Voice Command - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi guys,
I've just got Voice Command 1.6 US version, and found it works fine with a English accent.
I've been experimenting with my native Mancunian accent as well, and I can make it quite broad without it getting confused!

i have one question though, is it to be installed in device or one can install in sd storage card.

i tried but no.
you have to install to main memory. i don't know about an unlocked extrom tho.

anybody know if this is still limited to the US buyers?
I tried in the past with all sorts of tricks and lies trying to buy it, but t would not let me purchase it as I was in the wrong region.
I have 1.5 which worked fine, but would like 1.6 if its available. I am not opposed to buying it, but it simply wouldnt let me before. I even looked up an address in the US and lied about my location, but no go. Seems to detect my IP address and says no way dude, if your on the bottom of the earth you can kiss my ass.... !!!

UK version has been released

Got a German 1.6 Version and I have following problem:
At an unknown phone caller ID the ringtone will stop after 1 ring and the thats all.
Has someone the same bug?

Yes, same problem here using v1.6 (UK). The phone rings once, then (presumably) VC kicks in, gets confused, and you hear no more. Disable "announce incoming calls" and you get all the rings back with an unknown caller.


New proud user of Qtek s100, with a couple of questions

Hi, I'm new to the whole phone edition thing but i've had my PPCs before.
At the moment I only have one major irritation.
When I recieve calls they are half the time "unknown" that is, I see no caller ID even though i should. When I do get caller IDs they are often wrong. My SIM card is from Denmark but I'm roaming in Belgium. My home number here starts with 0032 2 73 .... but instead my s100 thinks it starts with 0045 2 73... which is the country code for Denmark. Also, I recieved a call from Ireland which normally is +33, but instead it said the number was +40 33. It put the country code for England first. I don't know if its the people i'm roaming under here (i've tried switching between the different operators but it doesn't seem to make a difference).
Got any ideas? Thanks alot.
Also, I've had trouble finding the best way to have alarms. I find it's a problem that the sound level of the alarm depends on what your sound level of the s100 is. So if i forget to put the sound up on it before I go to bed the alarm in the morning might be really low. Got any ideas for that too?
Thanks alot!

Please help - receiving phone calls

I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
Just tonight I was running call tests on my unit, and I see the same 2-ring delay. Doesn't matter if its asleep or fully on. I still have plenty of time to answer before voicemail kicks in. That delay is dictated by your carrier.
What sim card are you running? Do you know? Is there any way the check if you have the 64k or the 128k? I found some threads not related specifically to the X7501 but to the HTC hermes, that if you have the 64k sim card and an HTC hermes you might get some communication troubles, but that thread was pretty old and I'm sure HTC fixed that issue already.
Anyhow, hard reset doesn't solve this problem, and I do not even know how to begin addressing this issue.
Try some or all of the following:
Make sure your ringtone is in the Windows folder, or the ringtones folder.
Try a .wav ringtone (yes, i prefer mp3 too - wavs are too big)
Tweaks2k2.net has a disable 3 second delay option - there is probably a registry key somewhere.
marek101 said:
I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
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which radio version are u using sometimes it is releated to the radio version and upgrading or downgrading to another rdio helps the problem. missing calls are mostly releated to radio version of devices.
I have not flashed this unit at all, and the default ringtone is there and yes I tried changing it too.
I'm begging to suspect that this might be a sim card issue. I'm using SM-32 from fido, is there one that is sm-64 or 128? google search did not reveal much..
i use phonealarm software with my athena, and i have the next issue:
if i active phonealarm, the phone sounds after the second or third ring,
but if i deactive phonealarm, the phone sounds just after the first rings.
use you PA soft?
note: i have tested and obtained the same results storing the rings at the
storage card, microdrive or programs memory. the problem is PA !!
next probe:: enable PA but set to "System" the "ring" and "ring type" parameters
at the all profiles. the result is fine: plays the configured sounds after the
first ring [i use mp3]
Is PhoneAlarm software enabled by default? I can not seem to be able to locate this anywhere on the phone?
Plus I got a little bit further with Fido, I have disabled my voicemail and now the phone rings after the second ring. Does this make any sense to anyone ?
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
Just need to call your carrier and have them increase the ring count before voicemail picks up. Tonight at dinner my mother complained about this on her phone - it would go to vm after 3 rings. She called cust service and upped it to 6 rings. Problem solved.
marek101 said:
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
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is the solution at the palonek web ?? i don't not !!

Problem with MultiSIM and HTC Shift

Some days ago I received my HTC Shift and I am very satisfied!
Unfortunately there is one strange Problem:
I am using a MultiSIM by T-Mobile, that means I have one number for multiple devices.
If the HTC Shift would make phone calls and someone calls me, the shift and my MDA Vario III would be ringing.
When I activate the Modem in my Shift it seems the Shift receives phone calls and then denies them! So nobody can call me when I am using my shift, since all calls are directed to my mailbox
Has anyone of you an idea what can I do?
(btw: I unlocked my Shift already to full WM6 )
The shift doesnt support phone calls...even if you have on sim card it wont ring
Use it for its gprs/edge/3g and sms sending n receiving
rdosti said:
The shift doesnt support phone calls...even if you have on sim card it wont ring
Use it for its gprs/edge/3g and sms sending n receiving
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thats exactly what I like to use the shift for. I am not interested in making phone calls with it.
But the Shift is blocking calls, which should also arrive on my mobile phone...
I think HTC has made this blocking to avoid connection problems when somebody tries to calls the shift (which is not supported).
Is this right?
Might work?
I don't know for sure about T-Mobile. I am using a similar service (they call it "FlexiCard") from E-Plus. They have a function that allows you to designate one of your SIM cards as the primary card. This is the card that will receive calls (and SMS) first, only if this card is not active (phone turned off) or busy a call or SMS will be routed to the other card.
However, there seems to be a service difference between T-Mobile and E-Plus: I have the SIM card in my Shift still designated as the "primary" card. If the modem is turned on, this is interpreted by E-Plus as "busy", so calls go to my phone (which holds the "secondary" card). If the modem is turned off, the SIM card in my Shift is obviously inactive and not visible to the mobile network. So the only reason for me to switch "primary" vs. "secondary" would be to continue receiving SMS messages on my phone rather than the Shift. Unfortunately, for SMS E-Plus does not bother whether the "primary" card is active / busy or not, SMS always go to that card (understandable when you look at how SMS works on mobile networks).
If you don't find any information about switching primary/secondary card in your documentation that came with the card I suggest contacting the T-Mobile hotline. They should be able to tell you whether this functionality is available with your "MultiSIM" and how to switch "primary" between the cards.
Thank you mw65719 four your tip.
I just phoned with T-Mobile support.
They don't support it like Eplus to switch between SIMCards.
It is just possible to define a primary card for SMS service, not for phone calls. Whenever someone calls me both phones are ringing.
So I will have to buy a new contract with T-Mobile just for data transfer, which is more expensive than the combination of phone/data contract.
I have the same issue with the MultiSIM from t-mobile. Both phones (the other one is a Touch) are ringing, after the first ring a line-busy message is generated.
Seems that the Shift in canceling the incoming call after the first ring.
Does anyone has an idea to solve this problem instead of splitting the MultiSIM into two separate contracts?
Have just opened a suuport case at HTC Europe concering this issue. Seems to be a German (and t-mobile) specific problem.....
speech service ?!
gsiakoe said:
Seems that the Shift in canceling the incoming call after the first ring.
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find out how the call canceled
a: is it the 3g modem that set the networkstatus to -> data service only
b: or a apllication that will call canceled - reason busy
see here what i mean
I think it's part of the WinMo/SnapVue side.
Vista enables a lan connection with WinMo for internet.
So there could be settings in the registry to enable/disable this busy status.
I try to find somethin, but unfortunately i'm not a pro like others here in the Board.
Where are you folks, on Planet Mars, everyone and all documents I read say that the Shift cannot support phone calls???????
alexn2 said:
Where are you folks, on Planet Mars, everyone and all documents I read say that the Shift cannot support phone calls???????
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it can be made to recieve them though. we all say Bengalboy's pics. about the phone calls being blocked. that does suck. i guess we have to wait till the phone side is re activated.
Idea how to activate phone pad
Pawel062 said:
it can be made to recieve them though. we all say Bengalboy's pics. about the phone calls being blocked. that does suck. i guess we have to wait till the phone side is re activated.
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I had some phone calls with T-Mobile Business support and they told me a trick how to activate the phone function, but I dont get this to work.
What I have to do is the following:
1. Download and install a hyper terminal application on Windows mobile (I found http://www.cambridgevx.com (Server seems to be down at the moment))
2. Open a direct connection to the modem
3. Enter the following commands:
3a: AT_odo?
(this should show 1 which means speech is deactivated
3b: AT_odo=0
(speech is beeing activated)
4. Reset Windows Mobile and the phone should be activated
I was told this is known to work on some data modems and should work on the HTC Shift too.
But always I try setp 2 I get an error "cannot open data connection"
Has anyone an idea?
Irgendware said:
I had some phone calls with T-Mobile Business support and they told me a trick how to activate the phone function, but I dont get this to work.
What I have to do is the following:
1. Download and install a hyper terminal application on Windows mobile (I found http://www.cambridgevx.com (Server seems to be down at the moment))
2. Open a direct connection to the modem
3. Enter the following commands:
3a: AT_odo?
(this should show 1 which means speech is deactivated
3b: AT_odo=0
(speech is beeing activated)
4. Reset Windows Mobile and the phone should be activated
I was told this is known to work on some data modems and should work on the HTC Shift too.
But always I try setp 2 I get an error "cannot open data connection"
Has anyone an idea?
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problem there is no phone pad aka dial pad in production models as far as i know. so even if u can re enable it u wont have any images etc... it'll most likely require a custom rom or if we get lucky a cab.
Pawel062 said:
problem there is no phone pad aka dial pad in production models as far as i know. so even if u can re enable it u wont have any images etc... it'll most likely require a custom rom or if we get lucky a cab.
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I am not interested in using the phone pad.
I like to solve the busy line problem (read some posts above). When activating the speech on modem side, this would be solve and I could use my Shift with my MultiSIM-Card
Irgendware said:
I had some phone calls with T-Mobile Business support and they told me a trick how to activate the phone function, but I dont get this to work.
What I have to do is the following:
1. Download and install a hyper terminal application on Windows mobile (I found http://www.cambridgevx.com (Server seems to be down at the moment))
2. Open a direct connection to the modem
3. Enter the following commands:
3a: AT_odo?
(this should show 1 which means speech is deactivated
3b: AT_odo=0
(speech is beeing activated)
4. Reset Windows Mobile and the phone should be activated
I was told this is known to work on some data modems and should work on the HTC Shift too.
But always I try setp 2 I get an error "cannot open data connection"
Has anyone an idea?
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souds interesting ! .. have you try some scenarios ? with 3G enabled, with 3G disabled, with wifi enabled, with wifi disabled ... etc ?
I can't try myself.. but as there are data connection through 3G.. I think that it is possible to find a solution to the step 2 !
Anybody found a solution for this?
Getting my shift soon, and im going for a twin sim solution. would suck if i cant get phone calls on my kaiser cos the shift is on in snap vue mode and rejects the calls.
I am experiencing the same Problem with my Shift.
It is crazy, because my Mobile rings a halt time, then the Shift rejects the call. Afterwards, I have to call back.
The problem should be able to solve, but you have, anyhow, to tell the shifts modem not to reject voice calls. Still, I do not know how to tell the modem
Has anyone resolved this issue? I'm a new MultiSIM user, and the idea of not having any internet with my shift is ****ing me off (that would make it as useful as a brick ).
Any resolution is appreciated.
HI @ all, i don´t know, if you fixed that problem.
I´m a multi SIm user too. With the original Radio Version (shipped with german SHIFT) the same problem. After that, i update the radio Version to the Phone edition radio Version:
(but here always my WinCE Side was really slow??) so I Downgrade back the phone edition and ce OS version 5.2.1620 (I00 ROm I think)
And now, Phone is working, and never the Multisim usage hangs up.
I don´t know why, i play every 1 month with Shift and upgrade, downgrade something, then the most time shift is not in use, so i don´t make a history what happend...
But with the new radio Version it will work.
maybe this rom work too:
Cmonex posted another radio for backup. This radio is for original rom (ie all other roms from the forum). Look for the link on page 5, or here
http://rapidshare.com/files/20211808...ift1582123.zip <- this is not for the phone or for this rom
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=7...e6ba49b5870170
Irgendware said:
Some days ago I received my HTC Shift and I am very satisfied!
Unfortunately there is one strange Problem:
I am using a MultiSIM by T-Mobile, that means I have one number for multiple devices.
If the HTC Shift would make phone calls and someone calls me, the shift and my MDA Vario III would be ringing.
When I activate the Modem in my Shift it seems the Shift receives phone calls and then denies them! So nobody can call me when I am using my shift, since all calls are directed to my mailbox
Has anyone of you an idea what can I do?
(btw: I unlocked my Shift already to full WM6 )
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it happens with all multiple sims when you have all the devices activated!!!...
when you have multiple sims and you have all the devices open...
which device should accept the call ??
it does not work as douplex land line... not all of your mobile devices should ring at the same time ... obviously the one that was opened first and got the signal from your provider should get the line...
the twin sim solution works fine with me ... plus unlimited internet access from phone and the shift...
BUT one device open at a time ...

Strange Caller ID Problem

I have recently updated my T-Mobile Touch Plus to the official 6.1 Rom and since doing so have a funny problem when receiving a call, the callers number isnt displayed even when they are in my contacts.
The device doesnt seem capable of realizing that numbers that start +447 are the same as 07, one fix would be to update all my contacts phone numbers and remove the international dialing part but my SMS messaging would then not work as at present it displays the names correctly.
Has anyone got a fix for this?
I've had this problem for a couple of weeks since T-Mob updated mine and I agree, it seems to be related to the international format of numbers.
I have emailed T-Mob customer services to see if they can do anything and if I hear anything back, I will post here.
In the meantime, I was thinking of having a poke around the registry
I'll keep you updated
Problem Solved
a bit of googling today and I have found the solution it is due to a registry setting that (on my device) was trying to match 12 digits of the number, for the UK this needs to be changed to 10.
here is the link:
Nice one - but I don't really want it fixing - I want T-Mobile to admit defeat and swap it for a G1 for me
Failing that, I will put it in place though ;-)
I knew it would be something like that
Just got a used T-Mobile MDA Touch Plus and it was running the original WM6 so I updated it via T-Mobile UKs site to WM6.1 and since then I've developed the missing name problem on my texts.
I've tried changing the callerID thread in the registry and it's done nothing.

HP Ipaq hw6940/6945 freezing? How to install another OS ?

I own HP Ipaq hw6940/6945 Mobile Messenger, without SIM card phone works just fine, but when I put the SIM card in, in a few minutes system start to freeze, programs won’t open, calling or even entering the messages menu isn’t possible. I also did a soft and hard reset, but no effect. The only thing I can do when freezing is a soft reset, and when it reboots, it freeze again, then I do reset again, and so on. How to fix this problem?? Or at least does anyone know how to install another operating system (Windows Mobile 5 is idle) ??
Please help !
C'mon, is it possible that nobody here knows how to install new operating system ? I need help big time ! If this thread was already posted by someone else, please post a link.
Have you tried the HP ROM update?
I don't think you will find another OS for the 64X5 here... Search the forum and you'll see that... You can try to burn the official ROM update. Below is the link for the English language, but you have others available too...
Good luck.
if u r looking 4 rom update of the 6900 please first read "no gsm" posts regarding this device
why do u think update will help?
have u checked different sim? (also 1 form different cellular company )
have u tried cleaning your sim?
have u checked the sim location if it is ok?
have u tried HR?
(testing with no apps)
your device is sim free?
have u tried different regional settings ?
are u using 3g sim?
if u r looking 4 rom update of the 6900 please first read "no gsm" posts regarding this device
are u using 3g sim?
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Hi there,
When I switched from T-Mobile to AT&T, I suddenly got a terrible noise in my 6945's phone calls, and the caller volume is much lower (too quiet now )
Would a 3G SIM cause this problem? I didn't have a 3G SIM card before this. AT&T doesn't offer 2G SIM cards, but I could check on eBay or something if you think this may be the problem.
H-fox: Have you tried a different battery, or running on a charger to see if the battery might be the problem?
shep2112 said:
Hi there,
When I switched from T-Mobile to AT&T, I suddenly got a terrible noise in my 6945's phone calls, and the caller volume is much lower (too quiet now )
Would a 3G SIM cause this problem? I didn't have a 3G SIM card before this. AT&T doesn't offer 2G SIM cards, but I could check on eBay or something if you think this may be the problem.
H-fox: Have you tried a different battery, or running on a charger to see if the battery might be the problem?
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backup your device then HR and check if it is ok
im usingsim from israel 2g and 3g with no issues but i know on some sim there are issues so cannot say...
backup your device then HR and check if it is ok
im usingsim from israel 2g and 3g with no issues but i know on some sim there are issues so cannot say...
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I've hard reset it 3 times since switching to AT&T, no change.
Also could it be from using an after-market battery? I had no problems on T-Mobile with the battery though. I no longer have the original battery.
i know there are issues on the 6900 when using unorig battery but what i have seen was radio issues like wifi or device "sleeps" (need sr 2 wake up)
have u tried 2 set volume 2 max during a call?
make a phone call and during that call setting the volume?
do u use profile app? (have u tried after the hr or first u installed things)
can u try different region setting like from english us 2 uk (not setting the time )
I haven't reinstalled anything yet. It doesn't seem to matter if there's software installed or not though. Actually, I have reinstalled Flexmail, but that's all.
I've turned the in-call volume up all the way, but it's a combination of static in the phone (sometimes I hear it, sometimes the other end hears it, sometimes we both do), and weak volume level.
It really makes me hate my phone now, and I really don't like calling people, because of the embarrassing noise, and because I have to ask them to repeat themselves often.
I will try to find a 2G SIM card locally or on eBay or something, to see if that helps. This is really terrible though. The phone was perfect on T-Mobile (well aside from the annoying things HP won't admit it that it does), but as soon as I switched over to AT&T, it became terrible.
btw-have u tried this one?
Thanks for the reminder on those.
I tried to run all 3. The GSM and DST fixes installed without problems.
The ROM update gave me the error that it's not compatible with my IPAQ.
This Update: SKU ID FA743AA#ABA | FA754AA#ABA
Your Device: SKU ID fa745a-aaba
The letters are all the same, the difference is the capitalization and the position of the # and - characters.
I don't know if it matters that I'm running Windows 7 64 bit with Sync Center. I have a Win XP laptop I could setup a partnership on if you think that makes a difference?
HP Asset Viewer says:
Product Revision Level 1.0
ROM Date 08/21/06
ROM Revision: 1.48NA.00 ENG
Extended ROM Version N/A
OS Version Windows CE 5.1
Bootloader Version G.39
XIP Version
The HP page mentions that it works for 1.48 and 1.60 versions. Isn't 1.48 the newest version?
Thanks for your help
this update is GSM Radio Firmware Update (Radio- phone,wifi,bt on some devices also gps )
use only xp os!!!
(no 1 told hp there are os like vista and win7 , lots of updates gone bad due 2...)
FA743A or FA754A are not fa745a
check with hp support may be they have one 4 your device id
u can also try this one but as i told u use only XP&AS
check my PM
good luck

