Control/Semd Commands to Vario II from PC - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Anyone know of any software (open source preferably) that can be used to control the Hermes from a PC over USB, I'm not meaning along the line's of an emulator, but something that say, presents a keypad on the PC that i can then use to dial a number on the phone.
Looking for open source as I'm looking for ideas to develop something of my own (dial numbers, access address book and messages), although any open source software that can send commands to the Phone over USB would do to give me a starting point

Could something like SMSLib help? It has good (I used Java) interfaces for addressing the phone when connected to a COM port. It could be used as an example.
Hope it helps.
Best regards, jZ

NOM4D said:
Could something like SMSLib help? It has good (I used Java) interfaces for addressing the phone when connected to a COM port. It could be used as an example.
Hope it helps.
Best regards, jZ
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Thanks i'll have a look

This will cost you, but it's well worth it (I consider it a "must-have" app):


Unstable AT-command replies from GSM-radio

I'm programming on a program that uses cell broadcast messages to determine your position. ( - It was a project at "youth research" this year.
It is based on an idea of W.Back...
Now I want to get rid of a external gsm phone at the position determination, because the new Pocket PC Phone Edition have a integrated radio functionality.
I've written a small terminal-prog. for the XDA (, which let's you sent modem-command into the gsm and recieve replies.
On the XDA2 it is working well until the line "AT command interpreter ready" is displayed on the terminal. After that common AT-commands like "AT+CBC" won't work any longer, and result with an "ERROR".
The line (and the errors as result) seems to apear after a few seconds the port is open.
I think I have opened the port and initialized the shared use of the gsm serial communication well. :?
Check out that Sourcecode please:
The .DLL-file-project, which is written in C++ and opens/closes the port:
The visual basic project, which is for reading and writing operations, and user interface:
Greeting and sorry for the hopfully not thaaat bad englisch!
F. Wetzel[/url]
Hasn't really nobody any suggestions?
Just wanted to let you know that I will have alook and see what I can do
for you.
Have you got a break down of what you are trying to achieve
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A summ ups are written in German, sorry!
But i will try to describe it briefly:
My prog recieves the messages of the cell broadcast channel 221 by a mobile
phone connected via any inteface. (Bluetooth, IrDA, RS-232)
In Germany this channel contents data about the position and sending
direction of the mobile (fix installed) stations. With some (or many) tricks
i'm able to determinate your own own position up to a 50 meters. (in best
case - depending on the number of installed stations)
This is drawn on a map.
The prog is running under PPC and PC, but the PC version is less
interesting, because the PPC is more portable.
Newerdays, the PPCs have a integrated GSM radio module, so that it should be
possible to recieve those CB-messages vie the internal modem.
By that the users of XDA/MDA/... in Germany would get an alternative to GPS
for navigation/orientation without buying new hardware!
Lateron this prog is perhaps compatible with Tomtom. - I'm checking how to
do it!
Greeting, and thanks in advance!
hey xda internal access
Hey man i must say i respect you , you have done great work !!!
I am currently working on xda2 as university project and i need to access internal modem of xda ... so might need ur help ... i would wanna help u too and i probly will ... just letting u know i'll try a bit on ur prob and get back to ya ...
any advice ou can give me to access the internal modem ??
great job ! talk soon
On the XDA2 it is working well until the line "AT command interpreter ready" is displayed on the terminal. After that common AT-commands like "AT+CBC" won't work any longer, and result with an "ERROR". Crying or Very sad
The line (and the errors as result) seems to apear after a few seconds the port is open.
I think I have opened the port and initialized the shared use of the gsm serial communication well. Confused
Check out that Sourcecode please:
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after read your source, i think:
- set Sleep time between each other AT commands > 100ms for response time of GSM modem
- try to close the com port and re-open it before sending another AT-command.
- try to use only RIL port or COM2, don't open them and use them at the same time.
hey i read through the code its good but i dont see how u get "AT Interpreter Ready" in the VB app ... i looked hard !!! can anyone enlighten me ??
I guess "AT Interpreter Ready" is the answer from device.
AT Interpreter Ready is sent by device after radio resets itself. You should never see this reply.
ok - when i get "AT interpreter Ready" from my terminal it allows me to send an AT commands, so in a way i'm guessing that i should get it -
Indeed it happens when the GSM resets does anyone have more explanations on how it appears ???
i get "AT interpreter Ready", too.
Could someone compile the DLL and EXE and post them here in one zip? Would save me having to install Visual Studio !

Putty for Wizard HERE with port selection

i everyone, this is my first post here, and since i found lot's of info about this device, i think it's my turn to make a "donation", since i've been searching for a free SSH client with port selection for WM2005 and was not able to find it, i just downloaded tthe Pocket Putty Development SVN and compiled it from source, it's tested and working, and here it it
Please leave comments and keep up the excellent work everyone
Thanks, could you descibe what it does. What is a SSH client?
devilboy1488 said:
i everyone, this is my first post here, and since i found lot's of info about this device, i think it's my turn to make a "donation", since i've been searching for a free SSH client with port selection for WM2005 and was not able to find it, i just downloaded tthe Pocket Putty Development SVN and compiled it from source, it's tested and working, and here it it
Please leave comments and keep up the excellent work everyone
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Thankyou very much - the lack of port selection was a major PITA for me with putty
meschle said:
Thanks, could you descibe what it does. What is a SSH client?
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a secure shell client is like a terminal client, for example : you need to do some admin work on your linux server, until now there wasn't any GOOD ssh client for the Wizard, some lacked port selection some lacked protocol compat, this one has them all.
thanks devilboy for explaining that
awsome, thanks!!
So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.
So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.
devGOD said:
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yep i downloaded the svn from there but...
WM5 compatiblity (not yet tested) -> is now tested coz i compiled it and i'm using it
and btw, their binaries don't have port selection, this one does, since it's a build from the latest development source
about the esc thingy, never tried it but i'll see what i can do
When you say port selection, do you mean the ability to choose something other than port 22; or do you mean the ability to do port forwarding through the SSH connection?
I'd love to find a free SSH client that can do port forwarding so I can reach my OWA page (my company places OWA behind the firewall and will only do push e-mail to treos w/goodlink).
Thanks for posting this!
PHAT ****!!
I use (Pocket) Putty a LOT. I didn't actually miss the exclusion of port selecting in the "normal" version, but now that I have the availability, I sure will use it
100Tbps said:
When you say port selection, do you mean the ability to choose something other than port 22; or do you mean the ability to do port forwarding through the SSH connection?
I'd love to find a free SSH client that can do port forwarding so I can reach my OWA page (my company places OWA behind the firewall and will only do push e-mail to treos w/goodlink).
Thanks for posting this!
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yep, that's it, you can select something other than port 22
bartour said:
So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.
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i tried with CTRL-C and it also worked
Anyone figure out how to get the up and down keys working correctly in VI?? Works fine in the shell, but VI goes into insert mode and starts inserting junk characters.
It must be the TERM setting, but I'm not figuring it out. Any ideas?
bartour said:
So how do you do an ESC on these WM5 soft keyboards or wizard keyboard? Doing a "vim" session is very hard without ESC.
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You can map it using PQZII which may be found somewhere in the forums or at
Just reflashed my wizard and gonna test it l8r, and i'll post feedback l8r too

Is there an easy way? non PPC programs running on a ppc?

I know the answer is likely NO hell no, but I am going to ask anyway.
I want to run a program called BE2 manager on my BlueAngel, but... of course its a non windows mobile program.
The program is used for flashing information to the communication interface inside a slot machine. The current setup we have now is very bulky and cumbersome, and I am trying to downsize the whole operation. I have the rs232 to TTL cable worked out, and now just need the software to work.
Thanks guys.
Hi LandRaider!
I wouldn't say 'hell no' but it's not easy.
It depends on what OS the program is for:
If it runs under DOS (not likely these days) there is an emulator for it. DosPPC or something, don't remember exactly.
If it's a windows program I am pretty sure you are out of luck, no emulator.
If you have the source code for the program, I shouldn't be too difficult to port it, specially if it's written in c / c++.
You can also install the program on a terminal server (Citrix is a very good solution), and connect to it from your PocketPC over WiFi or GPRS.
Citrix supports mapping of COM-ports, but I dont know how this feature would work on PocketPC.
There isn't an easy way however there are always ways depending on how much you need it to be done. Citrix is an option worth investigating.
Provide more information about your app and it will be easier to guide you in the right direction

Someone to write a program

I know this is for programmers only but since I am looking for a programmer I figured it would be okay for me to post this here.
MODS - If it belongs someone else then please feel free to move it...
I own a HTC Universal (Cingular 8125) and I am also a diver. For a few years I looked at various Palm based dive logging software (when I had a Palm) but never bought one because I like to write longish descriptions of the dive and didn't want to do that in Graffiti or bring both a Palm and a portable keyboard on a dive trip. The desire to minimize electronic gadgets (and weight) is also why I never bring a laptop along with me. However, with the 8125 I have one device that I can bring with that lets me watch movies on the plane, listen to music on the beach, check my e-mail if I find find a wifi hotspot, and has the full keyboard and can use as a phone since it is GSM!
That being said, most dive comptures have the capacity to download information about the dive (depth, temperature, etc) to a computer. This information is very useful when you combine it with a log since it allows you to see what is called your dive profile and if you have the right logging software you can then combie this profile with your comments and create a really neat electronic log book.
However, the logging software for my computer, and I believe most computers, will not download to my device to any device running WM5. I had pretty much given up and figured I would have to wait awhile until these silly companies ralized there was a demand for WM5 and hopfully created software so you could download your computer information directly into your phone. However I recently found this device which is very different. It is more of a logger than a dive comuter in that you do not interact with it during the dive and it does not give you any guidance about dive limits. One of the biggest things that makes it different is that they, "realizes the benefits of publishing the technical details of its data recording devices. If you're a software developer, dive organization, or just curious, you may download our free Developer's Guides. In them we carefully detail everything you need to know to be able to download data from Sensus recorders. The Sensus Ultra Developer's Guide is AVAILABLE NOW!"
So what I was thinking is that someone might be able to create software for WM5 so that we could download the information directly into a Pocket PC. This could then perhaps be combined with a program like this or this to create the full package.
I think this would be a killer app that could make someone a few bucks. All I would ask for would be a free copy. I will even do the testing for free. the only big hurdle that I know of, and why they currently do not support download to WM5 is that the downloader uses serial ports.
Here is the link to their developers guide
If any one has any questions please feel free to PM or e-mail directly at bigcatdiving at gmail dot com
dcdivenut: why do they sell Palm software? What does the Palm software do? Presumably it doesn't link directly to the logger? Although, IIRC, the Palm does have a kind of serial port built in.
Your biggest hurdle here clearly is the physical lack of a serial port.
Basically you've got a logger, and want to connect it to the phone? Converting the data into a universal format should be straight forward, most logging is done in clear and easy to manipulate text.
So, how do you get around the hardware limitation? You could wire together a serial to IRDA converter and blast the logs directly into the infra red port. But is that the kind of thing you want or need?
Or you could use a bluetooth to serial converter. It may actually be more stable and easier to use than IrDA.
vijay555 said:
dcdivenut: why do they sell Palm software? What does the Palm software do? Presumably it doesn't link directly to the logger? Although, IIRC, the Palm does have a kind of serial port built in.
Your biggest hurdle here clearly is the physical lack of a serial port.
Basically you've got a logger, and want to connect it to the phone? Converting the data into a universal format should be straight forward, most logging is done in clear and easy to manipulate text.
So, how do you get around the hardware limitation? You could wire together a serial to IRDA converter and blast the logs directly into the infra red port. But is that the kind of thing you want or need?
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I !think! the palm software allows you to download directly to the Palm via the serial port.
As far as an infrared port to get the data into the PC that is more or less exactly what I am looking for. Here is a long discussion on a scuba forum that involves a programmer from the company that might gove some additional information.
I guess there are two challenges
1. Getting the data from the logger to the device either via some sort of serial/USB converter or serial/IRDA converter. I found this out there which would "seem" to work
2. Then having a program to take that data and with a decent GUI turn it into something displayable a la the palm and windows software on their website. Then possibly taking it a step further and integrating that into "dive log" software so that in addition to the profile information gathered from the logger you can record where you were, who you were with, what you saw, what equipment you had, etc. a la the blackwave or sharkpoint software.
Why not try styletap to run the palm software on the pocketpc windows mobile?

Developping a bluetooth gateway on htc hd2 to interface blutooth keyboard BK600

sorry to post again, but it seems that i posted in a wrong place (htc hd2 forum), because this post adress a wm software development.
So, this is the problem : I'm stuck with my old BK600 (com one, but omiz and freedom kb rebranded)
There are new keyboard (expensive), news driver (not working), future drivers (never going to be released), so as i'm a software developper, i wasn't really glad to abandon and to buy another. The problem is that've never made a driver for windows mobile, and i'm not specialized on bluetooth, so be indulgent...
After searching internet and seeing some articles, i've been on broadcom site (they're doin' the bt stack, so it's normal to go on their site ... guess what ...
i've downloaded the bluetooth stack sdk)
As i develop under linux, but also under windows, i've a visual studio 2008 installed. I compiled the Spp (probably serial port) sample, and without any driver the keyboard paired, negociated a serial port and the monitor show byte received when typing on the keyboard.
So now, if someone know some place to find tutorials to write windows phone driver, i take.
I also would like to discuss about another approch.
What would you think to transcode the keyboard code received in a thread and to redirect them on standard input ? would it be possible ?
Anyway, my needs are very simple, just a bluetooth kb to type on it, no extra functions, ...
Regards, and thanks you for your answers and help.
Hi, it seems that there already is such a software, see:
It is stated that it also supports bluetooth keyboards and mouses.
HI radhoo,
they seems to have a problem to release the software (5-6 month they say they're going to), but nothing
on this page :
you click on this link
and you get on this broken page :
as you see on the xda-forums
we are a lot to wait for this software, but nothing.
that's why i'm trying to do a little piece of software (which i'll consolide after i think)
I'm taking the base of the broadcom/widcom stack, and my approach will be to transcode chars to stdin.
It seems that there is a C# wrapper, so it think that i'll recode in c#
thanks for answering and long life to xda-dev (very useful)
work status
- have found a c# wrapper of widcom dll (recompiled) : works bu ti'm rewritting some part of the wrapper as it seems to lacks some feature
- in parallel : working on c++ legacy broadcom sample (works perfectly now with my keyboard, bind with com port done, receiving "things"
now struggling with threads to pump messages and transcode.
If you have something that gets the basic keyboard working, I'd love to test it out.
if your driver is ready for testing, please send me a beta of it for testing on my htc hd2
I have a same problem .
CLS have u finish your program already? please
I would like to use BK600 on my htc hd mini too
hi, how far did you get?
still at it...?
lots of succes, vicenza

