T-Mobile XDA with AT&T Software? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have a US T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone edition. I am using it on AT&T's GSM netwotk in the US, and everything runs ok after removing the SIM lock.
However, AT&T has a set of "acceleration" utilities for the GPRS data connection. This might be nice to use to try and compress or proxy (or whatever it is they do) to save a little bit of data and thus money.
I recently downloaded the latest software package from my-siemens.com for the SX56 device.
Could this work? AT&T software in the T-Mobile device? What precations could - should I take prior to attempting running the AT&T installer in the hopes that it will upgrade / overwrite the T-Mobile software?
Any other thoughts / ideas? Has anybody tried this?
Feel free to email me at [email protected]

I downloaded the Siemens AT&T update with the intention of installing
it on my T-mobile. However when you run the update program it
says that it cannot install because it is not compatible with the existing
system. So it looks like this is not an option
Mikkel said:
I have a US T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone edition. I am using it on AT&T's GSM netwotk in the US, and everything runs ok after removing the SIM lock.
However, AT&T has a set of "acceleration" utilities for the GPRS data connection. This might be nice to use to try and compress or proxy (or whatever it is they do) to save a little bit of data and thus money.
I recently downloaded the latest software package from my-siemens.com for the SX56 device.
Could this work? AT&T software in the T-Mobile device? What precations could - should I take prior to attempting running the AT&T installer in the hopes that it will upgrade / overwrite the T-Mobile software?
Any other thoughts / ideas? Has anybody tried this?
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
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Just copy our adaptROM program to the directory where the AT&T upgrade has installed, run it, and then run the upgrade ("Programme A"), and you're all set.

Thanks for the tips & advice.
I ran adaptrom. If I understand correctly, I should now be able to flash the AT&T rom into my T-Mobile device?
I am concerned with all the postings here about folks having fried their devices after flashing. It seems that upgrading the radio software is especially sensitive?
So... Has anybody out there tried flashing a T-Mobile device with the AT&T radio & Win CE rom images?
Any special hints? Anything to be aware of prior to attempting this?
Sorry for all the questions, I just would really really hate to damage my device (I love my XDA, does that make me a bad person?)
Anyways, thanks all for all the interesting posts, and THANK YOU to all the XDA developers, you guys truly rock!

i did it successfully on mine. word of advice is to hard reset ur t-mobile before u run update. then it works without problems.

kalex said:
i did it successfully on mine. word of advice is to hard reset ur t-mobile before u run update. then it works without problems.
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Hard reset... As in using the tiny button with the battery icon to completely reset the device, or just a "normal" hard resent from the other little hole on the other side of the SD card slot?

A 'normal' reset is usually called a 'soft reset' (big hole), a 'hard reset' refers to the small hole and wipes the contents of the RAM, and thus everything that is not in ROM.

Kinda off topic but.....:
the current setup I have with the T-Mobile ROM running on AT&T's US GSM/GPRS network gives me about 11 kilobits/second as the highest speed.
This is, as far as I can tell, equal to one "channel" or "Timeslot" in the GPRS world.
Is it likely that changing to the AT&T firmware would allow me to use more than one channel (The device would be a "type 4" or "type 8" or something)?
Or in other words: Would I get more speed over GPRS from doing this?

Alright, performed the upgrade as per the instructions in this and other treads.
My T-Mobile device is now running AT&T software. How cool is THAT??!?

Do you still have internet access? I seemed to have lost mine. Everything else works great.

u don't loose interet access. after u flash the rom u can no longer use auto configuration of t-mobile gprs. u have to manually configure it. i noticed on mine when i did the update i had to wait couple of hours for it to kick in.


WM2003 & T-Mobile ???

Anyone have a ROM of WM2003 that works w/ T-mobile USA? I tried about 5 and no luck. XDA dev Rom works great and so does my old one, but can't find a 2003 rom that works. All either hang at the boot/welcome screen or don't boot.
So far I have tried 3 different 2003 roms.
The first the "O2" rom loaded, but gave me some intermittent problems.
The second “For Testing Only” rom worked great. Only one small problem with Microsoft reader. I most likely wouldn’t have changed except that the new ROMkitchen got me more excited than it probably should have.
Now I am using the ROMkitchen version very happily….(same problem with the reader though)
Interesting because I tried the ROMkitchen version yesterday and got the same, hangs on welcome screen result. Did you do anything special other than put it on SD with XDArit? I have Wallaby 5.15 bootloader which I think is what the unit shipped with but from what I've read this is fine.
I'm just at a loss because I've tried most everything I can think of. Which file type did you select from the ROMkitchen? I grabbed the nb1. Should I try NBF? Does it matter what I put in the "header string" at the bottom of the ROMkitchen page? I noticed when I try to upgrade it says my device is PW10B1. Does that matter?
Maybe you can post or email me your ROM and I can try that today.
I didn't use the SD card boot with the Kitchen rom version. I had the Kitchen create an .exe file and let it load through usb. I actually did it 2 times...and it worked both times. Just did it the second time after they fixed PocketMVP.
I will e-mail it to you if you want, but I think that you should try creating an .exe through the Kitchen first...since that is what I would e-mail anyway.
The Hang that you see may be caused by the simtoolkit loading on startup. Try removing the link in the windows startup folder. that may help
My fellow T-Mobile WM2003 users, I have been using all 3 versions successfuly with no freezups. There is a little trick that increases stability when on the US networks:
Go to your \Windows\StartUp\ directory and DELETE Ussd.lnk and STK.lnk.
These are autoconfiguration apps that work with European providers but do nothing for the T-Mobile network; so much so, that with the T-Mo original ROM these apps were not used at all.
When these apps run in T-Mo's (Cingular's) network here in Los Angeles area, I've even experienced random cold resets when switching cell sites.
Ok, sounds like that's the problem then, but how do I remove this from the startup if I can't get it to go past the welcome screen? Can I bould a ROM in the kitchen w/o these options? I only saw an option for where to "move" these apps and not an option to not have them installed at all.
Sorry, the kitchen doesn't allow you to do that. If you know how, you can burn your own rom and exclude these items. Anyone know what ussd is for? As mentioned, i have deleted the toolkit link and have not had any problems, just curious as to what ussd is.
valheru said:
Sorry, the kitchen doesn't allow you to do that.
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Now it does...
Check the new 'Remove 'stk.lnk' from Startup folder' option. If someone tells me what ussd is and why it's bad, I'll add it to the remove list for this option...
Tried the new ROM w/ stk.lnk
Ok, I tried the new ROM and still no luck. Tried it as both .exe and as a SD flash and get the same net result. System hangs after bringing up the radio stack version and OS version as well as the third number which is: G324e4.
This device flawlessly runs the 3.17 xda ROM as well as T-mobile 3.14 so I don't understand why it will not take any 2003 ROM successfully. Any more ideas?
Unstructured Supplementary Services Data
USSD is a means of transmitting information or instructions over a GSM network. USSD has some similarities with SMS since both use the GSM network's signaling path. Unlike SMS, USSD is not a store and forward service and is session-oriented such that when a user accesses a USSD service, a session is established and the radio connection stays open until the user, application, or time out releases it. This has more in common with Data than SMS. USSD text messages can be up to 182 characters in length.
STK is for SIM ToolKit - It should not cause any problems unless you have a really old SIM Card.
I think USSD is basicaly a thing for ie. GSM banking - it allows the network to send you binary SMSes deciphered by the SIM (when I login with my GSM key to a bank account, I receive a message with temporary password, it is not sent through ordinary SMS, but delivered to the SIM toolkit area which is protected by PIN)
XDA developer Peter Poelman said:
valheru said:
Sorry, the kitchen doesn't allow you to do that.
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Now it does...
Check the new 'Remove 'stk.lnk' from Startup folder' option. If someone tells me what ussd is and why it's bad, I'll add it to the remove list for this option...
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might be a stupid question but, i checked the command to remove stk.lnk from startup in (one of the reigstry hacks) and the command is the same as to add object. how do u remove it from startup, is it based on the file name. this one has rmobj extension.

error getting device data after T-Mobile (4.00.10) update

Hi developers,
first of all I'd like thank you for your excellent work. I used a couple of roms and really appreciate your efforts.
This time I updated my device from WM 2003 (4.00.01 ENG, Radio 4.21.00) to the T-Mobile release whitout radio update, posted in this forum by Aurora13. After a backup of my data and removement of the T-Mob. stuff like suggested by Aurora13, I noticed that my backlight was turned of and I couldn't turn it on again either.
So I tried to downgrade again, because working without backlight really is a pain, by I'm unable to.
Not depending on which ROM I use, I get the message: "error getting device data" (CMD.exe) & "execute remote communication program error" (prog. a 1.09).
My active sync (WinXP) seems to work.
The device & telefone seems to work either.
How can I fix this?? Any suggestions?? I'd really like to go back to 4.00.01!!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
If you restored your applications from a former version of WME 2003 you will see this happen. I don't know what registry setting or file is getting changed but after a restore from say 4.00.01 or 4.00.05 backups (I use SPrite Backup) you will see this phenomenum occur after a soft reboot no backlight. Do a hard reset and resinstall your applications and all will work fine.
error in CMD.exe window after T-Mob 4.00.10 update
Hi developers,
I have similar problem, I’d like to go back to 4.00.005 too.
Using the ROMkitchen_4.00.05.exe, in the CMD.exe window I got an error message:
“error: GetConnectionType – An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting connection”
My activesync seems to be working properly.
What has gone wrong? How do I fix it?
Thanks in advance
Experienced the same with the backlight.
So NEVER do a restore from a different ROM!!! Alway do a clean install.
error in CMD.exe window after T-Mob 4.00.10 update
Do a hard reset and resinstall your applications and all will work fine.
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Always do a clean install.
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So in plain words: how do I do that when this occurs during the flashing-procedure :
“error: GetConnectionType – An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting connection”
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It's not only the backlight, the problem is the "execute remote communication program error" which makes flashing the ROM impossible .
I used do update with *.exe-files which won't work out anymore :evil: . Can anybody post a step by step guide how to fix it and go back to the ROM before :? (Which would obviously be the best)?
Or does anybody know which registry key has to be changed to fix the backlight :idea: ?
Does it work OK after a hard reset?
Because you shouldn't have to go back, do a hard reset and do a clean install of your apps and 4.00.10 should work ok.
Thanx Aurora13,
it now seems to work !
I'm on 4.00.10 again with all the T-Mob. stuff and backlight working.
In my case, going back to 4.00.01 and restoring my backup seems to be less time consuming than doing a clean install (would loose adress book & calendar).
I actually can't spot a lot of differences besides the version numbers in the OS anyway :? .
:evil: But trying to do that, I still have the same problem with the cmd.exe:
“error: GetConnectionType – An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting devicedata (cmd.exe)”
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"execute remote communication program error" (prog. a 1.09).
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Seems to me like a serious bug that I can't flash my ROM with the USB-cradle anymore :x .
Anybody any suggestions how to get rid of this OS-version without SD-card-writer?? I'd really like to have evrything working again like it was before!
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
Most importantly: do not upgrade to a T-Mobile ROM 900/1900 MHz (American) ROM on anything but a 900/1900 MHz phone. The T-Mobile ROMS contain the RSU phone upgrade, which will run as soon as WinCE boots. You will ruin your 900/1800 (European/Asian) phone if you do.
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Could that be the problem that I'm unable to fllash my ROM again?
You will ruin your 900/1800 (European/Asian) phone if you do.
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What does that mean?
"What does that mean?"
i suspect it means that your xda will only work in US
untill you find some way to flash it back to the 900/1800 gsm mode
which is used in EU and much of the rest of the world [/quote]
untill you find some way to flash it back to the 900/1800 gsm mode which is used in EU and much of the rest of the world
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Anybody know how to do that when unable to flash ROM due to
“error: GetConnectionType – An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting devicedata (cmd.exe)”
"execute remote communication program error" (prog. a 1.09).
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Only via XDArit?????????
if it can be flashed using the sd flash card and you have an sd flash card reader / writer for the pc it would be possible
Similar discussion going on here:
T-Mobile update 4.00.10 sucks!!!
4.00.10 does not suck.
The problems you are experiencing are not real problems but a lack of knowledge on your side.
If you asked how to solve them I can help you to solve EACH one. But you are not asking, but only being negative.
As with all ROMs if you don't know what you are doing, then don't do it.
If you read this forum more securely, you already got answers of a few of your problems:
- How to go back to an old ROM
- Removing the TMobile stuff
- Backup of previous version does not work
All the answers of the above and how to solve them you can find in this forum.
So use the knowledge of the people of this forum and don't be so negative.
I want to second Aurrora13's statement. Over and over in this forum it is stated that you should not attempt these ROM updates if you don't have an SD reader. Sometimes it is the only way to save your bacon (XDA)! If a user insists on ignoring sound advice, then he shouldn't complain about suffering the consequences.
In general, the more experienced users on this forum provide good advise and are more than willing to ehlp others. Personally, I think this forum is awsome!
We all know we are taking risks but being techno-junkies we jump in there trying to improve our XDA's and learn more about its capabilities and ways to improve it. I hope when the next majore WME phone becomes available (I'm hoping for the TI WANDA, though XDA II will probably be first) that we are able to do the same with it.
4.00.10 user wanted to revert back to old rom
You need to use SD card reader to revert back to older rom, Activesync doesn't work properly in windows, even you had sync with your windows.
I had the same problem before, but I found out this 4.00.10rom is more stable then others WM2003roms.
Please follow Aurora13 instruction,removing a few item under program/AIM -/Tmobile and if you have radio signal problem You might want to try to bootloader setting 900/1800 or 900/1900, it works for me.
This is my second time flashing v4.00.10 and I'm using XDA asian unit.
Good Luck.
You might be right in me being negative.
As I read through the forum, there are other people experiencing the same problems.
I think that people should be warned to use the 4.00.10 version instead of hyping it, because, you might agree on that, you loose the ability to go back to an old ROM via activesync, which is the most convenient procedure so far.
I didn't know that I lose this ability, especiallly after performing 4 successfull ROM-updates so far with ROM from this site. That in fact frustrated me.
I agree that the information provided in this forum should help restoring the old ROM.
To close this message, I'd like to thank everybody in this forum who contributes to help fools like me, obviously not knowing what they're doing! This forum is great and I don't want anybody to get the impression I'm blaming anybody else for my faults.
imho then buying a SD reader is a pretty good idea no matter what
they come in versions which read 6 or 7 different flash types so one can also read ones digi cams card if it's a different type
and they are only about 50$ or EUro or something like that
i'm sure getting 2->3 flash readers one of these days
Yep this forum rules big time.
If you check the Sticky thread:
There is already enough warnings for the 'beginner', that's why I didn't warn it can be dangerous.
But enough said, good luck with your downgrade and/or if you will stay with the 4.00.10 ROM I'll be glad to help solving some problems you may experience or talk you through the downgrade.
I appreciate your assistance, Aurora13!
Thanx! :lol:
For those of you in the UK - I bought an SD card reader (only reads SD and MMC cards) from PC World for only £6.99 - I've used it to change ROMS back and fourth several times on four XDA's without incident so far - I bought it after an activesync update (genuine O2 upgrade) went horribly wrong and trashed my XDA. I think that everyone "playing" with these ROMs should get one.

Upgrading to 4.00.16 for T-Mobile

I'm sick of waiting for an answer from T-Mobile on when WM2003 will be available for the PPCPhone Edition, if at all, so I decided to create an executable of 4.00.16 at Jeff's kitchen.
I'm a little freaky about installing it. So before I do I would like to know (1) problems encountered from those that have done the upgrade and (2) the exact instructions on how to return back to my original T-Mobile OS ROM.
I know there are many of you out there that feel the same anguish regarding T-Mobile's lack of information regarding WM2003 & the hopes of better software that improves the PPC's ability to connect via GPRS (it sucks now) and overall performance. After all, we spent a load of money on this sucker.
Thank you in advance to all the gurus out there who answer this for the rest of us
If you install the XDAtools, you can create a backup of your ROM through ActiveSync. If at any time you click on the backup file, you will be offered the option of burning it back into your device.
However: since your new ROM is 4.00.16, you need to know there is a problem: you cannot use the normal upgrade program called "Programme A" to move away from 4.00.16. But you can use the option in the XDAtools to write your old old OS to an SD card using the XDA (all files on the SD-card will be erased in the process). Then you can boot the device in bootloader mode and press the center of the rocker switch to load your old OS.
My guess is you'll be almost perfectly happy with 4.00.16 though (at least happier than with any 3.x ROM) . Just be aware of the one remaining problem: occasional SD-card erasures have been reported by some people (they do not seem to affect everyone), so do not store valuable data on SD without backup.
I upgraded to 4.00.16 yesterday and still can't get GPRS to work. Sometimes it says it connects but I can't get to anything and other times it gives me an error trying to connect. I've been trying everything I can think of for GPRS settings. I'm on T-Mobile in Atlanta with Radio version 6.18.00. I'm not sure if you will have the same problem or not.
I had trouble connecting through GPRS too at one point where I thought it was ROM 4.00.16. But I finally did connect.
One of the major reasons for upgrading was an expected improvement in GPRS performance. If anything, it got worse. Do I have to upgrade the radio rom too for improvement in GPRS?
I had similar problems following the upgrade, and as an afterthought I went to my local TMo store and exchanged my SIM chip. Mine was three years old, and the new SIM fixed the problem. Also, if you upgrade the radio stack to 6.24 or the AT&T stack, you will gain persistent GPRS connectivity.
SO the TMo store will swap sim cards with me if I go in and tell them I want a new one? Also... where can I find the radio stack 6.24 stack or the AT&T?
Thanks for your help. I really would like to get this working again.
I've heard that its very difficult if at all possible to downgrade the Radio ROM back to its normal state. This is why I have not done it yet.
I posted instructions in the following thread for locating and installing the 6.24 radio stack: http://xda-developers.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2452&highlight=. If you would like the AT&T files (I prefer the TMo files), send me a PM and I will help you get them.
Downgrading radio stacks is difficult, and maybe impossible in some cases, but as long as you have the four files listed in the referenced thread, it seems to work well.
I backed up my original ROM on an SD Card so I could revert back to it from 4.00.16. I tired to revert back today but for some reason the image is not on the SD card. Now what?
How can I get my old T-Mobile ROM back? Any ideas?
If you have a Card Reader, you can use XDATools to burn a rom image onto it, then use that image to reload your XDA via the SDCard method...
I just bought a SDCard reader from WalMart, for 19 bucks, it is a Lexar JumpDrive Trio, and it can read SD cards, XD CArds, and Sony Memorystick, and it is USB 2.0..
It is nice, albeit a bit flimsy..
But it works.
camarao said:
How can I get my old T-Mobile ROM back? Any ideas?
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Yes, you can download it from here:
Current T-Mobile 2002 ROM Update:
Will upgrade to this version:
ROM version: 3.14.40 ENG
ROM date: 11/26/02
Radio: 6.18
Protocol: 324e4
camarao said:
I'm sick of waiting for an answer from T-Mobile on when WM2003 will be available for the PPCPhone Edition, if at all, so I decided to create an executable of 4.00.16 at Jeff's kitchen.
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Is there anywhere the more adventurous among the non-linux population can try this baby?
Are you saying that I will be able to download and install the T-Mobile executable over my 4.00.16 version?
camarao said:
Are you saying that I will be able to download and install the T-Mobile executable over my 4.00.16 version?
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I'm not sure about if the executable will work or not but if does fail you can always use the bootloader method!

Tmobile MDA USA Rom update ?

Just got a tmobile MDA USA 2 weeks ago and the ROM date shows 12/10/05 for the ROM Version WWE
I have foudn this page:
ftp://xda-developers.com/Wizard/Roms/Tmobile/ and was wondering if you guys could help me firgure out which file to download and how to figure out which ROM they are and if they are updated ones.
Thank you
In this case, don't browse FTP directly.
Go to wiki page and everything will be clear to you
have fun
Just to clarify:
If I want to update my T-Mobile MDA VARIO Radio ROM, the correct one is in the FTP Site as follow:
Is that correct? If yes, please let me know if there are ANY important steps that I need to follow to update the ROM (or this is just merely involve connecting to the PC using ActiveSync and execute the above).
I have CID and SIM unlocked my phone using the lokiwizard tool.
lanwarrior said:
Just to clarify:
If I want to update my T-Mobile MDA VARIO Radio ROM, the correct one is in the FTP Site as follow:
Is that correct? If yes, please let me know if there are ANY important steps that I need to follow to update the ROM (or this is just merely involve connecting to the PC using ActiveSync and execute the above).
I have CID and SIM unlocked my phone using the lokiwizard tool.
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That will just update the GSM stack.
It wont affect the PDA functionality at all, or any apps. Just the GSM stack.
I've installed that same update on my USA TMO Wizard, and it updated flawlessly. The GSM stack seems more "snappy," but nothing much changes. I'm having a weird repeater issue in my office building, and it didn't help.
fuzzycuffs said:
That will just update the GSM stack.
It wont affect the PDA functionality at all, or any apps. Just the GSM stack.
I've installed that same update on my USA TMO Wizard, and it updated flawlessly. The GSM stack seems more "snappy," but nothing much changes. I'm having a weird repeater issue in my office building, and it didn't help.
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So this is the correct RADIO ROM update that has been widely reported to increase the effectiveness and sensitivity of the MDA Vario radio, right? Mainly, it's faster to re-acquire signal from say, inside a tunnel to outside.
Is my assumption correct? If yes, I am going to update my MDA VArio Radio ROM since it's now taking 1-5 minutes just to re-acquire signal.
Wait, when I execute the file (RADIO_ROM_Wizard_GSM_11210.exe), it told me that this application will delete ALL data in the T-Mobile MDA.
I thought this is supposedly only used to update Radio ROM, NOT the entire device ROM.
If a delete is required, is it safe for me to restore back using a backup file (created using Sprite Backup) that is using the old Radio ROM?
lanwarrior said:
Wait, when I execute the file (RADIO_ROM_Wizard_GSM_11210.exe), it told me that this application will delete ALL data in the T-Mobile MDA.
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Its wrong. It will not delete the data (provided you're loading ONLY the 1.12.10 Radio update)
Can someone post the file. I get permission denied when I try to enter the ftp site. :?:

Wifi blocked by Orange (France)

Hi there.
I've just bought a Touch 3g with Orange in France, and even though the box has WiFi written all over it, it appears that I can only connect to Orange WiFi hubs. I have a different hub at home and would like to know whether I can unlock the WiFi function so that it is free to work with any WiFi connection.
I've had a look on here and can't find the answer to my question. I apologise in advance if I've missed the thread somewhere.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
PS - As someone new to this geek lark, I'd also be interested in knowing what programs I really ought to install onto the phone. You're top 5 programmes if you like.
The orange branded phones (if they are the same as the uk ones) have the unique manager not the standard wifi one. So even if you have an orange wifi hub you still don't get a wifi connection (at least not one you can do anything useful with)
Unique is a wierd orange version of voip.
The only way of changing it (i think) would be to flash a new rom to the phone.
I got a French Orange phone too that I have flashed to non-Orange ROM, so Wifi works OK.
For programs I would recommend SBP Mobile Shell to replace Touch Flo, and TrackMe to have fun with the GPS ( I find it awesome).
Bonne chance
TrackMe does not work on my Jade (.net 3.5 installed), but I can recommend GPS Cycle Computer as well. Supports a lot of data formats, check the link or the xda-dev-thread for more information.
Thanks very much for all your help. I'll have a look at flashing the ROM and will give that a go.
Is flashing Rom a particularly complicated or potentially phone breaking experience? It's my wife's new phone, and I don't want to live with an angry woman whose phone no longer works
DaM79 said:
TrackMe does not work on my Jade (.net 3.5 installed), but I can recommend GPS Cycle Computer as well. Supports a lot of data formats, check the link or the xda-dev-thread for more information.
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Did you install SQL Compact framework as well ?
Billy Ze Feesh said:
Thanks very much for all your help. I'll have a look at flashing the ROM and will give that a go.
Is flashing Rom a particularly complicated or potentially phone breaking experience? It's my wife's new phone, and I don't want to live with an angry woman whose phone no longer works
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No it's not complicated ; yes is very much potentially phone breaking
FYI I flashed HardSPLv3 on my phone (see Jade ROM forum) , downloaded the kitchen (idem), built a ROM using htcrt (in the kitchen) and the OS.nb found here http://www.planete-htc.com/index.php?mod=forum&ac=voir&ref=20&cat=220&id=18955, and flashed it. And tada, a stock french phone with wifi access.
Your SPL/ROM will degrade from 1.7 to 1.4 though.
OK. Thanks Gomi. I'll have a look and see if I really want to risk it or not.
Hello @ll.
I have a french Orange Jade too.
The UMA radio ROM make me sick !
But for me, the HardSPL does not work... The RUU progressbar still blocked at 0%.
fyi : I have the SPL 1.71.000 version.
Concerning the HardSPL, i'm not using the original exe, because of the unavailablity of the "server". I use an extracted nbh file of the HardSPLV3.
Any idee ?
fyi : because of specifity of the RUU used to flash the HardSPL, you can not use an another RUU to flash it.
With luck, the HardSPL setup exe have found the server, and now, all is ok !
Hi mate and welcome to the slippery slope. I only have Dad to convert now...
There may be another way to prevent the Orange rubbish crippling your phone - when you do a hard reset your phone will give you three seconds after the first boot-up before it begins to customise the ROM with all the operator-specific stuff. If you do a soft reset within those three seconds you prevent the customisation. If the crippled WiFi is part of this customisation then you'll end up with the default Windows Mobile WiFi manager. This trick used to work on my Universal and my Elf. You can experiment with many hard resets until you get it right.
Having created a vanilla Windows Mobile system you may need to fanny around unlocking the extended ROM and cherry-picking the customisations that you do want (such as the GPRS connection data) but this effort might be worth it to have an unbranded phone.
Flashing a new ROM will almost certainly invalidate your warranty.
(Oh, and a hard reset will wipe off all your data of course.)
Thanks SiliconS.
Have tried that and I don't get the 3 second warning. I just get a message saying that this will wipe the phone (hard reset) and asks me to press 'enter' to continue (which I obviously do). It then tells me:
Format FAT partition
FAT partition complete
before carrying on with all the Orange stuff. Have tried randomly pressing soft reset at various times, and all this does is turn the phone off...
Thanks anyway though.
That's weird. In that case Orange must have embedded their rubbish within the fundamental ROM rather than the extended ROM like everybody else does.
Flashing a completely new ROM may be your only hope, Luke. HTC have released an official ROM for the Jade that surely wouldn't invalidate your warranty...
I think an official ROM update could be the way forward yeah. I'll have a look this weekend maybe.
for the benefit of people who may be subscribed to this thread, I think I have found a fix for the orange rom using data connection instead of wifi, read on here:-
post back to that thread if it works for you!

