help with missing sms account on wm2003 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

[email protected]
i ve got problems with my backup i restored after hardresetting ipaq 6340.
the sms-account is missing after restore... even in active sync theres no possibility to sync mailbox because it not possible to select!
i tryed to get the network information from my provider under > program files \phone\sevices\mms and sms to reaktivate sms account - but the sms account still not appears in > mailbox\accounts\accounts\sms,mms,mail. i cant setup a new sms account because the system is only asking for emailaccount to built... :-(((
has annybody got an idea how to repair the sms account without reinstalling the whole system ????????? is there a possibility to delete or overwrite certain coruppted files where the informaition for the accounts is stored or any other way to fix this ????
would be nice if someone could help me - otherwise i ve got to overkill the system and reinstall the whole PDA from the bottem up...


unable to restore data after ROM upgrade

I just upgraded to the latest ROM's supplied by O2 (3.17.03), and now active sync says my backup was made with the wrong version of software.
Is there any way to get the data back on to my XDA? In particular my contacts, as they will be the hardest to replace?
If not, is it possible to go back to the old ROM? (the radio ROM upgrade warned not to downgrade roms)
ActiveSync backup can be only restored to the same ROM. The best way to backup contacts is to use Outlook. Yes, you can flash your ROM back to the previous version, restore the contacts, backup them to Outlook, flash the new ROM then sync with Outlook to get the contacts list
there ma ybe another way
So i was about to download the old ROM updates from
When i read the readme on that page. It says that active sync can only restore to a device with exactly the same partnership/device ID. It says you must delete the existing partnership and recreate it.
So i have done that, and a resotre is currently in progress (restoring a full backup from an old rom, to the new rom version of my walaby).
I will post back in 10 minutes when it has finished to let everyone know what has/hasnt been restored.
check for reginal settings.
In case it was changes to customize your device before upgrage - change them now from default.
it is not recommended to restore after ROM upgrade, tho...
restore not reccomended
I suppose i can understand why, but in any case i dont use outlook. So i cant see me having much choice...
Btw, does anyone know of software to sync the XDA to mozilla (preferable under linux too!)
backup to SD card
Out of curiosity, the pdf i read regarding the upgrade said you can back up to a SD card too.
Is this any different to backing up via ActiveSync? Is it any less risky to restore such a backup after an upgrade?
Up to my information, it has the same issue ... SD backup can't be restored to a different ROM version.
sync with
Looks good... anyone tried to sync with Mozilla Thunderbird??
Restore worked
So the restore seems to have worked... kind of...
The thing runs, but the old sms messages are only in the index, and i cant seem to delete them or view them.
The new programs from the upgrade dont seem to be here, though they could be lying around in a folder somwhere i havent looked.
My Fiitaly install works, though the input method occasinaly tries to be the transcriber even though it shouldnt be.
All in all, its usable, but when i have time i will be finding a copy of outlook just to back up the contacts and then flashing the ROM again and installing everything else again.
A note to anyone else who might be trying the same thing, all your notes etc can be backed up just by activesync synchronising your XDA mydocuments with a sub-folder of your pc's mydocuments. Then hopefully outlook can do the contacts and appointments. Dunno what you'd have to do if you wanted to save your sms messages or call log or anything
Well, instead od studying for my exams (yup, just like me to do this) I installed Outlook, synchronised the XDA, flashed it again, synchronised it again, installed my software and it seems to be pretty good!
Lost my sms messages, but thats no problem to me.
2 things that are odd:
I had to add a shortcut to notes.exe in the start menu because it didnt exist
Also, i cannot create new accounts, ie gprs email ones. Of course, this would only be useful if the new ROM supports encrypted IMAP connections. Does it? Is there a free (or maybe cheap) third party solution that does?


1) when I connect on hotmail from Pocket MSN mobile it happens that automatically it donwloads all the emails stored in the folders (that I use as archive) and only the new emails in INBOX archive is a lot of mega O_O I would like that the mobile shows me only the new email in INBOX nothing it possible?
2) I have installed the new room from works great but unfortunately it installed so many software i don't need....if I repeat the same process and restart t he mobile before it automatically install the newsoftware is it ok? I'm afraid that in the Ext rom there are some soft used to make the new rom stable or to fix problems.....what do u think?
i have noticed this as well, has anyone found a solution that allows all emails to be downloaded instead of just the inbox folder. I use folders to filter some of the emails i recieve...
found out how to download all other emails in windows live when syncing! go in to the wml messaging,click menu, tools, manage folders. then tick all the folders you want to sync. hope this helps some other people!

MMS inbox ?

hi guys, can any of you help me and let me know how to get MMS INBOX back? I have upgraded to the newest Chinese Dopod ROM, I have installed the O2 MMS cab that I usually use on the English ROMs to show the MMS inbox back, but it installs but it still does not show up on the Chinese ROM.
Is there any reg hack I can do to make the MMS inbox appear again?
Or is there any other cab files out there I can try to make it show up?
Restoring the mail database after a ROM upgrade causes the error you described. When I restored my SMS/email with SPB Bakcup after I upgearded to AKU2 I found that my MMS inbox was missing.
I tried to find a way of fixing it, but honestly? nothing works. So I made a full backup, backed my sms with Jeyo. Restored everything BUT the SMS from spb backup, and used Jeyo to restore them.
I haven't restored my mail database with the backup as I do not keep messgaes anyway, so that is not my problem. As I said the cab file works perfect with the English ROM, just this Chinese ROM I cannot get the MMS inbox back.
I am willing to do it manually via registry if someone lets me know how
Have you tried launching the camera application, taking a picture and use option Send | Send by MMS?
This "unhid" my mms folder (hidden by latest O2 rom on my Exec) - no idea how or why :wink:
nope doesn't do it for me but thanks for trying anyway
try this
try this file
tried that, didn't change things but thanks for trying to help anyway. I think the main problem is the Chinese ROM system files are located in different folders to that of the English ROM therefore these cab files don't work. I think the only way is to do it manually, but I do not know the registry settings to do this unfortunately

help pls phoneservice.exe,phm_traylynch_182 and bticon missing on wm6.1

pls help my xda2s suddenly lost the following files phoneservice.exe,phm_traylynch_182 and bticon
i tried to flash the rom but it still has the same results now my phone cannot sync with the pc, cannot open contacts and calendar options
i can txt but cannot receive txt mesages and cannot receive calls
pls help
rom version is ce os 5.2.20226
did you try to Hard Reset after Flash?
i tried reflashing the fone and did the hard reset... the fone is still looking for the same components but i can receive and send txt messages now. However, the same problem such as no contacts and no calendar, cant make and receive calls are still there...
perhaps there is a file that i can download for this?

[Q] a problem about sms restore from WM

Because of unknow reason,
I can't restore my sms.xml (from WM) by SMS backup&restore
so i'm use this
but when I finish all step; change mod, own, copy back
and then, restart!!
but when I restart and to my message, it empty,
even through I back to check mmssms.db, all data there
but in message, I can't see anymore...
why? can someone help me??
sorry for my broken english...
have you try to import your file in your google account and then sync whit smsbackup+?
well... I think not
Can you teach me how to import my file to google account?

