Please Help, Caller ID screwy and Need to be fixed on New Ro - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi, I just upgraded to the new ROM and now whenever I get a call the caller ID decides to include two additional 1's in front of the number. I can understand adding one 1 because I live in the US, but the other one? For example for a 203 area code it will show up 1 (120) 302 9355 1....This is a HUGE problem cause it distorts the whole number and the numbers in my phone book don't match. Please help!!! Is there a registry hack or anything I can do?

It's possibly to do with the US international dialing code being +1. When I was in the US there seemed to be no standard way of specifying international numbers (because the US/Canada don't follow the conventions used in the rest of the world) - when I got a call from an international number, it would sometimes show as +447740123456, or sometimes 011447740123456, or even worse, sometimes 0114477401234 (cutting off the last few digits of the number!) - that was for calls from the UK. This seemed to vary by whatever network I was roaming on.
What I do notice though, normally the caller ID works pretty well regardless what junk shows at the start of the number, as long as the last 8 or 9 digits match it tallys it up with the contact number...
Not sure how you can fix your problem, I expect there is a registry value which sets the phone number format for various places in the world, but I dunno what it is. I'm guessing you upgraded a US-based ROM (T-mob/Cingular?) to a European/ROW ROM (i-mate/qtek?)

Actually no, just updated the ROM to universal English, just keeping it simple. I had no problem with this ever, and its frustrating becuase yes it is an international 1 at the beginning but it screws up the area codes, so therefore the wrong number gets called. Since i use this for business and need to store many of the incomming calls in my phonebook its been the biggest hassle and would appreciate anyone that could help on this matter.
Thanks guys. I have cingular.

By European, I meant a Q-tek/i-mate based ROM as opposed to a Cingular/T-Mobile based ROM. Since the most up to date ROMs are Q-tek and i-mate, I assume you updated to one of these (which aren't targetted at the US market). Hence, WWE or not, there would appear to be some setting for the US phone system and the rest of world phone system.


Is the IMEI change only locally relevant on the XDA??

Hi all
I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to the above question.
to explain a bit better:
If i change the IMEI on my XDA it will obviously show up on the phone. What i want to know is will the network see the new of old IMEI. Ie whis is sent out by the phone.
From that i have found out the new service which blocks off stolen phones work that runs in the UK work by the IMEI code of the phone.
How do i make sure i don't change my IMEI to a number that is registered as stolen and in turn block my phone off.
Also again:
If at a later stage my phone does get blocked will changing it back to the original IMEI unblock it?
After all this i'm wondering if i should bother changing the IMEI. Although it would be nice to have my DOB there.
Oops I think I posted this in the rwong place!!
To Adminstrators:
If it is in the wrong place could you move it?
The IMEI is stored in two places: one is displayed, the other is used to send to the network. The Manipulator changes both locations. The chance you'll change your IMEI to one of a stolen phone is small, very small. (It's six digits if you exclude the manufacturer part, so the chance is definitely bigger than getting hit by a meteorite, but still)
We included the IMEI change bit because:
a) We could
b) Privacy concerns: we'd like to live in a world where people can have multiple identities that are hard to connect, even if their opponents happen to run the country / telco.
Thanks for the great answer. As soon as it is possible to change my imei and unblock my phone i'll be doing it. (I have version 4.20 so it don't work yet).
Does anyone know of a web site where it list all the imei that are recognised as stolen or a number i can call in the UK to find out. The local police are useless and don't know anything.
A number to report a stolen phone would be useful as well cos my little sis got her knicked.

Call barring password on T-Mobile US ???

I have T-Moble here in the US and updated my Pocket PC Phone edition rom versio 4.00.16 ENG and noticed they have this call barring feature in the phone settings that lets you bar incoming or aout going calls but to activate you have to enter a call barring password does anyone know what it is.
i never used or tried it, but i was told its the last 4 digits of your social securty # or last 4 of your fone #
I tried both abd it didnt work but thanks for the info
I always thought call barring was done through the sim/service provider password.
T-Mobile also uses 1234 as a default password often.
also try 5678
Thanks again people i will try thpse suggestions today
Where did you find a 4.00.xx update for Tmobile? I just checked their site and they still had the old Nov 2002 3.16 code up there.
If you look at the ROM Update section of this forum you will see we have easy access to various 4.00.xx ROM updates.
SIM PIN 1 & 2
Ok, I had an experience earlier this year where one of my t-mobile phones (not the PPC) wanted "Sim Pin 2" to access a feature. I ended up getting my sim pin blocked and called up t-mo support. After a little bit of "Try to get the information out of the dumb support person" I finally had the person ask me "Well, I could give you PUK1 and PUK2, if you think that would help", I said i thought it might, and she gave me the two keys to the kingdom (Along with what SIM PIN 2 was originally, just a random string of number). The moral: Call T-Mobile, tell them you have a feature that you can't unlock and that you think you've screwed up your phone bigtime. If they ask if you want to send it in, say no, that you think you can fix the problem if they give you these weird PUK numbers or PIN numbers. They'll probably just be happy to get you off the phone, and these might be the numbers you're looking for.
Tmobile has a special plan called the "data-only" plan that automatically blocks all incoming or outgoing calls. However, it still allows emergency dialing (911) and 611 calls... Just call a rep and have them set you up with that plan! Everything costs the same...

New proud user of Qtek s100, with a couple of questions

Hi, I'm new to the whole phone edition thing but i've had my PPCs before.
At the moment I only have one major irritation.
When I recieve calls they are half the time "unknown" that is, I see no caller ID even though i should. When I do get caller IDs they are often wrong. My SIM card is from Denmark but I'm roaming in Belgium. My home number here starts with 0032 2 73 .... but instead my s100 thinks it starts with 0045 2 73... which is the country code for Denmark. Also, I recieved a call from Ireland which normally is +33, but instead it said the number was +40 33. It put the country code for England first. I don't know if its the people i'm roaming under here (i've tried switching between the different operators but it doesn't seem to make a difference).
Got any ideas? Thanks alot.
Also, I've had trouble finding the best way to have alarms. I find it's a problem that the sound level of the alarm depends on what your sound level of the s100 is. So if i forget to put the sound up on it before I go to bed the alarm in the morning might be really low. Got any ideas for that too?
Thanks alot!

Hermes not showing name display

My provider, Fido, offers a service where the name of the caller and telephone number show up. It's called name display. Unfortunately, on the hermes, the name does not show up. I only get the telephone number.
I have used another phone with this service and the service works.
I have been through several roms and they all give the same result. Any clues to what could be going on?
bump bump77
I never knew there was this funtionality from the provider......
Always thought there was a conversion on the phone when there comes a call in. Number recognition is we'll known, name send with the provider I have never heard off.....
Hope someone has an answer for you!
"What is Name Display?
It's a unique service exclusively offered by Fido and Rogers that lets you see on your handset display a caller's NAME and phone number from Fido, Rogers Wireless and landline callers across the nation, even if it isn't entered in your phone book. So you'll always know who's calling you. "
dying to find a solution
I have Hermes from Rogers. I have name display and of course stop working after upgrading to WM6.
just to prevent duplication, please read what I've done so far at the following link:
I don't have enought info or experience. Can anybody help? Work together or direction whatever...
This cannot be impossible. I don't think HTC developed a driver only for Rogers.

Strange Caller ID Problem

I have recently updated my T-Mobile Touch Plus to the official 6.1 Rom and since doing so have a funny problem when receiving a call, the callers number isnt displayed even when they are in my contacts.
The device doesnt seem capable of realizing that numbers that start +447 are the same as 07, one fix would be to update all my contacts phone numbers and remove the international dialing part but my SMS messaging would then not work as at present it displays the names correctly.
Has anyone got a fix for this?
I've had this problem for a couple of weeks since T-Mob updated mine and I agree, it seems to be related to the international format of numbers.
I have emailed T-Mob customer services to see if they can do anything and if I hear anything back, I will post here.
In the meantime, I was thinking of having a poke around the registry
I'll keep you updated
Problem Solved
a bit of googling today and I have found the solution it is due to a registry setting that (on my device) was trying to match 12 digits of the number, for the UK this needs to be changed to 10.
here is the link:
Nice one - but I don't really want it fixing - I want T-Mobile to admit defeat and swap it for a G1 for me
Failing that, I will put it in place though ;-)
I knew it would be something like that
Just got a used T-Mobile MDA Touch Plus and it was running the original WM6 so I updated it via T-Mobile UKs site to WM6.1 and since then I've developed the missing name problem on my texts.
I've tried changing the callerID thread in the registry and it's done nothing.

