Push email through wifi - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

I am wondering whether push email is functioning through wifi on the prophet? I have wifi coverage over my city, and would prefer it then getting billed for GPRS...

Push Email client from Microsoft will not work over WiFi, it is meant to generate business for mobile providers
But Siemens and other mail server solutions companies offer push email over WiFi for WiFi Providers - but I think no one is offering it yet.
Note: Be carefull with push email over GRPS. Depending on individual settings this can generate a lot of traffic without downloading a single email. One engineer told me about 15 megs traffic just for polling the Exchange server, without downloading a single email. Of course you can work out conservative settings, but better get a GPRS or UMTS data flat...25 euros here in Germany (www.base.de)

Are you 100% sure of this?
Microsoft's implimentation of Push e-mail uses HTTP(S) so therefore should not be limited to the transport unless the implimentation is restricted on the device in some way?
All the information I have totally contradicts your statement, can you please justify it can as I fear it is absolutely incorrect.

Dear, I don´t have to "justify" anything. Do your own research, ask Microsoft MSDN like I did, and then write about it. Enjoy.
PS: The original question was - as I understood it: Can MS push email client for Mobile 5 work over WiFi.

Why you do not use POP3/SMTP or IMAP through WiFi ?

Thanks guys
Thanks Lucas, I think that pretty much answers my question.

You can setup a schedule like i did in activesync to poll email over wifi every 5 min and disable push.
If you want to use gprs, then just change schedule to sync as new items arrive and enable push in comm manager

What happens when out of wifi range?
Jamichy, what happens if you go out of wifi range with your settings? Do you get an error message or something you then need to respond to each time you are out of range?

Usually, activesync will try to sync, but does not generate any notifications. If I launch activesync, it shows me the time of last sync with exchange server on top line.
If i leave push settings on, and connect to wlan, Activesync Generates an "Attention Required:To syncronise you need to have a cellular network connection" message...
So when I'm at home or work, i disable push, and on the road i keep push enabled. BTW, Direct push can work using both GPRS web and wap settings


Cingular Email in a nutshell

nooblet here ...I did a search but did not find a comprehensize guide to telling me all of the types of email options I have So I Was hoping some one would be so kind enough to explain to this me.
Xpress mail from cingular ...umm you just add in all your email accounts to it and it send it out ?
Direct Push ( new from Microsoft ...have to have exchange server up)
Data ( some reason I like this ... I have the unlimited media works package and I get unlimited data ...so I have my email IMAP'ed and set to check ever 10 minutes) it uses data connection ..but I have unlimited so I dont care...
I really dont see why people would want the direct push as apposed to the data ...any way some one can explain all the options a person has with some pro's and cons of each ?
Data is just a data plan that you purchase for Cingula, similar to purchasing minutes for your voice calls. It has nothing to do with email. Without the unlimited data plan though you'd get hit with a whopping big bill.
IMAP4 is an email protocol that leaves a copy of your messages on your server and downloads the headers, making it faster than POP3 and easier to manage IMO.
Direct Push requires an Exchange 2003 or later server and is what makes this device a true Crackberry Killer. IMAP4 and POP3 are polling email clients that one configures to check their mailbox on a periodic basis. Direct Push enables our emails to be pushed out to the device whenever the server receives a new email. In addition our Calendar, Tasks and of course Contacts are also synced in realtime.
Hope I was of some help.
geekserver said:
nooblet here ...I did a search but did not find a comprehensize guide to telling me all of the types of email options I have So I Was hoping some one would be so kind enough to explain to this me.
Xpress mail from cingular ...umm you just add in all your email accounts to it and it send it out ?
Direct Push ( new from Microsoft ...have to have exchange server up)
Data ( some reason I like this ... I have the unlimited media works package and I get unlimited data ...so I have my email IMAP'ed and set to check ever 10 minutes) it uses data connection ..but I have unlimited so I dont care...
I really dont see why people would want the direct push as apposed to the data ...any way some one can explain all the options a person has with some pro's and cons of each ?
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Direct Push is great for people who are running Exchange, as new messages are queued up and copied over to your device automatically, as opposed to POP3 or IMAP where your device polls the mail server periodically for new E-mail.
Its whatever you prefer... direct push is mainly intended for companies who want to ensure employees get internal E-mail. Also, with the Microsoft Messaging and Security Feature Pack which comes on some new Windows Mobile 5 devices, companies can push out policies to the devices, for example requiring a password of x character length, 15 min timeout, hard reset device if wrong password typed in more than x amount of times, and other items, which makes IT and auditors able to sleep at night.
I personally use POP3 over SSL. It doesn't "guarentee" that E-mail winds up on the phone, but since I'm not doing anything business-critical, that is OK for my needs. Your needs/wants may be different, though. If you absolutely have to have mail on your phone due to clients and mission critical information, you might see about an Exchange hosted provider.
Pros of Direct push: Syncing of contact info (like the above poster stated), "Guarenteed" E-mail on your phone, security policies enforced, ability to remotely wipe your device should it get lost or stolen (assuming the thief hasn't yanked your SIM card and swapped his in.)
Cons of Direct Push: Need Exchange Server 2003 SP2 to access the features of it, so you need to run Exchange on a machine that is on the Internet, or use an Exchange hosted provider. HP offers this service for around $15-$20 a month.
Pros of POP3/IMAP: Internet standards, straightforward.
Cons of POP3/IMAP: Insecure unless your ISP allows for the use of SSL, no "guarentee" that E-mail winds up onto your phone.
wow cool
so I guess for me I will stick to my data plan. I just wish Cingular had a faster data serivce and better coverage .
THANKS a bunch !
Cingular is actually rolling out 3G service and they claim it will fully be implemented by the end of the year (hopefully!)
I've been using the Push Mail function since it was released ... which is really a good alternative to a CrackBerry though it still need more development say at least 2 more years before if could be considered a real competition to the CrackBerry. ... (i hate these ugly so called devices - blackberry)
you can actually get an exchange service for 10 bucks a month for a mailbox which isn't bad. The advantage of getting an exchange mailbox is the just mere fact you can have a "synchronized" mailbox on your mail application (on your laptop or desktop ... even on a Mac which i have set up), on the webmail and obviously on your pocket pc. i like the functionality of using this over POP because the synchronization is real time and there is not dependancy on locally sync-ing your device on your laptop/desktop just to update your contacts and your calendar.
POP3 doesn't give you that synchronization and if you like to have ALL FOLDERs synchronized ... getting the 10 Bucks a month exchange service is well worth it.
Obviously push mail services are designed for the business user and powerusers ....if you don't need this then don't even think the higher end pocket pc's available ....
US Carriers are so slow on selling higher end PDAs and phones ... the selections on T-Mobile and Cingular suck ... how can you accept that they just released their versions of the HTC Wizard while several flavors of the HTC Hermes are now available ... Cingular and T-Mobile USA should also think about adding BlackBerry Connect on their devices just like everybody else in the non-american world ....
Note that IMAP can also be used (in most cases) in a "Push" form. The "IMAP IDLE" function establishes a connection and waits for new messages to arrive, at which time they are immediately announced to the device. Extremely handy when properly implemented. You need a compatible client, of course. Apparently the latest test builds of FlexMail will handle this, though I have not tried them yet.
Our company is paying Cingular $5 per month per user for the Push Mail service over and above the unlimited data plan. We have been told not to use it while roaming (even in Canada) as it will cost us a fortune. But, the push mail seems to be very robust and per IT, it was very easy to setup and ofcourse the phone needs to be upgraded to the latest ROM available on the cingular site.
Cingular's charging for Push Mail? ... That would only happen if Cingular is also maintaining your exchange server. If you have your own Exchange server it should be fine.
I've never paid above my unlimited internet access feature.
How come no one has mentioned mail2web.com Live. This is exchange push email that is free. You just forward your email to their server and set your mail settings in Active Sync from the mail2web site.
I have been using it for six weeks and it is great. Sometimes I get the email before I can get it on outlook.
mail2web.com looks good but i just talked to them and if you have your personal domain name (like i do), it would cost you the same price as the other exchange services out there ... the free version and the personal exchange options do not support personal domains.
sorry i'm a geek through and through ... he he he

[WiFi] POP3 e-mail doesn't work

I can connect my device to the in-house Wlan and I get assigned an IP address like it should. I am able to browse the net (IE) using the Wlan and I can even go to the HTTP webmail site but when I set up a POP3 e-mail account I get the error message that I cannot connect with the current settings. Suggestions?
The other strange thing is that I am able to login on a local server using Terminal Services, but I can only connect to the IP address, not the hostname.
Perhaps I should mention that I have an own domain so the mailbox I'm trying to connect is a completely seperate mailbox and should work 'native' with POP3 port 25 settings. This shouldn't be a problem as far as I can see, but it still doesn't work...
I did some more testing, the weird thing is that I can send e-mails using the WLAN connection, but cannot receive them. The connection towards the server seems to be good (I didn't use seperate settings for SMTP) so DNS seems to be correct as well.
Right, I'm not under the impression a terribly large population of users are dying just to solve my problem, but since I located the source of the problem I thought I'd post it here for other users to find.
The problem I was faced with had actually nothing to do with the WiFi at all, it was the POP3 server that was the problem. The connection was fine, sending the mails was fine it's just that the POP3 daemon of the Direct Admin hosting control panel (vmpop3d-e) is unable to work with Windows Mobile 5 due to some kind of problem I don't even begin to understand (nor would I want to).
If you have your own domain and your hoster is running the Direct Admin control panel you won't be able to use the e-mail POP3 function. Instead, use the IMAP4 function which does work.
DA Forum PDA topic
when you set up your mailbox (menu - tools - options) go to the 3rd screen and click options. There you tell it what connection you want. I'd be willing to bet thats where your problem is.
E-mail client doesnt work on my wizard eather. I can receive mail, but sending it is impossibl. I think I tried everything.
If anyone have any suggestions what can I do please tell me.
@primossz, you're pretty active on this forum :wink:
You need to first install the client software provided by your're ISP. So if you use T-mobile you can let T-mobile send the parameters via SMS to yor're cellphone. Just login to your're ISP provider for that on the WWW.
Greetz ET

PushMail with Exchange

I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
Olleman said:
Any ideas?
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Yes, wait for a new ROM. Hopefully will be fixed then...
I have the same problem. Testet the server with MTeoR and 9100, they get the email direct, without the 10 minutes delay.
Go to ActiveSync --> Menu --> Schedule...
Change the settings in "Peak times" and "Off-peak times" to "As items arrive" instead of "Every 10 minutes".
Olleman said:
I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
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Hi Olle
I also have push e-mail enabled on my TyTN and I normally receive my mails just a bit before they arrive in my Outlook Inbox.
Can you check your ActiveSync schedule? Is it really set to "As Items Arrive" or have you set a frequency (every 5 or 10 minutes)?
Also, what ROM version are you using?
Thanks for your answers, I went through all the settings I could find before I posted and I do have active synch and sceduling set to "when items arrive" it was actully my default setting.
My ROM version is:
Swedish language.
I do too, as many others have the same problem with bluetooth stereo sound so I'm looking forward to a new ROM release, perhaps that will solve my 10 minutes delay as well - or could it be some setting on the server?
I have also noticed that my device definetley seems to draw more power with pushmail activated than what it did when I used IMAP4 and looked for new mail every 20 minutes. I always have my 3G/GPRS connection active since I've got flatrate on data.
Could be your Operator's DHCP lease timeout policy that's getting you. You're describing exactly the push email situation that happens when your phone's IP address changes faster than the 7 minute heartbeat. Your description fits right down to the increased power consumption too btw. Try this: check your IP address every 5 minutes or so using www.myipaddress.com to see if its changing. If it is then there's your problem and you need to see if your operator has a plan that provides a DHCP lease timeout that's greater than 7 minutes.
Also, there's an A2DP solution too but it involves buying more headset hardware.....
hm...not that problem either, I seem to have the same IP number as long as my connection is active..
Hi again,
hm....just to add some more information to the subject that perhaps will help someone to see what the problem is...
I tried setting the schedule to every 10 minutes and back again to "when object arrives" (I've got swedish language on the phone so I'm not sure about the exact phrase) to see if the setting somehow had "locked"....same result though. I did however find something peculiar, my phone is synching every 8 minutes the WHOLE time, I've never used push mail before but I assume that it shouldn't behave like that except if I do get an e-mail every 8 minutes - right?
It also says in active synch that it's synching "E-mail 0/1" every time but I seldome have a new mail after this "every 8 minute synch".
Ohh btw, about the A2DP thing, I don't really considder it a fix if one needs to buy new hardware, that's more like going around the problem. I've got the latest Sony Ericsson A2DP Stereo headset and the phone should definetley be able to use it.
Any ideas anyone ?
Best Regards, Olle
hi guys when setting up push mail, will it auto detect if server has latest service pack etc, as i have set mine up and dont have the option for 'as they arrive' under schedule only got manual,5m,10m etc
I think you have a problem with the setup of your infra.
You need to :
*Configure your exchnage to enable Direst push
*Put an HTTP timeout of a least 15 minutes
Take care if you are using Microsoft ISA2000 you need to adapt registry key.
More info please visit www.httpsync.net
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
Yes in fact enabling the push on the exchange side (or your mobile) is quite simple but some strange behaviour can occur...
ie: the direst push is based on http session that must be keep online during 15 minutes...
also the device receive at it FIRST configuration that the Exchange is able to perform direct push if at the time of the configuration the exchnage was not able to perform direct push you have a risk that you would never be inform of the capability so you need to reconfigure your device ...
ISA2000 is not able to relay (by default, without modifiyng the registry) the fatc that you exchange is Direct push enable...
your sysop will found many information on my website here upper.
Olleman said:
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
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Well, my TyTN is sync'ing every 8. minute aswell. But Push is working correctly with MTeoR and 9100 with the same Exchange server.
Guys has anyone got a step by step on setting up push, cause there seem to be options and things that some people leave out, My compnay is trying to test it to see if we should roll it out and microsoft just keep blowing their horn about how great it is and nothing on how to make it work!
Standard Tytn and standard exchange server, starting from scratch.
Also just a note that with the Tytn my boss has handed me and with it in it's current state the schedule option is greyed out, I would ideally like to reset and start again, but it is his one we are testing before we role out XDA mini-s's
OK, problem sorted, looks like the servers I was adding, if i clicked the adanced options it wouldn't save, so now, setting up of a server is done and is syncing.
EDIT; nope, still not syncing up although now I can press the sync button and it actually does something, takes ages , but says 'none' under last sync
Olleman, are you using Office 2007 as well?
I exited Outlook 2007 (beta) and it seems that the typical "syncronize every 8. minute"-thing has stopped.
EDIT: No I'm lying. It had no effect...
8 minute syncs mean the connection is being dropped between your PDA and your Exchange server. Every 7 minutes the PDA side heartbeat wakes up activesync and re-establishes the connection and AUTD syncs your mailbox. Exchange can't send email to you when it arrives because it can't signal your PDA's activesync and tell it to perform an AUTD operation because the existing connection is getting dropped. So it queues the request for the next time the connection gets established.
That being said, there are a number of things that could cause the connection to drop. Since your IP address appears to be stable, that isn't one of them and your next step is firewall timeouts. As has been stated earlier, if your Exchange system has an ISA as its front end then the heartbeat timeout has to be increased from its default value using the indicated links.
I actually implemented mine w/o an ISA by enabling http proxy on the front end server. So, the only device in my way is our Checkpoint firewall which has a 30 minute https timeout (no issues). You might also have to check your own firewall timeout settings for https (or http if, God forbid, that is your connection).
Also: the date and time are correct on your PDA right?
OK, now that I have the server there, thought it might work, but no go, can anyone give more details on what i should do?
Well, I have T-mobile and if I use the default t-mobile ROM. I can sync with all but email. I set up an exchange server without ssl so I can use the $4.99 tzones plan, (HTTP only). :lol:
Works fine if you hard reset and do not allow their ext rom crap to load by soft resetting after the hard reset.
Without their limited, BULL S*&##T, attempt at making more money by charging you extra just to use the Server Activesync functions, ,,, ya, stuff that is in WM5 and works fine by default, bastards.
Anyway, try to softreset after doing to pen alignment stuff, after a hard reset, before it loads the ext rom programs, and ServerActivesync will work, or use another ROM.
Settle down, Beavis :lol:

Company policy blocked additional emails and Windows Live

I have a personal phone (Niki) on which i managed to get my company's OWA (outlook web access) emails onto my mobile outlook along withh all my calendar, task and so on. Quite interesting but, recently the company merged mine and all other mailboxes in the company to a different server and since then i get a message every time i need to set up another email (a private one for instance) to recieve my personal emails or even Windows Live functions like Messenger on my phone it comes up with the same error message.
The message says my company policy has blocked this program or that it does not allow me to configure any additional emails. I'm connecting via 3G or GPRS (whichever is available), so no company WIFI here or anything and the phone is my own too. Any suggestions?
paulinhosoares said:
I have a personal phone (Niki) on which i managed to get my company's OWA (outlook web access) emails onto my mobile outlook along withh all my calendar, task and so on. Quite interesting but, recently the company merged mine and all other mailboxes in the company to a different server and since then i get a message every time i need to set up another email (a private one for instance) to recieve my personal emails or even Windows Live functions like Messenger on my phone it comes up with the same error message.
The message says my company policy has blocked this program or that it does not allow me to configure any additional emails. I'm connecting via 3G or GPRS (whichever is available), so no company WIFI here or anything and the phone is my own too. Any suggestions?
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This sounds like an Exchange ActiveSync policy being pushed down to the device? Are you sure you aren't using ActiveSync with your company Exchange server(s)?. The Exchange policy can be very restrictive if your company/admins want it to be - Strong alphanumeric passwords, forced password timeouts, you can also disable memory cards, cameras, WiFi, infrared, Internet Sharing, Desktop Synchronisation & Bluetooth. Plus as it looks like you have, you can disable consumer email, as well as web browsing, installation of unsigned applications and execution of unsigned applications. You can even specifically deny or allow certain applications to run.
If it is an Exchange ActiveSync policy then there are workarounds by editing the relevant registry entries that enforce the policies, however if the policy is configured to refresh at regular intervals then the workaround will only be effective until the next policy refresh. There are some tools available that will reset the policy for you instead of you manually changing the registry entries. There is also a tool (search Zenyee.com Stay Unlock.cab) that runs in the background and resets the policy each time it is enforced by the refresh. Be careful though as you could get yourself in hot water by bypassing your company security policy?
Fortunately the Exchange policy that is enforced on my device isn't as restrictive as yours and only enforces a password with an inactivity timer of an hour. This can still be a pain though when using TomTom or other applications where you physically don't touch the device for a period of time - Fumbling around whilst driving seems a much worse offence than not having a password to enter every hour

WinMo 6.1, Messaging and VPN

I have a Windows Mobile device 6.1 Pro.
I have Messaging setup to collect my personal emails from the Internet via my HSDPA connection.
I also have an account for my work email (POP3) which I collect via the company VPN.
This is my problem, and it's something I've lived with for a long time as I don't think it can be changed. Maybe you guys can help.
I open Messaging and switch to my work email account. I have the Network Connection set to use 'Work' Settings, and in the Work settings I have my VPN connection.
If I open Settings, Connections and click and hold on the VPN settings I can connect manually. Now I have a VPN connection and I can send and receive mail.
However, I want to be able to Send/Receive and for this to be automatic, so when I do this, if there's no 3G, it connects first, then the VPN connection is triggered, and the connection is established - however, in the mean time Messaging has gone off to try to find email from my work servers on the Internet, and always fails obviously. If I Send/Receive again, it connects right away as the VPN connection is already established from the first attempt. Email is sent and recieved as you would expect.
My problem is Messaging doesn't wait long enough for the VPN connection to be established, and although it triggers it, it tried to collect email before it's finished connecting, then I have to try again.
Or connect the VPN manually, but this is many clicks and not so User Friendly for staff who aren't so WinMo savvy.
Is there a way to have Messaging wait long enough for all relevant connections to be established before trying to find the mail server??

