New o2 XDA mini, brand new not booting - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello folks,
I just purchased a XDA mini from o2 and i cant use it. When i put in the battery and turned it on for the very first time, it showed the o2 screen and the software version information on the upper left corner:
IPL 1.03
SPL 1.03
Thats it ...
from there its stuck. No windows boot screen no nothing...what to do?
Thx for reading.
P.S. its been charging its battery for an hour now, but its not helping, so i dont think its because of a weak battery state...

sounds silly, but I have to ask: have you tried rebooting it when NOT plugged into the USB charger/PC?

well the thing is once i turn it on and its stuck on this screen, holding the power button again to turn it off does not work...
how do i reset this damn thing? maybe that will help, also i have not modified anything so far...since i cant use it at all.

hard and soft rest is not helping....(

ok second hard reset did it. its up and running yeah!
thx for help


Is my XDA IIi dead : Just red light

Hey all
I have an XDA IIi, which was working totally fine. I bought a windows smartphone, which was to replace the IIi as my main phone, so I took the sim out of the IIi and put it in the new phone. Put another sim in the IIi and attempted to power it on, I got nothing, so I put it on the cradle..all I get is a steady red light from the right LED.
When I was powering the phone off initially to take the sim off, I turned the PDA off, removed the cover, slid the red switch, waited a few seconds, and removed the battery etc....
The red light flashes when the battery is removed, and goes steady again when put back in. Sometimes it goes off when put back in, but nothing else happens.
I have tried soft resetting, hard resetting, hard reset while holding down every key I can think of at the same time, but still no go.
Is my IIi dead forever, or is there something that can be done to get it working again?
Thanks all
same thing happened to my friends XDA2 and no one ever was able to reply back nor did he ever figure out what happened to it because his warranty was up and he just bought a new one from someone, if you find out whats wrong please let me know because thats the SAME way his went bad, by changing a SIM card
zabes64 said:
same thing happened to my friends XDA2 and no one ever was able to reply back nor did he ever figure out what happened to it because his warranty was up and he just bought a new one from someone, if you find out whats wrong please let me know because thats the SAME way his went bad, by changing a SIM card
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I take my sim out all the time. is yours unlocked? even if it's locked to o2, it might not accept other o2 simcards. have you tried putting the original sim back in? Hard reset? I've never had it show a RED light before. this is interesting...
I have same problem after I put device on charge and after five - ten minutes his back to life
I too had this problem when i left my m1000 in my coat pocket over the weekend. It was completely dead, plugging it into the cradle to charge just gave me nothing, but if i left it, after around 10 minutes, the rred light came on, then changed to amber after around half an hour.
Phew. just dead battery. Have you tried the other battery that came with your xda ?
Hi, I had this wierd problem the other day, sorted it with a hard reset
Hope this helps.
my XDA2 is dead like this method lol it goes blank screen after i tried to upgrade to WM2203SE Chines one but i cant get it run untel this moment ,,,,
then i bought i-mate Jam ad tried to upgrade it with ansaky (27MB free storage) and it failed then goes blanke screen (red light when remove battery and plug it rechager) and i give it to service suopport hope thay solve the problem
any clue from you guys
try to go to the Boot Loader mode
press power button , reset button and in the same time press the middle round key down foe a moment and get the boot loader screen "SERIAL "
or "USB" if connected to the cradle ... Re flash the PDA again and good luck
topspinner said:
try to go to the Boot Loader mode
press power button , reset button and in the same time press the middle round key down foe a moment and get the boot loader screen "SERIAL "
or "USB" if connected to the cradle ... Re flash the PDA again and good luck
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this wont help for me :evil:

Newbie - Hard Reset not working!

Hi all,
am I please to find this forum.! I have just bought an Xda Mini S from O2 in the UK.
I have loads of questions but firstly..
Suddenly last night it froze and it will now not get beyond the o2 mobile logo screen.
I have done a hard reset but all I get is 4 bars, red, green, blue and white across the full width aqnd depth of screen with IPL 1.05 and SPL 1.05 displayed.
What is happening and what do I do please?
I have loaded spb pocket and complete an outlook sncy and both seemed to work ok.
The device is stuck in bootloader mode, try a soft reset using the stylus in the reset hole and that should fix it, if not the apply teh ROM again using the ROM on the O2 web site
thanks but...
A soft reset at the boat loader screen (3 colours) just results in the boot freezing at the Windows Mobile screen again.
The hard rest goes to the bootloader screen as does voice +camera + reset. When connected via the USB cable I get "USB" in the lower left corner.
Is there anything I can do from this bootloader screen please?
I also left the battery out overnight but that didn't help either.
getting anxious!
try reflashing the ROM, that should sort it.
phew solved
Many thanks for your prompt help.
I did not appreciate I could flash the ROM despite not being able to make a sync connection. I couldn't even see the XDA in device manager so was surpised when the flash utility actually worked.
thanks again till next time!
gald you hav sorted it


Ok, Ive got a new problem with my XDA Exec.
Opened it up and tryied to turn on the backlight and nothing. tried a soft reset, nothingtried a hard reset now it just sticks on the splash screen, the red writing comes up on the right and side and just hangs there forever!
Please help
You're stuck. apparently the only remedy is turning it in to repair. For most of us it is under warranty.
Just off the phone to 02. Theres sending me a new one via courier on monday. it's less than a day old.
Is this a comon fault with the Exec?
erm ... I managed to experience this problem.
I was trying to uninstall SPB GPRS thingy that comes with the O2 package, and it just wouldn't go. I ended up deleting the program files and getting an error when it started up, so I deleted the GPRSNotify file under Startup. It never worked again ...
I got the splash screen, tried soft and hard resetting and various permutations (including standing on one leg and while holding breath) ... nothing. Did try to install fresh ROM, but startup wouldn't get far enough to let PC load ROM over USB.
Ended up contacting O2 who sent me a nice shiny new one, as it was only three weeks old. This time I haven't installed GPRS monitor thingy, and I don't intend to fiddle with it again ... or at least until I've forgotten my lesson ...
Sorry i ment to give you guys an update on this. I did manage to get it working again, although i still accepted the new one the sent to me.
What i did was installed a new rom off the 02 website. at 1st the computer couldnt see the phone so wot i did was enter what i think was the programming side of the phone. i found the instructions on how to this on the net. i think i pressed the 2 soft keys and the light switch while pressing the reset switch with the stylus (i think that was the buttons but unsure as i cant find the page again) when the screen light up again there was some faint writing on the screen with the word serial or usb. Double clicked on the rom file and 30mins later my phone was revived.
Funny it was the gprs monitor that i too installed before the phone screwed up? ive since installed it again on the new phone and have had no problems with it since.
trickydickyd said:
I think i pressed the 2 soft keys and the light switch while pressing the reset switch with the stylus (i think that was the buttons but unsure as i cant find the page again) when the screen light up again there was some faint writing on the screen with the word serial or usb.
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Otherwise known as Bootloader mode
Aye, thats the one.

Please Help-Wizard Won't Boot After Flashing

I have a g4 8125 and tried to flash black diamond 2.0 using shelltool. I followed all the instructions, but I may have messed something up. I installed the enablerapi and certspcs files on my phone, but i realized later that i did this after turning off my radio. After flashing I made a hard reset, and now it just comes to the cingular splash screen and shows my ipl, spl, gsm and os (which it says is and doesn't load anything. Anyone have any ideas? It won't connect to activesync either.
edit: sorry for my ignorance, thanks for the help though!
Please refrain from posting WITHOUT using the search bar. This question has been answered more than a million times.
For starters, hold down the camera + power button whil poking at the reset button
Hello there.
This is my first post, and I hopefully pray that I don´t get a "Please Do a search" kind of answer as I have been doing a hard search through the forum but haven´t found what I´m looking for. Probably I´m just using the wrong search terms but english is not my native language so I´m not sure how to look up for this issue.
First, I unlocked the sim of my device by sending it to a third party. Afther that, the phone came with a Wizard-Love OS installed, and finally I got excited and started to mess around with the Shelltool to get the device upgraded to WM6. (It´s a G4 by the way).
First I successfully upgraded to wm6 wee htc wizard v5.2.660, but then I found that the keyboard mapping was all wrong with the shown special characters (they weren´t where they were supposed to be at all), so i tried messing up with the registry trying to select a local language for spanish with no success at all....
Also I was having some issues trying to connect to internet via wi-fi even when I did get connected to the network, but did not test it hard enough.
Then I went farther trying to "shelltool" a Black Diamond 2.0 Touch rom, but then everything became a real mess... The Shelltool said that it was finish only like 4 to 5 minutes after starting so I disconected and Hard Reseted the unit. Don´t remember if I disabled the radio before flashing it, nor if I had the sd card installed on the device at the flashing momment, but definetly i had reinstalled the cert_spcs and EnableRapi cabs prior to this seccond attempt.
After the hard reset, it started but freezed on the first screen showing the ipl, spl, gsm and os (which it says is Then I hard reset like two more times, with no luck. Then I entered on the bootloader mode, but after trying that for a while the phone stopped responding. It did not turn off, so I removed the battery. Then when I put the battery back the unit did not turn on at all. Even it did not show the charging red light when I connected it to the usb nor the wall ac adapter. I was devastated... I leaved the unit with the battery out all the night and the next day I reinstalled the battery to see that the device did turn on and did charge, but still it was locked on the splash window.
I tryed to reflash the unit using the bootloader under windows xp, after killing the activesync connection and using the wizard_Love_2.26.10.2_WEE_Novii_CF2 rom. The unit showed a progress bar so the pc and after 10-12 minutes it was done. I Hard reseted the unit but then it always started on the bootloader screen as if I was pressing the camera button.
Hard reseted, soft reseted, battery out and in, no luck. Then it went dead again. It did not turn on at all and no charging light. Once again i leaved the unit all day without battery and send it to the friend that had unlocked the sim for me. He just called me and told me that the unit was now up and running again with wizard_love rom. I´m really not sure how he did it. Probably i did something with the sd inserted when it was supposed to be out. I did flashed the wizard love on bootloader with the sd inserted but i´m not sure if that could have make the mess.
I would like to know if anyone have had this kind of lock up and how to deal with it (how much time to leave the battery out, etc). Also I will love to know how did my friend (he wont tell me as is it´s bussines and he charges for it) finally restarted my unit flashing wizard_love again, as I´m still too curious to not try to flash my unit again and probably be on the same mess once again.
Thanks in advance.
That's a lovely 1st post. If every one is to be like that.. it would be just to nice to help others.
Anyway, this may not sound logical, but I get problems with Shelltools when I do not have the official ROM flashed before another flash. What I would suggest is that, you ought to have an official ROM (check Wiki to download your official ROM flashing EXE), which seems to get me out of trouble a few times.
Also, it maybe wise to check your battery before any flashing attempt, make sure it is 100% (60% will do mostly, but in case of an emergency, that 40% helps). It cases where a phone doesn't go charge/bootloader, it is battery problem. The overnight thingy that you've done, probably rest the battery long enough to boost it to a charge (e.g. how you get a blink when you switch off a torchlight for period of time on a low batt).
Good also among your information, tell us the IPL/SPL/Radio on the ROM you are using.

So i think ive bricked my iMate Jasjam but im not 100% sure spent hours reading...

Hey Guys,
Although this is my first post i have been reading and reading up about my iMate Jasjam and all of the other stuff that goes with it... Now whats happened is ive gotten this phone/pda for nothing with a sound issue that ive now fixed , it was running a rom with windows mobile 6.5. It was fine for almost 4 days but out of nowhere it wouldn't come out of idle or sleep mode where the screen is black and you just tap the power button to wake it. So i turned the phone off and on and managed to get it to boot into windows mobile but it froze, after this it wouldn;t go past teh load screen. I then removed memory card , battery and sim , still no boot afterwards... I then attempted to use the SD card to boot an original rom onto the phone but it comes up with "loading" for a few seconds and then just sits in the tricoloured screen and won;t budge.
Unfortunatly it appears the phones never had the hardspl done on it so if i can revive him ill definatly do this so it doesn't happen again... If i turn the phone on now it just hangs on the first load screen , ive still got GSM but im not very able with utilising the table to solve my problem... i was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the best way to try and revive it! it's a great little phone and i was using it heaps and heaps , had and did everything i wanted and would be such a shame to see it go as i got it for nothing, repaired it etc..
Thanks in advance and my appoligies if this is a stupid noob question.
You could try a hard reset, hold both "soft keys" (above windows and ok keys) while hitting reset, then the "R" on the slide out keyboard then space.
You should also be able to flash it from boot loader. Hold the power and side ok buttons while hitting reset, and you should end up in the tri colored boot loader, flash the at&t stripped rom from there (found in my sig below).
Then you can load hardspl. Then you should be ready for some flashing. Just make sure to flash the stripped rom between the custom cooked roms, it will straighten out odd memory issues (no need to let the stripped rom configure, it seems just flashing it is enough).
Welcome to the world of playing and bricking/unbricking your device!

