JAMin speaker problems - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Was driving home yesterday when I noticed my Tom Tom voice instructions started to break up. I thought it was just a little glitch and thought nothing move about it.
However today I was trying to play a sound and got nothing. I tried it a couple of times and it played and then started to break up too.
Since then I am getting no sound. I can hear sound fine using the headphones and when I get a call I can hear the caller fine, but if I go onto Speaker Phone I hear nothing.
I tried a soft reset then a hard reset but neither worked.
I have just finished upgrading to the latest ROM but it is still not working.
Has anyone else had this? Is there a secret fix I have missed?
Has anyone sent their JAMin for warrantly work in the UK. If so how long is the turnaround?

Hi. Used to have this problem when I had the Jam and the JAMin seems to use the same design when it comes to speakers (part of the reason why I didn't get a JAMin when upgrading.)
If it's the same problem as on the Jam hopefully the fllowing will help.
When you plug in headphones or speakers to the socket there is a loose connection. This then sometimes makes the phone think headphones are still plugged in even when they are not! The way I solved it was by playing some music on media player then half plugging the headphones in and wiggling the connector around until I heard sound through the speakers. I also found I could use the tip of the stylus to correct the loose connection. Some people said it worked just by plugging and unplugging their headphones several times.
This thread is where the problem was discussed when on the JAM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=42949
Another thread that might help is this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=18384

dead speaker
If after a hard reset your speaker still has no sound, then it's probably dead. Sad to say, HTC is at fault for using such low quality speakers. I am a victim myself. Go to PPCSG. The prob is so common in Singapore that the service center has run out of speaker parts!

Speaker hardware replaced

read somewhere that this speaker problem was inherited from the magician?
can anyone verify that this speaker failing problem was inherent even in the magician?
if this is the case, then we will have doubts about PPCs coming out from HTC..

I heard about the Magician PDA speaker defects as well although I did not have such a problem with my old Magician but I had to get the Phone speaker replaced. It looks like they used the same Magician hardware in the new Prophet.


HELP! exec 'stuck' in headset mode cant hear calls

My exec is stuck in headset mode, it appears to think the handsfree is still plugged in and will only use the headset mic and earpiece even if not plugged in. I've tried a soft reset to no avail and i really dont want to do a hard reset as i have no way of backing anything up at the moment.
Any suggestions?
thanks in advance
This is a fault that goes all the way back to the original devices...
The way to fix it is to get your headset jack, and try various ways of quickly but forcefully unplugging it. Happened to me the other night and eventually I managed to force it to recognise the headset was removed and it came back out of the speaker.
sorted now, not sure if it was unplugging or not but i made & recieved some calls and unplugged it and it works!
thanks for the speedy reply and solution.
I also have this problem today....but I dropped my xda exec on the ground and then all the sound is gone.....only headset and bluetooth are worked....
I think I damage the phone somehow.......
But I will still use it...
Anton.Valleyman said:
This is a fault that goes all the way back to the original devices...
The way to fix it is to get your headset jack, and try various ways of quickly but forcefully unplugging it. Happened to me the other night and eventually I managed to force it to recognise the headset was removed and it came back out of the speaker.
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Thanx Anton. My XDA experienced the same problem and I was veeeeerrrrrry sad about it.
Then I came across your suggestion and, BINGO! It worked.
*Sorry for the duplicate post*
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!
Damn it, I've got the same problem since yesterday
I can hear calls in handsfree mode (using the built-it handsfree mode) and with an earphone plugged in but not through the speaker besides the display.
Strangely, the internal mic works well (I mean, the called person can hear me). Is it the same problem you're talking about or has my speaker just collapsed? :?
EDIT: I've noticed that only the speaker above the display seems to be muted. The one on the backside of the display and the two speakers in the main body (when using handsfree mode) work. So I guess, the speaker's dead, isn't it?
2nd EDIT: After plugging a headphone in and out about 20 times and applying pressure on the display receiver it suddenly started to work again. I'm not sure what was causing this problem but even a hard reset didn't fix it so I guess it's a hardware (or firmware) related issue.
Same Problem
After working fine for months, with and without the earplug, my MDA Pro has started do the same thing--it's stuck in earplug mode. I've tried plugging/unplugging the earplug for about five times in a row--didn't help. Do I really have to do this 20 times? Jeez--I'm afraid of messing up something else. Could there be another solution? UPDATE: I just now tried plugging/unplugging 20 times--no help!
OK, the solution is the same as that for the loose USB port--send the MDA Pro to the fine folks at Pocket PC Techs and let them fix it. They replaced the earplug jack and got the unit to work perfectly with and without the earplugs. $75 plus shipping. They misplaced my stylus, but sent me a new one right away. I'm very happy with their service.
I've had this kind of problem with a Nokia 8310 which I've carried for three years. I believe it is a physical problem with the headphone socket which may be caused by lateral force on the jack while plugged in inside a pocket. Wiggling and unplugging the jack repeatedly makes the phone socket work properly. There is a small switch inside made out of a metal spring. All you need to do is wiggle it.
The phones which go silent after being dropped may be a different matter.

Trouble with sound in i-mate jam

sometimes my i-mate jam loses system sounds from main speaker especially when headphones are attached and then detached. it means that it doesn't ring when somebldy calls me, or it doesn't play music from main speaker, though I still can speak and hear from phone speaker. when the headphones are returned to the place everything seems to be ok, soft reset doesn't help. this is the second jam with the same problem among my friends, please help!
i think this has been discussed b4..it has to do with the fragile audio port on your mini..apparently the contacts not too good so when you remove the headset, the JAM still thinks you have it on.
i tried fiddling with the audio jack and the headset a lot.. i don't have any sound on my speakers since over a week now...i can talk properly - and have set it for vibrate..hard reset also didn't work...
O2mini_noob said:
i think this has been discussed b4..it has to do with the fragile audio port on your mini..apparently the contacts not too good so when you remove the headset, the JAM still thinks you have it on.
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thanks, I heared something about that but could not find the topic. so what can be done to get rid of the problem without going to service? is there something I can do myself?
or is there a possibility that devices mady under other brands will function better? i have a chance to exchange my i-mate for brand new mda compact with little cash on it. i realise that this is the same device, but may be some difference in quality?
ihave just read a thread about this problem. they say insert your headphone jack then remove it quickly. ive never experienced this problem yet with my imate new jam. hope not
Try flicking the ear-piece area with your finger. Had to do this to my wife's mini when she dropped it both times. It seems the speaker looses contact when bumped. HTH.

Help! Big problems with all audio!

First post here so please excuse any ignorance.
O2 XDA Exec - standard Rom from O2 website.
Problem started a few hours ago after using the audio out for listening to music via mediaplayer.
My unit was working fine while playing, but later after it had been disconnceted from the stereo I noted that there were no tap sounds.
I first checked the audio settings, all normal the way I always have them.
Next I tried the reset button on the back of the unit, no help there.
I tried plugging in the headphones in and there is perfectly normal audio over the headphone but once removed nothing at all.
Getting more extreme I tried a rom update/fresh start, no luck there either.
Getting even more hardcore I downloaded the assembly/disassembly pdf from this forum to check if there was a physical fault with the 3.5mm audio port. I checked to make sure all the tabs were springing back after an audio jack was removed all seem fine (although at this point I lack a comparision).
Then for a test I rang my own phone from my land line and it seems to ring fine but there is nothing from the mic or either of the earpieces during a call.
I am fast running out of ideas and the last test really perplexed me.
I am almost certain that it is a case of one of the contacts inside the audio port not springing back and therefore cutting out the external audio, giving the device the impression that there is still a headset connected.
I don't want to poke around inside too much as I have so far been able to keep security tabs intact, just in case I need to send it off.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get around this? Is it possible that it is software and not hardware?
Please help as phone is a bit useless sans headset, which I don't really want to be permanetly tied to.
keep plugging and unplugging the headset until it works or you get tired, if it works great, otherwise sent it in for repair.
Does nobody out there have a registry hack workaround for this problem?
When I receive calls its rings and any other sounds come through whilst the phone rings.
There must be a workaround here somewhere???
Had exactly the same problem. No sound but rings ok,
After the first time I plugged in the headphones, no sound. Its probably cause the headphone socket is so big in comparisson, that it gets dirty. Just spray some anti static cleaner on the headphone plug and keep plugging it in.
Worked perfectly for me!!
There is no registry hack because this is a hardware issue, not a software one.
The ringer will ring whether the earphones are plugged in or not, which is how you would expect a phone to function. The problem lies with the connectors in the headphone jack socket not recognising the headphones are unplugged. Resetting and even dare I say a hard reset will not sort it as the issue is not software related.
This has also been covered several times on the forum. The only way (short of taking the thing apart) is to keep plugging / unplugging the headphones until the sound reappears.
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!

about back speaker...

i can't listen sounds from the back speaker of my prophet....with hands free it;s ok...the speaker got problem?
Try looking through this info in the wiki
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Prophet Jack Problem
Speaker went off on mine while under warranty and got it fixed by HTC UK, but I hadn't seen this then.
audio jack is ok....but i can not listen sound....nothing volume is max but....
add same problem tried to replace the back speaker and still no sound
then i discovered the problem....
its very likely that its an audiojack problem.... since i had the same i could hear sound on the phones and not on the backspeaker...
the solution may sound awkward but it works like a charm.
try to plug in and out frenetically the phones and since its a connection problem you will see it will solve your problem.
never had any problem ever since
i had the similar problem & solution above is weird & right solution, try plugging-unplugging a jack and insert ur stylus in a jack port & give a 360 degree turn with soft hands...it worked 4 me

Qtek s200 sound gone

sound is gone on my S200. Yesterday it all worked just fine, I was listening to some music on the headphones, and this morning I tried to call my gf, and noticed that I have no sound on the device.
The phone rings when somebody is calling me, so I assume its not the speaker, at least not the one on the back.
I can't hear a thing when I call somebody and microphone doesn't seem to be working either. I haven't dropped the phone recently.
Music is only playing via the headphones, same for calls.
Any ideas? I took the back cover off and took a look at the speaker, it seems to be fine, and as I mentioned it rings when somebody calls me.
Could this be a ROM issue? Using WM 6.5
RamunasM said:
sound is gone on my S200. Yesterday it all worked just fine, I was listening to some music on the headphones, and this morning I tried to call my gf, and noticed that I have no sound on the device.
The phone rings when somebody is calling me, so I assume its not the speaker, at least not the one on the back.
I can't hear a thing when I call somebody and microphone doesn't seem to be working either. I haven't dropped the phone recently.
Music is only playing via the headphones, same for calls.
Any ideas? I took the back cover off and took a look at the speaker, it seems to be fine, and as I mentioned it rings when somebody calls me.
Could this be a ROM issue? Using WM 6.5
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Here is a good tread and we all get this probelm even i have this problem with my prophet the problem sometimes its hardware and sometimes its software if its software a simple resst will fix the problem but if its hardware the try this keep the device on and play some music on your Device if there is no sound try applying some pressure to the back speacker and see if u hear anything if u do then its a hardware problem just use a peace cotten or paper and stick it between the specker that way it will aply presure for you its the only solution I have if nothing work try hardreset as some softwares does couse those problems sorry for my bad english
also good http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=330477&highlight=sound
It seems its the stuck headphone socket, I managed to get it working again somehow, but I guess it needs replacing. Any ideas where could I get the whole socket for replacement?
RamunasM said:
It seems its the stuck headphone socket, I managed to get it working again somehow, but I guess it needs replacing. Any ideas where could I get the whole socket for replacement?
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looks like u got it fixed sorry I forgot that can also be a problem aswell with the head phone jack about replacing it am not sure sorry maybe someother member can help you with that
Hey I am having the same problem with the headphone jack.
My phone still "thinks" the headphone is plugged in even when it itsent,
so it plays notifications through the rear speaker but it wont play music and the phones mic and speaker dont work while calling.
what did you do to fix the problem?
Try connecting your headphones again and pull them out slowly, while gently applying pressure(as in bending) and rotating it. That did it for me, works fine for now.

