Actice Sync and GPRS at the same time - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

When my XDA mini is in the docking station it connects to the PC with Active Sync. So far so good. With that Active Sync profile the XDA is not allowed to connect to the internet because it is set up to be connected to a work network. Everything works fine.
When I now manually connect to gprs I can access my private mail.
But somehow it won't connect automaticly to gprs when trying to get my emails, which is set up to get them every 30 minutes.
the problem is, that my signal strength is very bad at my desk. so the gprs disconnects from time to time. but i don't want to manually connect all the time.
When I am not connected to Active Sync everything works as it should work.
or is it not possible at all to have 2 connections enabled? because I realized, that he disconnects active sync after a while when he is connected to gprs???


GPRS Connection

I have an O2 XDA and I have just had GPRS enabled and it all works fine.
I thought it would be possible to leave inbox running and every 15 minutes it would connect to GPRS, download e-mails and then disconnect but it won't work.
If I connect manually to GPRS then it works but I have to leave the connection open all the time which drains the battery.
Is it possible to do what I want with Inbox or is there another piece of software that will do it instead.
Stuart Frost

MSN Messenger through Bluetooth

OK - Can anyone help with this....
I have a network at home and a server which controls access to the internet.
I have a bluetooth dongle on the server.
I connect my XDA II to the bluetooth network. I can then access the internet going throught the server. it all works fine.
BUT - MSN messenger on my XDA II will not connect to the messenger service unless I also connect to activesync over the bluetooth.
This would not be a problem, But my wife also has a unit, so currently we cannot both connect to MSN at the same time over the bluetooth network, as AS only supports one connection at a time.
Any ideas why this is happening, I thought MSN messenger was supposed to connect as long as it had an internet connection, not an AS connection??
when connected to bluetooth to activesync you cant connect to gprs
when connected to activesync you get the network from that
if you use vidcomm bluetooth stack you can connect using bluetooth without using activesync
and you get around the only 1 user connected to activesync issue
or of cause you can connect to 2 different computers
asuming you have more then 1
The only problem I am having, is getting msn to connect when using widcomm bluetooth. It simply tries to sign in for ages then reports that the service is temporarily unavailable.
The only way I can get it to work over the BT network is to connect to AS over the BT as well.
It then logs in first time.
Disconnecting the BT link to AS also disconnects messenger.
I don't want to use two computers : the BT is on my server because it is always switched on.
Surely as long as the unit can get to the internet it should connect to messenger, but it won't !!!
GGrrrrr!!! :evil:

GPRS is connected by itself, why?

I have a weird problem I would like to share with you guys, may be someone knows the cause and can help explaining this to me.
I have set on my XDA to sync to the Exchange Server via the GPRS link manually, for both peak and non-peak timing.
Usually after finish synching, I always disconnect the GPRS connection immediately.
But I noticed that ActivSync always initiates the GPRS connection later by itself 15 minutes after I disconnect the previous session. Formerly I did not know what program actually initiate the GPRS connection, but then I found out that it was the ActivSync that did that, from the time shown, when the last time it was synced to the Exchange server. And, after that "undesired" session, it never disconnect the GPRS session.
So, I always find my XDA connected to the GPRS network, even though I had make sure I disconnect right after I finish synching.
This only happens with my XDA which runs the WM 2003.
My other PPC, Universal, does not have this problem.

GPRS While Connected to ActiveSync

So, I noticed that my GPRS gets disabled anytime I connect my Cingular 8125 to my computer via ActiveSync. This is annoying since I not only synchronize with my computer, but I also have an account with 4SmartPhone that utilizes the GPRS connection.
Is there a way to have the GRPS radio stay connected so that both will synchronize?

GPRS connection doesn't work after being connected for a long time

I have a GPRS connection setup for with t-mobile using a proxy.
If I'm not connected it works great- I press send/recieve for my e-mail it connects and gets my messages just fine.
If I do it again 5 minites later also fine.
The problem is after a long time the connection is still active, but when I go to do a Send/Recieve-
I get an "unable to connect to the incoming mail server" message. All my other intenet apps also will not work. If I turn on flight mode and then turn it off (to disconnect from my GPRS connection) and then try the internet again- it will work fine.
I think what triggers this is going into an area with no service. The GPRS connection stays active- and when I try to use it (even when I'm back in an area with service) it won't work.
Any suggestions?

