Active Sync problem with brand new MDA CompactII - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Somebody please help me!! I today got my new MDA Compact II. Have started it up and loaded active sync.
Whenever I connect it to the computer ActiveSync only gets as far as "Retrieving Settings"
No other Syncing takes place, however I can see the device in "My Computer" on my laptop.
I cant be doing anything wrong, its not as if i'm a newbie and have never used Active Sync before.
Anyone else encountered this problem?
I'm getting really frustrated, can anyone shed some light on this before it gets launched out the window?

You can try a few thing
(1) Remove the partnership of your device. E.g. File -> Delete Mobile device. It reconnect your phone it should ask you to set up a new partnership
(2) Remove the partnership, uninstall your active sync, reboot your system and reinstall your active sync
btw, the mobile device on your My Computer is there after you installed the activesync, doesn't mean much.

I expect it is the same problem as i see 50-60 times a day at work
Sygate corporate firewall will not work until you do the MTU size hack.
On other firewalls, (McAfee, Sygate personal, etc) they dont always shut down when you disable them, they actually just hiode from you.
Check the MS site and make sure you have DEFINITELY added all the processes and ports to your firewall.
on the off chance it is not a firewall,
As it is now a TCP/IP connection with WM5, just cos your wm2003 device works, doesn't mean you've done everything right.
Try turning off any pop up blockers etc and check you only have the standard three protocols (at most, you should get away with only TCP/IP) enabled on the network connection that activesync creates. any other strange protocols can cause problems in communication.

What version of ActiveSync are you using? You tested the 4.2 Preview?


USB PROBLEM. ACTIVESYNC keeps Connecting but no sync ! :-(

If anyone can spare some time to look at my problem.
Basically : I have received my new O2 XDA EXEC and have tried a few times to synchronise it using
- the included 4.0 Activesync
- the download 4.1 Activesync
Problem is : when I plug the USB to the device, it is recognise and Activesync start spinning and displays "Connecting..." but would just keep connecting without moving further (as screenshot below).
I looked for issues like this on various website and here, but nothing really looks like what I am experiencing, anyone has an idea where to go from now ?
I checked
- firewall (activesync is in the list of exception)
- uninstalled activesync, reboot pc, reinstall, reboot pc.. still no luck
- install activesync on a second PC and do the same: no luck
- used a different mini USB cable, no luck so it's not the cable.
Do you think I should send my XDA back ? everything else seems to work (GPRS, Wifi, BT..)
Thanks a lot for your suggestion ?
PS: the device is recognised as I can ping it too from the PC.[/b]
Well you seem to have hit all the usual suspects. Regarding the firewall issue, in ZoneAlarm I also watched the logs, found a blocked connection attempt that seemed to be my device and set that to the trusted/allowed zone which helped back when I was having problems. The next step might be a hard reset on the Exec.
Try disabling your firewall and test the connection.
For some firewalls you have to do more than just allow ActiveSync.
Try diabling the password. That cofused my activesync the first time I tried my replacement handset
Disable firewall completely, than retest if activesync will work. Helps in 99%.
I'm currently having "issues" with ActiveSync too. Every time I try to sync when there are more than about 25 changes that need updating, my JasJar decides to open an ActiveSync window on the JJ (for no apparent reason).
It only manages to show the top half of the ActiveSync window (The "Connected" section with the progress bar are missing) then it freezes, requiring me to do a soft reset.
The only way I can currently sync all details successfully is to kill all non-essential processes with a process manager, and remove all today plugins (!), then it works with absolutely no problems. Not a very elegant solution, but it works for now, and as I've tried absolutely everything else I can think of in THIS thread, it'll have to do for now...
it works fine now ! I have disabled the firewall and also ..
uninstall Cisco VPN client, so not sure which one it was that caused the connexion problem.
Thx to all your fast responses.
I have mine Sync successfully after removing the anti-virus software. Not sure whether it works or not to install the anti-virus back on. I have followed all the instruction in Microsoft website, but with Trend Micro installed, it just couldn't Sync. That's why I removed it completely.
Maybe this will help You (or me ) further :
I can sync at home without problems, W-XP ASync 4.1, Internet through a Linksys Firewall/Router.
If I come to the office I get exactly what You have, visible, but no syncing.
I use W-XP there as well, same ASync 4.1, Internet through the Office Network.
When I disconnect the network cable, Microsoft Office will immediately notice and complain. I wait between 30-60 second and ASync will actually connect and sync. It will not sync to a Exchange Server though, as this is disconnected with the cable.
I would have come with this issue here, but probably a little later, as other problems are of higher priority to me now, but maybe this information helps here.
Perhaps this hint may help you under certain conditions:
Hi df2jh,
thanks, interesting read. I was able to solve my issue in the meantime.
My firewall, MS is restricting the programs used by MS ASync and therefore does not allow syncing.
Solution for me :
Disabled processes wcescomm.exe and rapimgr.exe in the Windows Task Manager
Wrote a text-file in the directory where ASync is in !! which will be searched for by the firewall (do not recall the name of this file, but can check it out if somebody needs it.) This file has one entry to disable the firewall in concern of rapimgr.exe.
Then run rapimgr and wcescomm by hand and, WOW, WCESMgr.exe will run itself and syncing it working flawlessly.
What I did not understand until then :
1) this special file should be in the ASync directory, not in the firewall directory
2) this special file is only searched for when ASync is run (PC boot), not when the USB is connected
For me this is solved, though not everything else in my sync problems.
Hope this helps others,
Might not be the same issue but you may find my post in this topic of use
Might not be the same issue but you may find my post in this topic of use
Had same problem on Kaiser and Wizard
I fixed it by going into Settings>Connections>USB to PC (in WM6.1, USB to PC is in system). Uncheck Enable Advanced Network Functionality. Fixed my active sync not connecting problems on both phones.
Hope that helps some of you!

Activesync won't connect - anyone seen this?

(Sorry, this is a cross-post from HOFO. I'm at my absolute end here with activesync and am thinking about returning my device if I can't get it to work)
When I first set up activesync, I was able to get it connected once. Now, when I try to reconnect, nothing. It sits there and says "connecting" before eventually timing out. Before I spend hours troubleshooting this, anyone know what could be causing this?
I've tried all the usual tricks. Soft and Hard reset, re-installing activesync, firewall, etc.
PPC: T-Mobile MDA
Activesync V4.1
Do you think it maybe conflict with other USB device connected to your computer ? Unplug all other USB devices may help.
Here is what I tried and it worked.
* Connect Pocket PC
* Go to Network Connections and Find the Local Area Network Connection for the Pocket PC
* Properties
* Make sure TCPIP is selected
That worked on both my AS problems as well as my buddies.
Booger said:
(Sorry, this is a cross-post from HOFO. I'm at my absolute end here with activesync and am thinking about returning my device if I can't get it to work)
When I first set up activesync, I was able to get it connected once. Now, when I try to reconnect, nothing. It sits there and says "connecting" before eventually timing out. Before I spend hours troubleshooting this, anyone know what could be causing this?
I've tried all the usual tricks. Soft and Hard reset, re-installing activesync, firewall, etc.
PPC: T-Mobile MDA
Activesync V4.1
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If you're using ZoneAlarm free edition firewall, that could be causing your problems. I had a similar problem, until I added a new rule to the firewall to define a new trusted IP address range of - Once I did that, ActiveSync started working fine.
I ran into the same problem. I have been working directly with Microsoft on this and another ActiveSync issue.
Try the hard reset again, and make certain that it takes. Then try to sync ONLY items from the Exchange Server and let us know how it goes.
active sync
i had the same problems afther deleting my viresscanner completly the problem was over [avp]
Had the same problem. Turned out that ZoneAlarm (free version) was blokking ActiveSync.
Solved by adding an extra entry in Firewall / Zones tab.
There was an entry called Windows Mobile-based Device #.. with Entry Type: Adapter Subnet
Added an extra entry of the type Subnet with the same info as this other.
Make sure it is also in the Trusted zone.
Stop and start Zonealarm.
This worked for me.
You describe the problems that I had... after a while I found that the AT&T VPN client that I used has a firewall that it turns on by default even if you are not connected via the client. I believe the cisco client is the same.
Make sure that all firewalls including windows firewall is off. Once you can connect again you can then add 'allow' statements in your firewalls to permit Acticesync again.
I hope this helps you.

Activesync hanging on "Looking for changes"

Activesync just decided to stop working yesterday on my O2 XDA Mini S.. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both Activesync and Outlook 2003, and even resorted to hard resetting the device, but I still get a hang when I connect!!!
Any ideas?
make a new partenship but do not tick the media box.something to do with media player. i have been having the problem for over a week.
whatever you do do not open media player wile sync as i will desconect the device.let me know how you get on.
I have been having this problem regularly with both my phones since I got my XDA mini S and MDA Vario 2 weeks ago.
I had the PPC6700 for a couple days (switched from cingular to sprint - hated their service so now am back to cingular) now I have the 8125 and with both devices 4.1 blows - very tricky to configure. My issues came from VPN mostly - I say mostly cause it still doesnt like to connect when I have that tunnel in place. What I determined to work on both handsets was sync the cal, inbox, tasks, and contacts with exchange and sync NOTHING locally. If I need to transfer files I do it via mSD card - apps install regardless. This is a high level accounting of what I went through, but will go through more detail if you want.
I had the same problem also some weeks back. It ended up being due to the software firewall I am running (sygate). I've discovered that I have to completely exit the firewall app (rather than just allow all traffic) if I want to sync properly - a real pain!
Based on a bit of hunting I've found out that the activesync connection works by creating a software USB - tcpip bridge. The first step on connecting the win mobile is to assign an ip address to the connection. This proceeds ok with the firewall app running as it works via the normal DHCP port numbers. Once this is done activesync knows there is a win mobile machine connected and starts trying to commumicate with it ( connected..... looking for changes). The problem now is that the communication between activesync and the machine occurs via different ports number *which are blocked by the firewall app*. This also explains why you can't sync when you have a VPN active - the VPN blocks the traffic from the 'extra' local address created by the activesync DHCP request and activesync consequently can't tell the win mobile is attached.
What I don't understand is why if doesn't work when I tell the firewall to "allow all"! There is a document on microsoft's site explaining how to go about setting up a firewall to allow this traffic (google for 'activesync firewall problem'). Problem is that it doesn't seem to work with the sygate firewall as far as I can tell...... any ideas anyone?
does anyone know if you can install IPX/SPX on the handheld?
Thanks but still not working... I am not running my VPN (I know Activesync never works with my VPN). I do not have any firewall software in place, and the windows firewall is off. My antivirus is disabled when I sync, and I have a valid, DHCP assigned IP address.
I am not syncing media - in fact the *only* item I have ticked is files.
I can explore the pocketpc OK, so I know its physically connecting.
Any other ideas?
this page may help
Sigh, still no luck. So far I have:
1. Repaired and then Reinstalled Activesync 4.1
2. Repaired and then Reinstalled Outlook 2003
3. Repaired mapi32.dll
4. Hard reset the XDA mini S
5. Deleted all partnerships, both sides
6. Changed sync options to only sync favorites
7. Reapplied XP SP2 and patches
8. Removed all firewalls and antivirus software
9. Tried different cables, and IR connections
Yet still, no matter what I do, I get "Looking for changes" forever. Exporing the PPC is fine.
I cannot reinstall XP - this is an company laptop, and MIS do not allow us to reinstall our OS, and as they don't support the XDA, they won't reinstall XP either....
So I'm left with no options - back to a palm!?
After random playing I found it... It hangs if "favorites" is n the sync list. If I delete the partnership and when the wizard restarts, untick favorites, it syncs OK.
In all my testing, I had stupidly assumed things like files and favorites would work...
So... I think I'll live without favorites.
U must have stuff which is not uninstalled properly. try unchecking everything for SYNC except Files.
I have experienced the same problem. Activesync worked great out of the box, but several days later, began hanging up on "Looking for Changes". Nothing that I tried fixed the problem, including reinstallation, deletion of devices from both sides, syncing with BT, etc. Finally, I gave up and did a hard reset, and Activesync immediately worked perfectly again! I assume that one or more programs I installed on the MDA along the way was causing the problem, and I am now going to methodically reinstall apps until I find the culprit. I will post again when I identify the guilty party.
had the same problems, tried all the standard solutions and nothing fixed the hanging on sync issue...
until i plugged the phone into the usb add-on card instead of plugging in to the motherboard's usb ports.
haven't had any problems since!
Had about the same problem.
Just synchronized once, and on a second connection hung on connecting or looking for changes. Tried everything I could think of.
Last resort was a cold reboot without restoring the backup..
Then synchronizing worked like a charm.
Put back the backup and it still works.
Why? Beats me........
It stopped functioning again. Have to do a soft reset and delete the partnership on th PC.
Then it will sync for as long as the Wizard stays in the cradle.
When I take it out it won't sync for a second time
Hangs on looking for changes
I find it does this everytime, without fail, if outlook is open when I connect.
If it's closed, and I connect, no problem.
Another quirk is media player.
When the device is connected and you open a movie file in WMP. If you close WMP, the file continues playing (in audio at least). Disconnect the device, no problem.
Works now
I had same problem.
I was using Zone Alarm and after I configured it right it worked.
I had to upgrade to pro
Microsoft has got a nice page that explains it for different firewalls.
I do not really understand why it does work now when it didn't when I just diabled the windows firewall or later the ZoneAlarm firewall. But it works now.
I also had all kind of troubles trying to sync via USB. Now I sync via BT and it works pretty well so far. No need to disable the firewall, no hanging, etc. But I only sync the Outlook stuff, no files or favorites.
Bogus said:
I had the same problem also some weeks back. It ended up being due to the software firewall I am running (sygate). I've discovered that I have to completely exit the firewall app (rather than just allow all traffic) if I want to sync properly - a real pain!
Based on a bit of hunting I've found out that the activesync connection works by creating a software USB - tcpip bridge. The first step on connecting the win mobile is to assign an ip address to the connection. This proceeds ok with the firewall app running as it works via the normal DHCP port numbers. Once this is done activesync knows there is a win mobile machine connected and starts trying to commumicate with it ( connected..... looking for changes). The problem now is that the communication between activesync and the machine occurs via different ports number *which are blocked by the firewall app*. This also explains why you can't sync when you have a VPN active - the VPN blocks the traffic from the 'extra' local address created by the activesync DHCP request and activesync consequently can't tell the win mobile is attached.
What I don't understand is why if doesn't work when I tell the firewall to "allow all"! There is a document on microsoft's site explaining how to go about setting up a firewall to allow this traffic (google for 'activesync firewall problem'). Problem is that it doesn't seem to work with the sygate firewall as far as I can tell...... any ideas anyone?
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First of all you have to open the ports in the sygate firewall like microsoft describes (
For getting the synchronization to run with the sygate firewall it seems to be necessary to change the maximum tcp ip packet size (MTU).
You have to change the RNDIS driver settings in the mobile phones registry as well. Use a regedit tool like PHM Registry Editor:
Here are the settings to be added (or to be changed respectively):
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\RNDIS
Name of the Value to add: MTU
Type : DWORD
Data: 1514 (Value is Decimal)
Name of Value to add: MaxOutTransfer
Data: 1642 (Value is Decimal)
After a reset my Prophet (XDA Neo) synchronized well with active sygate firewall!
had the same problem
I had the same problem when i first got my mda. It didn't even work off the bat. I noticed it was my computer because i tried it at work and it worked perfectly. I called everybody and tried everything you can possibly imagine. In the end i said the hell with it and i reinstalled my OS. Now its working like a charm. Don't what caused it but I haven't had it since.
I had this same problem and i had to go open up some ports in my windows xp firewall, once i did this, it worked just fine.
if you read the trouble shooting steps that come with the program it tells you that.

activesync wierdness

When I have my cingular 8125 connected to my desktop and activesync is running, I can't connect to anything on the internet with my PDA.
I'm accustomed to being able to do that and my previous PDA devices used activesync and the PC's internet connection to do that. Can the 8125 not do that?
Yes, the 8125 and other variants of the Wizard can use ActiveSync's "passthrough" function using port 5721, so it's definitely not exhibiting normal behavior.
ActiveSync is syncing ok? Do you get the two back and forth arrows icon on top (indicating a passthrough connection)? What happens when you try to browse?
I confess I haven't seen this before but I would start by opening a command prompt on your pc. Type the command
telnet 5721.
If it returns "Connect failed" you have some software blocking the connection -- possibly firewall since it's the often the culprit in AS connectivity issues, but possibly other sync software, or vpn.
You might try disabling your startup items using msconfig then see if it works -- go to start > run > msconfig.
On the General tab, click Selective Startup, then uncheck the Load Startup Items box. Then click the Services tab, check the box that says Hide All Microsoft services, then disable the remainding services. Reboot.
You'll need to run AS manually once it's booted then see if it will let you use the passthrough connection.
Well, it syncs just fine. It just doesn't get the passthough connection.
The telnet works just fine also.
Interesting. What does it do when you try to browse using the passthrough? Does it try to open a gprs connection instead? Does it give an error message?
It errors out with a message: "The page cannot be displayed because the connection was lost. Please try again."
Some more information.
When connected via activesync, I can check email. It's only the pocket IE that can't get to anywhere.
Any ideas?
i'm hating activesync 4.1, it disconnects halfway through a file transfer then renders my device unuseable til i soft reset and makes my pc not shut down without unplugging it :x
Ive done all the firewall settings etc but it still doesnt work properly, i can only stay connected to my pc for about 3 mins.
Guess im gonna have to buy a card reader :roll:
dmonik said:
i'm hating activesync 4.1, it disconnects halfway through a file transfer then renders my device unuseable til i soft reset and makes my pc not shut down without unplugging it :x
Ive done all the firewall settings etc but it still doesnt work properly, i can only stay connected to my pc for about 3 mins.
Guess im gonna have to buy a card reader :roll:
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Out of curiousity, are you syncing with bluetooth or USB?
with usb, i also have wifi in the house but it wont log on to that either :roll: it finds it ok (and next doors hehe :twisted: ) but thats as far as it'll go. it wont accept the network password (im using the pkey method)
ive done all the stuff suggested by m$oft but nothing seems to help. it could be an issue with my home network stealing the bandwidth apparently-does this sound right? i never had a problem with my ppc2003 ipaq on active sync 3.8 but now that wont work either without cutting off after 3 mins.
why does m$oft crap never work
When the Wizard is connected and the Activesync box shows on your Computer, when u go to File > Connection settings.
Is the tab "This computer is connected to:"
set to "the internet"
Cuz that was the problem with mine. I set it to internet, and voila!, hello world wide web.
i only want to transfer music+videos+photos etc, not bothered about syncing the other stuff like contacts or using it to go online as im on an unlimited data tariff anyway
I'm having somewhat similar issues to the OP. Activesync Sync's fine, I can transfer files to/from the phone...however Passthrough doesn't work. I've disabled my firewall, and checked and rechecked all the settings on the PC and the Phone with no luck. If anyone has anything to suggest please let me know.
I hope it's ok to ask this question in your thread. It regards activesync and outlook. My problem is that I can not add a calendar event with any text added to the note field on my cell phone (Cingular 8125) and have it sync to Outlook on the PC. I always get an "attention required" message followed by a error code: support code 1.
If I only have a calendar topic and location without any notes, it syncs up fine. Or I can add an event on the PC and have lots of notes and it syncs to the phone just fine...but not vice versa.
Just wondering if any of you have a similar issue - I have Activesync 4.2 and Outlook 2002
Incidentally, I can surf thru my phone when connected usb to my Dell Inspiron notebook.

hd2 won't activesync

My ActiveSync won't Sync
I found with "Enable faster data synchronization check box" ON then doesn't even start ActiveSync on PC. Instead the LAN icon starts searching for an IP.
if OFF then it tries then ActiveSync says ERROR code 85010001
this page
says An invalid HTTP communication or protocol syntax occurred.
reboot doesn't help.
Are you sync to Exchange of PC files?
if Exchange, try turn off push update, sync, and turn it back on.
sounds like it's stuck in modem mode or something.. have you tried switching between modes? e.g. put it in modem mode and disk drive and then activesync again..
no Exchange
turned off all except contact/calendar
tried disk drive and then activesync but no good
then tried turning bluetooth off and it worked with with "Enable faster data synchronization check box" off
so still not perfect
The more complex, the more can go wrong. Recently my HD2 has not been running activesync on connection. It is a problem after I have hibernated my PC, but also randomly at other times after a disconnect and reconnect.
Following hte advice above I've tried the change to modem, change to disk and back to activesync, but that did not help. Unchecking the "Enable faster data synchronization check box" has now allowed it to connect.
While activesync was unable to connect, I could still connect using a brilliant little program, sadly not recently updated, called mymobiler. That lets me control the HD2 from my PC< and do screen dumps as well. So how come that would connect but MS Activesync would not? And it was not a new install, I've had that since my first few days of the HD2 and worked well until the last couple of weeks, when this issue has become increasingly annoying.
While activesync was telling me I was disconnected, in the Windows 7 Devices and Printers there was an icon for a "Generic RNDIS" but nothing else about it. When on the HD2 I go back into USB to PC and check the tickbox for "Enable faster data synchronization" that icon reappears. Maybe disabling then enabling this check box has sorted it. Time will tell.
It is not a new issue with activesync and htc phones. This thread is a year old.
In fact a search of hte web shows htis is common across several makes of phone.
Damn. When I installed HTC's latest hotfix for SMS, it soft reset the HD2.
On restart, the HD2 was not recognised by the PC, but it does show in Devices and Printers as the generic RBIS. So; uncheck the "Enable faster data synchronization" and it appears on the PC as a Generic Serial device, then becomes a live device in the Mobile Device Centre. I guess we won't be using faster then.
What I don;'t understand is why both of the showings in the Devices and Printers are Generic. Surely there is a driver?
argh, now it's broken again, had BT on...
htc has no clue and suggests (again) that I just keep creating a new partnership each time I have this issue (daily)
Are you sync'ing to an external exchaneg server as well as locally?
I had an issue with mine that the external exchange and local seemed to clash some how, I deleted the external and all internal connections from the phone's active sync screen and then the local PCwas able to re sync, then added each of the other conections and made sure that there where no contradictions in the syncing rules?
Maybe not your issue but worth mentioning!
speakerphone said:
argh, nowt's broken again, had BT on...
htc has no clue
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I regret this is incomprehensible. "nowt" means nothing, so you are saying that nothing is broken again. That would be good, not bad. Your post then stops part way through and concludes negatively against HTC, though for no reason whatsoever. Please could you repost with something that makes sense?
I have no exchange servers, just local PC,
but all errors are exchange related, so HTC say.
if you dont have an exchange server then remove it completely ftom the list of sync locations (i cant remember how you do this, but its the same screen where you select what you want to sync). ive found that if it isnt being recognised that removing the phone from device manager list in windows (deleting drivers/software if asked) and reconnecting the phone seems to work. i have my driver install set to use windows update to locate drivers so try this as well
HD2 won't activesync via bluetooth
My LEO do sync properly via USB. Not connect absolutely via BT.
my setting is :
internal GPS connect via COM4 to TomTom7, VisualGPSce, TutorAssist
and seems to be:
bluetooth port IN is COM1
bluetooth port OUT is COM2
In my Notebook the lonely Local port is COM5. No other one is available
ActiveSync Bluetooth connection is set on COM5
So i know this thread is way old but figured id give it a try. The screen cracked on my TP2 and I cant get WMDC to recognize my device to pull the data. I'm pretty sure that enable faster data synchronization is checked and my screens broken so i can't fix that. Is there another way I can access the phone? Any help is appreciated ty.

