CE STAR 2.8R1a for WM5 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

CE STAR 2.8R1a
for S/T chinese reading and writing

So what's the purpose of this post?
Free advertising? Or illegal reg key request?


ril.h and MS Mobile Edition 2003

from this link ( http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=RIL )
I see that ril.h ( http://wiki.xda-developers.com/uploads/ril.h ) was created from the information gleaned by analyzing the patent application linked to from that page.
"... At the European Patent Office, a patent application was discovered. In this application a detailed description of the RIL API was found. The description is detailed enough to create a working API from. ..."
does this mean that the ril.h available here ( http://wiki.xda-developers.com/uploads/ril.h ) has the same function prototypes as the RIL API in MS Windows Mobile Edition 2003 ?
I don't have a phone to test with or I would try myself.
Can I create an app that calls these functions ( like tsril.exe ) and it will work for an off the shelf Microsoft smartphone as opposed to a HTC phone?
apologies if my language is incorrect as I am new to HTC phones, xda-dev, and smartphones in general.
any relevant information is greatly appreciated
This ril.h seems to be taken somewhere from Microsoft SDKs. I think it can be used on all MS devices. But you should test this yourself.
thanks for the info...
now to find a phone for testing.

tmobile mda

can someone please post a link to windows mobile 5.0 registry editor?
Two remarks:
Use a logical subject to get people to read your question. "tmobile mda" is NOT your question. In fact, your question is about a general WM5 subject, i.e. a registry editor. So "registry editor for WM5" would be a much better title, and people would know about your problem, merely by reading the title.
When you enter "windows mobile 5.0 registry editor" in Google, you''l get several useable links in the result list. It really isn't very hard Total Commander also has a built-in registry editor, which is quite sufficient for most tasks.

Accessing the registry through VB or C# ?

Yeah I know... Nobody likes a newbie, but I hope we've all been at my state...
Can anyone tell me how to access the registry from my program ?
I've tried searching msdn, but seriously this doesn't help me.
What am I missing and what do I need to include ?
I'm not new to VB or C#, but I'm used to using it for different purposes.
Oh, one last question : Is there a good reference overview out there anywhere (for beginners in mobile development ?)
Thanking you for your help up front.
Try total commander: http://www.ghisler.com/ce.htm and then check the wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/ for registry hacks
no difference between windows .net and compact famework when it comes to most things

Hi all newby here with a few questions

I've been lurking and reading the posts and I'm very impressed with the level of knowledge, willingness to help and general friendliness so I thought it's about time I said hello
I recently got an O2 XDA Exec with Rom 1.30.107 WWE, Rom Date 04/11/06, Radio 1.09.00, Protocol 42.42.P8, ExtRom 1.30.162 WWE
I set it up with minimal branding so there's only a little O2 stuff in there and I've not added any applications, generally I'm very happy with it
however basically it's a small PC or pda with a phone built in and among other things I'm a programmer (years out of practice but it still counts honest! ) I've had a trawl through the forum and can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for so I guess my first couple of questions are these
what tools do I need to write applications for this beastie ?
can the visual studio express suite thats free from M$ be used and if so has anyone else managed it ?
also as it's a windows system it's got a registry soooo....
can anyone recommend a good registry edit tool so I can have a look through the settings ?
and is there a list of registry tweaks anywhere (I'd like to stop the IE key going to pda.o2.co.uk and send it to my home page for a start)
needless to say I am not desperately rich so freeware is preferable to anything I have to pay for, but if I have to pay for something then it will recieve serious consideration
thank you in advance
Official info from Microsoft regarding development http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/developers/default.mspx
As for registry editing, one is as good as another in most cases. Personally I use Tascal Registry Editor http://www2r.biglobe.ne.jp/~tascal/download/pocketpc/tre.htm
And there's some good freeware here http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php but there are many more sites out there.
I'm using embedded visual c to do the job. other than me having difficulty getting hang of the GUI language (I came from DOS based C and Java), seems alright. It suppose the WM2003 SDK but doesn't seems to support the WM5 SDK.
ok thanks for the response so far
looks like I need visual studio 2005 if I want to write any apps according to Microsoft specially if I want to use the WM5 SDK although I've caught a reference to something called Pelles C from http://www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc/ which is donationware i.e. free but they would like a donation and probably doesn't support the SDK but free is free
I'll check out the TRE registy editor too
thanks so far guys please keep 'em coming
YE GODS! VS2005 Basic costs more than I paid for the XDA !
I think I'm going to look a bit harder at this Pelles C doubrey
thank you AlanJC the registry editor works perfectly
modified HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\OEM\KEYBD\PieHomePage to my home page URL closed TRE and hit the IE button and lo and behold it went to my home page I am now officially a happy bunny
it would have been easier if TRE had a search function but again free is free so not complaining here

How to read Regestry key in VB

I am trying to make make a simple program in Visual Studio 2008 (VB) for Windows mobile 6 and cant find a clear example of how to read a reg key value.
If this is the wrong venue please let me know. This is my first attempt in writing a program for WM
Hi mate seeing how ignorant everyone seems to be in here lately check out this link:
This gives code snippets that you can easily be changed and turned into your own class.
Thanks. That got me going...on my way.
