can't get the SIp up without the taskbar being visible!
tintoy - look in the developers forum for my program SipSwitch, for toggling the sip from a shortcut (ie Hardware button!). That way, hide the UI but use a spare hardware button to bring up the SIP.
Never tried it on WM2005, but it should work.
Sounds excatlty like what i was looking for when i tried full screen icaon my himilaya! I'll seek it out.
tintoy - let me know how SIPswitch goes.
Re terminal services; I've had a quick play on WM2003 and I can do something with it, but I don't run terminal services on my desktop (how can I test it - run remote desktop?) so haven't tested the actual client screen yet.
But, as I said, post a screenshot and I'll have a think about it.
Right now my WM2005 emulator is playing up, so a little delay...
i found this today
BitmapCacheSize : REG_DWORD Default is 1500. This value is the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache in memory. The maximum value is 32000.
BitmapPersistCacheSize : REG_DWORD Default is 10. This value is the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache file.
0x5DC(1500) and 0xA(10) respectivly,, im using on these now, i noticed that the defaults on JJ was v low in comparison so i upped them and it has got rif of the black boxes and real slow refresh
i added this key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
add FullScreenAlways : REG_DWORD added value 1
dosent make it full screen, the way were after, it refers to the terminal session size being forced to 640x376 256 colours, rather than having a 1024x768 session that you have scroll bars on to pan around..
Carnivor didn't mention it, but those parameters are found here...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
On my Jasjar they were also way low... 10 and 1 instead of the 'minimun' on 1500 and 10. I changed them, but haven't tried it yet hopefully it'll help
Don't know if it is relevant to ths subject, but would like to share. I use GoToMyPC. It is not free, but it supports full screen (as always) and many different zooming options. Very usable on JJ.
Also, it works through firewalls and dynamic IP address. All the networking complexity is handled by GoToMyPC.
Carnivor said:
i found this today
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I don't think that those settings are ment for the Pocket PC. They look for me like settings for embedded CE.
I have another interesting problem:
I have to open in a terminal session another session, because the other server is'nt exposed to the internet.
In the second "session" the "Shift" key is ignored. That's bad for typing a case sensitive password... :?
The CAPs key works fine.
Strange, isn't is?
dherrero said: It's free and nice and it works with firewalls, etc....and of course, full screen
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Can you please point out the free version ?, I can only find a trial version
it dosent clearly state that its WM5 but the keys definatly make a big improvement of display glitches. those black boxes i had everywhere are long gone.
Logmein is fab. Free, fullscreen and just works.
I've found a good VNC client that works full screen:
Works like a charm if a little slow.

PocketPC as MIDI controller?

This may be a stupid question, but is it possible to send real-time MIDI data over the USB link between PPC and computer (or via a wifi SD card for that matter)?
I've been playing with this Clanger Theremin app that turns your PPC touchscreen into a musical instrument of sorts - movement on the X axis changes pitch, movement on the Y axis changes volume.
It would be great if the entire touchscreen could be set up to send changes in MIDI values to a program running on the PC, also using the X and Y axes. Once MIDI data can be transferred, you could play the tuba via your PPC, or scratch virtual records like a dj, or really do just about anything.
There's already a program in development that allows you to do this with a Wacom drawing tablet (, but a drawing tablet is already set up via USB to be a human input device or whatever you call it, so I wonder if the link between tablet and computer is at all similar to that between PPC and computer.
So would something like this be possible? Or is this just a pipe dream?
Wouldn't you just create a server on the desktop and get the client to connect to it through the Activesync network connection or bluetooth personal area network? The server would then have to behave like a MIDI device which might be the hard part. Would the PocketPC client produce MIDI events or send simpler x/y coordinates to the server which would then generate MIDI events?
this is a bloody excellent idea!!!
i can never have enough x/y pads!!!!!
anyone fancy a crack at it?
it should be pretty simple!
should have the option that when its touched it activates a switch (simple NOTE ON when pressed/ NOTE OFF when released). ive got annoyed with many xy pads for that reason!
i have a friend who may find this pretty easy.. sadly my code skills in that area are lacking severely.
i suspect he is too busy though..
i am quite liking the idea of the server/client method, with the ppc sending the data to a server that then converts that to midi data...
perhaps even a clever card export style driver emulation.. (only requires a pc driver instead of server program)
assignable hardware buttons!! great for activating effects..
anyone got any ideas?
edit: had another idea
great, i'm glad somebody else likes this idea! I guess the question is - how do you get a project like this started? I also don't have the coding experience that would allow me to make this myself.
Could I (or we, if there are more people that want this made) offer some sort of bounty for a finished app? Is there any system in place online for doing something like this? Something where you give a list of necessary specs and then post a reward for delivering a working app?
I certainly couldn't offer heaps, but if a bunch of people got together who wanted this and chipped in a bit of money each, perhaps it might motivate somebody to spend some time creating the thing. Programmers: how much would it take to convince you to spend some time creating something like this?
Or, if any experienced coders out there have a couple of ideas on how to do this and could point me in the right direction, perhaps I could do some research and eventually build this myself. As it is right now, I don't have a clue as to how to begin - can you send data of any kind down the USB link? Or over bluetooth, or wifi? What language should be used to program this?
Otherwise, if you're already interested in making a pocketpc into an x/y controller, and have the skills to do it, I can tell you that it'll be greatly appreciated.. Maybe I should post this topic outside of the Magician forum, as something like this could be useful for anybody with a pocketpc that has a touchscreen.
Anyway, I really hope that this can someday happen, it would be wonderful if it could. Perhaps focusing on MIDI data is a bad idea - if the touchscreen could be used to control anything on the PC then it might appeal to a wider range of users (and programmers). Imagine using your touchscreen via bluetooth to control Winamp from across the room, just moving your thumb up or down to raise or lower volume. I'm sure there are a huge variety of other uses that could come in handy as well. Assignable hardware buttons would be amazing...
There is already plenty of software that allows you to control your PC via your PPC (pocket VLC, winamp remote etc etc etc) but this doesnt neccesarily help matters.
If you have to have the controller on the screen of the host machine... you may as well be using a damn mouse.
I suggest a complete midi send system that will make the ppc work as if it is a real MIDI controller. This way you can use it as a system of control for elements that wont be controlled by devices you can have on-screen.
Im going to look into this later, im just about to do some important house related things
keep the ideas coming

VNC: Unsupported trackpad right-click, scroll, click & drag

Hi guys -
Shocked that no one else has mentioned this issue on XDA yet, actually...
One of the reasons I bought the keyboard dock for the Transformer was for the possibility of using VNC / RDP clients to control remote machines. This works brilliantly with the built-in client (Splashtop) -- with 2 mildly important exceptions: trackpad scrolling and right-click.
Right-clicking obviously backs out of the session completely (as this is hard-mapped to Android "back")... which is only less frustrating than 2-finger scrolling actually crashing the client and ending the session. If you even touch the trackpad with two fingers, you're finished. (Note: I've tried using USB mice and other clients as well with the same result.)
I'm really surprised at the oversight on ASUS' part here. The transformer and dock would be the perfect solution for this task if it were not for these issues.
So... as I'm not a programmer or dev (like some of the brilliant minds that grace this forum) I'm wondering -- is this something that could be fixed?
Trevor_g said:
Hi guys -
Shocked that no one else has mentioned this issue on XDA yet, actually...
One of the reasons I bought the keyboard dock for the Transformer was for the possibility of using VNC / RDP clients to control remote machines. This works brilliantly with the built-in client (Splashtop) -- with 2 mildly important exceptions: trackpad scrolling and right-click.
Right-clicking obviously backs out of the session completely (as this is hard-mapped to Android "back")... which is only less frustrating than 2-finger scrolling actually crashing the client and ending the session. If you even touch the trackpad with two fingers, you're finished. (Note: I've tried using USB mice and other clients as well with the same result.)
I'm really surprised at the oversight on ASUS' part here. The transformer and dock would be the perfect solution for this task if it were not for these issues.
So... as I'm not a programmer or dev (like some of the brilliant minds that grace this forum) I'm wondering -- is this something that could be fixed?
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I believe it is probably possible to remap the right click button by editing the kernel and recompiling it (just like how people got rid of the tap click), thus letting you make it right click instead of "back". Some dev who looked at Transformer's kernel can probably give a definite answer.
i believe long press left click=right click
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Hmmm... that sounds positive. A hack to switch back and forth from "back" to "right-click" mapping (depending on the active app) would be helpful here.
However, the lack of right-click support isn't nearly as bad as the trackpad scrolling bug. The lack of this basic functionality makes remote clients really horrible to use.
Add one more feature to the list here: click and drag. This doesn't work also, meaning that the only way to scroll anything in VNC is to actually point and click. Yeeesh!
Trevor_g said:
Hmmm... that sounds positive. A hack to switch back and forth from "back" to "right-click" mapping (depending on the active app) would be helpful here.
However, the lack of right-click support isn't nearly as bad as the trackpad scrolling bug. The lack of this basic functionality makes remote clients really horrible to use.
Add one more feature to the list here: click and drag. This doesn't work also, meaning that the only way to scroll anything in VNC is to actually point and click. Yeeesh!
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Uh, what VNC app are you using? Two-Finger scrolling works on any of the ones I use (Splashtop, RDP) and drag is just click, click and hold and then move your mouse.
frosty5689 said:
Uh, what VNC app are you using? Two-Finger scrolling works on any of the ones I use (Splashtop, RDP) and drag is just click, click and hold and then move your mouse.
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I'm not speaking of the touchscreen functionality; these issues affect the trackpad on the keyboard dock making it almost unusable for this purpose.
I'm using Splashtop (bundled software -- but regardless, these issues are present on any VNC software I've tried). Two-finger scrolling does NOT work on the trackpad (if you try, your session will actually crash). Neither does click and drag, and right-click backs you out of the session completely. :s
Click and drag works in the HD version of Splashtop
Remote RDP Enterprise/free? supports drag and right click
Thanks for the input!
gwai_jai: Splashtop HD does seem to support click and drag - good find (discovered that recently). Now, if only we could find a way to map right-click and scroll (especially) to the trackpad on the keyboard dock...
dude2k5: When you say that this program supports right-click, is it just some kind of "virtual" / on-screen solution, or does the right mouse button on the trackpad actually work correctly?
Trevor_g said:
dude2k5: When you say that this program supports right-click, is it just some kind of "virtual" / on-screen solution, or does the right mouse button on the trackpad actually work correctly?
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Supports physical right-click with the right button on the TF trackpad.
That is my primary RDP app now because it's the only one that properly supports right-mouse.
Two finger scrolling on the trackpad doesn't work for me though.
Trevor_g said:
Thanks for the input!
gwai_jai: Splashtop HD does seem to support click and drag - good find (discovered that recently). Now, if only we could find a way to map right-click and scroll (especially) to the trackpad on the keyboard dock...
dude2k5: When you say that this program supports right-click, is it just some kind of "virtual" / on-screen solution, or does the right mouse button on the trackpad actually work correctly?
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oh man iam waiting for scroll on the trackpad so desperately (two finger scroll on the touchpad of the dock)...then the transformer is perfect!!!
now iam using splashtop HD and i have to use page up/down for scrolling in windows.
opened a request on the splashtop forum
I'm currently 'hacking' android-vnc-viewer (OpenSource) to support the TF touchpad. I have right-mouse-button and mouse tracking working although the former is a bit of a hack and the latter is laggy. I'll look into two-finger scrolling...
It's not perfect, contains debugging, and I need to do a fair amount of cleaning
up before I can commit patches to the opensource code project, but if people want to beta test I can stick a build up someplace.
Fantastic that someone is working on this! I'm sure I'm not the only person who would be willing to serve as a beta tester...
The first RDP app to support right-click, 2-finger scroll and mouse tracking would make it BIG I'm sure.
2-finger scrolling is huge... I agree with the previous poster. The Transformer handles this so well in Android, and dragging scroll bars and / or being forced to use 'page down' to navigate really does ruin the experience.
Keep us updated, mamoulian666...
rilot said:
Supports physical right-click with the right button on the TF trackpad.
That is my primary RDP app now because it's the only one that properly supports right-mouse.
Two finger scrolling on the trackpad doesn't work for me though.
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This sounds promising as well - I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up!
OK here's a link to my current build:
As far as I know it's only VNC though, no RDP!
Because it's not signed it will probably ask you to uninstall the Market version first, it also won't use the settings so use the export function in the settings screen before uninstalling.
It should show some toasts on startup indicating that it has detected the Tranformer's touchpad, you should switch to 'mouse input mode' to get the pointer following and right-mouse-button. There might be some other toasts in there for my debugging purposes, if any are particularly annoying I can comment them out quite easily.
No two-finger yet, but any other suggestions/problems let me know.
Has anyone tried the build I put up?
If so can I have some feedback please - does it work OK for you?
It wouldn't install over the market version, but removing that manually first and then installing your worked.
As for right click, it works for thouchpad
It doesnt work for usb mouse, right button on it does nothing (don't remember it if it backed out of the app before).
I like the improments you made to the android-vnc app. Could you please post a version of the app without the toasts? Every so often one of them gets stuck on the screen and won't go away for ~5 min.
I like the right click option but the mouse tracking is very jumpy. I find that when the vnc pointer lags behind the trackpad the two won't line up again and will stay a fixed distance apart. Also is there a way to make the movement on the trackpad not act like a click and drag?
Xtralogic is the way to go. It supports right click (dock and Bluetooth). It also support the scroll wheel on Bluetooth. Give it a try on the Transformer, you'll be surprised how well it works (and how integrated it is).

Looking for a SideSync alternative

I was going to install SideSync until I read their license agreement. It basically agrees to let you use it if they can sell your personal information to anyone who wants it. What are the best alternatives?
IT_Architect said:
I was going to install SideSync until I read their license agreement. It basically agrees to let you use it if they can sell your personal information to anyone who wants it. What are the best alternatives?Thanks!
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The answer is, MyMobiler. I found a way to make MyMobiler rock solid, which was always the problem with that app, but it doesn't give away your personal information. The problem is, newer Windows versions do not have a full implementation of ActiveX, which is why it works so much better on XP. The cure is to do an install of SideSync on the PC side first. After you finish and reboot, uninstall SideSync. THEN set up MyMobiler according to the instructions on their web site. Things don't always go the way the instructions say, but once done, it is solid as a rock. You can even set it up to autoconnect when you plug in the USB cable to your PC. Then it just becomes a little icon you press and your phone is on screen. If you are wondering why when you are working on your phone you cannot get the keyboard to come up, it's because it's up on your screen and expects you to use your PC keyboard, which is why you might not want to set autoconnect to on, on the PC side. It also lets you connect via IP address. HOWEVER, there is a fly in the ointment. MyMobiler is an older program, thus it does not support IPV6. All new devices are IPV6. Thus, the only place this feature works in the real world is on an internal network. You will have to learn the keystrokes for the back button, home button, etc., but that's about it.
You may well try Vysor(An easy install Chrome app)

Control Xbox One Streaming with Mouse and Keyboard

Hello guys,
I was working on it yesterday with a bit of disappointment. Did anyone make this work yet?
I tried to do this with FreePIE, vJoy and X360CE.
I used X360CE to emulate an Xbox 360 Controller, since streaming should work with these. I hoped to be able to control streaming this way, but I don't know where to put the generated xinput1_3.dll. I was able to open the folder where the XboxApp.exe is, but I don't have write access there. Replacing xinput1_3.dll in system32 didn't help either. Somehow after some hours my FreePIE script stopped working, but that's an issue that I'll need to workaround later.
What I did so far:
- Writing a FreePIE script, that translates keyboard input to vJoy (controls for Minecraft, but can be easily changed)
- Configuring X360CE to understand vJoy (the easiest task)
If there is any interest in this, I can post Links and my script later.
Any ideas where I did go wrong? Anybody found a hint, where the Xbox App gets the inputs from? Does it even use Xinput or will we need to dig somewhere else?
Best regards
E4est said:
Hello guys,
I was working on it yesterday with a bit of disappointment. Did anyone make this work yet?
I tried to do this with FreePIE, vJoy and X360CE.
I used X360CE to emulate an Xbox 360 Controller, since streaming should work with these. I hoped to be able to control streaming this way, but I don't know where to put the generated xinput1_3.dll. I was able to open the folder where the XboxApp.exe is, but I don't have write access there. Replacing xinput1_3.dll in system32 didn't help either. Somehow after some hours my FreePIE script stopped working, but that's an issue that I'll need to workaround later.
What I did so far:
- Writing a FreePIE script, that translates keyboard input to vJoy (controls for Minecraft, but can be easily changed)
- Configuring X360CE to understand vJoy (the easiest task)
If there is any interest in this, I can post Links and my script later.
Any ideas where I did go wrong? Anybody found a hint, where the Xbox App gets the inputs from? Does it even use Xinput or will we need to dig somewhere else?
Best regards
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Hey have you made any progress on this?! I've been trying to do the exact same thing. I want to use my keyboard and mouse to control the xbox one while streaming.
Ever make any progress on this? I tried something similar myself but couldn't get it to recognize any virtual controller. Anyone have any ideas?

