Newbie - Hard Reset not working! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi all,
am I please to find this forum.! I have just bought an Xda Mini S from O2 in the UK.
I have loads of questions but firstly..
Suddenly last night it froze and it will now not get beyond the o2 mobile logo screen.
I have done a hard reset but all I get is 4 bars, red, green, blue and white across the full width aqnd depth of screen with IPL 1.05 and SPL 1.05 displayed.
What is happening and what do I do please?
I have loaded spb pocket and complete an outlook sncy and both seemed to work ok.

The device is stuck in bootloader mode, try a soft reset using the stylus in the reset hole and that should fix it, if not the apply teh ROM again using the ROM on the O2 web site

thanks but...
A soft reset at the boat loader screen (3 colours) just results in the boot freezing at the Windows Mobile screen again.
The hard rest goes to the bootloader screen as does voice +camera + reset. When connected via the USB cable I get "USB" in the lower left corner.
Is there anything I can do from this bootloader screen please?
I also left the battery out overnight but that didn't help either.
getting anxious!

try reflashing the ROM, that should sort it.

phew solved
Many thanks for your prompt help.
I did not appreciate I could flash the ROM despite not being able to make a sync connection. I couldn't even see the XDA in device manager so was surpised when the flash utility actually worked.
thanks again till next time!

gald you hav sorted it


New o2 XDA mini, brand new not booting

Hello folks,
I just purchased a XDA mini from o2 and i cant use it. When i put in the battery and turned it on for the very first time, it showed the o2 screen and the software version information on the upper left corner:
IPL 1.03
SPL 1.03
Thats it ...
from there its stuck. No windows boot screen no nothing...what to do?
Thx for reading.
P.S. its been charging its battery for an hour now, but its not helping, so i dont think its because of a weak battery state...
sounds silly, but I have to ask: have you tried rebooting it when NOT plugged into the USB charger/PC?
well the thing is once i turn it on and its stuck on this screen, holding the power button again to turn it off does not work...
how do i reset this damn thing? maybe that will help, also i have not modified anything so far...since i cant use it at all.
hard and soft rest is not helping....(
ok second hard reset did it. its up and running yeah!
thx for help


Ok, Ive got a new problem with my XDA Exec.
Opened it up and tryied to turn on the backlight and nothing. tried a soft reset, nothingtried a hard reset now it just sticks on the splash screen, the red writing comes up on the right and side and just hangs there forever!
Please help
You're stuck. apparently the only remedy is turning it in to repair. For most of us it is under warranty.
Just off the phone to 02. Theres sending me a new one via courier on monday. it's less than a day old.
Is this a comon fault with the Exec?
erm ... I managed to experience this problem.
I was trying to uninstall SPB GPRS thingy that comes with the O2 package, and it just wouldn't go. I ended up deleting the program files and getting an error when it started up, so I deleted the GPRSNotify file under Startup. It never worked again ...
I got the splash screen, tried soft and hard resetting and various permutations (including standing on one leg and while holding breath) ... nothing. Did try to install fresh ROM, but startup wouldn't get far enough to let PC load ROM over USB.
Ended up contacting O2 who sent me a nice shiny new one, as it was only three weeks old. This time I haven't installed GPRS monitor thingy, and I don't intend to fiddle with it again ... or at least until I've forgotten my lesson ...
Sorry i ment to give you guys an update on this. I did manage to get it working again, although i still accepted the new one the sent to me.
What i did was installed a new rom off the 02 website. at 1st the computer couldnt see the phone so wot i did was enter what i think was the programming side of the phone. i found the instructions on how to this on the net. i think i pressed the 2 soft keys and the light switch while pressing the reset switch with the stylus (i think that was the buttons but unsure as i cant find the page again) when the screen light up again there was some faint writing on the screen with the word serial or usb. Double clicked on the rom file and 30mins later my phone was revived.
Funny it was the gprs monitor that i too installed before the phone screwed up? ive since installed it again on the new phone and have had no problems with it since.
trickydickyd said:
I think i pressed the 2 soft keys and the light switch while pressing the reset switch with the stylus (i think that was the buttons but unsure as i cant find the page again) when the screen light up again there was some faint writing on the screen with the word serial or usb.
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Otherwise known as Bootloader mode
Aye, thats the one.

Help!!! my atom life is dead

I don't know what happened to my Atom Life. After switching off the wifi, it became frozen. Then I made a soft reset and it went through the o2 welcome page and windows mobile page, then at the next page it hangs with the white screen with the blue time/signal bar on top. Nothing happen after that. I try hard reset by removing the battery but no prevail. I email o2 supports but their reply are very slow. Please help!!! thanks
reinstall the rom
roblyh said:
I don't know what happened to my Atom Life. After switching off the wifi, it became frozen. Then I made a soft reset and it went through the o2 welcome page and windows mobile page, then at the next page it hangs with the white screen with the blue time/signal bar on top. Nothing happen after that. I try hard reset by removing the battery but no prevail. I email o2 supports but their reply are very slow. Please help!!! thanks
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Same thing happened to my phone weeks ago... I use atom pure. With the help of these forums and moderators i was able to solve the problem.
Have you done this and experienced the ff:
1. take out battery and sim leave for 30 mins to 1 hour
2. fully charge the battery then insert the sim
3. soft reset and hard reset. in the hard reset it stops at a screen where it says its processing the d deletion of files (restoring where it first started)
4. open using soft reset and camera click
... yellow/green light is working
Solutions below were given to me by one of the Senior Members here in this forum (jiggs) and my phone is now working well...
You just have to upgrade your ROM to correct the problem. It seems that the ROM (software) in your device has been corrupted, and is not functioning correctly.
You can download the latest ROM at the
To update your device, do the following:
1. go into bootloader mode: press CAMERA+RESET(Stylus) simultaneously for a second
2. ignore the display
3. connect the device to PC with USB to miniUSB connector
4. Run the upgrade ROM from
5. just follow the instruction on screen... basically, you will just click on next, next, next, and watch it till it finishes.
This procedure, however, erases, everything on your device. So, if you have something in there, it will be gone after the upgrade.
Hope you regularly back up your files...

Hermes wont boot - 4 color bars - help please

Hello everyone. After some researching, this seemed like the best site to answer my question, as I have not found an answer yet.
Yesterday morning, I was running my ATT 8525 (which I believe you refer to as "hermes") just fine. I was using the internet sharing feature, and went to reset the phone. I "believe" I pressed the power button while pressing the "ptt- push to talk" - button. The phone turned off, and when I turned the phone back on, rather than loading like it normally did, I got a new screen.
The screen has 4 color bars. A red bar at the top, then a green bar, then a blue bar, and last, a white bar of color on the bottom. Each bar takes up 1/4 of the screen and runs horizontally. At the top, the phone says, in white text:
At the bottom of the screen, in the white bar of color, in black text, it says
Now, when I press the power button to turn the phone off, nothing happens. I have to remove the battery to shut off the power. If I plug in a USB cable, the SERIAL text changes to USB. If I press the top two buttons, the one above window and the one above ok, while pressing the stick in to reset the phone, that screen works ok. I believe it is called a "hard reset" It asks if I want to erase all data and restore factory settings, and if so, press r. I press R on the keyboard, and the screen then says reset complete, press space. I press space and then I am back to the screen with 4 color bars. Nothing else I have tried works either. I have been stuck on this screen with 4 color bars since yesterday.
I took my cell phone in to ATT to be looked at and the sales people at the store say that I am 7 days past my warranty, and that they can't/won't repair the phone, but they would be happy to sell me a brand new one... for several hundred dollars.
So, the folks on the internet are my last hope =( If anyone reading this knows anything, even if it is a link to another site or something, that may help me resolve this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. If not, I at least thank you for your time reading my post.
- Wormling
Oh, as an additional thought, if it helps, I have not used any of these :baked: roms or any such thing. I bought my phone and used it as is. The one and only change I ever did to my phone was I followed ATT's steps on upgrading from Windows Mobile 5 to Windows Mobile 6, if I remember their names correctly. Hope this helps.
Bootloader. This is the name of the screen according to my research.
"Is your device able to boot Windows Mobile OS?
This one is easy: If can you see your today screen and use your phone as a PDA means you can boot OS. If you only see the splash screen, bootloader screen (tri-color) or windows mobile splash screen you can't boot OS."
Got this from the thread at
So, I guess I am stuck at the bootloader screen.
Try a Hard reset - hold both soft keys and reset with stylus. Hold in until it asks to reset to factory (whatever). Press "r" on the slideout keyboard and then space. You should go back throught the setup PPC steps.
YOU WILL LOOSE ALL INFORMATION ON YOUR HERMES...This is unescapable as you would any other way you tried to recover your Hermes too.
I suggest if you get it working to install Hard SPL V7 (makes recovery easier) and also pim backup so you can restore all your contacts/messages if something goes wrong again.
Cheers... & good luck.
I have tried hard resetting many times, and it does not work. It says that it succeeds and that factory settings have been restored, and then I am back to the bootloader screen. I have been to the wiki on bricked hermes phones and recovering from a brick. From that, I ascertain I have a type 2 bricked phone (goes directly to bootloader screen). I tried the MTTY tool, and it says that the NAND write was successful on both commands, but, I am still stuck at bootloader screen. I have since tried installing a few different roms, even in SSLL and HARDSPL modes, and nothing has worked.
What I have not tried is the JPIN fix, as I am not an engineer and don't have the tools or knowledge on how to do that. I also don't know how to do the microsoft operating system download fix (using an emulator?)
** UPDATE **
I think it might have been the mtty commands, but I took the battery out overnight, and when I put the battery back in to try the KITL attempt, the phone booted up and started to do the config. I was happy and thought that the phone was fixed, but when it was done with the configurating the phone, it reset back into boot loader screen -_-
You may need to check for bad blocks. This sometimes causes the problems you descibe as well as spontaneous Hard Resets and occasional soft resets.
Do a search for "how to fix bad blocks hermes" and you should get the info you need...
Hope this helps...

Problem while booting my trinity phone

I have got my trinity phone one year ago and never had a problem since last week. When starting my phone, it stops on the first screen (with "orange" logo) and nothing more happens.
I tried to reset it without succeed. The phone is not detected by the "activeSync" to make it flushable.
Help please !
Yves Florent CK
my problem is mor or less the same... only that dont apears any image on screen and the green led is constantly on...
I have loaded a long time ago an old version of ROM Gelly.
This ROM worked perfectly to a friend who suggested to do the same with my trinity.
The PROBLEM is that when i try to open the pda it freezes to the first srceen showing the rom version and after....nothing!
I tried to load again Gelly from the bootloader, it begins to run, it runs about 1% then the trinity makes a flash (this means it loses the connection with the pc) and then shows me again the first screen....
Please i need help!
me to. i try install the rom original and my pda is living again.
try this to
2 things ...
have you tried a hard reset ? (hold both softkeys & hit reset button)
and when flashing:
when you first run the rom upgrade from PC with phone on Activesync, it is quite common for phone to hang at the bootloader screen ...
worry not -
just re-run the upgrade from PC again immediately, without disconnecting or attempting to switch phone off.
(the word USB should be visable on device under the coloured bars)
if you do get hung up at bootloader screen a hard reset should at least get you back to where you were, and you can try re-flash again.
hope this helps,
My trinity won't work anymore...
Hi all!
My trinity wont't work anymore. When i press the ON/OFF-button, the display is lighten up a bit, then the buttons are lighten up. And nothing more.
When i will go to bootloader mode, it is the same.
And when i will to a hard reset, the trinity ask me to press SEND or END key for restore factory default or cancel. When i choose the SEND key, on my display some ridicoulous letters appear, but nothing more.
When i try KITL mode, everything is the same.
Can someone help please?
Because i can't do something on my trinity
EDIT (maybe this can help my helper ):
After some time, the display and the buttons are not lighten up anymore.
When i try to charging the battery, it only works, when the buttons are not lighten up (when i switch on, charging is ok; when the display is lighten up a bit, charging is ok; when the buttons are lighten up, charging won't work; when the display and the buttons are not lighten up anymore after a time, charging is ok)
hi... i have a similar problem.. i tried soft reset, hard reset, but my phone wont go past the boot screen.. previously i just updatet the windows mobile from 5 to 6 and the phone crashed half way throw.. can some one help me.. by the way the windows mobile was one update from the web...
never mind... problem solved... tks anyhow
weezer_88 said:
never mind... problem solved... tks anyhow
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ok solved...
Can you tell how you did it?
weezer_88 said:
hi... i have a similar problem.. i tried soft reset, hard reset, but my phone wont go past the boot screen.. previously i just updatet the windows mobile from 5 to 6 and the phone crashed half way throw.. can some one help me.. by the way the windows mobile was one update from the web...
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But my trinity don't go to the boot screen, nothing on the display but lighten up slightly...
Nevertheless, can you please post, how you solved your problem?
THANK YOU in advance!
I downloaded the original Rom windows mobile 5 from then entered in KITL mode, connected the usb and reinstalled the original Rom, and all was fine...

