Is my XDA IIi dead : Just red light - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hey all
I have an XDA IIi, which was working totally fine. I bought a windows smartphone, which was to replace the IIi as my main phone, so I took the sim out of the IIi and put it in the new phone. Put another sim in the IIi and attempted to power it on, I got nothing, so I put it on the cradle..all I get is a steady red light from the right LED.
When I was powering the phone off initially to take the sim off, I turned the PDA off, removed the cover, slid the red switch, waited a few seconds, and removed the battery etc....
The red light flashes when the battery is removed, and goes steady again when put back in. Sometimes it goes off when put back in, but nothing else happens.
I have tried soft resetting, hard resetting, hard reset while holding down every key I can think of at the same time, but still no go.
Is my IIi dead forever, or is there something that can be done to get it working again?
Thanks all

same thing happened to my friends XDA2 and no one ever was able to reply back nor did he ever figure out what happened to it because his warranty was up and he just bought a new one from someone, if you find out whats wrong please let me know because thats the SAME way his went bad, by changing a SIM card

zabes64 said:
same thing happened to my friends XDA2 and no one ever was able to reply back nor did he ever figure out what happened to it because his warranty was up and he just bought a new one from someone, if you find out whats wrong please let me know because thats the SAME way his went bad, by changing a SIM card
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I take my sim out all the time. is yours unlocked? even if it's locked to o2, it might not accept other o2 simcards. have you tried putting the original sim back in? Hard reset? I've never had it show a RED light before. this is interesting...

I have same problem after I put device on charge and after five - ten minutes his back to life

I too had this problem when i left my m1000 in my coat pocket over the weekend. It was completely dead, plugging it into the cradle to charge just gave me nothing, but if i left it, after around 10 minutes, the rred light came on, then changed to amber after around half an hour.
Phew. just dead battery. Have you tried the other battery that came with your xda ?

Hi, I had this wierd problem the other day, sorted it with a hard reset
Hope this helps.

my XDA2 is dead like this method lol it goes blank screen after i tried to upgrade to WM2203SE Chines one but i cant get it run untel this moment ,,,,
then i bought i-mate Jam ad tried to upgrade it with ansaky (27MB free storage) and it failed then goes blanke screen (red light when remove battery and plug it rechager) and i give it to service suopport hope thay solve the problem
any clue from you guys

try to go to the Boot Loader mode
press power button , reset button and in the same time press the middle round key down foe a moment and get the boot loader screen "SERIAL "
or "USB" if connected to the cradle ... Re flash the PDA again and good luck

topspinner said:
try to go to the Boot Loader mode
press power button , reset button and in the same time press the middle round key down foe a moment and get the boot loader screen "SERIAL "
or "USB" if connected to the cradle ... Re flash the PDA again and good luck
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this wont help for me :evil:


xda mini s help required quick please

i recently jsut received new xda mini s from insurance company after i broke last one, i cant make a claim within 6 months so i need help, i was setting up software last nite after clickin corparate mode and after i installed pocket controller i run the software on xda and clicked video settins and trest and now the xda has crashed and wont load past the operator screen do you know how i can resolve this prob
phone has been on for 22 hours now, shall i jsut drain the battery down some how and install it all agaain, i ahve tried hard resetting it that dont work and have tried soft erst that dosent do anythin
please help thanks
chadders said:
i recently jsut received new xda mini s from insurance company after i broke last one, i cant make a claim within 6 months so i need help, i was setting up software last nite after clickin corparate mode and after i installed pocket controller i run the software on xda and clicked video settins and trest and now the xda has crashed and wont load past the operator screen do you know how i can resolve this prob
phone has been on for 22 hours now, shall i jsut drain the battery down some how and install it all agaain, i ahve tried hard resetting it that dont work and have tried soft erst that dosent do anythin
please help thanks
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What method of hard resetting did you try?
If hard reset does not work get to the bootloader screen (multicolored) by holding down camera button and preset reset button.
You can then reflash your rom - does not have to be activesynced to do this - as long as you have a small 'usb' on bottom left of bootloader screen when connected to pc it should work.
I guess this is the rom thats already on your device ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/o2/Xda_Minis_Upgrade_v2.21.4.101.exe
whats the boot loader screen, all the phone loads upto is the bit before windows mobile shows when you first turn it on
comes up with 02 logo, jsut tried tgettin bootloader up does fone have 2 b off or on
chadders said:
whats the boot loader screen, all the phone loads upto is the bit before windows mobile shows when you first turn it on
comes up with 02 logo, jsut tried tgettin bootloader up does fone have 2 b off or on
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Turn phone off - then press camera button and hold - press power on button whilst still holding camera button. Bootloader screen should come up (multicolored)
right so far i can do all the stuff u said what do i do once i have got the usb bit in the bottom left hand corner
chadders said:
right so far i can do all the stuff u said what do i do once i have got the usb bit in the bottom left hand corner
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Just download the rom mentioned above - connect device to computer (does not have to activesynced) and run the rom intaller and the rom will install.
how big is the file
chadders said:
how big is the file
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50mb or so, shall take a while to download :wink:
and once that has finished do i just install it and that will flash the rom will it and the phone will work again yeah
chadders said:
and once that has finished do i just install it and that will flash the rom will it and the phone will work again yeah
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I certainly hope so
how long does it take to do this and what info will i loose off phone
chadders said:
how long does it take to do this and what info will i loose off phone
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The rom install usually takes 10 mins or so - dont worry it usually stalls a while around the 70-80% mark a while - just wait and be patient until its 100%. It will return to factory condition so all your data will be lost i am afraid. If you have synced with outlook before your pim info can be restored from there.
i was only jsut settin it back up anyway and it didnt work just now the update but it dont the error revoery adn its working again done 75 so far
Just tried to upgrade my XDA mini to this new ROM (v2.21.4.101). Everything seemed to be going swimmingly - I installed the ROM and the thing booted up ok. I then did a soft reset before all the o2 stuff installed. I then went to do a restore (having previously backed up using spb backup) and it almost completed but then the mini s rebooted itself again.
Ever since, it will only get as far as a page which has most of the bar at the top of the screen (the signal strength icon, battery strength and GPRS indicator are all there), but not the start button. Underneath that is just a blue screen with the Windows Mobile logo. The backlight will come on if I press any of the buttons but otherwise it is not responding.
I've tried holding down the camera button and pressing the on/off button and also camera button and the reset button, but neither of them seem to do anything.
I've tried reinstalling the rom from the PC but it says it can't find my device.
Rather bizarrely, if I call myself from another phone, the device rings and says incoming call, so the thing obviously isn't totally dead.
What can I do to sort this out?


Ok, Ive got a new problem with my XDA Exec.
Opened it up and tryied to turn on the backlight and nothing. tried a soft reset, nothingtried a hard reset now it just sticks on the splash screen, the red writing comes up on the right and side and just hangs there forever!
Please help
You're stuck. apparently the only remedy is turning it in to repair. For most of us it is under warranty.
Just off the phone to 02. Theres sending me a new one via courier on monday. it's less than a day old.
Is this a comon fault with the Exec?
erm ... I managed to experience this problem.
I was trying to uninstall SPB GPRS thingy that comes with the O2 package, and it just wouldn't go. I ended up deleting the program files and getting an error when it started up, so I deleted the GPRSNotify file under Startup. It never worked again ...
I got the splash screen, tried soft and hard resetting and various permutations (including standing on one leg and while holding breath) ... nothing. Did try to install fresh ROM, but startup wouldn't get far enough to let PC load ROM over USB.
Ended up contacting O2 who sent me a nice shiny new one, as it was only three weeks old. This time I haven't installed GPRS monitor thingy, and I don't intend to fiddle with it again ... or at least until I've forgotten my lesson ...
Sorry i ment to give you guys an update on this. I did manage to get it working again, although i still accepted the new one the sent to me.
What i did was installed a new rom off the 02 website. at 1st the computer couldnt see the phone so wot i did was enter what i think was the programming side of the phone. i found the instructions on how to this on the net. i think i pressed the 2 soft keys and the light switch while pressing the reset switch with the stylus (i think that was the buttons but unsure as i cant find the page again) when the screen light up again there was some faint writing on the screen with the word serial or usb. Double clicked on the rom file and 30mins later my phone was revived.
Funny it was the gprs monitor that i too installed before the phone screwed up? ive since installed it again on the new phone and have had no problems with it since.
trickydickyd said:
I think i pressed the 2 soft keys and the light switch while pressing the reset switch with the stylus (i think that was the buttons but unsure as i cant find the page again) when the screen light up again there was some faint writing on the screen with the word serial or usb.
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Otherwise known as Bootloader mode
Aye, thats the one.


recently my xda neo been working so slow. The peak is when i was playing a game on it, it hanged. I thinked its just my neo take some time to load so just let it on. After several mins, it suddenly went off and i cant turn it back on. And the saddest thing is i lost my usb cable and cant connect my device to my pc. I heard about bootloader, whats that actually do? Any idea how to solve this? Help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hard reset
Try hard reset....i also have a xda neo & have similar problem after i installed hangman(i reset & hard reset go 2 clear storage in setting & press 1234...if u have tried it...i read it one thread...user had similar problem & found out battery died...
RieLL said:
recently my xda neo been working so slow. The peak is when i was playing a game on it, it hanged. I thinked its just my neo take some time to load so just let it on. After several mins, it suddenly went off and i cant turn it back on. And the saddest thing is i lost my usb cable and cant connect my device to my pc. I heard about bootloader, whats that actually do? Any idea how to solve this? Help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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You can Hard Rest your device through Clearstore only when the device is running. I assume your device is not powering on, so Hold the Camera Button and the Third button i.e, the Comm button and with your stylus push the reset button. Hold the first two buttons till your get factory reset message on the screen. Once on that screen, press the green button, ie. the call making button. The device will restore itself to the factory settings.
Good luck.
Please help me, nothing happened my qtek s200 is dead i have the same problem suddenly it turned off and never went on again, i replaced the battery and nothing happened just a red light turn on when i connect it to the wall charger. Please help

Helppppp HD2 Well not boot up anymore

I had my HD 2 for 2 days now.
It just crash on me for the first time soft rest the unit now it well not boot up anymore stuck in the HTC with white background screen and the rom version at the left bottom side.
Tried removing battery nothing still stuck.
I tried to hard rest the pda but cannot get it to hard rest.
Can someone explain how to hard rest what do you have to do hold the volume key up or down and switch the unit on tried it but nothing.
Please any help.
Have a look here (point 15) on howto do the reset(s)
Good luck..
Same as Gigino, my HD2 is only giving me white HTC screen. I haven't even had it long enough to connect it to my pc. No messing around. It locked up about 5 times in the 5 days I have had it. Each lock up was only resolved with the battery removal. Curiously no lockups until I set an alarm.
The difference between my issue and Gigino is that I do not have the rom version showing up at reboot, just the white screen. Hardware issue, or software?
Followed the Hard Reset procedure as outlined by HTC and your link above. The reset commands are recognized, but after reload, back to white HTC screen.
If you cant get functionality back by taking the battery out or by soft or hard resetting then theres not much more you can do. You could try taking the battery out and giving it a full charge with the mains charger provided but I dont think that will do much good.
As long as you havent flashed a new rom with the goldcard then call your service provider. If you got a sim free phone then call the place where you bought it as its covered by warantee. You should be able to get it replaced if theres a fault.
the same thing happened to me after 2 weeks with phone, I'd had no problems with the phone then one morning while using opera it froze. I had to remove the battery to try and reboot the phone but it wouldn't boot past the htc screen. eventually after removing the battery several times the phone wouldn't even turn on, also the phone got very hot with the battery in. I called htc and told them and they picked up it for repair. it looks like they couldn't fix it cos they sent me a replacement phone. they returned the phone to me within a week.
HTC White Screen of Death
Thanks, guess I feel a bit better knowing it wasn't anything I did..and that I am not alone in this world of WSOD
I have contacted the seller and haven't heard back yet. I don't imagine it will be a problem. Perhaps above and beyond the alarm clock/freezing thread a WSOD thread is in order until it is determined if they are related.
Thanks all.
I pulled battery and replaced so device is off. Charged over night and the orange power charging light didn't go off or go green by morning. device was hot.
Get this though, when I pull the phone off the charger the orange light doesn't go out!. Now the phone won't turn on either. Had to pull battery again to make orange light go out and when it powered back up, back to HTC whit screen.
gigino said:
I had my HD 2 for 2 days now.
It just crash on me for the first time soft rest the unit now it well not boot up anymore stuck in the HTC with white background screen and the rom version at the left bottom side.
Tried removing battery nothing still stuck.
I tried to hard rest the pda but cannot get it to hard rest.
Can someone explain how to hard rest what do you have to do hold the volume key up or down and switch the unit on tried it but nothing.
Please any help.
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I don't know what is the cause.
But it is really pissing me off.
The only solution out is to do a "hard" reset by holding volume up and down TOGETHER while doing that .... press the power on button for about 1 second ... then ONLY let go the "power on" button which still hold volume up and down.
You should see the screen to restore to factory default .... and proceed to do so.
I have encounter quite a number of times but after trying various "solution" ... it still happens.
By the way, I am using cooked ROM (which I don't think is the problem).
palmerj100 said:
the same thing happened to me after 2 weeks with phone, I'd had no problems with the phone then one morning while using opera it froze. I had to remove the battery to try and reboot the phone but it wouldn't boot past the htc screen. eventually after removing the battery several times the phone wouldn't even turn on, also the phone got very hot with the battery in. I called htc and told them and they picked up it for repair. it looks like they couldn't fix it cos they sent me a replacement phone. they returned the phone to me within a week.
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I encounter similar situation .... was installing the new taskbar .... then it took very long ..... so while the installation in progress thingy is still in the middle .... I did a soft reset ... then it start up till the white screen and stock there and showing the ROM version etc at the bottom left.
So have to do a Restore to Factory Default to get it up and running again.
Seems there is something really wrong with this model.
I have it for two months now and lots of issues.
Now it is with HTC for repair as I also have the white screen with green HTC issue.
Nothing helped Hard Reset nor flashing rom.
I can't wait to get it back ;-)
Tons of issues with this phone, but my love for it is just a bit bigger than the hate.
hello all gettin frustrated here too bout a week ago my brick started and stopped on std rom reflashed duttys 1.3 and new radio.was fine for a few days then it seemed to crash and hard reset by i have a crash every day which inccurs a hard reset very annoying........gets stuck at boot screen as does every if you if your like me and have HSPL,cooked rom and upgraded radio.....sorry htc....and are sending it back for repair,you should still be able to activate bootloader mode and reflash std rom/radio.if its like mine after flashin it might behave as normal again untill next
1. Turn your phone off
2. Press and hold the VOLUME DOWN then Press and hold the POWER button. After about 3 seconds the tri-coloured screen should appear
3.connect it to your pc it should install drivers.the screen should now say "USB"
4.reflash with std rom/radio (should be located here and and bingo HTC are none the wiser and it may restart again if it does dont trust it!!!!!!!!
i think i read somwhere that a shipped rom will remove HSPL but you might want to clarify that with a senior member here.
camo.b said:
hello all gettin frustrated here too bout a week ago my brick started and stopped on std rom reflashed duttys 1.3 and new radio.was fine for a few days then it seemed to crash and hard reset by i have a crash every day which inccurs a hard reset very annoying........gets stuck at boot screen as does every if you if your like me and have HSPL,cooked rom and upgraded radio.....sorry htc....and are sending it back for repair,you should still be able to activate bootloader mode and reflash std rom/radio.if its like mine after flashin it might behave as normal again untill next
1. Turn your phone off
2. Press and hold the VOLUME DOWN then Press and hold the POWER button. After about 3 seconds the tri-coloured screen should appear
3.connect it to your pc it should install drivers.the screen should now say "USB"
4.reflash with std rom/radio (should be located here and and bingo HTC are none the wiser and it may restart again if it does dont trust it!!!!!!!!
i think i read somwhere that a shipped rom will remove HSPL but you might want to clarify that with a senior member here.
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If you flash a shipped rom via activesync as you described then the HardSPL will be left intact and HTC will be the wiser and will invalidate your warranty.
The only way to remove the HardSPL is to flash a shipped rom via microSD Card which will flash the shipped rom, radio and spl back and will leave you with a stock device.
White screen with HTC logo is a hardware defect
I also have the issue with not booting HD2 after less than a month of use . It shows white screen and green HTC logo but without the red digits in the bottom part of the screen. And one more strange behavior to mention - when phone is switched off and I connect it to the charger it starts itself after 30sec approximately.
What is inside:
Original SPL with an original ROM but for different region than the one which originally was inside. I flashed it by SSPL (without using HSPL).Only ROM was flashed without radio as radio was the same.
What checks were done:
1)Soft reset
2)Removing of battery
3)Hard reset several times
4)Flashing back with the original ROM through ActiveSinc and cable from computer. As the original SPL is intact this should return it to the factory condition. After flashing I did 2 hard resets. But no change - still showing white screen on boot up.
Finally I gave it to the repair workshop. They confirmed that this is a hardware problem and sent it for repair in authorized HTC service.
Suggest that this is a problem with a bad soldered chip (integrated circuit) during manufacturing of the PCB. In this case the power controller chip is suspected. The contact pad of the chip and solder are touching each other and phone works. With the time passing the contact surface oxidate and contact is lost. So initially the phone will work but reset itself occasionally while the contact is instable and will stop fully to operate when the contact is completely lost. Only replacement of defective PCB can rectify this problem. Trials to re-solder the chip are usually not successful. This is purely manufacturing defect. However sometimes it may happen if you drop down your phone.
i had same problem, it was stuck on first white screen with some version numbers in red in bottom left.
I did a hard reset and it got fixed.
i had not installed anything or flashed anything. it just got stuch at that screen 1 fine day for no reason
mskip said:
If you flash a shipped rom via activesync as you described then the HardSPL will be left intact and HTC will be the wiser and will invalidate your warranty.
The only way to remove the HardSPL is to flash a shipped rom via microSD Card which will flash the shipped rom, radio and spl back and will leave you with a stock device.
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I have the same problem my htc hd2 freezes at the white screen.
I have tried to do a hard reset but i have not the time to put the usb cable in at the red green white screen.
Is it possible to resolve this problem or must I send my phone to HTC.
To all the people having WSOD issues, check your microSD cards. I had this issue while ago with the white HTC screen and NO RED TEXT and I norrowed the problem down to my microSD card. When taking it out of the HD2, it would boot up fine. So I plugged my card into a USB adapter on my PC, formatted it and then put it back into the HTC. Everything worked fine.
EDIT: My HD2 is a T8585 and is unbranded bought from UK. I have always been using the stock 1.66 WWE ROM
I have exactly the same prob as camo.b, and right now I`m formatting my SD card, hoping that I'll be able to at least restore the SPL so that the warranty will still be available. I'm bringing it in tomorrow, if everything turns out to be fine with my SPL...
AinsCrowbar said:
To all the people having WSOD issues, check your microSD cards. I had this issue while ago with the white HTC screen and NO RED TEXT and I norrowed the problem down to my microSD card. When taking it out of the HD2, it would boot up fine. So I plugged my card into a USB adapter on my PC, formatted it and then put it back into the HTC. Everything worked fine.
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Stil have the same problem even with the Sd card out,
hermanb2004 said:
Stil have the same problem even with the Sd card out,
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My HD2 will not let me flash anything, even though I can get into the bootloader screen. Right now it's semi-bricked, and I have tried flashing a stock ROM via both usb and sd card, I have tried using task29, I have even tried uninstalling HSPL, but nothing works. Everything fails, either at the beginning, at the middle or at the end of the operation.
I flashed it with a shipped rom and he works,
I was unable to do a hard reset with any card still in the device. be sure both sim and sd card are removed, then reinstall battery and follow vol up/down etc. procedures. good luck.


Hi, I recently installed TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v2.3.3.. I was texting yesterday and it randomly restarted by usually does that once in a while so i ignored it. However, this time, it kept restarting non-stop and my android won't boot, so i decided to install v2.4.1 on my phone since it was in my SD card anyway... now when I try to turn my phone on, it just vibrates CONSTANTLY non-stop with a blank screen until I pull the battery..
I tried letting it vibrate till the battery died but its still the same thing. When I connect it to the wall charger, it seems like nothing happens.. when I connect it to the computer, its the same thing as turning the phone on..
Please help, I am phoneless right now,
Thank you
Unplug your phone from charger than press and hold Volume Down button and turn the phone on.
The phone should boot into bootloader mode.
Now connect it to the PC with USB cable and flash WM ROM.
After you can start all over again and flash Android back.
ryennn said:
Hi, I recently installed TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v2.3.3.. I was texting yesterday and it randomly restarted by usually does that once in a while so i ignored it. However, this time, it kept restarting non-stop and my android won't boot, so i decided to install v2.4.1 on my phone since it was in my SD card anyway... now when I try to turn my phone on, it just vibrates CONSTANTLY non-stop with a blank screen until I pull the battery..
I tried letting it vibrate till the battery died but its still the same thing. When I connect it to the wall charger, it seems like nothing happens.. when I connect it to the computer, its the same thing as turning the phone on..
Please help, I am phoneless right now,
Thank you
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rikardo1979 said:
Unplug your phone from charger than press and hold Volume Down button and turn the phone on.
The phone should boot into bootloader mode.
Now connect it to the PC with USB cable and flash WM ROM.
After you can start all over again and flash Android back.
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I held the Volume Down button and pushed power just vibrates until I pull the battery
ryennn said:
I held the Volume Down button and pushed power just vibrates until I pull the battery
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Try this...Pull & keep d battery out of d fone for abt 2 mins..then pop it back in..
Enter bootloader mode..
Perform a Task29...the one by "doloop" wipes ur phone memory clean without affecting ur previously installed HSPl or Radio...
Re-Flash a rom of ur choice.
voncrane said:
Try this...Pull & keep d battery out of d fone for abt 2 mins..then pop it back in..
Enter bootloader mode..
Perform a Task29...the one by "doloop" wipes ur phone memory clean without affecting ur previously installed HSPl or Radio...
Re-Flash a rom of ur choice.
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i kept the battery out for the entire night, put it back in this morning, pushed the power button and same exact thing.. ]:
Might sound really obvious but try hold in the little reset button on the back of the phone for like 10secs and see if anything happens. I had the WSOD and looked everywhere for a fix then I just did that and it worked. Goodluck.
Skellyyy said:
Might sound really obvious but try hold in the little reset button on the back of the phone for like 10secs and see if anything happens. I had the WSOD and looked everywhere for a fix then I just did that and it worked. Goodluck.
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Nothing happened... ]:
I left the phone on vibrating until the battery died... Charged it and left it out of the phone this morning until now and the phone won't even turn on when I press the power button now....It just doesn't even respond :|
Kick your phone in the nuts and try again
I wish it was that easy ):
You can't go to bootloader? What radio version u are use?
rom : TyphoonCyanogenMod 7
Keep your phone off.
Hold Both the Vol up and Vol down buttons and then press the power button...
That'll let you do a hard reset.
Not sure if it'll help... but can it do any more harm?
My phone doesn't even turn on anymore.. I can't get into bootloader.. it doesn't charge either..
Well, its look u really fcuked the phone.
I know this really not help u at all
U have 2 options
1st one take it back to shop if u still under warrenty
2nd take it to some repair center where can be repaired with JTAG method
I know u didn't want to hear this but its look its nothing more u can do with it.
Good luck to u m8
ryennn said:
My phone doesn't even turn on anymore.. I can't get into bootloader.. it doesn't charge either..
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I sent an email to HTC today..hopefully I can fix this... I had HSPL installed so it voids my warranty if I send it back correct? ):
Anybody else heard of this problem? ):

