Trouble with sound in i-mate jam - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

sometimes my i-mate jam loses system sounds from main speaker especially when headphones are attached and then detached. it means that it doesn't ring when somebldy calls me, or it doesn't play music from main speaker, though I still can speak and hear from phone speaker. when the headphones are returned to the place everything seems to be ok, soft reset doesn't help. this is the second jam with the same problem among my friends, please help!

i think this has been discussed has to do with the fragile audio port on your mini..apparently the contacts not too good so when you remove the headset, the JAM still thinks you have it on.

i tried fiddling with the audio jack and the headset a lot.. i don't have any sound on my speakers since over a week now...i can talk properly - and have set it for vibrate..hard reset also didn't work...

O2mini_noob said:
i think this has been discussed has to do with the fragile audio port on your mini..apparently the contacts not too good so when you remove the headset, the JAM still thinks you have it on.
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thanks, I heared something about that but could not find the topic. so what can be done to get rid of the problem without going to service? is there something I can do myself?
or is there a possibility that devices mady under other brands will function better? i have a chance to exchange my i-mate for brand new mda compact with little cash on it. i realise that this is the same device, but may be some difference in quality?

ihave just read a thread about this problem. they say insert your headphone jack then remove it quickly. ive never experienced this problem yet with my imate new jam. hope not

Try flicking the ear-piece area with your finger. Had to do this to my wife's mini when she dropped it both times. It seems the speaker looses contact when bumped. HTH.


After unplug headset, sound is gone

Hi all,
maybe one of you can help me out here. But this happened to me a few times already and got it fixed by resetting the thing. But this time that doesnt even help.
I've got a mda vario. No special software atm xcept for .mobile contacts. The problem is that when i plug in the headset. The sound gets redirected to the headset instead of the normal speakers. Once i unplug the headset it seems to not want to redirect the sounds to the normal speakers again.
Better said, right now i can't even have a phoneconv without my headset because i dont hear anything. I hope one of may have a solution for this!
Thnx anyway!
I don't use headset and thus haven't had this problem but If I were you I would exchange it ASAP!
Good Luck; Lew
Seems like the same problem many people had with their Magician. In the magician, te contact that detects that the headset is in would often remain stuck on the headset profile due to dust in the plug-hole. Blowing in it a few times and wiggling the headphone plug in the hole would solve the problem. If it persists, better exchange it under warranty!
ok thnx for the information both!

JAMin speaker problems

Was driving home yesterday when I noticed my Tom Tom voice instructions started to break up. I thought it was just a little glitch and thought nothing move about it.
However today I was trying to play a sound and got nothing. I tried it a couple of times and it played and then started to break up too.
Since then I am getting no sound. I can hear sound fine using the headphones and when I get a call I can hear the caller fine, but if I go onto Speaker Phone I hear nothing.
I tried a soft reset then a hard reset but neither worked.
I have just finished upgrading to the latest ROM but it is still not working.
Has anyone else had this? Is there a secret fix I have missed?
Has anyone sent their JAMin for warrantly work in the UK. If so how long is the turnaround?
Hi. Used to have this problem when I had the Jam and the JAMin seems to use the same design when it comes to speakers (part of the reason why I didn't get a JAMin when upgrading.)
If it's the same problem as on the Jam hopefully the fllowing will help.
When you plug in headphones or speakers to the socket there is a loose connection. This then sometimes makes the phone think headphones are still plugged in even when they are not! The way I solved it was by playing some music on media player then half plugging the headphones in and wiggling the connector around until I heard sound through the speakers. I also found I could use the tip of the stylus to correct the loose connection. Some people said it worked just by plugging and unplugging their headphones several times.
This thread is where the problem was discussed when on the JAM:
Another thread that might help is this:
dead speaker
If after a hard reset your speaker still has no sound, then it's probably dead. Sad to say, HTC is at fault for using such low quality speakers. I am a victim myself. Go to PPCSG. The prob is so common in Singapore that the service center has run out of speaker parts!
Speaker hardware replaced
read somewhere that this speaker problem was inherited from the magician?
can anyone verify that this speaker failing problem was inherent even in the magician?
if this is the case, then we will have doubts about PPCs coming out from HTC..
I heard about the Magician PDA speaker defects as well although I did not have such a problem with my old Magician but I had to get the Phone speaker replaced. It looks like they used the same Magician hardware in the new Prophet.

Himalaya loudspeaker-sound lost, headphone-sound ok

I lost the loudspeaker-sound in my Himalya. It works using headphones. I think it may have to do with another set of headphone I connected to it, which was not original. Perhaps it put the device on permanent headphone mode. But then again it might not have anything to do with that.
Is there a Himalaya expert in Berlin - Germany who might be able to help me with it? I dread having to send it to the official reapir center, as I expect it to cost a neck and a hand.
Happened to me when I received a call whilst listening to music. I pulled the headphones out before answering the call, and then answered it. I could here them but they cvouldn't hear me. If you plug the headphones in again and remove them it solves the problem. Well it did for me anyway
I tried that. I doesn't do it. It doesn't matter what kind of sound, if Media Player file is played of phone ringing, only the headphones work. I think I need a dotor.
I have read a lot about the problem in others threads. It seems the headphone-jack can get stuck, not making a contact, which normally is being made and which turns the XDA back to speaker mode, when the headphone-jack is pulled out. Hereto:
1- What does that mean exactely? Which part is that, in what part in the on-board jack? If it had been bent out of place, is it possible to bend the part pack (at best without having to disassemble)? (I tried the ramming in and out, no go).
2- I looked at the non-original jack I had used and it is about 2 mm longer than the original. Might perhaps that explain it? Is there a part in the back that could have been bent out of place?
3- If indeed this was the problem (if the jack had been bent out of place, one way or another), would the microphone work? I can record using the dictaphone and the micophone also works during a call.
When we had himalaya's it happened to both of our devices (my wife and I had one each).
It appears the spring in the speaker can come loose. I used to bang mine (pardon the pun) on my palm and sometimes it would start to work. Then we broke the speaker protection shield, and this made it easier sometimes and hard to fix in others.
When I sold it, my friend took it apart as it was out of warranty, and as he is electrically minded, he find the dodgy bit, and soldered it to the device, and now works perfectly.
Yes! Thanks Jasjar. It worked after a bit of beating.
I found a detailed instruction of how to fix it permanently in another thread. Sounds complicated and dangerous but eventually I must do it.
ran2far said:
I have read a lot about the problem in others threads. It seems the headphone-jack can get stuck, not making a contact, which normally is being made and which turns the XDA back to speaker mode, when the headphone-jack is pulled out.
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Sorry for kicking the topic, but this was the solution for me. I just poked in the headphone-jack with a little stick and tataaaa... my sound is back!
Sound lost problem
Hi all,
same happen to me, the sound stoped working (on my side it had nothing to do with the phone jack).
After the modifaication which is described in this forum i had still the same problem so i solder the loud speaker directly - still same problem...
After some time i flashed the device again, now it works, so on my side it was a software problem...
The device was 3 month out of power, but i think remove the battery and if the sound appears on startup (on first boot) but later not, then flash the os and it will work ...
XDA 2 sound problem...
Plese help me!
I have strange problem with my XDA 2.
I bough it 2 days ago. It was in O2 network.
Now when I unlocked it for my network (polish ERA-GSM) I saw that when I'm calling I cant hear anything. Person from the other sight can't hear me too..
XDA have sound becose I used media-player ando other sound stuff, thats why I think that speaker is ok. Microphone is ok too becose I can record animations with sound.
So what should I do now? ;/
Plese help...
Just for reference:
A friend of mine had this 2020, and both Speakerphone and mic were not working.
When somebody called, the ringtone DID sound.
Anyway, bluetooth handsfree worked fine.
All we did was play with the jack, using the stylus! Not even headphones...
And now it works fine!
He says he'll never put phones on it again... lol
cu around!
Looking for more Info
Hi, please help me find which points in the MDAII Motherboard can I solder to disable the headphones and get the audio and mic back to the MDA.
After a while my headphone-jack is broken from the motherboard and now I only have the pin outs in it.
The device is working perfect, and I can use bluetooth headphones. I just don't have audio in the speaker and no mic without bluetooth.
I hope someone can tell me which of the red points en the picture can I solder to disable the headphones.
I just want to do this temporally until I get a replacement spare part for it.
EDIT: 12-12-2007
I got it. Just joining 1 and 3 and you will get audio back to the PDA disabling the headphones jack.
Thanks anyways for reading this..
Did you find out what all the mboard pins are for the jack?
I have a dodgy jack and would like to take flying leads of the mboard jack to an external (easily changed) inline jack. Does any know what the 1 to 6 pins correlate to. I would like to still switch the audio via the external jack. Not bothered about the mic.

New O2 XDA Atom Problem

I never use the earphones and the other week I did to listen to the radio during a blackout with the storm we had(I live in newcastle NSW). Since then the phone thinks the earphones are connected all the time but they are not. I've removed the battery and sim and can look through the hole to see about 4 contacts three just on the sides and 1 protruding about 1mm. Should there be 2 protruding ? Is one stuck and therefore throwing a contact to tell the phone to switch off its in built speaker ?? When I go to the radio now the green icon that shows you if your in speaker or earphone use is always set to earphones. When I change it the tick from tapping comes back but the phone ear speaker still does not work. I have looked for a similar problem on the forum but cannot see anything. BTW I have doublesided sticky tape on my battery now after reading a thread.
thanks in advance
are you using o2 headset or some other headset. I encountered this when i used a third party headset jack. After I USED back o2 stereo headset, it work probably
it's the O2 headset you know the one that doesn't fit in your ear. Can you tell me what you see in your 2.5mm earphone jack. Am I barking up the wrong tree thinking it's a mechanical fault with the jack ?
I had the exact same problem with my RW6828, it was repaired for the problem three times before it was replaced. I managed to get it to work for a couple of hours once by putting an alen key into the socket. Other than that, repair or replace.
if it is the o2 atom headset, that mean yr jack might have problem. Is it possible, you shake the o2 headset.
I believe this is one of the common o2 problem.
thread and solution found
ok I didn't look hard enough -

qtek 200 sound only with phones or bluetooth

it was working fine, and from a moment to other, sound only with phones or bluetooth, if someone call me it rings, but a can´t talk an ear anything. if i put music..... nothing, and if i put some phones it´s ok..... it´s driving me crazy...
PLLLEASE a i need Help
sorry for my english
i have the same problem with my prophet. It's heppens half year after flashing of the new WM6 ROM.
Is the hardware dead? Can some one give help?
Best regards,
I had a similar problem a few years back.
Since i often used the Handsfree over cable (3,5mm jack), i one day wasn't able to hear anything over the speakers any more.
Turns out that a metal pin had tired inside the 3,5mm jack.
Resolution to that was to open up the case, flip a pin over in the jack and it worked..
Unfortunately i can't provide you with any pictures, as my phone will soon fall apart from all the open/closing..
Hope it helps!

