Bluetooth Pairing on Qtek 9100 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Is it just me, or is anyone else experiencing this?
1. Pair your Wizard with a PC to use bluetooth dialup networking. Connect to your network and surf from the computer. Disconnect.
2. Now, pair your Wizard with a 2nd PC or a laptop, and do the same thing.
3. Now, go back and try to connect with the 1st PC. It keeps asking me to authenticate and enter the PIN code on the Wizard and the PC because the Wizard "lost" the pairing information with the original PC.
4. Now, go back to PC #2 and try to connect again. Same thing!!
Is this an annoying bug or what?? I am using Widcomm Bluetooth Stack with AmbiCom USB Bluetooth adapter. I do not believe this is a problem with the PC, but the Wizard itself, because the PCs retain the pairings and the Wizard "lost" or "deleted" the pairing information. Is there a limitation on the # of partnerships??

nutzareus said:
Is it just me, or is anyone else experiencing this?
1. Pair your Wizard with a PC to use bluetooth dialup networking. Connect to your network and surf from the computer. Disconnect.
2. Now, pair your Wizard with a 2nd PC or a laptop, and do the same thing.
3. Now, go back and try to connect with the 1st PC. It keeps asking me to authenticate and enter the PIN code on the Wizard and the PC because the Wizard "lost" the pairing information with the original PC.
4. Now, go back to PC #2 and try to connect again. Same thing!!
Is this an annoying bug or what?? I am using Widcomm Bluetooth Stack with AmbiCom USB Bluetooth adapter. I do not believe this is a problem with the PC, but the Wizard itself, because the PCs retain the pairings and the Wizard "lost" or "deleted" the pairing information. Is there a limitation on the # of partnerships??
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I'm having a very similar situation with my Cingular 8125. When I try to create a bluetooth partnership on two computers (my desktop and my laptop), one partnership replaces the other. For example, I'll establish a partnership with my desktop and everything is working fine, but when I go and create a second partnership with my laptop, the laptop partnership "erases" or "replaces" the existing partnership with my desktop. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening or have anyway to fix this problem? Thanks for all the help!


Bluetooth Activesync?

Has anyone succeeded yet, I've got a belkin bt card F8T002 and xp, I can get the devices to bond but that's it, no sync. When I try from xda2 i get some message saying the port may be in use. Also the belkin info says I should be able to see several icons from My Bluetooth Places, I've got nothing, and after I set up the configuration, the information doesn't seem to be saved, when I re-enter the configuration I have to put it all in again.
It's a bit of a bugger really
I've an xdaII.
I've the same problem with the USB Dongle's 3Com : 3CREB96B (on my PC).
Activesync doesn't initialisate, but i can send and received files by transfer without activesync.
I borrowed a Blue Tooth dongle from a friend at work. I got the ActiveSync running fine after a bit of messing about. It worked fine both for browsing and syncing with outlook
I only got it to work by selecting 'Connect via Bluetooth'. As this was some days ago and I've not yet had the chance to borrow the BT dongle again I'm not quite sure what I did.
However IMHO Bluetooth is one of the worst connection systems I've had to work with in a very long time .... Last time it was this bad was when you had to use a third party TCP/IP stack with Windows 3.1
Bluetooth Sync
unpair your XDA II and your PC. Then modify the below registry and pair again. After Pairing, run your Activesync in your XDA II and click Connect via Bluetooth in the tools
IsBTASsetup from 0 to 1

"how to" view internet pages using bluetooth

Thanks to the last chap who told me to use activesync to view web pages using bluetooth.. the problem is "How" to get it to do that.. I have a little bluetooth dongle on the pc but they don't seem to talk to each other even though they are bonded.. and precisely how do i view an internet page using bluetooth
Do you tyhink it may be a bluetooth compatiblilty issue.. I've heard that maybe a different dongle and driver may do the trick?
The Idiot's guide would be much appreciated!!!
I downloaded the Bluetooth application ("fix") from here:
Then Bluetooth works perfectly with my 3com PCMCIA card in the laptop.
I now only do ActiveSync via Bluetooth with one exception - when I want to send music via Windows Media to the Imate I have to use the cradle or cable because the bluetooth appears to the laptop as a serial link and the Windows Media does not support serial devices.
I can also use internet on the Imate via ActiveSync and bluetooth - although generally I stick to the laptop for that !
Regards, Dave
Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again,
This bluetooth fix allows a simple connection from PC to Imate via ActiveSync and Bluetooth. It does not address internet issues.
Have you tried connecting the Imate/XDA2 to a PC with cable or cradle and then used Internet ?
It could be that your problem is not with Bluetooth - have you tried the Connection settings ? or, have you check the ActiveSync settings on the Imate.
Rgds, Dave
I probably understood your problem. You can't connect your Xda via ActiveSync via bluetooth.
First..assure the 2 Bluetooth devices are on discoverable mode.
Then go into your Pocket Pc START-Settings-System-Blueooth settings-tap to Bluetooth ActyveSync setup[start]
Select Discoverable mode and Tap in Bonded devices and NEW..
So..wait and Select your pc.
Then you will pair your pc with Pda.
Inserted the same code on 2 devices you probably can connect to ActiveSync via bluetooth.
Simply go in your Pocket pc,START-ActiveSync-Tools-Connect via bluetooth.
If this not help,try to set the right port on your PC ActiveSync-File-Connection Settings-COM1-2...etc..
Contact me if problems seems unsolved
[email protected]

BT Activesync "No Partnership"

Trying to BT AS from my JasJar to my PC.
PC has activesync service setup on COM6
AS is listening on COM6
JasJar has outgoing COM set to 4
When I start a BT sync reports "Cant find existing Bluetooth Partnership that supports activesync." and asks for a search.
Run through the wizard and select my PC and its serial port. After finishing device will not start a connection.
Go back to activesync and try to connect via bluetooth and gives the "cant find partnership error.
Tried two different adapters on the PC and neither get it to work.
Anyone with any ideas?
Remove all the BT setting you have setup. Just follow the Help file on AS4.1 it works, really!
Tried all that and still not working.
Device just doesnt seem to initiate an outgoing connection.
ActSync connection problem!!
Did you fix the connection problem, think we are living the same case.
If you did fix would you please tell me what was the way?
From the PC AS, select File>Connection Settings and uncheck USB connection and select the BT COM port for Allow Connections. Then select "Connect" and wait till it tries all the connections and fails. Then selec Cancel and then try to connect from your Universal.
PS - I am assuming you have set-up the BT pairing using the Control Panel on the PC and Added the BT COM port from there as well
Tried your suggestion. No luck.
PC is setup correctly. AS listening on COM6 (BT AS port as shown in my local services)
Jas doesnt seem top even initiate an outgoing connection. Get no blue indication on my desktop icon or on the port status item in the control panel.
Sorry to keep asking questions, but when you set-up the pairing between the PC and JJ did you get a Wizard on the PC that identified the ActiveSync service? Does the pairing info on the JJ say the PC provides a ActiveSync service?
I've had the same problem with my M5000, just solved it.
I removed the Toshiba bluetooth Drivers from the system and rebooted. WinXP SP2 found new hardware and proceeded to install what I assume to be standard MS Bluetooth stack. (DellHardWare.jpg)
Next, I deleted the bluetooth partnership from the M5000. I created a new partnership with my laptop, but initiated from the M5000. At this point, the M5000 didn't offer any services to use with the partnership. So, back to the laptop, creating a new incoming COM port (COM8),(DellCom8.jpg) and then set Activesync on the laptop to use that newly created port. (DellAS_connect.jpg)
Back to the M5000 bluetooth partnership, select the newly created partnership and click refresh (M5000btooth.jpg) This Time it offers me the activesync service. Tick the activesync service and then save.
Finally, on the M5000, from activesync select bluetooth connection...and that was it. Still working. Once I've disconnected and soft reset I'll try to make the connection again and report back. I'll also try to use the M5000 as a wireless modem and post results here.
FrankyG, great news. But I think the procedure you described is not that different from the AS44.1 Help file I suggested earlier.
i do it, but i doesn´t runs
Delete all your BT COM in control panel/system/device manager (select view and show hidden devices) by going to safe mode. Afterwhich restart your PC and try to pair's always works for me

wizard activesync throug bluetooth

Hi all,
I have a toshiba portege r200 and I'm simply not able to set up activesync to work through bluetooth. The darn computer only sees my phone as a modem.
I have no clue how to do this.
I really cant' see why this has to be so hard. Both units are running stupid microsoft software. Whey the can't microsoft think that people migh want to connect their ppc's to their laptops via bt and just make it work easily?
Please, someone help.
Try deleting the pairing on your pc and the Universal. Then initiate from the Universal. It Should give you an option for ActiveSync. Also check in ActiveSync on your PC that you have set up connection settings to allow connections to Com4 (maybe another Com part in your case.)

Activesync (PC) complains when bluetooth isn't ON

I've managed through pain and misery to get Activesync to work through bluetooth (not easy with widcomm stacks as drivers).
When my PC boots up, Activesync (PC) will complain that the bluetooth COM port isn't connected (obviously because my phone isn't connected through bluetooth 24/7)
So everytime I reboot my PC, I have to re-check the COM port connection in the connection options (PC) to make Activesync listen to my bluetooth COM.
Any suggestions?
Also, I know that when my phone is connected via USB, my phone will gain access to the internet (My PC has the internet connection and shares it to the phone). With bluetooth I havent been able to get this to work. Yet both USB & bluetooth work through Activesync. Is there something Im missing?
Thnx! I hope this isn't too specific/complicated like question
I used to have some of the same problems. What I found that usually it was 2 things causing it.
1. Activesync - Installation or Configuration
2. BT Software - Installation, Configuration or Need BT Software upgrade
What fixed my issue was 2 fold: activesync settings & needed to upgrade my dongle's software.
Activesync: When I installed 4.5 it setup a network connection that kept running in. And when I started up my PC I could see the icon running in my sys-tray (and would have troubles on and off again either with bluetooth / USB sync. What I found that worked for activesync was uninstall and make sure you check off allow wireless activesync connection. I've also found it likes to use com 3 for BT activesync.
BT Dongle: I have Motorola PC850 dongle and found that there was a great new BT Stack update that would hold the settings even if I turned my PC off for weeks at a time or removed the dongle to somewhere else. Plus it fixed the issue I had with using my BT stereo headset, to listen to music with out pops and skips. Oh In your BT settings make sure that com 3 or what ever your using is the same as activesync
Hope I can test those few tweaks.
However, after connecting my phone to activesync by USB, now my phone won't even connect by bluetooth to my PC anymore.
STUPID STUPID bluetooth stacks
