"how to" view internet pages using bluetooth - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Thanks to the last chap who told me to use activesync to view web pages using bluetooth.. the problem is "How" to get it to do that.. I have a little bluetooth dongle on the pc but they don't seem to talk to each other even though they are bonded.. and precisely how do i view an internet page using bluetooth
Do you tyhink it may be a bluetooth compatiblilty issue.. I've heard that maybe a different dongle and driver may do the trick?
The Idiot's guide would be much appreciated!!!

I downloaded the Bluetooth application ("fix") from here:
Then Bluetooth works perfectly with my 3com PCMCIA card in the laptop.
I now only do ActiveSync via Bluetooth with one exception - when I want to send music via Windows Media to the Imate I have to use the cradle or cable because the bluetooth appears to the laptop as a serial link and the Windows Media does not support serial devices.
I can also use internet on the Imate via ActiveSync and bluetooth - although generally I stick to the laptop for that !
Regards, Dave

Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi again,
This bluetooth fix allows a simple connection from PC to Imate via ActiveSync and Bluetooth. It does not address internet issues.
Have you tried connecting the Imate/XDA2 to a PC with cable or cradle and then used Internet ?
It could be that your problem is not with Bluetooth - have you tried the Connection settings ? or, have you check the ActiveSync settings on the Imate.
Rgds, Dave

I probably understood your problem. You can't connect your Xda via ActiveSync via bluetooth.
First..assure the 2 Bluetooth devices are on discoverable mode.
Then go into your Pocket Pc START-Settings-System-Blueooth settings-tap to Bluetooth ActyveSync setup[start]
Select Discoverable mode and Tap in Bonded devices and NEW..
So..wait and Select your pc.
Then you will pair your pc with Pda.
Inserted the same code on 2 devices you probably can connect to ActiveSync via bluetooth.
Simply go in your Pocket pc,START-ActiveSync-Tools-Connect via bluetooth.
If this not help,try to set the right port on your PC ActiveSync-File-Connection Settings-COM1-2...etc..
Contact me if problems seems unsolved
[email protected]


XDA II to PC BlueTooth for internet browsing via DSL line?

lemme 1st say im over the moon with my o2 XDA2 from P800 to XDA2....
anyhoo went out today and got me a USB BlueTooth thingy for this reason...
i want to browse the internet by connecting my XDA2 to my Pc and use my DSL line on the XDA2 via bluetooth.
is this possable?
Not until BT stuck will get updated to include PAN capabilities. Rumors are that it's coming soon, stand by
Re: XDA II to PC BlueTooth for internet browsing via DSL lin
Arthur said:
lemme 1st say im over the moon with my o2 XDA2 from P800 to XDA2....
anyhoo went out today and got me a USB BlueTooth thingy for this reason...
i want to browse the internet by connecting my XDA2 to my Pc and use my DSL line on the XDA2 via bluetooth.
is this possable?
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Yes it is possbile. You need to connect via bluetooth activesync. It might depend on what bluetooth your laptop uses. Mine is Belkin and that works great.
any special setup
Hi i am connected via bluetooth activesync but still can't access the ADSL Internet that my PC is using. do i need to make any changes any where.
can u be kind enough to let me know the procedures for using bluetooth and activesync...i have tried but failed.
it took me a whole day work to get it work and at the end i discover 2 things.
1. We have to read manuals carefull and follow instalation instructions for bluetooth software and driver .
2. to activate activeSync simply go to you XDA II and select ActiveSync from start --> activeSync and then go to tools and select connect via Bluetooth.
thats it, now how can i make it access internet using ActiveSync , i have no IDEA
check if there is a V before PASS-TROUGH ( in activesync )
Hi what do you mean by a V before PASS-TROUGH!! , i have selected in RULES to use internet and i checked "open active synch when my mobile connect"

Activesync over bluetooth

Please excuse my ignorance on all this but i'm a new user. I am trying to get activesync working over bluetooth. My bluetooth on pc does not have activesync profile or service. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Or can someone just provide a link where I can find out how this works? Thanks
Ok I found the instructions on myxda2 web site.
But looks like I'll have to esablish a cable usb connection before i can configure the activesync for bluetooth.
If the Bluetooth on your PC does not have the ActiveSync profile, then use the Serial Port profile and set up ActiveSync to allow connection from the serial port created by the Bluetooth driver. Then pair your XDA II's Bluetooth with your PC's Bluetooth. After that, launch ActiveSync on your XDA II and select "Tools->Connect via Bluetooth..." on the menu. Your XDA II should then sync with your desktop PC.
go to this site download the BTtools, it will fix bt problem

XDA2 Sync using Bluetooth Dongle

I am considering purchasing a bluetooth dongle so I can sync my XDA2 with my computer. Does the XDA2 bluetooth stack support this and how easy is this to set up?
If anyone can recommend a decent dongle as well I would appreciate it. Thanks
I can sync my XDA II via my Billionton Bluetooth Class 1 dongle. You just need to select the ActiveSync profile when you install the Bluetooth software to your desktop PC.
i use the belkin dongle
i had some problems setting it up at first because i believed that
i would start activesync by pressing on the activsync button under the bluetooth settings
but as it turend out i had to choose the bluetooth bond under the activsync menu like with IR
also i made a seriel port on the pc and choose that under the pc activesync connections
i have a guide which is ok if you want it
bluetooth sync
hi, I use an MSI USB BT key, which isnt working too well. ive paired it & done all the things u mentioned, but nothing seems to work, it just comes up with cannot start comms etc.
could u send me that guide uve got.
got the url at work will post it first thing monday
ok ive just set up a sitecom cn500 bt dongle and got it to sync like rudegar said just set up the com port in activesync on the pc and then select activesync in the today menu and connected via bluetooth in te tools, works a treat for me
ok ive just set up a sitecom cn500 bt dongle and got it to sync like rudegar said just set up the com port in activesync on the pc and then select activesync in the today menu and connected via bluetooth in te tools, works a treat for me
Rudegar said:
got the url at work will post it first thing monday
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Cheers Rudegar, have put order in for Belkin as had lots of good reviews on ebuyer. Look forward to your instructions.
Thanks to everyone who has replied
here is the guide

Missing Wireless Modem app, trying to use BT fax

I seem to be missing the Wireless modem app. Supposed to be in the programs folder, right? Using vp3Gs WM6. I'm trying to use my 8525 as a bluetooth fax. I have been searching the threads and internet, all instructions point to this program, but I don't know why it is not on my phone. Also, when I discover available services on my phone from my laptop, Dial up networking does not show up, how come? Please help.
Edit: DUN and internet sharing now working, still working on BT fax
With WM6 you have Internet Sharing. DUN is no longer included.
If you hook up your laptop via the USB cable to the phone and run Internet Sharing you will be fully connected to the internet.
Good luck mate,
OK, thanks for the help. Now what about using the phone as a bluetooth fax modem?
mccreath said:
With WM6 you have Internet Sharing. DUN is no longer included.
If you hook up your laptop via the USB cable to the phone and run Internet Sharing you will be fully connected to the internet.
Good luck mate,
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Well so it should on WM5 as well be but for some reason i can only use the internet sharing via bluetooth only when
1. launch internet sharing on Tytn and connect with Bluetooth PAN
2. Launch mobile internet explorer and navigate a page or 2 on the tytn.
3. launch bluetooth network connection onlaptop and connect.
4. restart IE or Firefox on laptop and cross your fingers,
it never has worked when doing via USB.
annoying because i run out of power often when using bluetooth for any legnth of time
BT Fax
If you do a search in the WM6 forum you will see a post about BT DUN on WM6. I got it working for my TomTom 910, BT Fax ought to be the same.
go to the last post on the first page
Bluetooth fax?
OK, so far, so good.
I used the above links and got internet sharing and DUN to work over bluetooth. Any info on getting BT faxing to work. When I go to my laptops (Dell xps m1210) control panel, phones and modems, I see BT modem, and BT faxmodem, but when I query them under the diagnostics screen, it says the modem fails to respond.

Bluetooth networking on Windows Mobile 5

I have been searching for a way to get Bluetooth Networking up between my Laptop(WIDCOMM STACK) and rw6828(WM5). But couldnt get it done.
I have Paried both Laptop and 6828. ActiveSync is up and working fine.
I want to have a bluetooth networking enabled between the laptop and 6828 so that I can use VNC client to control the PC through bluetooth network without having Activesync. But when I read the PC i could see only Serial Port, ActiveSync and Dialup Networking. I couldnt see Network Access.
I could get few links on the net but all of them are representing WM2003.
Does WM5 support this kind of configuration?
Can any one direct me to a step-by-step guide?
Thanks in advance
Can anyone let me know how to enable the networking on Bluetooth+WinXP+WM5?
hi parakash , i think i know you , do you work in garment sector.
anyway after pairing the device with the laptop, you have to connections
and you will find your laptop name there, just follow the line.
Hi Solo
Thanks for the reply. I could Pair with my laptop successfully. But couldnt find Network Connections there after. So wondering if this feature is support on WM5?
BTW I m not in Garment sector.
Portable 3G/HSDPA WiFi Router
Is anyone aware of such an item?
Ideally incl a car charger?
Or is it is possible to turn a WM5/WM6 phone into a portable WiFI AP ?

