WinMo 6.1, Messaging and VPN - Networking

I have a Windows Mobile device 6.1 Pro.
I have Messaging setup to collect my personal emails from the Internet via my HSDPA connection.
I also have an account for my work email (POP3) which I collect via the company VPN.
This is my problem, and it's something I've lived with for a long time as I don't think it can be changed. Maybe you guys can help.
I open Messaging and switch to my work email account. I have the Network Connection set to use 'Work' Settings, and in the Work settings I have my VPN connection.
If I open Settings, Connections and click and hold on the VPN settings I can connect manually. Now I have a VPN connection and I can send and receive mail.
However, I want to be able to Send/Receive and for this to be automatic, so when I do this, if there's no 3G, it connects first, then the VPN connection is triggered, and the connection is established - however, in the mean time Messaging has gone off to try to find email from my work servers on the Internet, and always fails obviously. If I Send/Receive again, it connects right away as the VPN connection is already established from the first attempt. Email is sent and recieved as you would expect.
My problem is Messaging doesn't wait long enough for the VPN connection to be established, and although it triggers it, it tried to collect email before it's finished connecting, then I have to try again.
Or connect the VPN manually, but this is many clicks and not so User Friendly for staff who aren't so WinMo savvy.
Is there a way to have Messaging wait long enough for all relevant connections to be established before trying to find the mail server??


outgoing email through

Is anyone else having problems with all email attempted to send from the Exec through o2's outgoing mail server returning a failure message at the moment?
Very frustrating. I like to quickly turn WiFi on, sync email and fire off a few snap responses when I get back to base before I decide whether to fire my PC up or not.
Have you clicking the 'outgoing mail requires authorization' box in account options?
I've never actually used my O2 e-mail account to send messages before, but after seeing this thread I tried it and sure enough it didn't work until I ticked the "outgoing mail requires authorisation" box!
Hopefully your advice will fix it for FunkyMagic too!
"I like to quickly turn WiFi on"
hi funky magic
you can't use your wifi connection with the setting - that only works for gprs. for wifi you need to set the smtp to your internet provider NOT o2. i use Blueyonder for my home internet - so my smtp is - works perfectly. i actually have 2 mail accounts set up - one for use at home on wifi using blueyonder, the other for when i'm out and about using the o2 gprs connection
mikey mike
Cheers folk!
I think prior to today I was (without really thinking about it) -
Switching WiFi on.
Recieving new email.
Composing responses and hitting send.
Then just sticking the thing on the cable connected to my PC for charging where I leave it for a few hours before going out for the evening or 'fiddling' (at which point pass-through would have sent the emails correctly at the next 15min sync).
I was in a bit of a rush today to confirm an email had gone out so hit send/recieve after creating a new mail PRIOR to connecting to the wire which I don't think I normally do!
Problemo solved!
Mikey Mike said:
you can't use your wifi connection with the setting - that only works for gprs.
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My O2 account with works fine for me with wifi
I've just been fighting with this for about an hour, hopefully some of this might be of use to someone:
Receiving mail from an IMAP4 account on my own Linux server. Using the same server as an outgoing SMTP relay.
Everything worked as intended, but obviously could only send outgoing mail when connected via wireless network at home (the SMTP server only allows relay to IPs on the LAN, like most ISP's relays).
Clearly this isn't much use on a mobile device, so I reconfigure outgoing mail to use This fails, which I assumed was because I was not connected via the O2 network at the time.
I enable "outgoing mail requires authentication" and "use seperate settings", and enter my O2 username and password, as used to log in to the website. Still no Joy. I try various permutaions of the username and the previous version of my password, enabling SSL, etc. with no success.
Getting suspicious that this is an XDA issue, I create an SMTP account in Thunderbird on my desktop PC, using with authentication. A little trial and error confirms that using "[email protected]" and your website password to authenticate (no SSL or anything clever enabled) works, even though my PC is connected to the internet via another ISP.
I try re-entering the settings a squillion times, rebooting the exec, etc, without any luck. I become suspicious that the changes in config aren't taking. I dig through the registry in search of the settings, but don't find them.
Then it occurs to me to delete the IMAP account entirely, reboot the exec, and re-create it from scratch, this time using the known-good settings for the O2 smtp server. This appears to have worked. I can send email via, and it works regardless of whether I'm connected by UMTS to O2 or my wireless LAN at home.
you are a star! works perfectly
mikey mike
Same problem but with Blueyonder?
Hi All,
Im having a similar problem with my Exec and outgoing mail via GPRS/3G and I get "Invalid message recipients". however if i send a message to my own email address at blueyonder it is sent ok. also if i send via wifi its ok. If i send the message using my SPV C500 via GPRS it sends OK. All the settings are the same.
I wonder if its a 3G/UTMS problem? unable to get just GPRS coverage (I dont belive im saying this).
I hope this dose not mean another Hard reset.
Kimble: Thanks for an awesome post! 8)
[EDIT: I am using my own Exchange server, so it doesn't matter to me, but I can use the info to help others, so thank you.]
Kimble, you star. i had the same problem but it's working now.
I note that SSL can't be turned on. Does this not concern anyone else?

Newbie - importing contacts + wlan question

Hi there,
New the the whole xda wm5 thing and just getting my head round what I can and can't do with (so be prepared for some dumb questions from me). Here's my first 2:
I don't use outlook and all my email contacts are in thunderbird. Is there a way to import these to my xda without going through an outlook sync?
I only use the wlan when I'm at university. So far it connects fine and I can surf the web quite happily. I can also access my email (imap accounts) but, as yet can't send. This is because the uni network restricts functionality for basic connections. To send email, I need to establish a vpn connection. I've tried setting one up and telling it to connect but nothing happens. I've read on the forums about an issue that vpn is only supposed to be used for "work" connections - I think I set up my wlan connection to be a "connect to the internet" type. Does this mean that I cannot do what I'm trying to do - that is, connect to my uni wlan, establish a vpn connection, then use it to browse the web and send/receive email? Do I need to connect in 2 different ways to do what I want?
Q1 - no idea, sry
Q2 - If i remember correctly, you can set your VPN to connect to "my work network" (or make a new network group, call it Uni or something) then you can make that (Uni) network connect to the net. this should allow you to passthrough the local network and onto the internet.
If you dont know where the options are, look in settings/connections/connections/advanced. and/or post again for more help.
Hope it works
Cheers for the reply. I'll give that a go tomorrow.
Anyone any suggestions for the contacts import?

Push email through wifi

I am wondering whether push email is functioning through wifi on the prophet? I have wifi coverage over my city, and would prefer it then getting billed for GPRS...
Push Email client from Microsoft will not work over WiFi, it is meant to generate business for mobile providers
But Siemens and other mail server solutions companies offer push email over WiFi for WiFi Providers - but I think no one is offering it yet.
Note: Be carefull with push email over GRPS. Depending on individual settings this can generate a lot of traffic without downloading a single email. One engineer told me about 15 megs traffic just for polling the Exchange server, without downloading a single email. Of course you can work out conservative settings, but better get a GPRS or UMTS data flat...25 euros here in Germany (
Are you 100% sure of this?
Microsoft's implimentation of Push e-mail uses HTTP(S) so therefore should not be limited to the transport unless the implimentation is restricted on the device in some way?
All the information I have totally contradicts your statement, can you please justify it can as I fear it is absolutely incorrect.
Dear, I don´t have to "justify" anything. Do your own research, ask Microsoft MSDN like I did, and then write about it. Enjoy.
PS: The original question was - as I understood it: Can MS push email client for Mobile 5 work over WiFi.
Why you do not use POP3/SMTP or IMAP through WiFi ?
Thanks guys
Thanks Lucas, I think that pretty much answers my question.
You can setup a schedule like i did in activesync to poll email over wifi every 5 min and disable push.
If you want to use gprs, then just change schedule to sync as new items arrive and enable push in comm manager
What happens when out of wifi range?
Jamichy, what happens if you go out of wifi range with your settings? Do you get an error message or something you then need to respond to each time you are out of range?
Usually, activesync will try to sync, but does not generate any notifications. If I launch activesync, it shows me the time of last sync with exchange server on top line.
If i leave push settings on, and connect to wlan, Activesync Generates an "Attention Required:To syncronise you need to have a cellular network connection" message...
So when I'm at home or work, i disable push, and on the road i keep push enabled. BTW, Direct push can work using both GPRS web and wap settings

WM 6.1 ActiveSync Exchange Sync over PPTP VPN WORKING ON FIXED SCHEDULE

I'm an IT guy and I just got into smartphone PPCs for the first time after a long-time hiatus from PDAs when I used to be a Palm owner. After my last palm, a LifeDrive, got stolen I moved to a Moto Q wich was a big dissapointment OS wise, and I never really got into modding it or anything, just set my POP3 e-mail server and used it like that for 2 years (draw back was that I didn't have contact sync nore internal e-mail sync that got handled by my exchange server). My contract with that Q expired and I made the move to a Sprint Mogul with WM 6.1 Pro and I'm NEVER LOOKING BACK!!!
Anyways, enough about me, this is my first contribution so I wanted to do the little intro.
I had searched around a bit about how to get ActiveSync to sync my company's Exchange server through PPTP VPN (we don't have it published with a certificate for an actual push config) but all I found was info on how to setup the VPN itself, being an IT guy that was like pointing out the obvious to me as I had already got that running and connecting but couldn't get anything but the OWA site opening in IE and Opera.
Basically what I figured out was that I had to program a work URL exception in the Connections control panel under the Advanced tab. There I added my exchange server's IP address as a URL and used that IP to program the server under ActiveSync with all the usual credentials. I can't configure it to receive as items arrive, instead I had to let the configuration run on a 10 minute schedule. Every time the schedule is up I see the VPN connecting pop up and it syncs PERFECTLY and disconnects the VPN. (It doesn't turn on my screen each time, it just pops up if I'm using it; but that pop up can be turned off if it gets to annoying).
I don't know if anyone else knew about this but I though I'd share this info as I searched for a few days and found nothing, ended up figuring this out myself. If this is new info I'll post more detailed configuration information for those who desire it.
BTW, this is working over the Data Plan and WiFi as well.
Wow. your a god...
I been trying to figure why it kept disconnecting the vpn when it synced up.
Adding the work url exception works perfect...
(Im using WM6.1 on a Samsung Omnia)
Many Many thanks!
No problem dude! I'm surprised no one else has really found this helpful. Glad I could help!
BTW, those exceptions work very well for internal web sites as well. I use it to log in to web-based management consoles such as Symantec's Mail Security for Exchange, Symantec Endpoint, basically if you got an internal website of some sort you can access it through VPN using a Work URL Exception.
I was looking for this info too, i would like more detailed configuration information about this.
Thanx in advance...
Roland hendriks
What part of the configuration are you having trouble with? Configuring the VPN, the Exchange Server or the URL Exception?
I personally am thankful for your information. Even if none of the other 1000s of readers out there say anything...
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Glad I could help! I know I broke my head over this one during the first week of me having a WM phone. I figured it out thanks to the Fdc Soft Task Manager using the Netstat utility. It let me know exactly what the network stack of the phone was trying to do and the URL exclussion I just stumbled upon and reading what the page said it lead me to believe that it might be a routing table for configured "WORK" connections. And it worked.
During the past month or two of using my exchange like this and switching around ROMs and cooking my own ones now I've noticed that having TCP Data Reconnect and Transmission Retry settings in your registry set to high will cause Active Sync to take a long ass time for it to actually route communications through the VPN connection. I noticed this after using custom ROMs wich some have these settings increased to ensure communications go through but they raise connection timeouts way to much. On my own custom ROM I've set these to defaults (2 and 4 respectively) and Active Sync only takes about 1 minute to start syncing onces you hit sync while you wait for it to dial the cellular line and the VPN.
you talk about the vpn..
i think you are in the very small percentage of ppl who can get that to work.
i have the activesync set to manual and have tried the vpn type to both IPSec/L2TP and PPTP
w/o success..i always get a UN PW error which i know cant be so..
i set the host ip to what was shown from "whatsmyip"..
searching for quite awhile, i see thousands of ppl who cant get it to work and have
never found a reliable method that works for anyone but the person who posted it.
if you could back track a little and post how to do it, there are probly
thousands of ppl who would find it very useful and really appreciate it.
Well one thing is how to setup a WM device's VPN client to connect to your VPN server and another is actually configuring your VPN server. Do you have a working VPN setup in your corporate network already? This usually is setup by having a static IP assigned to your corporate internet connection and a firewall configured to allow VPN access with all the necessary traffic and authentication routes.
If you don't have a static IP in your office and use a lower cost DSL or Cable connection you aren't SOL, for these types of connections you can use a service like to dynamically upadate your dynamic IP into a static dns name like: for example. This requires you to setup your firewall or ISP modem to communicate with to report the changes. Most firewalls come with this funcionality already built-in, but most of them also call them by different names so you'd have to look up your equipment's documentation on how to report a dynamic dns service.
I would be happy to help you setup your VPN correctly but its more practicall for me to help you setup a checklist on which type of VPN you want to setup (IPSec or PPTP) and what your corporate network's infrastructure looks like and let you know what to look for in google; there is PLENTY of very helpful information on the web on how to setup VPN but first you have to know what you need and how you are going to achieve it and then you'll know what to look for.
Each setup is very particular to the customer's needs and the network infrastructure that is setup and how much security you want to use (IPSec is a naturally secured VPN tunnel protocol while PPTP is not secured by nature but can be secured with a Radius server in your DMZ validating authentication in an encruypted manner to your Active Directory service).
What I posted above will work for an already existing and working PPTP VPN connection wich I already had running for years in my office and I regularly use with my laptop to connect to my exchange server while on the road or at home. What I posted above is what is need to get your WM device to connect to an already functioning PPTP VPN server.
Hope this helps. And if I'm to help you make a checklist I need a lot of information:
Type of ISP (static IP or dynamic IP)
Type/Brand of firewall device
How the devices are connected together (dumb modem or internet router from your ISP to your firewall's WAN port or a full blown router provided by your ISP wich is patched into your firewall's WAN port)
Internal network configuration (both AD and Exchange on same server (SBS) or separated)
What amount of security you are looking for.
Send me some PMs and maybe I could at least point you in the right direction.
nttdemented: I'm doing the PPTP shuffle at the moment, and wanted to pick your brains..
The basic connection is running fine - e.g. when I add as an Exception and go to in Pocket IE the VPN fires up and I see the page just fine.
I've also added '' as an exception, but if I go to that address in PIE, I don't see any network activity (using ethereal/tcpdump) on the 'ppp0' server interface (I use Ubuntu server's pptpd) ...
Can I assume that your Exchange server is hosted on the same machine as your PPTP server? Some MS SBS or similar?
Even if I configure an http proxy (on the IP) I see no activity when I try the address. :/
thanks so much!!
that i didn't find/read about the "exceptions" option in WM before...
Somehow, when i got my phone, i got it to work without this workaround, it just worked, out of the box, no exception setting required. (VPN settings + exchange server location were enough)
But yesterday, from the one moment to the next, it suddenly stopped working.
In my efforts to get it to work again i deleted the exchange settings, but doing that, I deleted all my contacts and my agenda! I was in big trouble because I really needed those , but after reading your post, i got it working again! my phone is synching "as we speak" and i'm very happy!
don't know how it worked before, don't know why it stopped working, all I know is, it's working now!
you made my day
Good to know!
I've since stopped using this method as we got around to publishing our Exchange server with an SSL certificate so I'm actually using SSL enabled ActiveSync push on my phone now.
Excuse me but perhaps you can help me too.
My problem is that I can get/sync my mails using WIFI.
If I connect thru GPRS, y go to send/receive and I get all the mails. If I'm on my office and connect thru WIFI to the work net I also get all the mails from the exchange server.
The problem is when I'm outside my office and connect to other wifi net and try to sync my mails. I have an HTC TOUCH CRUISE with WM 6.1 original from HTC without any flash.
Thanks in advance.
VPN connection doesn't always connect for ActiveSync synchronization?
I have had ActiveSync working with an Exchange server over a PPTP VPN connection for years now, but there has been one nagging issue I can't figure out. For the most part it works, but sometimes when ActiveSync tries to sync it will not make the VPN connection. There is only one connection listed when I tap on the icon on the notification bar - the phone's data connection. So in activesync, the icon with the arrows spins for a while but nothing synchronizes. I think it ends up saying "waiting for network" or something like that. It seems to always work when I manually hit "sync", but sometimes it fails on scheduled synchronizations.
Any idea why this happens sometimes? my brain back...
The exceptions rule has almost fixed mine now. I'm getting mail but not through Activesync (just sits waiting for network).

Setup VPN on HD

I am trying to setup a VPN connection on my HD device.
I have imported the .cer file and installed it. Now when i connect to the internet through lets say wifi, I try to connect to the vpn. It does nothing. I have put the vpn settings correctly. Anybody managed to get vpn connections working on wm6.1 ?
I've had my syncing over the air through my VPN for sometime. Are you trying to sync USB or over the air or both?
I am trying to use the wifi connection
Ok I managed to get connected to the work intranet with vpn connection.
Just a question, Is it possible to download my work emails once connected to the intranet ?
Oulook is set up to connect to an exchange server at work.
Any help would be apperciated.
I was able to read my mails when connected to the intranet through vpn connection using PIE ( webmail). How can I setup outlook to get them directly by connecting to exchange server ? Do I need a 3rd party application ? Any expert around ?
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'll help the best way I can. Your company should have you set up with credentials to log into your VPN, which appears you're able to do. It sounds like your company also has an exchange server wherein you should have an account that stores your emails, contacts, calendar etc... Once logged into the VPN, your phone, if set up through activesync, should check your exchange account for new email. That's the only way I know of to fetch company email and that's the way my company has it set up. If that's the set-up you're familiar with, but are looking for an alternative way to get your company email then I'm not sure at that point, but would love to know if there is.
Xeon said:
I was able to read my mails when connected to the intranet through vpn connection using PIE ( webmail). How can I setup outlook to get them directly by connecting to exchange server ? Do I need a 3rd party application ? Any expert around ?
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If you can log into your VPN correctly, and your company uses exchange, you can set up activesync to check your exchange server account by going into activesync->menu->add server and supplying your email address, username and password, server address etc...then hit sync and let it do its thing. Once you've done that, you will notice an envelope on your TF3D mail tab, which should say outlook on it and have all of your company mail. I hope that helps.
Sean3 said:
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'll help the best way I can. Your company should have you set up with credentials to log into your VPN, which appears you're able to do. It sounds like your company also has an exchange server wherein you should have an account that stores your emails, contacts, calendar etc... Once logged into the VPN, your phone, if set up through activesync, should check your exchange account for new email. That's the only way I know of to fetch company email and that's the way my company has it set up. If that's the set-up you're familiar with, but are looking for an alternative way to get your company email then I'm not sure at that point, but would love to know if there is.
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I am trying to download my work mails using GPRS connection and pocket outlook once connected to the VPN. Any idea how to set that up ? Thank you sean3
Your welcome...what I can do is show you how I did it, and perhaps that might work for you as well. HERE's how I did it through GPRS... And if I go over anything you've already done then please bear with me. I first set up my VPN in settings->connections->connections. I tapped add new VPN and put in all my of my credentials, username, password, host name, ticked PPTP, although your server maybe set up for IPsec/L2TP, certainly make sure which one. Then after putting in username and password and Domain I ticked advanced and ticked the "use server assigned IP address" and also checked Use software compression and use IP header compression. From there I hit finish and got out of setup, which took me back to the page from where I started. At the bottom of that page there is a "tasks" tab and an "Advanced" tab. Click on "advanced" and you should next see "select networks". Click on that and from the drop down box under "Programs that automatically connect to a private network should use:" choose "My Private Network". From there I exited connections and went to settings->connections->"Advanced Networks" and clicked on the GPRS and changed the protocol from "PAP" to "CHAP". My phone wouldn't even try connected to my VPN with PAP checked. After I changed this, my VPN started trying to connect. Ensuring that you've installed your companies certificate, you should be able to connect to your network. Once connected to the VPN, activesync will fetch your email if you have exchange set with activesync on your phone. I was never able to set it up while connected to my computer, for what ever reason I had to configure the server through active snyc on my phone. Once you have done that, hit sync and you should be good to go. Although I had to keep trying to connect my VPN over and over before it finally took.
Thank you again. Do I need to allow pocket pc access on microsoft exchange server ? I have done all the steps you mentioned. Whenever I hit Sync , activesync tells me : server is not reachable. Although i tried to ping the server from my PPC and it comes to be alive replying.And access to the webmail is possible so VPN is working fine. Any more hints ?
First, let's check to make sure you are connected to your VPN over GPRS. When you hit sync look at the status bar at the top of your phone. Press your carrier's connection icon, should be the one next to the battery icon or the speaker icon. A bubble should drop down showing your connections. If you see "My VPN", or if you named it something else, in the bubble then your connected. If your not connected, soft reset and try again. If you are connected then at that it may be a setting issue in active sync. What I did, in activesync, was delete the current partnership with Exchange under menu-options-delete. I then went back and configured the server again, this time checking the SSL box under server address. For whatever reason that worked even though my companies server doesn't require it.
Also, when you configure your server in activesync, you will be be setting up your poocket outlook. when you start configuring the server, the first thing it should ask you is for your email address, and then from there your username password and server info. You do not need to set up your pocket outlook anywhere else, to my knowledge. Once you configure the server with your email info and server info, and you get a successful sync, you should see an envelope in the mail tab on TF3d, and the envelope should say Outlook.
Sean3 said:
First, let's check to make sure you are connected to your VPN over GPRS. When you hit sync look at the status bar at the top of your phone. Press your carrier's connection icon, should be the one next to the battery icon or the speaker icon. A bubble should drop down showing your connections. If you see "My VPN", or if you named it something else, in the bubble then your connected. If your not connected, soft reset and try again. If you are connected then at that it may be a setting issue in active sync. What I did, in activesync, was delete the current partnership with Exchange under menu-options-delete. I then went back and configured the server again, this time checking the SSL box under server address. For whatever reason that worked even though my companies server doesn't require it.
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The bubble indeed tells me that NSN-INTRA ( Nokia Siemens Networks Intranet ) VPN is connected. However I did no try to delete the partnership with activesync yet. I get a red ! on activesync desktop saying Unable to reach the selected server. Note that my laptop did is not on the domain and I have no access to the intranet through it. Thanks for your collaboration.
Indeed, if your laptop is not set up to connect to the vpn then yes it will give you the red error. Essentially your phone is trying to sync with exchange, but it cannot get through via USB on your laptop. Now of course if you set up your laptop to directly connect to your VPN then your phone will sync properly. In this case, however, if you're looking to sync your phone with exchange via GPRS, then disconnect from your laptop. Do the rest on directly from your phone. Click the activesync icon on your phone, go to menu, options and delete any current partnerships. Then go back to menu, add server, and configure your server there. After you've entered all the email and server info, hit sync on your phone and see what happens. You may need to soft reset. That you have a VPN connection is good. Getting that is from I've found to be the hardest part.
Sean3 said:
Indeed, if your laptop is not set up to connect to the vpn then yes it will give you the red error. Essentially your phone is trying to sync with exchange, but it cannot get through via USB on your laptop. Now of course if you set up your laptop to directly connect to your VPN then your phone will sync properly. In this case, however, if you're looking to sync your phone with exchange via GPRS, then disconnect from your laptop. Do the rest on directly from your phone. Click the activesync icon on your phone, go to menu, options and delete any current partnerships. Then go back to menu, add server, and configure your server there. After you've entered all the email and server info, hit sync on your phone and see what happens. You may need to soft reset. That you have a VPN connection is good. Getting that is from I've found to be the hardest part.
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It worked !!! Thank you too much! the trick was to softreset the device. Its been like 5 days I did not reset the device. You see HD is not that buggy Many thanks again.
Excellent! Your welcome!

