attachments wont download in outlook or flexmail 2007 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Well i just updated my rom to "NEW Custom 2.26 ROM with CF2-SP1 Flash7 Java Rings Themes" by risidoro and its a great rom, I only got one problem. for some reason my attachments don't download automatically or at all for that matter. they did before the risidoro rom update tho when i had xceleions rom. I can't find any options I've tried using flexmail also and still don't download. the server I'm using is mail2web. any help would be appreciated, thanks
another problem found in outlook:
whenever i try to add a picture it doesnt show the pictures and when i try to select a folder the drop down menu stays "dropped down" and wont load anything so i cant load a picture unless i go thru attach file.


List of New and Updated Softwares in Extended ROMs

I have checked through almost all of the Extended ROMs of the various versions of the 1.12 ROM at ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Extended_Roms/ and ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Magician/
The following is a list of useful add-on softwares and most up-to-date HTC programs:
SPB GPRS Monitor Version 2.2.0 build 487
(Registered version)
PacketVideo pvPlayer Version 3.3 build 007
(for playing .mp4 and .3gp files)
Fonix Version 2.0 UK English
(voice dialling)
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
EmailWiz Version
(by DAT Group, UK, simplifies email settings)
UXC T-Mobile RC23
(Today plugin for T-Mobile, more convenient access to camera, phone, contacts, etc.)
Acrosoft MMS V2.5.0.28
ftp://xda:[email protected]May06.CAB
Java Version 101276
CallerID WWE RC22 Version 1.20 build 20047
Camera Wizard WWE RC23 Version 2.70 build 20117
IntelliDialer RC20 Version 1.0 build 19317
IntelliPad RC20
You don't seem to have attached the latest ArcSoft MMS CAB, would appreciate it if you could, cheers!
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Extended_Roms/MDACompact_WWE_1.12.152
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Extended_Roms/
Could someone give the complete address to these downloads since Pocket IE only downloads the PHP-files on attachments in these forums.
Could someone give the complete address to these downloads since Pocket IE only downloads the PHP-files on attachments in these forums.
Thanks Talents, you've saved everyone alot of time there
Some of you may be interested in this:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Ma...500_WWE1.06.175/
It adds a disconnect option to the GPRS popup. Only realised it was an Orange thing when i put the 1.12 rom on my M500 and saw it had gone.
some of the files you've attached say tmobile on them.. does that brand the phone? will i have t-mobile popping up on every app i open. I bought my jam from dubai and using it on cingular.. i'm also on the WWE rom, just wondering if these .cab's are compatible.
The cab files are compatible with all HTC Magician machines (i.e. i-mate JAM, O2 XDA mini, Qtek s100, T-Mobile Compact, Dopod 818, etc.) and will not pop up any brand or logo after installation.
thanks for that info, i will do these updates in about an hour. thanks again
Are these cab-files ripped of the default install on the windows-dir?
Fonix voicedial is eating a lot of memory of the ppc. The normal installation (downloadable at fonix) can install on the sd card, but the extended rom versions i have seen only install totally on phone memory
pkaak said:
Are these cab-files ripped of the default install on the windows-dir?
...... but the extended rom versions i have seen only install totally on phone memory
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Use CAB-Installer. With that, you can choose where to install.
Many thanks for your efforts. Very informative.
Thanks for the effort mate, I shall have a play with those.
Will ask one more time: I am on holiday so my only internet-connection right now is with my Magician and GPRS. Pocket IE will not handle attachments on the forum (downloads the php-file). Could they be downloaded in any other way or could someone upload the cab-files to the ftp? Please..
EDIT: Of course I found the files on the ftp and succesfully downloaded them with resco. Sorry, should have looked better. Even so it is quite irritating that attachment downloading is not working with Pocket IE
hrb said:
Use CAB-Installer. With that, you can choose where to install.
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I tried that.. but if the path is an hardcoded default in de cab, cab-installer uses that default
Also, i do not see the programs of the extended rom (when i install them myself) in my 'remove programs'-list.
crisscross said:
Will ask one more time: I am on holiday so my only internet-connection right now is with my Magician and GPRS. Pocket IE will not handle attachments on the forum (downloads the php-file). Could they be downloaded in any other way or could someone upload the cab-files to the ftp? Please..
EDIT: Of course I found the files on the ftp and succesfully downloaded them with resco. Sorry, should have looked better. Even so it is quite irritating that attachment downloading is not working with Pocket IE
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In fact, downloading works in PIE. Just download the file (it'll show as download.php, correct) and then rename it to whatever it should be with the extension that it's supposed to have. Alternatively, when trying to download via PIE, in a "Download" popup dialog tap "Change" and change the name of the file to what it is supposed to be. After your download is completed, use your file explorer to locate the file and change the extension of the file from .php to a correct one.
I just installed that poxy T Mobile UXC T-Mobile RC23 and it just hard reset my bloody Jam.
In fact, downloading works in PIE. Just download the file (it'll show as download.php, correct) and then rename it to whatever it should be with the extension that it's supposed to have. Alternatively, when trying to download via PIE, in a "Download" popup dialog tap "Change" and change the name of the file to what it is supposed to be. After your download is completed, use your file explorer to locate the file and change the extension of the file from .php to a correct one.
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Aha! Thnx very much for that info mata!
But how does this work?! If I want to install for instance the Camera Wizard to update my camera, where do I have to install it? I asume it has to overwrite the original camera app, or can I really put it everywhere I want? And to make it clear... does this hard reset your device?!

Problem sending photos with Album

I recently upgraded my Imate Jam to rom version 1.12 from 1.06. I used to be able to send emails with video or photos using the album program. Now when I try sending photos/videos via messaging using album, it seems to freeze or nothing happens. I did the Big Storage hack, so do I need to install one of those cab files to make this start working?
probably a good idea. I believe the MMS software is installed from the Extended ROM, because it certainly isn't part of the 2003se messaging app as standard.
One of them will need to be installed.....On my t-mobile branded magician, it was called...
should be something similar in your Extended ROM which will then allow you to send them.
Of course, it could be something else entirely!!! :?
Cool! I have that same cab file, so I may just do that! I even tried going into the messaging program and tried to add an attachment, which didn't work either. I got an error message about inserting a correct storage card, but my video was located in the main memory.
Not working!
Well, I installed the MMS Arcsoft cab file from the extended rom. It added the ability to send through MMS in Messaging, but it still cannot send photos/videos by clicking on the "send via email" selection in Album. I can't even add an attachment using Messaging. I get an error message stating that I need to insert the correct storage card. Can anyone tell me what I should do? I did not have this problem when I was using the Rom version 1.06 for my Imate Jam. I was able to just add an attachment or send videos via the Album program. In 1.12.10 rom, it is not working!
Does anyone have any solution? I saw one post where someone said they deleted their pmail attachment directory in the registry, and it worked for them; but I tried it and it didn't change the problem. I can't figure out how to add attachments to my emails.
Try to install all cabs from extended rom one by one and check for results every instalation.
I installed all the cab files but it still did not let me add attachments via messaging or album. However, I did a hard reset and tried attachments - it worked perfectly. I am not sure what caused the problem, but I hope it isn't the BT patch. I plan on doing a restore w/ Sprite Backup and hope it still works.


1) when I connect on hotmail from Pocket MSN mobile it happens that automatically it donwloads all the emails stored in the folders (that I use as archive) and only the new emails in INBOX archive is a lot of mega O_O I would like that the mobile shows me only the new email in INBOX nothing it possible?
2) I have installed the new room from works great but unfortunately it installed so many software i don't need....if I repeat the same process and restart t he mobile before it automatically install the newsoftware is it ok? I'm afraid that in the Ext rom there are some soft used to make the new rom stable or to fix problems.....what do u think?
i have noticed this as well, has anyone found a solution that allows all emails to be downloaded instead of just the inbox folder. I use folders to filter some of the emails i recieve...
found out how to download all other emails in windows live when syncing! go in to the wml messaging,click menu, tools, manage folders. then tick all the folders you want to sync. hope this helps some other people!

Problems with flash player...or shall i say LACK OF flash

HELLLLPPPP!!! I have been in and out of my TMobile MDA trying to get flash player to work...I've tried downloading the flashplayer 7 cab file...and it won't dowload...just a bunch of symbols pops up on my pda screen. What to do? :shock: There has got to be SOMEONE out there that can save the day....
I'm gonna assume you're trying to download the cab from your MDA. I had the same problem. Download the cab to your pc and run the file after syncing your phone.
thnx for did finally dowload to my MDA via ActiveSync...but when I go to certain sites that require flash player (like, then it still says that I need to download flashplayer (even though I have it on my phone)....So, i dunno' whats going on !!
double checked what the site actually says....It says "flash PlugIn required"
Give Opera a try. With it, when you open a cab file on the internet you can choose to save a page, and rename it as
Now I've tried to load in opera on my Wizard and I also got note on missing Flash plugin. When I clicked to get it, I was taken to a OSX (PowerPC) page
Also, installing Pocket Plus adds a new submenu to PIE..Save As..which can help you override the problem you had downloading .cab files from your Wiz.
yeah...i got directed to the same download mac osX :? .....when you find out a way to get all the good stuff playing on your wiz...can u let us know?

Attachments with Exchange E-Mail

Have searched the Diamond Forum extensively, but not found mention of this problem.
My Exchange E-Mail from WM6.1 refuses to download (or at least open) attachments. This happens with .doc .docx .pdf .xls .xlsx attachments. These attachments open without a problem, when I use another two e-mail accounts using imap, the problem only occurs when synchronising with my Exchange Server.
It looks as if the attachment is being downloaded, but it doesn't then open. I have posted this on the Vodafone Forum (post 50578 and update 135471), and one other person reported the same problem, but no solutions were forthcoming. I have just installed the latest ROM, without effect.
Any suggestions ?
Rom Version : WW
Rom Date : 10/26/08
Radio version :
Protocol version
Does tapping and holding on the attachment and hitting "Save as..." work?
If the above suggestion does not work then there could be an issues with your provider
Thanks for the suggestion but Save As does nothing.
If I tap the attachemnt, a green arrow appears next to it, and the "Downloading..." message appears at the bottom of the screen, but when it finishes, the Attachment reverts to a blank grey icon next to the filename, rather than the icon representing the application.
This leads me to believe the device downloads the attachment, but for some reason it is not being saved, or the linked program is not being invoked. In \Internal Storage\Inbox.mst29991181.1156583424\Mail Attachments, I can see several zero size *.att files
The provider Vodafone say this is not a widely reported problem, but at least one other User on their Forum has reported it.
Can you not contact the exchange admin and ask to see the error log? is it a work or hosted exchange server(2003 or 2007)?
How about a hard reset? extreme you might say but can help.
pcibob said:
Have searched the Diamond Forum extensively, but not found mention of this problem.
My Exchange E-Mail from WM6.1 refuses to download (or at least open) attachments. This happens with .doc .docx .pdf .xls .xlsx attachments. These attachments open without a problem, when I use another two e-mail accounts using imap, the problem only occurs when synchronising with my Exchange Server.
It looks as if the attachment is being downloaded, but it doesn't then open. I have posted this on the Vodafone Forum (post 50578 and update 135471), and one other person reported the same problem, but no solutions were forthcoming. I have just installed the latest ROM, without effect.
Any suggestions ?
Rom Version : WW
Rom Date : 10/26/08
Radio version :
Protocol version
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Sounds like an exchange server problem. You should contact your exchange admin to see if they can change any policies related to that.
Thanks for the responses.
I AM The Exchange Adminstrator ! I don't think the problem lies there, as e-mail sent to my previous PDA (Vodafone 1605),and e-mails still sent to one of my colleagues 1605 don't demonstrate the same problem. The problem is only rpesent on the Diamond.
I have also tried several hard resets, together with a ROM Flash Updates, to no avail.
Process of elimination
As you tried hard resets and other roms it might be a network issue?
Why not try using a trial on (14 days free) and if that works then you no its not the device.
Have you even tried a different SIM card?
What version of Exchange are you running? 2k7 can control the size and amount of mail you're retrieving via EAS policy, plus if you can download attachments or not.
Then again, since you're ok with EAS on a tytn, then it must be the phone or network. Have you tried swapping SIMs to eliminate the possibility of content filtering on the network side?
I've never had any trouble with EAS and I've tried plenty of other ROMs, and I'm the vodafone network also - you tried any of the newer custom ROMs to eliminate that?
We are running SBS2003 Premium SP2, and Exchange Reports Version 6.5.7638.1
I have tried the SIM from the TyTn that downloads ok in that PDA, it doesn't in the Diamond.
I have the latest official ROM from the Vodafone website, don't really want to upgrade with unofficial ROM's in case I brick the phone.
Just as an update, by watching carefully as the phone tries to collect the Attachment, the initial message "Downloading..." is temporarily followed by "Loading Message ...", which quickly dissappears, and the logo against the attachment changes back from the green download arrow to the grey logo.
pcibob said:
We are running SBS2003 Premium SP2, and Exchange Reports Version 6.5.7638.1
I have tried the SIM from the TyTn that downloads ok in that PDA, it doesn't in the Diamond.
I have the latest official ROM from the Vodafone website, don't really want to upgrade with unofficial ROM's in case I brick the phone.
Just as an update, by watching carefully as the phone tries to collect the Attachment, the initial message "Downloading..." is temporarily followed by "Loading Message ...", which quickly dissappears, and the logo against the attachment changes back from the green download arrow to the grey logo.
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in the email sync options do you have the "include file attatchments" ticked?
ekksman said:
in the email sync options do you have the "include file attatchments" ticked?
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I don't have that ticked and I still get attachments - i think this option is for downloading the file instead of clicking on it later.
I know some Vodafone ROMS are buggy. for example my friend has an X1 for which he uses M$ Live - MSN etc. if he installs TomTom the the MSN live stops working - how wierd is that.
Take the blunge and customise your ROM it is really stright forward, this may help.
It doesn't matter if this is ticked or not (I have tried both). I understand this tick means that the attachment will be dowloaded WITH the mail, whilst if it is unticked it should be able to download the Attachment AFTER the mail, if required. Both don't work !
pcibob said:
It doesn't matter if this is ticked or not (I have tried both). I understand this tick means that the attachment will be dowloaded WITH the mail, whilst if it is unticked it should be able to download the Attachment AFTER the mail, if required. Both don't work !
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Was asking as I had the same problem with another device and only work around I found was to have it unticked, tap onto attatchment to download, go to comm manager turn flight mode on and off and it would download, strange but it worked. not sure would do the same for you, sorry if it doesnt
ekksman said:
Was asking as I had the same problem with another device and only work around I found was to have it unticked, tap onto attatchment to download, go to comm manager turn flight mode on and off and it would download, strange but it worked. not sure would do the same for you, sorry if it doesnt
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Thanks for the suggestion, but tried it with no joy.
I am seriously considering updating the ROM with a non Vodafone version. Any suggestions as to which ROM to try ? I would like to hear from other Vodafone Users if this has caused them any problems. I am a bit nervous about bricking the phone.
GO and Update
pcibob said:
Thanks for the suggestion, but tried it with no joy.
I am seriously considering updating the ROM with a non Vodafone version. Any suggestions as to which ROM to try ? I would like to hear from other Vodafone Users if this has caused them any problems. I am a bit nervous about bricking the phone.
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I would go for this option.
There is plenty of help here if you need it.
I have flashed at least 15 diamonds fro my work and countless other devices. Now if I can do it .
1) install Olipro Hard-spl.1.93 Download and extract , click on RUU - follow instructions - when confirmed an application wants to run on your device. (click YES to allow) this process takes a few MINS and the screen goes blank for a while. Do not touch device until the RUU states finished (the phone should restart anyway)
2) if you wish to confirm the installation of Hard-SPL the hold down the down-arrow volume key during reset or start-up process, you should be presented with a RGB and white screen with
"SPL_1.93. Olinex
(thats Olipro and Cmonex-combined forum users)
Thats confirmation enough.
3) restart device again. and pick a ROM (Recommendation from me would be this Shaks1979 ROM (download and extract - Run RUU) similar to step one.
4) restart your phone and enjoy life without the vodafone poop. hopefully you exchange will work.
4a) its very easy to revert back to standard stuff
Take the plunge.........
R3PUBL1K said:
I would go for this option.
There is plenty of help here if you need it.
I have flashed at least 15 diamonds fro my work and countless other devices. Now if I can do it .
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You are tempting me.
One final question. Will the Vodafone Sat-Nav reload and work ? I have it in a CAB file, but am unsure if it needs to 'see' the Vodafone ROM to work. Has anyone else installed a new ROM, then put their Vodafone Sat-Nav back on successfully?
The main reason I bought the Diamond is that it converged the things I need most i.e phone, Sat-Nav, PDA and camera.
Thanks for the help

