Tmobile MDA USA Rom update ? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Just got a tmobile MDA USA 2 weeks ago and the ROM date shows 12/10/05 for the ROM Version WWE
I have foudn this page: and was wondering if you guys could help me firgure out which file to download and how to figure out which ROM they are and if they are updated ones.
Thank you

In this case, don't browse FTP directly.
Go to wiki page and everything will be clear to you
have fun

Just to clarify:
If I want to update my T-Mobile MDA VARIO Radio ROM, the correct one is in the FTP Site as follow:
Is that correct? If yes, please let me know if there are ANY important steps that I need to follow to update the ROM (or this is just merely involve connecting to the PC using ActiveSync and execute the above).
I have CID and SIM unlocked my phone using the lokiwizard tool.

lanwarrior said:
Just to clarify:
If I want to update my T-Mobile MDA VARIO Radio ROM, the correct one is in the FTP Site as follow:
Is that correct? If yes, please let me know if there are ANY important steps that I need to follow to update the ROM (or this is just merely involve connecting to the PC using ActiveSync and execute the above).
I have CID and SIM unlocked my phone using the lokiwizard tool.
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That will just update the GSM stack.
It wont affect the PDA functionality at all, or any apps. Just the GSM stack.
I've installed that same update on my USA TMO Wizard, and it updated flawlessly. The GSM stack seems more "snappy," but nothing much changes. I'm having a weird repeater issue in my office building, and it didn't help.

fuzzycuffs said:
That will just update the GSM stack.
It wont affect the PDA functionality at all, or any apps. Just the GSM stack.
I've installed that same update on my USA TMO Wizard, and it updated flawlessly. The GSM stack seems more "snappy," but nothing much changes. I'm having a weird repeater issue in my office building, and it didn't help.
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So this is the correct RADIO ROM update that has been widely reported to increase the effectiveness and sensitivity of the MDA Vario radio, right? Mainly, it's faster to re-acquire signal from say, inside a tunnel to outside.
Is my assumption correct? If yes, I am going to update my MDA VArio Radio ROM since it's now taking 1-5 minutes just to re-acquire signal.


Wait, when I execute the file (RADIO_ROM_Wizard_GSM_11210.exe), it told me that this application will delete ALL data in the T-Mobile MDA.
I thought this is supposedly only used to update Radio ROM, NOT the entire device ROM.
If a delete is required, is it safe for me to restore back using a backup file (created using Sprite Backup) that is using the old Radio ROM?

lanwarrior said:
Wait, when I execute the file (RADIO_ROM_Wizard_GSM_11210.exe), it told me that this application will delete ALL data in the T-Mobile MDA.
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Its wrong. It will not delete the data (provided you're loading ONLY the 1.12.10 Radio update)

Can someone post the file. I get permission denied when I try to enter the ftp site. :?:


T-Mobile XDA with AT&T Software?

I have a US T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone edition. I am using it on AT&T's GSM netwotk in the US, and everything runs ok after removing the SIM lock.
However, AT&T has a set of "acceleration" utilities for the GPRS data connection. This might be nice to use to try and compress or proxy (or whatever it is they do) to save a little bit of data and thus money.
I recently downloaded the latest software package from for the SX56 device.
Could this work? AT&T software in the T-Mobile device? What precations could - should I take prior to attempting running the AT&T installer in the hopes that it will upgrade / overwrite the T-Mobile software?
Any other thoughts / ideas? Has anybody tried this?
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
I downloaded the Siemens AT&T update with the intention of installing
it on my T-mobile. However when you run the update program it
says that it cannot install because it is not compatible with the existing
system. So it looks like this is not an option
Mikkel said:
I have a US T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone edition. I am using it on AT&T's GSM netwotk in the US, and everything runs ok after removing the SIM lock.
However, AT&T has a set of "acceleration" utilities for the GPRS data connection. This might be nice to use to try and compress or proxy (or whatever it is they do) to save a little bit of data and thus money.
I recently downloaded the latest software package from for the SX56 device.
Could this work? AT&T software in the T-Mobile device? What precations could - should I take prior to attempting running the AT&T installer in the hopes that it will upgrade / overwrite the T-Mobile software?
Any other thoughts / ideas? Has anybody tried this?
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
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Just copy our adaptROM program to the directory where the AT&T upgrade has installed, run it, and then run the upgrade ("Programme A"), and you're all set.
Thanks for the tips & advice.
I ran adaptrom. If I understand correctly, I should now be able to flash the AT&T rom into my T-Mobile device?
I am concerned with all the postings here about folks having fried their devices after flashing. It seems that upgrading the radio software is especially sensitive?
So... Has anybody out there tried flashing a T-Mobile device with the AT&T radio & Win CE rom images?
Any special hints? Anything to be aware of prior to attempting this?
Sorry for all the questions, I just would really really hate to damage my device (I love my XDA, does that make me a bad person?)
Anyways, thanks all for all the interesting posts, and THANK YOU to all the XDA developers, you guys truly rock!
i did it successfully on mine. word of advice is to hard reset ur t-mobile before u run update. then it works without problems.
kalex said:
i did it successfully on mine. word of advice is to hard reset ur t-mobile before u run update. then it works without problems.
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Hard reset... As in using the tiny button with the battery icon to completely reset the device, or just a "normal" hard resent from the other little hole on the other side of the SD card slot?
A 'normal' reset is usually called a 'soft reset' (big hole), a 'hard reset' refers to the small hole and wipes the contents of the RAM, and thus everything that is not in ROM.
Kinda off topic but.....:
the current setup I have with the T-Mobile ROM running on AT&T's US GSM/GPRS network gives me about 11 kilobits/second as the highest speed.
This is, as far as I can tell, equal to one "channel" or "Timeslot" in the GPRS world.
Is it likely that changing to the AT&T firmware would allow me to use more than one channel (The device would be a "type 4" or "type 8" or something)?
Or in other words: Would I get more speed over GPRS from doing this?
Alright, performed the upgrade as per the instructions in this and other treads.
My T-Mobile device is now running AT&T software. How cool is THAT??!?
Do you still have internet access? I seemed to have lost mine. Everything else works great.
u don't loose interet access. after u flash the rom u can no longer use auto configuration of t-mobile gprs. u have to manually configure it. i noticed on mine when i did the update i had to wait couple of hours for it to kick in.

Thanks for successful WM2K3 upgrade! Now need phone help...

Thank you forum (especially Jeff - for the ROM Kitchen, Qman - for the radio stack, Yorch and Aurora13 - for obtaining 4.00.xx for T-mobile)!
From reading the majority of the past posts (since the beginning) and over the course of a week, I have backed up my original ROM to a SD card via the bootloader method and went from this:
(US T-mobile MDA)
ROM v3.14.40 ENG
ROM date 11/26/02
Radio v6.18
Protocol 324e4
to this:
ROM v4.00.16 ENG
ROM date 07/10/03
Radio v6.24
Protocol 324e4
(via the desktop .exe file)
Everything works just fine except for one concern...under Phone->Tools->Options, I no longer have the "More" and/or "Band" (900/1900) tabs available. I know I could switch bands via the bootloader method; otherwise, will I miss anything by not having these options available?
With a business trip to Europe coming up, if I downgrade back to 3.14.40, will retaining the 6.24 radio stack be much of an issue?
Thanks again in advance to anyone who can help!
There be a slight problem with the downgrade involving the radio stack but that can be overcome by removing a certain file from the startup folder during the radio stack part.
But I'll make it a little bit easier for you, since you're California and I'm in Nevada just send me a 64MB SD card and I'll do a .bin file install to it and send it back. That way you can just install the correct or needed WM2003 ROM with the options that you seek or need.
Anyhow if this sound like a plan just drop me an email, you already have my correct/needed email address so feel free to use it
Thanks again Qman!
I've just sent you a message to your email addy.

Upgrading to 4.00.16 for T-Mobile

I'm sick of waiting for an answer from T-Mobile on when WM2003 will be available for the PPCPhone Edition, if at all, so I decided to create an executable of 4.00.16 at Jeff's kitchen.
I'm a little freaky about installing it. So before I do I would like to know (1) problems encountered from those that have done the upgrade and (2) the exact instructions on how to return back to my original T-Mobile OS ROM.
I know there are many of you out there that feel the same anguish regarding T-Mobile's lack of information regarding WM2003 & the hopes of better software that improves the PPC's ability to connect via GPRS (it sucks now) and overall performance. After all, we spent a load of money on this sucker.
Thank you in advance to all the gurus out there who answer this for the rest of us
If you install the XDAtools, you can create a backup of your ROM through ActiveSync. If at any time you click on the backup file, you will be offered the option of burning it back into your device.
However: since your new ROM is 4.00.16, you need to know there is a problem: you cannot use the normal upgrade program called "Programme A" to move away from 4.00.16. But you can use the option in the XDAtools to write your old old OS to an SD card using the XDA (all files on the SD-card will be erased in the process). Then you can boot the device in bootloader mode and press the center of the rocker switch to load your old OS.
My guess is you'll be almost perfectly happy with 4.00.16 though (at least happier than with any 3.x ROM) . Just be aware of the one remaining problem: occasional SD-card erasures have been reported by some people (they do not seem to affect everyone), so do not store valuable data on SD without backup.
I upgraded to 4.00.16 yesterday and still can't get GPRS to work. Sometimes it says it connects but I can't get to anything and other times it gives me an error trying to connect. I've been trying everything I can think of for GPRS settings. I'm on T-Mobile in Atlanta with Radio version 6.18.00. I'm not sure if you will have the same problem or not.
I had trouble connecting through GPRS too at one point where I thought it was ROM 4.00.16. But I finally did connect.
One of the major reasons for upgrading was an expected improvement in GPRS performance. If anything, it got worse. Do I have to upgrade the radio rom too for improvement in GPRS?
I had similar problems following the upgrade, and as an afterthought I went to my local TMo store and exchanged my SIM chip. Mine was three years old, and the new SIM fixed the problem. Also, if you upgrade the radio stack to 6.24 or the AT&T stack, you will gain persistent GPRS connectivity.
SO the TMo store will swap sim cards with me if I go in and tell them I want a new one? Also... where can I find the radio stack 6.24 stack or the AT&T?
Thanks for your help. I really would like to get this working again.
I've heard that its very difficult if at all possible to downgrade the Radio ROM back to its normal state. This is why I have not done it yet.
I posted instructions in the following thread for locating and installing the 6.24 radio stack: If you would like the AT&T files (I prefer the TMo files), send me a PM and I will help you get them.
Downgrading radio stacks is difficult, and maybe impossible in some cases, but as long as you have the four files listed in the referenced thread, it seems to work well.
I backed up my original ROM on an SD Card so I could revert back to it from 4.00.16. I tired to revert back today but for some reason the image is not on the SD card. Now what?
How can I get my old T-Mobile ROM back? Any ideas?
If you have a Card Reader, you can use XDATools to burn a rom image onto it, then use that image to reload your XDA via the SDCard method...
I just bought a SDCard reader from WalMart, for 19 bucks, it is a Lexar JumpDrive Trio, and it can read SD cards, XD CArds, and Sony Memorystick, and it is USB 2.0..
It is nice, albeit a bit flimsy..
But it works.
camarao said:
How can I get my old T-Mobile ROM back? Any ideas?
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Yes, you can download it from here:
Current T-Mobile 2002 ROM Update:
Will upgrade to this version:
ROM version: 3.14.40 ENG
ROM date: 11/26/02
Radio: 6.18
Protocol: 324e4
camarao said:
I'm sick of waiting for an answer from T-Mobile on when WM2003 will be available for the PPCPhone Edition, if at all, so I decided to create an executable of 4.00.16 at Jeff's kitchen.
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Is there anywhere the more adventurous among the non-linux population can try this baby?
Are you saying that I will be able to download and install the T-Mobile executable over my 4.00.16 version?
camarao said:
Are you saying that I will be able to download and install the T-Mobile executable over my 4.00.16 version?
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I'm not sure about if the executable will work or not but if does fail you can always use the bootloader method!

Radio Stack

Been here for awhile just reading and reading. As with some peeps I went and did an upgrade from my provider and am running the following.
Rom Ver - A.30.09.ENG
Radio - A.33.03
Protocol - 1.3.3
The Phone came with PPC 2002 on it. When I saw that my provider had an upgrade I just d/led it and installed it. After the upgrade, the unit worked great but the volume had issues and the signal strength seems to be less than is was with the previous radio. Is there any way to go back to the older radio stack version but still keep the updated ROM??? I have since been to Lumpi's and messed around with cooked ROMS. Now I can't even run the providers upgrade again because it says I have the wrong ROM. Any help would be great!
edit: What I really want to do is run the rogers ontario upgrade ROM with the old radio stack. Again any help would be great.
If you go to lumpis kitchen, cook a rom that contans all you want either 2002 or wm2003, at the bottom of the page choose sd card flashing, this will give you a zipped nbf file, unzip it and use xdatools to program an sd card with the rom image, you choose the nbf as source and from the drop down choose your card reader writer, once programmed place in xda, push reset while holding power, push action key when prompted, this will overwrite your rom without giving country protection or version error, charge your xda first.
Not sure what to say here. As I stated in my original post, I have been to Lumpi's kitchen. He doesn't have the ROM for Rogers Wireless in Canada, he has an older one for Rogers AT&T which is no longer. He also doesn't have any RSU's just ROM's. However this is not my question. I can live with that. As I stated, I would really like to downgrade the radio stack. I seemed to get better signal strength and less dropped calls when I had the previous version. Had I known that when I got the Rogers Wireless upgrade, it was going to upgrade the RSU as well, I wouldn't have done it. Thanks

Radio Upgrade 1.06.00 is here...

Everything seems utterly solid on my exec after I upgraded it to 1.06.00 last night!
Bluetooth call quality is brilliant, even though I live in the middle of nowhere I have an improved network signal (GSM/GPRS)
Will try UMTS & Video Calling tonight.
In the interim I've SFX packaged the Radio Only Upgrade and fired it onto the ftp site (link below)
:arrow:o2 Exec Radio 1.06.00 Upgrade.exe
To install the upgrade:
1) Fully Sync your handset
2) Remove SD & SIM Card
3) Soft Reset your Handset
4) Re-connect the handset so Active Sync restarts
5) Double click on the o2 Exec Radio 1.06.00 Upgrade.exe file and the updater program will autorun and upgrade your radio stack.
7) Viola! Radio 1.06.00!!!
this sounds interesting - where did you get the update from?
1) Downloaded it from the german T-Mobile site as a complete upgrade,
2) Extracted the radio_.nbf file,
3) Decoded, changed the network id to o2 from T-Mobile and re-encoded the .nbf file,
4) Repackaged it as an auto extract / run SFX archive with all the updating software.
5) Scanned and tested it
6) Uploaded it here!
okay, I hope this solves the Slow answering "problem".
When it does;
Can you explain in "dummy" language how to upgrade this to dutch t-mobile? which files do I nees to have in order to upgrade (only) the radio rom?
stickeresq said:
1) Downloaded it from the german T-Mobile site...
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oh - is that all? :wink:
sounds like a lot of work - thanks for posting it!
It should work first or second time (without closing the RUU update app)
if not I'll need to change the operator name for you!
stickeresq said:
1) Downloaded it from the german T-Mobile site as a complete upgrade,
2) Extracted the radio_.nbf file,
3) Decoded, changed the network id to o2 from T-Mobile and re-encoded the .nbf file,
4) Repackaged it as an auto extract / run SFX archive with all the updating software.
5) Scanned and tested it
6) Uploaded it here!
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Can you tell me is this Radio Rom compatabily with my Xda Executive I use the Vodafone network?
Will it lock the pda so I cannot use it for Vodafone anymore?
Is they any improvment in the time it take to ring I mean does it ring straight away or does it take three or four ring before the pda starts ringing?
Is the bluetooth better does it have A2DP now?
Thank you very much for the answer you can give me.
I am not sure of the consequences of installing it with regard to Vodafone, I wouldn't say so but don't hold me to that! You assume all responsibility for applying such an update!
It works fine on my o2 Exec (on o2). Bluetooth is working better with faster data transfer speeds, better call quality (TX & RX) with my Motorola HS850 Headset.
GSM / GPRS is stable as ever, call answering times are better.
I'll test UMTS & Video (3G) tonight
As yet it doesn't support A2DP but this should come with the AKU2 upgrade. There is a beta version being trialled and initial results look great... A2DP will be a kick-ass application!
Good luck with the upgrade though!
I wonder if its workin with Vodafone SE ....
Is it possible to install this Radio Upgrade without losing all the data on the Exec?
I have!
Just make sure you only soft reset it afterwards as opposed to the usual and instructed "Hard Reset".
Same thread here at the right forum:
Thanks a lot for this stickeresq. I will try it later and let you know how I get on.
Melty said:
Thanks a lot for this stickeresq. I will try it later and let you know how I get on.
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coolio... I'm off to the pub!
Hey guys,
Can you please post which networks / device variants you have loaded this new ROM onto and if it works or fails. I've no doubt the actual ROM works (I work in this line of things) just wondering if this ROM will be ok for all modem variants...
Once again, is this only workin with o2?
I installed it on my Tmobile NL Qtek 9000 and everything works.
It is only for the PU10 device family as this is the value stated within the .nbf file.
Worked on my Jasjar with no problems. Just took a soft reset at the end.

