O2 Xda II Mini power button malfunctioning (software prob) - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi guys,
Got my Xda II Mini a couple of weeks ago and I've encountered a problem.
Every now and then, all of a sudden the power button stops responding. I press it, and nothing happens. The only way to get it working again is if I perform a soft reset. Once the soft reset is performed and the system reboots, the power button will work fine for a while until after I've used a random application (seems to happen randomly with applications) then the power button will stop working again.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? It seems to be a software issue as the button itself isn't physically stuck, and getting it working again is done by a soft reset. Could it be something I installed?

power button
Anyone help on this?

power button
Had the same problem with my mini several weeks ago ie intermittant not being able to switch it on or off. A real pain! Thought it would have to go in for repair. A (dreaded) hard reset fixed it and it has not been a problem since.

Would you be surprised if I said that I have NO power button on my Magician. Well, I have been using it without the power button since I got it. I use the soft reset to start it, and to permanently turn it off, I temporarily slide down the battery cover. I keep Button Lock in Off mode so that I can turn it on with any button.
I have done numerous firmware changes to the phone using USB and the power botton hasn't been a problem. The very reason I could have this phone was that its previous owner lost the parts of the power button and he gave it away to me.
Since people are talking about the POWER BUTTON, just thought I would share my experience (well can't really say that cos I never experienced one) here.

I had the exact same problem - I took the SD card out and boom.. worked like a charm again
Would love to know if this is the same problem.
Tom - www.mouselike.org

Fix found!
From the information posted on this forum, and an incident where my O2 XDA Mini was very low on batteries, I've put two and two together and I think I may have found a solution to this issue!
1. Start up your O2 XDA Mini with your SD Card taken out.
2. Once your Mini has fully booted up, put the SD Card back in.
3. Your O2 XDA Mini should work fine now, and no button lock problem!
My theory on why this works is that when you start up the mini, what happens is that the operating system recognises that the SD Card isn't that compatible and changes some settings. These settings changes in turn causes the button lock issue. Please correct me if I'm wrong

Yes Yes Yes
tekkaman, THANKS A LOT.
I just had the case this morning and your post saves my day


on/off button doesn't react...

Just bought mij S100 and already a problem. My phone automatically shuts down the display, this is nothing strange. But when I want to turn it back on again using the on/off button, sometimes it does not react (sometimes it does). When this happens, i also cannot receive any calls. I tried to call myself with another phone and it did not ring. It looks like a crash to me. When I do a soft reset it works again.
I have the newest Qtek rom (1.12.00 WWE / 1.12.550 WWE) installed. Originally the phone came with T-mobile software.
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
If there is a problem with the power button, then you can go into Settings - Button Lock - do not lock buttons. This way you can turn on your device using any of the green or red buttons.
hi robbertje,
sometimes i have the same problem on my MDA compact (=imate S100).
on/off button does not respond - display dark.
soft reset resets the MDAc and everything is ok.
then a few days no problems. if this problem occours then more times.
I found out that if my MDAc is in this state and if I pull the SD Card out of the device, the screen is on but frozen. The time which is shown an the screen is not correct. Seems that it shows the time when the device went to the freeze status.
Also battery is very low after such problems.
I used to have it when I first upgraded to big storage. A hard reset seemed to fix the problem. What I found was that the screen would react, but it could be up to a minute after I hit the power button. Same thing when the screen was on, I'd hit Start and wait. After a while the start menu would pop up. This was before I even managed to install any other software so it's a windows bug that's fairly random. I haven't had it happen for a few months now, though.
I think PPCProfiles made the problem. I reinstalled PPCProfiles and it seems that the problem is solved but I will see ..................
Hey, I've already ur problem. It's an hardware problem!
The mess is that, when the PDA is cold (strange, huh?) it won't reactivate, causing to do a soft reset. Mystically, the LEDs are still functioning (I mean, if it's green, it will continue to blink BUT doesn't change for any reason)
The only way to fix it is to send it to the repairing center. Sorry for who is out of warranty.
new ROM?
In this topic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=25761 it is said a new ROM wil fix the problem ...
Is this possible?
check http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=27956&highlight= too - may not be relevant, but it shows that power button wierdness can actually be the result of a dodgy battery.
remove your battery,and wait 1 day,my problem solved this method...

HTC Vogue/Touch - Hardware Buttons Not Working

Three of my hardware buttons have stopped working. (Green/Red/Camera). I can tell they are not physically broken, because if the backlight is off pressing them turns it on.
I have done a hard reset of my phone, and these buttons still do not work.
Does anybody have any idea what the issue might be? And how I can fix it??
Have you installed any new programs recently? Re-flashed to a new ROM?
I tried out PointUI, which I think is what did it. I did not flash to a new ROM.
I did a hard-reset, so I would assume anything PointUI did should have been undone?
I found that if I repeatedly press the green dial button, the dialer does eventually come up. I don't understand this because it's clear the keypress is registered on the first press as the backlight turns on.
I also just tried flashed the ROM with a slightly newer version from my carrier, still no change. The buttons worked perfectly before today.
nayr2 said:
I found that if I repeatedly press the green dial button, the dialer does eventually come up. I don't understand this because it's clear the keypress is registered on the first press as the backlight turns on.
I also just tried flashed the ROM with a slightly newer version from my carrier, still no change. The buttons worked perfectly before today.
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I'm having the same problem, but it's only intermittent. I will let you know if I find the culprit. I just soft reset and they are working again. It seems to work for awhile and then they just stop working... Weird. I'm using OMJ's WM6.1 107.3 ROM. What programs have you recently installed?
I RMA'd my phone, it must be a hardware issue. I've started experiencing lockups recently as well.
Does your storage card work? I found that whenever the buttons stopped working the storage card disappeared as well. They must have a common chip that controls them.
nayr2 said:
I RMA'd my phone, it must be a hardware issue. I've started experiencing lockups recently as well.
Does your storage card work? I found that whenever the buttons stopped working the storage card disappeared as well. They must have a common chip that controls them.
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Storage Card working fine... I did have some strange corruption issues with my storage card on some earlier ROMs... I'll look into it.
I'm having the same issues as the rest of you. The only program that I did install was PointUI. After removing it thats when it started acting up. When its off it won't charge and then when you try to turn it on it won't react to the power button.
Something with PointUI because I just installed it on my Tilt and it's doing the same thing.
I had the same issue. But I am sure that's hardware. Those three buttons stopped working. And in order to turn on the phone when it's shut off, I need to take off the battery and put it back in. Otherwise, the power button didn't work.
When I tried to update the ROM to the latest Sprint version, the update failed and my phone was totally dead. I looked into the forum and tried almost every effort but still couldn't bring it back to life.
I then got a new one.
Mine did the same thing, I had to get a new one.
i have the same problem on samsung omnia
did anyone find a fix for this?

HTC HD power off problems

I have a problem with my HTC HD. From time to time it shuts down without any reason. When I press the power button I can see the Windows Mobile starting...
Did any body else had this problem?
Is there a solution for this?
Thank you
perhaps your battery is not positioned properly or sitting a bit loose? Try a post-it (or something else thin) on the back of the battery cover..
Mine shuts down and won't turn back on without a reset every time I'm in an area with no signal, it basically stays off while I'm at work.
if you keep getting these kinds of nondescript errors and it survives a hardboot, basically there are three options left:
1) try to flash a different firmware or
2) take it back to the store (flash back first)
3) hope like hlll some guru here gets an eyefull of your problem and knows a quickfix (slim chance seeing the number of daily new posts here and the typical guru tendency towards development as opposed to a supportdesk)
I'd set my hopes on 1) or 2). Good luck however you choose.
I'm having quite the same problem: the touch HD keeps turning on and off automatically, as if the power button is pressed (but its not).
Moreover, the power button just don't work. I press it and nothing happened.
I have master reseted the phone and also have changed its ROM, but the problem stills.
Unfortunatelly I'm start thinking that its a hardware problem.
I guess that a solution shoul be reassing the power button, disabling it. Is there any app through which I can reassing the power button?
Have you solved the problem? I have a similar prob, my power button doesn't seem to work when i press it, and if i soft reset (through HD Tweak) when it boots I get a warning message saying " Warning your device will power off and you'll lose your data, Yes No".
It's like the button is half pressed all the time.
Couldn't find any info on hard key remapping either.
I used to have a similar problem but it was with the screen....
The screen used to turn off suddenly without a reason but the phone is turned on and I keep receiving calls. After returing back to my Supplier in Egypt they replaced it with a new one after testing it for three days.
I'm using the new one sine 20th of December 2008 and nothing happened again
Well if you guys are in the US (or have HSDPA/UMTS disabled) then re-enable them (that should hopefully get rid of the restarts in low-to-no-signal areas).
Hope it helps

Unable to wake with power button

hey guys,
it started a few weeks ago and has starting happening more and more.
Every now and again when i go to wake my phone by pressing the power button nothing happens and I have to restart teh device. Somethimes after restarting the phone will go back to sleep and it happens again!!
Has anyone else got this problem??
Anyone got any ideas how i can fix it??
I've tried 3 different ROM's and always hard re-set after installing but I'm still getting this problem.
Please help!!!
Thanks in advance
My power button broke about four months ago, so now I have to resort to pulling the stylus out to turn the screen on. Might work as a quick fix for you until you figure it out.
Does anyone know if the on button is a known problem with the HD? Mines caput COMPLETELY now, I can get another one on insurance but this will be the second (headphone socket first time,) HD I've had in 12 months. OR... Anyone know if I can blag Orange into giving me a HD 2 or something more compatible with a mac? (Just inquiring, bought a mac after the HD ya see )
Same problem here, defect power button. I Switch on my device by pulling the stylus and switch it of by pressig the power button very hard (which still works most of the times). I will send it for warranty repair and report what happens.

[Q] Omnia 7 broken - will not boot

my omina 7 of 1 month is broken.
A few weeks ago it wouldnt boot and gave the screen indicating
the phone needs to be plugged into the pc, it then booted ok.
Yesterday it gave the same message but by the time i got it home
the message was gone.
Now it will not boot, it simply cycles through the samsung logo, the three network logo , then back to the samsung logo.
Will be taking it back to the three shop tonight.
is there a way of hard resetting the phone using the buttons?
I have only found info on hard reset from within the OS, which obviously i now cannot get to.
has anyone else had this problem
The only similar problem i found was with a focus
was on the windowsphonesecrets website under the heading restoration error
to hard reset the focus press the power, volume & camera buttons all together. that might do it.
Have you tried taking the battery out of the phone? Heard from someone that that solved the problem...
yes tried taking the battery out
tried it without the sim
let the battery completely drain and tried again
the hard reset button combination didnt work either
just constantly cycling between the samsung and three network logos
three have now sent it off for repair ....
I have a very similar problem. My phone randomly rebooted itself but now it sticks on the Samsung Omnia 7 logo. I've tried removing the battery but nothing.
Is there a Safe Mode I can boot into?
Damn looks like I have the same problem.Was playing a game.Phone rebooted on its own, all I get is the Samsung Omnia 7 screen.
Tried a Hard Reset. I get the options pop up for about 2 seconds asking if I want to format.If I am quick enough to press the Home button nothing happens it just switches off.
Did you try to flash the ROM ?
Download mode was the only mode that seemed to be recognised by my PC.If it wasn't in warranty I would maybe have tried that, but as it is in warranty I will let T-Mobile deal with it.
my repaired samsung was returned mid january
a few weeks later and the same thing has happened again...
phone froze, switched it off , now will not boot again
it is definitely the same hand set or at least the same outer casing
the bill said it had some parts replaced
I wonder what caused this issue?
I had similar problem and this is how I solved it:
Make sure your Device is switched off (remove and reinsert the battery)
1. Press and hold the Camera, Volume Down, and Power buttons simultaneously.
2. Release Power when the phone vibrates, but continue to hold down Camera and Volume Down.
3. Release Camera and Volume Down when the Format prompt is displayed on screen.
4. Press Windows key twice to confirm the hard reset.
Enjoy your phone now
add 1 to the list, mine is doing thin, formatting doesnt help, reflashing doesnt help.
unless i can find a fix, im without a phone for 15 days while tmob plays with it
any progress?
Since applying the update that Samsung release yesterday I'm having the same problem...
Format didn't work, installing 'older' firmwares (I8700BSEJK1, I8700XENJK1 and I8700DBTJK1) didn't solve any issue
Anybody with more ideas?
I've also had this issue... I think it was caused by forcing the nodo update. Now I've updated it normally using this guide
I hope now the problem is solved.

