HOTMAIL and NEW ROM - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

1) when I connect on hotmail from Pocket MSN mobile it happens that automatically it donwloads all the emails stored in the folders (that I use as archive) and only the new emails in INBOX archive is a lot of mega O_O I would like that the mobile shows me only the new email in INBOX nothing it possible?
2) I have installed the new room from works great but unfortunately it installed so many software i don't need....if I repeat the same process and restart t he mobile before it automatically install the newsoftware is it ok? I'm afraid that in the Ext rom there are some soft used to make the new rom stable or to fix problems.....what do u think?

i have noticed this as well, has anyone found a solution that allows all emails to be downloaded instead of just the inbox folder. I use folders to filter some of the emails i recieve...

found out how to download all other emails in windows live when syncing! go in to the wml messaging,click menu, tools, manage folders. then tick all the folders you want to sync. hope this helps some other people!


tomtom2 favourites - how to backup before unlocking/upgrade?

I need to know how to backup tomtom2 favourites before unlocking and then upgrading to 1.60 uk official rom update please?
Any help would be great as I'd like to do this today
I've just done exactly this and didn't have any problems with loosing my favorites
This is what I did (can't guarantee it will work for you but it did for me!)
Sync your files with the PC
Copy all the files to a new folder (i.e. making a backup copy of them)
Run the unlock tool.
Run the update.
Create new partnership and sync up (don't copy the saved filed yet)
Reinstall all your applications (i.e. TTN2) (via the activesyn add/remove programs)
Soft Rest XDAII
Sync (with files option selected)
Now copy backed up files to the new sync folder on the desktop and resync the XDA II
this should now mean the old settings are now transferred to the new rom and the favorite locations will be saved
Hi mate #
thx for the reply but can you tell me where this data is kept? What file etc... As I have sync'ed but i dont see any files that overtly look like tt2 files....
Cheers in advance
I've taken the plunge, unlocked it and updating as I type... Fingers crossed, did a full backup before hand using active sync, not sure if using restore is a great idea tho?
On my XDA II the TTN2 settings appear to be saved in the My Documents folder (i.e. the one that's sync'ed with the desktop). On mine the exact folder is called "Tom Tom Navigator Settings" and contains 2 files one that appears to be used for the program as a whole whilst the other appears to be linked to the Map (Great Britain in my case)
Hope it works for you.

Error Message when trying to send attachments w/ PPC2003

I finally managed to send and receive e-mails using my ISP's POP3 account. All fine with plain text. The moment I try to attach ANY file with any size I get the following error message:
Message attachment cannot be added. Check to make sure the correct storage card is in the device. If your device stores attachments on a storage card, you must insert a storage card to add any files to messages"
Aside of this being a very enlighting message, the files I`ve been tryimg to add as attachments were residing on my main memory in the my documents folder!!!
Any clues???
is it set to store attachments on the sdcard ?
if it is then i suspect that it require a sdcard even if the files you add are not from the sdcard
because attachments of the outbox will prob still be stores on the sdcard
Yeah, I have a SDCard. But I get the message when trying to send attachments from the SD Card or from the Mai Memory. I haven't unchecked the "store on sd card" option. Will do that and try again!
Hi everyone!
Anybody has a guess as to how send attachments with the I-mate?
Hy all.
I have the same problem.
The first time the message appeared was after upgrading to 1.72 rom.
Now I have changed to 2003se but still I cannot send mails with attachments (even if I try to store them in my sd).
Any help, please?
Impossible to send e-mail Attachments over a GPRS Connection
Hi Folks
After a long abscense and several hick-ups I finally managed to get ROM1.72 up and running. Almost turned my I-mate to paper weight! BUT.. Still can't send any e-mail with attachments. Does anybody have a clue?
Hi everyone,
I had the same problem and after a bit of experimentation, and getting really annoyed :x I managed to fix the problem on my device - as I really couldn't be bothered doing a hard reset.
Open up Pocket dbExplorer and delete the pmailAttachs database
I'd suggest you take a copy of the pmailAttachs database first - so you can restore it if this method doesn't work for you
MCEITLIN, you're saying that after a hard reset (assumed since you changed ROM versions) it still didn't work? If so are you performing any kind of restore, for files or anything?
Hope this helps.....
btw....depending on your settings I'd suggest disabling the 'store attachments on storage card' option first - just incase this is also a factor.
Error sending e-mail attachments
I found the file PmailAttachs but I have no means to either copy it, cut it or erase it. Do I need a special tool for that?
Neither exploroe nor Pocket explorer or Sprite's Pocket Monitor aloow me to reach the file!
Re: Error sending e-mail attachments
I found the file PmailAttachs but I have no means to either copy it, cut it or erase it. Do I need a special tool for that?
Neither exploroe nor Pocket explorer or Sprite's Pocket Monitor aloow me to reach the file!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Pocket dbExplorer allows you to delete databases - as well as editing them. Remember to take a backup of the database just in case
You can get a free 15 day trial from here:
Thanx for this tip! It worked like a charm on my Qtek 9090!
Thanks, that solution also fixed the problem for me with M1000. Now can send attachments using pop3 gmail account.
Good bit of detective work there, Webspider. I was about to give up on this one.
Glad this has helped people
I suppose now the only problem is making sure that you don't charge up a huge GPRS
I know I use about 3 or 4MB a glad my data is FREE
Cheers WebSpider - You're a star!
I have this problem but cannot find the file - could someone please tell me where to look?
Hi there,
although i deleted the file, i still have sending-attachments problem (on Qtek 2020i with wm2003). Any ideas?
so be it - manemoi

attachments wont download in outlook or flexmail 2007

Well i just updated my rom to "NEW Custom 2.26 ROM with CF2-SP1 Flash7 Java Rings Themes" by risidoro and its a great rom, I only got one problem. for some reason my attachments don't download automatically or at all for that matter. they did before the risidoro rom update tho when i had xceleions rom. I can't find any options I've tried using flexmail also and still don't download. the server I'm using is mail2web. any help would be appreciated, thanks
another problem found in outlook:
whenever i try to add a picture it doesnt show the pictures and when i try to select a folder the drop down menu stays "dropped down" and wont load anything so i cant load a picture unless i go thru attach file.

Delete All Contacts

Does anyone know how to do this from the Athena (tried looking for Select All, doesn't exist).
My problem is that Contacts are screwed, I have removed all Sync relationships and yet the Contacts is still full. If I recreate the relationships it doesn't update the contacts and that is greyed out in ActiveSync.
My guess is that I can delete them all & start from scratch it should then work on a sync. I really don't want to sit here all day and delete one at a time, a google search shows that there is no simple way, but I know that far cleverer people than I are based in these forums and should know a way around this.
Two solutions ;
1. HR ( easiest way)
2. Remove file pim.vol from main root of Athena , reset - athena will crate new empty file .
1. Backup contacts in Outlook
2. Delete all contacts in Outlook (you can select them all at once)
3. Sync with Outlook (everything will be removed from device)
4. Delete Partnership
5. Put contacts back in outlook via backup file
6. Create new partnership
7. Sync (PC will now see the phone as if it's the first time and everything will be set correctly in Outlook and on device).
Good luck.
Jazzamataz said:
1. Backup contacts in Outlook
2. Delete all contacts in Outlook (you can select them all at once)
3. Sync with Outlook (everything will be removed from device)
4. Delete Partnership
5. Put contacts back in outlook via backup file
6. Create new partnership
7. Sync (PC will now see the phone as if it's the first time and everything will be set correctly in Outlook and on device).
Good luck.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately not, the contacts file is not sync'd with anything - I have deleted 3 partnerships already in an attempt to do this.
I think destoying the pim file is easiest.
jas_pik said:
Two solutions ;
1. HR ( easiest way)
2. Remove file pim.vol from main root of Athena , reset - athena will crate new empty file .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
any idea how to delete the pim.vol file, it states that it is in use ? (tried soft reset)
Edit: Renamed the pim.vol file, soft reset & it creates a new one - delete the old one. no more Contacts. Thanks guys.

help with missing sms account on wm2003

[email protected]
i ve got problems with my backup i restored after hardresetting ipaq 6340.
the sms-account is missing after restore... even in active sync theres no possibility to sync mailbox because it not possible to select!
i tryed to get the network information from my provider under > program files \phone\sevices\mms and sms to reaktivate sms account - but the sms account still not appears in > mailbox\accounts\accounts\sms,mms,mail. i cant setup a new sms account because the system is only asking for emailaccount to built... :-(((
has annybody got an idea how to repair the sms account without reinstalling the whole system ????????? is there a possibility to delete or overwrite certain coruppted files where the informaition for the accounts is stored or any other way to fix this ????
would be nice if someone could help me - otherwise i ve got to overkill the system and reinstall the whole PDA from the bottem up...

