New proud user of Qtek s100, with a couple of questions - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi, I'm new to the whole phone edition thing but i've had my PPCs before.
At the moment I only have one major irritation.
When I recieve calls they are half the time "unknown" that is, I see no caller ID even though i should. When I do get caller IDs they are often wrong. My SIM card is from Denmark but I'm roaming in Belgium. My home number here starts with 0032 2 73 .... but instead my s100 thinks it starts with 0045 2 73... which is the country code for Denmark. Also, I recieved a call from Ireland which normally is +33, but instead it said the number was +40 33. It put the country code for England first. I don't know if its the people i'm roaming under here (i've tried switching between the different operators but it doesn't seem to make a difference).
Got any ideas? Thanks alot.
Also, I've had trouble finding the best way to have alarms. I find it's a problem that the sound level of the alarm depends on what your sound level of the s100 is. So if i forget to put the sound up on it before I go to bed the alarm in the morning might be really low. Got any ideas for that too?
Thanks alot!


Please Help, Caller ID screwy and Need to be fixed on New Ro

Hi, I just upgraded to the new ROM and now whenever I get a call the caller ID decides to include two additional 1's in front of the number. I can understand adding one 1 because I live in the US, but the other one? For example for a 203 area code it will show up 1 (120) 302 9355 1....This is a HUGE problem cause it distorts the whole number and the numbers in my phone book don't match. Please help!!! Is there a registry hack or anything I can do?
It's possibly to do with the US international dialing code being +1. When I was in the US there seemed to be no standard way of specifying international numbers (because the US/Canada don't follow the conventions used in the rest of the world) - when I got a call from an international number, it would sometimes show as +447740123456, or sometimes 011447740123456, or even worse, sometimes 0114477401234 (cutting off the last few digits of the number!) - that was for calls from the UK. This seemed to vary by whatever network I was roaming on.
What I do notice though, normally the caller ID works pretty well regardless what junk shows at the start of the number, as long as the last 8 or 9 digits match it tallys it up with the contact number...
Not sure how you can fix your problem, I expect there is a registry value which sets the phone number format for various places in the world, but I dunno what it is. I'm guessing you upgraded a US-based ROM (T-mob/Cingular?) to a European/ROW ROM (i-mate/qtek?)
Actually no, just updated the ROM to universal English, just keeping it simple. I had no problem with this ever, and its frustrating becuase yes it is an international 1 at the beginning but it screws up the area codes, so therefore the wrong number gets called. Since i use this for business and need to store many of the incomming calls in my phonebook its been the biggest hassle and would appreciate anyone that could help on this matter.
Thanks guys. I have cingular.
By European, I meant a Q-tek/i-mate based ROM as opposed to a Cingular/T-Mobile based ROM. Since the most up to date ROMs are Q-tek and i-mate, I assume you updated to one of these (which aren't targetted at the US market). Hence, WWE or not, there would appear to be some setting for the US phone system and the rest of world phone system.

Voice Command

Hi guys,
I've just got Voice Command 1.6 US version, and found it works fine with a English accent.
I've been experimenting with my native Mancunian accent as well, and I can make it quite broad without it getting confused!
i have one question though, is it to be installed in device or one can install in sd storage card.
i tried but no.
you have to install to main memory. i don't know about an unlocked extrom tho.
anybody know if this is still limited to the US buyers?
I tried in the past with all sorts of tricks and lies trying to buy it, but t would not let me purchase it as I was in the wrong region.
I have 1.5 which worked fine, but would like 1.6 if its available. I am not opposed to buying it, but it simply wouldnt let me before. I even looked up an address in the US and lied about my location, but no go. Seems to detect my IP address and says no way dude, if your on the bottom of the earth you can kiss my ass.... !!!
UK version has been released
Got a German 1.6 Version and I have following problem:
At an unknown phone caller ID the ringtone will stop after 1 ring and the thats all.
Has someone the same bug?
Yes, same problem here using v1.6 (UK). The phone rings once, then (presumably) VC kicks in, gets confused, and you hear no more. Disable "announce incoming calls" and you get all the rings back with an unknown caller.

Late SMS reception

Hey, Hi, I'm new here and I just bought the HTC P3600. I'm wondering what's up with it because I am receiving some SMS way after they are sent, example, I receive a sms at 4pm and the message shows time of reception is 3:30pm... things like that. It can be delayed like 30 minutes or just 2, I don't know if its the Smartphone or anything else.
Anyway, I'll upgraded to Windows Mobile 6, and sometimes it gets really slow, what could be the reason?
Thank you for your time.
Pacman15 said:
Hey, Hi, I'm new here and I just bought the HTC P3600. I'm wondering what's up with it because I am receiving some SMS way after they are sent, example, I receive a sms at 4pm and the message shows time of reception is 3:30pm... things like that. It can be delayed like 30 minutes or just 2, I don't know if its the Smartphone or anything else.
Anyway, I'll upgraded to Windows Mobile 6, and sometimes it gets really slow, what could be the reason?
Thank you for your time.
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It could be many things. I have a P3600 and have not met the problem you described. Are you in a well covered signal area? Because if signal is bad, service center may be trying to deliver the message to you and if it can't, tries a bit later.
As for WM6, it depends on the programs you are using and of the memory you have left (check settings, system, memory and look for running programs and free RAM).
Yeah, I have good reception.... Yeah I'll check that, thanks.
could that be an operator issue? did you try sims from other operators?
Yes it could be... no I haven't.. I'll give it a try...
me the same ploblem
Hi pacman 15 ,
I have exact the same problem .
there just arrived a sms from yesterday, when I open my text messages.
The sms sometimes only comes in when I open Text Messages sometimes directly .
I think the program is the problem and and not the provider.
If anyone has the same problem or solution pls .
Perhaps its the Radio version?
The ROM for me is 1.23.405.2
I didn't put wm6 on it yet , to scared to screw up.
there been issues with some operators being lazy when it comes to passing on sms's to other operators
though i only heard about it some years agoe here so i asume
somebody threw the book at them to make them get their act together
that's exactly my problem I don't know what to do to fix it... so from time to time I enter the messages to see if I receive one... :s
Same problem here. Have you found a solution?
its definitely the telephone networks and not your phone. especially during holidays when they get flooded with sms.
Same problem here but I really think it has to do with the phone/rom.
Never seen this problem when using Nokia phones for 5 years.
aburman said:
Same problem here but I really think it has to do with the phone/rom.
Never seen this problem when using Nokia phones for 5 years.
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Think so. My phone doesn't ring when i receive an sms but it starts to when i go into sms page...
Should i try to flash a new rom and radio? have original htc rom (wm 5) and radio
I don't think that will help since I've seen this with several different WM6-roms.
That's the problem: some sms arrive just when i go into sms page.So I receive 2 o 3 messages in one time...
But this does't happen every time, so i can't bring it back to shop.
I bought a new phone to use it with tom tom, internet explorer, etc but now i can't receive sms
I agree, this really sucks.
I'm a volunteer firefighter and recieve the alarms as sms,
not very good if I get the alarms 1 hour too late...
aburman said:
I agree, this really sucks.
I'm a volunteer firefighter and recieve the alarms as sms,
not very good if I get the alarms 1 hour too late...
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Not very good at all...
It seems to be a common problem... I wrote to HTC support 3 days ago, still no answer... Anyway i'll post here the answer.
Please write to htc and if anyone has the solution... post here.
Ive got the same thing, as does my gf (who hasnt got windows mobile based phone).
We are both on orange uk
If you post what network you are on, I wonder if they will all be the same...
I'm on Vodafone Italia, but i had no problem with my old phone.
I changed my sim, seems ok now...
Elisa, Finland here.
Trust me, it's not a network issue here.
No solution to this?
Vodafone Portugal, but I think it is a phone problem since I've had this problem since some years ago and only with this device. The same SIM on another phone (for example and HD2) works fine.

Please help - receiving phone calls

I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
Just tonight I was running call tests on my unit, and I see the same 2-ring delay. Doesn't matter if its asleep or fully on. I still have plenty of time to answer before voicemail kicks in. That delay is dictated by your carrier.
What sim card are you running? Do you know? Is there any way the check if you have the 64k or the 128k? I found some threads not related specifically to the X7501 but to the HTC hermes, that if you have the 64k sim card and an HTC hermes you might get some communication troubles, but that thread was pretty old and I'm sure HTC fixed that issue already.
Anyhow, hard reset doesn't solve this problem, and I do not even know how to begin addressing this issue.
Try some or all of the following:
Make sure your ringtone is in the Windows folder, or the ringtones folder.
Try a .wav ringtone (yes, i prefer mp3 too - wavs are too big) has a disable 3 second delay option - there is probably a registry key somewhere.
marek101 said:
I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
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which radio version are u using sometimes it is releated to the radio version and upgrading or downgrading to another rdio helps the problem. missing calls are mostly releated to radio version of devices.
I have not flashed this unit at all, and the default ringtone is there and yes I tried changing it too.
I'm begging to suspect that this might be a sim card issue. I'm using SM-32 from fido, is there one that is sm-64 or 128? google search did not reveal much..
i use phonealarm software with my athena, and i have the next issue:
if i active phonealarm, the phone sounds after the second or third ring,
but if i deactive phonealarm, the phone sounds just after the first rings.
use you PA soft?
note: i have tested and obtained the same results storing the rings at the
storage card, microdrive or programs memory. the problem is PA !!
next probe:: enable PA but set to "System" the "ring" and "ring type" parameters
at the all profiles. the result is fine: plays the configured sounds after the
first ring [i use mp3]
Is PhoneAlarm software enabled by default? I can not seem to be able to locate this anywhere on the phone?
Plus I got a little bit further with Fido, I have disabled my voicemail and now the phone rings after the second ring. Does this make any sense to anyone ?
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
Just need to call your carrier and have them increase the ring count before voicemail picks up. Tonight at dinner my mother complained about this on her phone - it would go to vm after 3 rings. She called cust service and upped it to 6 rings. Problem solved.
marek101 said:
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
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is the solution at the palonek web ?? i don't not !!

Calls to this number are barred

If this question has been answered before I’m sorry I’ve had a search but can’t find anything.
I’ve using a HTC Touch which was on Orange, I’ve unlocked it and now use Virgin.
The problem is when I try to get my voice mail all I get is the message “calls to this number are barred”. This is annoying as this is one of the reason I prefer Virgin you don’t get charged for them.
Is this a normal thing when you unlock a phone from Orange or is there something staring me in the face that I have missed.
Can anyone help please?
it may still be calling the orange voicemail by the sounds of it, check the voicemail number
i moved from orange to Vodafone and then to O2, and have never had that problem,
I just had this problem moving to a SonyEricsson Xperia X1 on Virgin Mobile UK.
My voicemail access number was +44-051-<mynumber>.
Turns out that the phone dialer was taking out the '0' from the dialing string and I'd get the "calls to this number are barred" message.
After trying a whole bunch of different ROMS and spending quite some time on the phone to the Virgin support staff, I was nowhere. Eventual solution was to add an extra 0 and dialling +44-0051-<mynumber> - the phone dialer only takes out one '0'.
Hope this helps some other frustrated soul.

